Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network which is an offshoot of the LGBT and they are going around to schools...even grade schools preaching the wonders of being a queer......look it up.

Tired? I'm trying to see if I can spot some of the people I know that goes to clubs in Orlando. I am not aware that Orlando has bunch of these people.
Seriously. Have you seen the lay out of this club where there are so many large rest rooms with only one stall and one urinal or just one male urinal? It's strangely enough to catch my attention.
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......
God you are such a waste of life. You cons are always saying "quit shoving it down our throats!" (which is a hilarious way to put it), but you still make threads like this, bringing the topic up and bitching about it.
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah....the 'ole "reverse psychology" 5-year-old mentality. Nobody is "homophobic". A phobia is a fear junior. I don't fear homosexuals and I don't hate them. I am, however, really tired of you immature asshats getting off on sexually deviant behavior and getting off on it being pushed on society.
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah....the 'ole "reverse psychology" 5-year-old mentality. Nobody is "homophobic". A phobia is a fear junior. I don't fear homosexuals and I don't hate them. I am, however, really tired of you immature asshats getting off on sexually deviant behavior and getting off on it being pushed on society.

Maybe a little self-reflection is in order...
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Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay
I think you got my point and I didn't have to upset the pussies on here to say it.

Sure looks like the pussy is YOU.

Your ability to discuss any point or make your case is utterly pathetic, .........

Ah, perhaps you just need to read something in your own language. Here you go...

Conspiracy! Conspiracy! I know everything! You're my bitch! 2300000000 hours of research! FEMA Camps! Fed! You're all slaves! Corporate masters! Intelligentsia! Da Joooos! Aliens! Bees! Flouride! 8-Track Tapes! Transceiver in your fillings! Inside job! Bitch! Bitch! Kicked your ass!

Easy to get butthurt like you do when you have so little understanding of how the world actually works. (snicker)

Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.

You come across as very stupid and I am sure that if I met you in person that you would sound "stupid" as well. Your little leftard tactics do not work on me. I can find you plenty of stories of people that were practicing homosexuals and changed their life once they found Jesus Christ. I have yet to come across a hjomosexual that was ever it a lady or a man. Women especially have the hardest time with their relationships because women are "drama queens" for the most part and act very erractic when they menstrate. I played softabll on the highest level there is and I played on a couple of REALLY good mixed league teams with lesbians and it was drama all the damn time. Queer males are very promiscious and the stats show that around 30 percent will have as many as 1,000 sex partners., It's not natural and it doesn't lead to any kind of stability. So now thanks to GLSEN, they are pushing queerness in schools even at the first grade level and I have a real problem with you get it now????

Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful
Immutable traits my ass, one is genetic, the other, not so much unless someone has discovered a gay gene since yesterday.

Understanding Genetics

Most of the research done so far suggests that in the vast majority of cases, being gay is not a choice for people. Instead, it appears to be a fundamental part of who they are.

What this means is that most people cannot “unlearn” their sexual orientation. So in most cases, being gay is not a learned behavior. [...]

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Should I go through you link a pull shit out of context the way you did? If you boil the article down to the bottom line, they really have no hard and fast evidence why fags act the way they do. They have theories and suspicions, but nothing that can be called scientific facts. So just keep on lying to yourself and others because the only fact here is, you don't KNOW shit.

The article is quite clear that it's not a choice. If you feel you can choose, you're probably bisexual.

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No the article said they don't think it is a choice, not that they KNOW it's not a choice. Stop with the lies already.

I know it's not. Could you choose to suck cock and like it? I couldn't.

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Yeah, I had a few girlfriends like you, but they surprised themselves when you get them wound up enough.
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.

You come across as very stupid and I am sure that if I met you in person that you would sound "stupid" as well. Your little leftard tactics do not work on me. I can find you plenty of stories of people that were practicing homosexuals and changed their life once they found Jesus Christ. I have yet to come across a hjomosexual that was ever it a lady or a man. Women especially have the hardest time with their relationships because women are "drama queens" for the most part and act very erractic when they menstrate. I played softabll on the highest level there is and I played on a couple of REALLY good mixed league teams with lesbians and it was drama all the damn time. Queer males are very promiscious and the stats show that around 30 percent will have as many as 1,000 sex partners., It's not natural and it doesn't lead to any kind of stability. So now thanks to GLSEN, they are pushing queerness in schools even at the first grade level and I have a real problem with you get it now????

Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful

I'm only trying to help you before you become violent. Change your name to Daleen and come out of the closet. Professional therapy could also be helpful.
Just like bulimia or drug addiction are "immutable traits"..


Bigotry and drug addiction are not 'immutable traits'

Christianity and sexual orientation are.

Not according to the link seabitch posted. From her link:

"This wiring can’t be changed easily."

This means it can be changed with effort, therefore it is NOT an immutable trait.

You can stop having gay sex, you don't stop being gay.

