Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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All you closet homos desperately need professional therapy - or just try praying your gay away. Maybe Michele Bachmann's husband can help you.
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"Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???"

No, everyone’s still sick and tired of rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate.
"Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???"

No, everyone’s still sick and tired of rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate.
"Everyone"? Everyone is sick of an opposing opinion to the Church of LGBTs escalating arrogance and pushiness? Really? Everyone? Is that why gay marriage was voted down in most states by clear majorities? :popcorn:
All you closet homos desperately need professional therapy - or just try praying your gay away. Maybe Michele Bachmann's husband can help you.

The only people needing therapy are those who believe any opposing view of gays must make them gay themselves.
All you closet homos desperately need professional therapy - or just try praying your gay away. Maybe Michele Bachmann's husband can help you.

The only people needing therapy are those who believe any opposing view of gays must make them gay themselves.
Like I said, it's like accusing regular Germans of protesting the Nazi Party as they rose to power of being "closeted Nazis" themselves. It's perfectly normal to oppose a deviant cult rising to power in your country. In fact, not to do so is abnormal, and can lead to great trouble and the Germans themselves found out the hard way...
All you closet homos desperately need professional therapy - or just try praying your gay away. Maybe Michele Bachmann's husband can help you.

The only people needing therapy are those who believe any opposing view of gays must make them gay themselves.
Like I said, it's like accusing regular Germans of protesting the Nazi Party as they rose to power of being "closeted Nazis" themselves. It's perfectly normal to oppose a deviant cult rising to power in your country. In fact, not to do so is abnormal, and can lead to great trouble and the Germans themselves found out the hard way...

I love that you equate being a disgusting homophobe to resisting the rise of Nazisim. Talk about delusion of grandeur.
Like I said, it's like accusing regular Germans of protesting the Nazi Party as they rose to power of being "closeted Nazis" themselves. It's perfectly normal to oppose a deviant cult rising to power in your country. In fact, not to do so is abnormal, and can lead to great trouble and the Germans themselves found out the hard way...

I don't know where you're from, but one of our biggest problems here is the left promoting the minority controlling the majority against their will. The newest one is the transgender issue which we used to simply call cross-dressers. It's estimated that they are about .3% of our population, yet they've been able to cause distress coast to coast because of their demands.
Flaunting perversion. It's disgusting but it's what they are. They need to constant attention because they're freaks.
Who do you imagine is being married by 'force'?

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept gay marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in gay marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in gay marriages. They even forced farms to take host gay weddings. Stop pretending and playing your juvenile games.

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept interracial marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in interracial marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in interracial marriages. They even forced farms to take host interracial weddings.

Public Accommodation laws have nothing to do with marriage laws, Puppy.
Like I said, it's like accusing regular Germans of protesting the Nazi Party as they rose to power of being "closeted Nazis" themselves. It's perfectly normal to oppose a deviant cult rising to power in your country. In fact, not to do so is abnormal, and can lead to great trouble and the Germans themselves found out the hard way...

I don't know where you're from, but one of our biggest problems here is the left promoting the minority controlling the majority against their will. The newest one is the transgender issue which we used to simply call cross-dressers. It's estimated that they are about .3% of our population, yet they've been able to cause distress coast to coast because of their demands.
Cross dressers are not the same as transgendered.
First of all, just because someone defends gay rights, it doesn't mean they are gay. I'm not gay. I just have the emotional maturity to accept people who are different. Apparently you never matured past junior high.

You can't even explain WHY govnernment shouldn't accept homosexuality. You're just a dumb bigot.

Apparently you have no "emotional maturity" at all because I never accused you of being gay. You're awfully touchy about it too....interesting. When I say "you people" I am not talking about homosexuals - I am talking about liberals.

Second - I've explained WHY the federal government shouldn't accept (or reject) homosexuality over a dozen times now. It's called the U.S. Constitution. Why do you struggle so much with reading? Have you ever considered slowing down, calming down, and reading what was actually written instead of flying off the handle and seeing what you want to see???
Hmm so where in the constitution does it at all say anything about gay people?

Hmmm? So where in the constitution does it say anything about polygamy, beastiality and pedophilia?
You do know those are all illegal right? Sorry, Dale it isn't legal to fuck your horse.

