Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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Ah the regret of the homophobes.

Yep- and it used to be acceptable for a brave bigot to gather 5 or 6 of his bravest friends and go find a guy by himself that they thought was 'queer' and bravely beat him up- What happened?

Really? When was that acceptable? Felonious assault has always been against the least as long as I've been alive.
This is the problem with the ignorant- and ignorance does seem to be a fetish of the right.

A baker is required to follow the law.

Public accommodation laws have been around for 50 years. For 50 years bakers have not been able to refuse to accept mixed race couples from marrying, for Jewish couples from marrying and now in a few states that have included sexual orientation- gay couples. Oh and a Jewish baker can't refuse to bake an Easter cake for a Christian couple either.

PA laws protect the religious freedom beliefs of customers- but business's cannot use their reliigion as an excuse to discriminate against blacks or Jews or homosexuals.

if you don't like public accommodation laws- feel free to try to have them repealed.

The baker was not discriminating against the sissies sexual preference, he refused to bake a cake for their event. In fact if I remember the story correctly, he has served at least one of them in the past.

But if you think the government should force people to cater an event against their religious or moral beliefs, you think it's okay if MBLA (Man-boy lovers association) comes to town and demands a video tech record their event of teaching men how to subdue children and keep them from talking?
This is the problem with the ignorant- and ignorance does seem to be a fetish of the right.

A baker is required to follow the law.

Public accommodation laws have been around for 50 years. For 50 years bakers have not been able to refuse to accept mixed race couples from marrying, for Jewish couples from marrying and now in a few states that have included sexual orientation- gay couples. Oh and a Jewish baker can't refuse to bake an Easter cake for a Christian couple either.

PA laws protect the religious freedom beliefs of customers- but business's cannot use their reliigion as an excuse to discriminate against blacks or Jews or homosexuals.

if you don't like public accommodation laws- feel free to try to have them repealed.

The baker was not discriminating against the sissies sexual preference, he refused to bake a cake for their event. In fact if I remember the story correctly, he has served at least one of them in the past.

And if the baker refused to bake a cake for a bar mitzvah, or refused to bake an Easter celebration cake for a Christian or refused to bake a wedding cake for a mixed race couple- he would have been just as much in violation of the public accommodation laws.
But if you think the government should force people to cater an event against their religious or moral beliefs, you think it's okay if MBLA (Man-boy lovers association) comes to town and demands a video tech record their event of teaching men how to subdue children and keep them from talking?

When your town legalizes pedophilia, and passes a law protecting the rights of men who sodomize children- let us know.
In the meantime you can dance with your strawman by yourself.
Ah the regret of the homophobes.

Yep- and it used to be acceptable for a brave bigot to gather 5 or 6 of his bravest friends and go find a guy by himself that they thought was 'queer' and bravely beat him up- What happened?

Really? When was that acceptable? Felonious assault has always been against the least as long as I've been alive.

Legal versus acceptable.

It was never legal to assault someone- it was quite acceptable to beat up 'queers' at one point in time.
Who do you imagine is being married by 'force'?

Nobody, but states are now forced to accept gay marriage against their will.

So no one is being forced to marry anyone against their will.

Glad we figured that out.

Yes- just as it happened with mixed race marriage bans, States are being forced to stop denying the Constitutional rights of gay couples.
But that's nothing compared to gays murdering gays in those same night clubs and bath houses via anonymous unprotected sex in rampant promiscuous form. .

Ah I am not surprised that you want to blame Gays for the murder of gays.

I don't approve of unprotected sex, but two consenting adults who take the risk of unprotected, anonymous sex with each other are not 'murdering' anyone. IF one of them knows he has HIV and knowingly infects another- like your mass murdering friend- then it would be murder.

But men agreeing to have sex with each other is no more murder than a single mother feeding her kids a high sugar diet that ends up resulting in the kids getting diabetes.
Ah the regret of the homophobes.

Yep- and it used to be acceptable for a brave bigot to gather 5 or 6 of his bravest friends and go find a guy by himself that they thought was 'queer' and bravely beat him up- What happened?
Comprehension issues? Problems with critical thinking? Spinning?

Yes- you are having trouble with all of those things.
Ah I am not surprised that you want to blame Gays for the murder of gays.

I don't approve of unprotected sex, but two consenting adults who take the risk of unprotected, anonymous sex with each other are not 'murdering' anyone. IF one of them knows he has HIV and knowingly infects another- like your mass murdering friend- then it would be murder.

Having HIV and not telling a partner you are barebacking "I have HIV" is the same as negligent homicide. Thousands of gays a year are being killed in this way. And the most prolific spots these murders are happening are bath houses and gay night clubs.
So no one is being forced to marry anyone against their will.

Glad we figured that out.

