Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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I reiterate: If people in Germany spoke out against the Nazi's rise to power, were they then actually closeted Nazis themselves?
I reiterate: If people in Germany spoke out against the Nazi's rise to power, were they then actually closeted Nazis themselves?

Another diversion. Try comparing apples to apples. LGBTs aren't Nazis.

Yes, comparing apples to apples, exactly. Both LGBTs and Nazis are political groups with ideologies attempting using fascism to overthrow self-governing. So I'll ask again, if anyone was rightly unnerved by either of those two fascist cults, would they automatically be "closeted supporters" of that respective cult?
I reiterate: If people in Germany spoke out against the Nazi's rise to power, were they then actually closeted Nazis themselves?

Another diversion. Try comparing apples to apples. LGBTs aren't Nazis.

Yes, comparing apples to apples, exactly. Both LGBTs and Nazis are political groups with ideologies attempting using fascism to overthrow self-governing. So I'll ask again, if anyone was rightly unnerved by either of those two fascist cults, would they automatically be "closeted supporters" of that respective cult?

Stop fighting your queerness. Embrace it and you'll be much happier.
Another diversion. Try comparing apples to apples. LGBTs aren't Nazis.
Stop fighting your queerness. Embrace it and you'll be much happier.
Stop fighting your Naziness. Embrace your fascism and you'll be much happier.
I remember the times, before homosexuality became a "virtue," the Waffen SS was very frequently portrayed as faggots in black uniforms, skull and bones insignia, the Knights Cross and swastika armbands and shit. Now, I don't see those parallels between homosexuality and the SS. What happened?
We have had public accommodation laws for over 50 years now in the United States- which among other things has protected persons because of their religious behavior.

Public accommodation laws that include sexual orientation prohibit a baker from among other things refusing to sell a cake to a mixed race couple because he doesn't approve of the behavior of mixed race marriages, and also prohibits a baker from refusing to sell a cake for a bar mitzvah because the baker doesn't approve of the behavior of Jewish coming of age rites, and also prohibits the baker from refusing to sell a cake to a gay couple because he doesn't approve of a gay couple marrying.

Now that you are less ignorant- you can thank me for your new knowledge.

So the baker is forced to bake a cake because he can't refuse to accept gay people getting married, but no respect is expected to the baker because he has religious beliefs he probably followed all of his life.

This is the problem with the minority controlling the majority in this country. It seems to be a fetish of the left.

This is the problem with the ignorant- and ignorance does seem to be a fetish of the right.

A baker is required to follow the law.

Public accommodation laws have been around for 50 years. For 50 years bakers have not been able to refuse to accept mixed race couples from marrying, for Jewish couples from marrying and now in a few states that have included sexual orientation- gay couples. Oh and a Jewish baker can't refuse to bake an Easter cake for a Christian couple either.

PA laws protect the religious freedom beliefs of customers- but business's cannot use their reliigion as an excuse to discriminate against blacks or Jews or homosexuals.

if you don't like public accommodation laws- feel free to try to have them repealed.
Stop fighting your queerness. Embrace it and you'll be much happier.
Stop fighting your Naziness. Embrace your fascism and you'll be much happier.
I remember the times, before homosexuality became a "virtue," the Waffen SS was very frequently portrayed as faggots in black uniforms, skull and bones insignia, the Knights Cross and swastika armbands and shit. Now, I don't see those parallels between homosexuality and the SS. What happened?

Ah the regret of the homophobes.

Yep- and it used to be acceptable for a brave bigot to gather 5 or 6 of his bravest friends and go find a guy by himself that they thought was 'queer' and bravely beat him up- What happened?
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

Here's a thought. Stop listening to that stupid bitch Rachel Maddow.

Here's a thought. Stop being an asshole.
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......
God you are such a waste of life. You cons are always saying "quit shoving it down our throats!" (which is a hilarious way to put it), but you still make threads like this, bringing the topic up and bitching about it.
Well since you people keep trying to force everyone into your bedroom with you - what should society do? Sit down and shut up like the good little oppressed people that liberals are desperate for society to be??? :eusa_doh:

Stop demanding that all of society climb into bed with you and I guarantee you these threads will disappear. Yet another common sense reality that inexplicably needs to be explained to a liberal.

LOL- what idiocy.

No one wants you to be in their bedroom.

A common sense reality that inexplicitly needs to be explained to fearful right wing nut jobs
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You didn't bust anybody with your conspiracy theories.[/QUOT

I bust on stupid fuckwads like you all the time just by pointing out how fucking stupid you are....get it??
Ah the regret of the homophobes.

Yep- and it used to be acceptable for a brave bigot to gather 5 or 6 of his bravest friends and go find a guy by himself that they thought was 'queer' and bravely beat him up- What happened?
Comprehension issues? Problems with critical thinking? Spinning? If you were spinning it came about as you being an imbecile. Now, you better worry about that innocent tourists wouldn't be murdered in your sanctuary city.
The reference is that WWII Germans were portrayed as homos for ridiculing, humiliating and demeaning them and now those portrayals disappeared so the homos wouldn't be associated with Nazism.
Ah the regret of the homophobes.

Yep- and it used to be acceptable for a brave bigot to gather 5 or 6 of his bravest friends and go find a guy by himself that they thought was 'queer' and bravely beat him up- What happened?
An islamic terrorist picked up a gun instead and mowed 49 of them down in a gay night club in one sweep.

But that's nothing compared to gays murdering gays in those same night clubs and bath houses via anonymous unprotected sex in rampant promiscuous form. That "beating up gays" kills multiple thousands of them a year; in a weird murder/suicide compulsion.

Gay journalist Randy Shilts was right. Those establishments are killing gays like flies and should be shut down.
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