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Not according to your article, they say the brain can be rewired, it's just not easy. Of course that could be true for most antisocial behaviors.

You've never been to pride if you think being gay is anti social behavior.

People who insist being gay is a choice are saying they could choose to be attracted to either sex. They're bisexual.

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So your own link is wrong, good to know. LMAO
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.

You come across as very stupid and I am sure that if I met you in person that you would sound "stupid" as well. Your little leftard tactics do not work on me. I can find you plenty of stories of people that were practicing homosexuals and changed their life once they found Jesus Christ. I have yet to come across a hjomosexual that was ever it a lady or a man. Women especially have the hardest time with their relationships because women are "drama queens" for the most part and act very erractic when they menstrate. I played softabll on the highest level there is and I played on a couple of REALLY good mixed league teams with lesbians and it was drama all the damn time. Queer males are very promiscious and the stats show that around 30 percent will have as many as 1,000 sex partners., It's not natural and it doesn't lead to any kind of stability. So now thanks to GLSEN, they are pushing queerness in schools even at the first grade level and I have a real problem with you get it now????

Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful

I'm only trying to help you before you become violent. Change your name to Daleen and come out of the closet. Professional therapy could also be helpful.

So, do you think that homosexuality should be taught to kindergarten and first grade students? Yes or's a very simple question.
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.

You come across as very stupid and I am sure that if I met you in person that you would sound "stupid" as well. Your little leftard tactics do not work on me. I can find you plenty of stories of people that were practicing homosexuals and changed their life once they found Jesus Christ. I have yet to come across a hjomosexual that was ever it a lady or a man. Women especially have the hardest time with their relationships because women are "drama queens" for the most part and act very erractic when they menstrate. I played softabll on the highest level there is and I played on a couple of REALLY good mixed league teams with lesbians and it was drama all the damn time. Queer males are very promiscious and the stats show that around 30 percent will have as many as 1,000 sex partners., It's not natural and it doesn't lead to any kind of stability. So now thanks to GLSEN, they are pushing queerness in schools even at the first grade level and I have a real problem with you get it now????

Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful

Yo Dale, do you have a SECRET urge to suck peters ?

Are you afraid that while homosexuality is legal you may succumb to your urges?

Write Personal and Confidential on your reply so the busybodies won't read it.

Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.
Why do you resort to juvenile name calling when Dale points out the outstanding flaw in your absurd "logic"? :dunno:
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.

You come across as very stupid and I am sure that if I met you in person that you would sound "stupid" as well. Your little leftard tactics do not work on me. I can find you plenty of stories of people that were practicing homosexuals and changed their life once they found Jesus Christ. I have yet to come across a hjomosexual that was ever it a lady or a man. Women especially have the hardest time with their relationships because women are "drama queens" for the most part and act very erractic when they menstrate. I played softabll on the highest level there is and I played on a couple of REALLY good mixed league teams with lesbians and it was drama all the damn time. Queer males are very promiscious and the stats show that around 30 percent will have as many as 1,000 sex partners., It's not natural and it doesn't lead to any kind of stability. So now thanks to GLSEN, they are pushing queerness in schools even at the first grade level and I have a real problem with you get it now????

Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful
Dale....come!? Are you really trying to talk facts and logic with a liberal? A group of people who put ideology above all else - including human life? Don't you know better by now?
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......
God you are such a waste of life. You cons are always saying "quit shoving it down our throats!" (which is a hilarious way to put it), but you still make threads like this, bringing the topic up and bitching about it.
Well since you people keep trying to force everyone into your bedroom with you - what should society do? Sit down and shut up like the good little oppressed people that liberals are desperate for society to be??? :eusa_doh:

Stop demanding that all of society climb into bed with you and I guarantee you these threads will disappear. Yet another common sense reality that inexplicably needs to be explained to a liberal.
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.

You come across as very stupid and I am sure that if I met you in person that you would sound "stupid" as well. Your little leftard tactics do not work on me. I can find you plenty of stories of people that were practicing homosexuals and changed their life once they found Jesus Christ. I have yet to come across a hjomosexual that was ever it a lady or a man. Women especially have the hardest time with their relationships because women are "drama queens" for the most part and act very erractic when they menstrate. I played softabll on the highest level there is and I played on a couple of REALLY good mixed league teams with lesbians and it was drama all the damn time. Queer males are very promiscious and the stats show that around 30 percent will have as many as 1,000 sex partners., It's not natural and it doesn't lead to any kind of stability. So now thanks to GLSEN, they are pushing queerness in schools even at the first grade level and I have a real problem with you get it now????

Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful

I'm only trying to help you before you become violent. Change your name to Daleen and come out of the closet. Professional therapy could also be helpful.
You are really desperate for everyone to be gay. Gee...I wonder why that is???

Even if everyone here were secretly gay Lak(logic) - nobody would go for you. You're too immature, too annoying, and worst of all - far too ignorant.
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