So was homosexuality..........and right on cue, the LGBT along with their sister organization GLSEN are indoctrinating school children about homosexuality and trans-genderism while working to lower the age of consent much like the UK is.
And so was women voting at one time.....
Hmm so where in the constitution does it at all say anything about gay people?

Hmmm? So where in the constitution does it say anything about polygamy, beastiality and pedophilia?
You do know those are all illegal right? Sorry, Dale it isn't legal to fuck your horse.

So was homosexuality..........and right on cue, the LGBT along with their sister organization GLSEN are indoctrinating school children about homosexuality and trans-genderism while working to lower the age of consent much like the UK is.
Ok well here is where you actually point out in the constitution where it says it is illegal to be gay.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

Where is it legal to be queer under the constitution while being a protected class? They are well on the way of "normalizing" pedophilia because the new politically correct term is "minor attracted persons" and liberal site has even given a platform to a pedophile.
No one is trying to normalize fact, the age of consent has been going UP at the same time as gay rights have expanded.
Flaunting perversion. It's disgusting but it's what they are. They need to constant attention because they're freaks.

The bigots and homophobes? Yeah, I agree, but haters gonna hate.

Lol, No, the ones flaunting their sexual orientation. Its just that, no one cares but them but they feel the need to flaunt their sexuality. That's all they have. Its sad really.
Who do you imagine is being married by 'force'?

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept gay marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in gay marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in gay marriages. They even forced farms to take host gay weddings. Stop pretending and playing your juvenile games.

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept interracial marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in interracial marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in interracial marriages. They even forced farms to take host interracial weddings.

Public Accommodation laws have nothing to do with marriage laws, Puppy.
And if only you understood that none of those are "public". Bakers, photographers, and farms are all private businesses run by private citizens.

And the 10th Amendment makes it very clear that it is up to each state to decide whether or not they want to recognize gay marriage.

Thanks for playing wytchy! Always enjoy a good laugh over your uneducated nonsense!
You have to wonder where these people live and what they do that they run into perverts and deviates everywhere they go.
No one is trying to normalize fact, the age of consent has been going UP at the same time as gay rights have expanded.

It amazes me that liberals haven't figured out yet that lying in the era of the internet is completely stupid as everything they say is easily proven as a lie. Here are multiple articles from radical left-wing desperately trying to normalize pedophilia...

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster

“I’m not a monster”: A pedophile on attraction, love and a life of loneliness

I’m a pedophile, you’re the monsters: My week inside the vile right-wing hate machine

Any other lies you would like to attempt Bodecea?
Flaunting perversion. It's disgusting but it's what they are. They need to constant attention because they're freaks.

The bigots and homophobes? Yeah, I agree, but haters gonna hate.

Lol, No, the ones flaunting their sexual orientation. Its just that, no one cares but them but they feel the need to flaunt their sexuality. That's all they have. Its sad really.
You are referring to all those heteros flaunting their sexuality, of course.
Who do you imagine is being married by 'force'?

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept gay marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in gay marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in gay marriages. They even forced farms to take host gay weddings. Stop pretending and playing your juvenile games.

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept interracial marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in interracial marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in interracial marriages. They even forced farms to take host interracial weddings.

Public Accommodation laws have nothing to do with marriage laws, Puppy.
And if only you understood that none of those are "public". Bakers, photographers, and farms are all private businesses run by private citizens.

And the 10th Amendment makes it very clear that it is up to each state to decide whether or not they want to recognize gay marriage.

Thanks for playing wytchy! Always enjoy a good laugh over your uneducated nonsense!

I understand quite well the difference between a private club, like the boy scouts, that can discriminate and a business open to the public that cannot.

The SCOTUS made it quite clear that racists and homophobes must recognize both interracial and gay marriages. Glad I could educate you , Puppy.
You are referring to all those heteros flaunting their sexuality, of course.
Post 1960s deviant sex movement, the heteros have been trained up nicely to slut it out in public. They're a feather in your Church's cap for sure. Makes what you do seem more legitimate. It all got its start in the media. And guess who controls that?

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