Yes- just as it happened with mixed race marriage bans, States are being forced to stop denying the Constitutional rights of gay couples.

Find the word "marriage" anywhere in the Constitution for me and let me know where it is.
So no one is being forced to marry anyone against their will.

Glad we figured that out.

Yes- just as it happened with mixed race marriage bans, States are being forced to stop denying the Constitutional rights of gay couples.

Find the word "marriage" anywhere in the Constitution for me and let me know where it is.

For that matter, find the words "sexual orientation" anywhere in the Constitution and let us know where it is. And when you do, let us know how it lets just one of them the majority objects to, have special rights while still denying others like polygamy.
For that matter, find the words "sexual orientation" anywhere in the Constitution and let us know where it is. And when you do, let us know how it lets just one of them the majority objects to, have special rights while still denying others like polygamy.

Marriage never was a right. Marriage is the definition of the union of one man and one woman. Been that way since the founding of our country.

The problem is government gets involved in every little part of our life as possible. The founders never wanted it this way which is why they never addressed marriage; it's a religious thing--not a government thing.
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

Here's a thought. Stop listening to that stupid bitch Rachel Maddow.

Here's a thought. Stop being an asshole.

Strange how you define being an asshole as not having the same opinion as you. I'd have to start being one first and you haven't stopped since you were born.
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......
God you are such a waste of life. You cons are always saying "quit shoving it down our throats!" (which is a hilarious way to put it), but you still make threads like this, bringing the topic up and bitching about it.
Well since you people keep trying to force everyone into your bedroom with you - what should society do? Sit down and shut up like the good little oppressed people that liberals are desperate for society to be??? :eusa_doh:

Stop demanding that all of society climb into bed with you and I guarantee you these threads will disappear. Yet another common sense reality that inexplicably needs to be explained to a liberal.

LOL- what idiocy.

No one wants you to be in their bedroom.

A common sense reality that inexplicitly needs to be explained to fearful right wing nut jobs
Yeah - you sick people do. It's why you demand that government climb into your bed and recognize your homosexuality. It's why you insist that people of the opposite sex share restroom and lockeroom facilities with you. It's why you idiots march naked in the streets with signs and rainbows. You want everyone to climb into your beds instead of just keeping that shit behind closed doors where it belongs.
Who do you imagine is being married by 'force'?

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept gay marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in gay marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in gay marriages. They even forced farms to take host gay weddings. Stop pretending and playing your juvenile games.
States are unconstitutionally forced to accept gay marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in gay marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in gay marriages. They even forced farms to take host gay weddings.

For now....
But if you think the government should force people to cater an event against their religious or moral beliefs, you think it's okay if MBLA (Man-boy lovers association) comes to town and demands a video tech record their event of teaching men how to subdue children and keep them from talking?

When your town legalizes pedophilia, and passes a law protecting the rights of men who sodomize children- let us know.
In the meantime you can dance with your strawman by yourself.

The town won't legalize pedophilia, the government will. Obama took us one more step in that direction with his crazy restroom proposals.
Who do you imagine is being married by 'force'?

States are unconstitutionally forced to accept gay marriage. Bakers are forced to take part in gay marriages. Photographers are forced to take part in gay marriages. They even forced farms to take host gay weddings. Stop pretending and playing your juvenile games.

What sane person would force a food preparer to make a meal or a cake against their will? Who knows what that guy might put in the ingredients.
You NaziCon homophobes need to stop repressing your inner gayness and just embrace who you are. You'll be much happier...
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......
God you are such a waste of life. You cons are always saying "quit shoving it down our throats!" (which is a hilarious way to put it), but you still make threads like this, bringing the topic up and bitching about it.
Well since you people keep trying to force everyone into your bedroom with you - what should society do? Sit down and shut up like the good little oppressed people that liberals are desperate for society to be??? :eusa_doh:

Stop demanding that all of society climb into bed with you and I guarantee you these threads will disappear. Yet another common sense reality that inexplicably needs to be explained to a liberal.

LOL- what idiocy.

No one wants you to be in their bedroom.

A common sense reality that inexplicitly needs to be explained to fearful right wing nut jobs
Yeah - you sick people do. It's why you demand that government climb into your bed and recognize your homosexuality. It's why you insist that people of the opposite sex share restroom and lockeroom facilities with you. It's why you idiots march naked in the streets with signs and rainbows. You want everyone to climb into your beds instead of just keeping that shit behind closed doors where it belongs.
First of all, just because someone defends gay rights, it doesn't mean they are gay. I'm not gay. I just have the emotional maturity to accept people who are different. Apparently you never matured past junior high.

You can't even explain WHY govnernment shouldn't accept homosexuality. You're just a dumb bigot.
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