Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You sound very gay. Read the scientific studies and real-life stories. Look into it before you harm yourself or others.

You come across as very stupid and I am sure that if I met you in person that you would sound "stupid" as well. Your little leftard tactics do not work on me. I can find you plenty of stories of people that were practicing homosexuals and changed their life once they found Jesus Christ. I have yet to come across a hjomosexual that was ever it a lady or a man. Women especially have the hardest time with their relationships because women are "drama queens" for the most part and act very erractic when they menstrate. I played softabll on the highest level there is and I played on a couple of REALLY good mixed league teams with lesbians and it was drama all the damn time. Queer males are very promiscious and the stats show that around 30 percent will have as many as 1,000 sex partners., It's not natural and it doesn't lead to any kind of stability. So now thanks to GLSEN, they are pushing queerness in schools even at the first grade level and I have a real problem with you get it now????

Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful

Yo Dale, do you have a SECRET urge to suck peters ?

Are you afraid that while homosexuality is legal you may succumb to your urges?

Write Personal and Confidential on your reply so the busybodies won't read it.


Funny how leftards and liberals use queer baiting as a way to insult even though they claim to be a fan and supporter of the's akin to a white liberal walking arm in arm with a black man and then screams "******" at a black man wearing a "Hillary for Prison" T-shirt. Liberals claim to be a supporter of the queer, but yet they use it as a way to insult.....this has been going on for the last 30 years...same shit, different day. I was, at one time, "on board" with queers having their relationships acknowledged by the state for financial reasons because "marriage" under admiralty law makes the state a third party entity during the merger of two corporate fictions of the parties involved....but the more "in your face" they became...and the more militant that they started to act by pushing queerdom into the schools? I changed my position and the more I know about the LGBTQ and GLSEN? The more I feel a push back is not only necessary but a necessity to insure the innocence of our children.Queers covet youth and the younger that they can influence them,, the better. Even as we speak the queers are working on getting the age of consent lowered and they have changed the term "pedophile" to "Minor attracted persons". The liberal site has even given a known pedophile a platform to explain his attraction to you see? I know where this is going and I will never be silenced and I will kick your ass from one side to the other concerning this issue with one hand tied behind my back....can ya dig it? You do not wish to fuck with me when it comes to this particular issue.

Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

Here's a thought. Stop listening to that stupid bitch Rachel Maddow.
There are many agendas that are 'queer' (strange, odd, unusual). The one that is to divide people in order to better control them is the most tiring.
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That damned Gay Agenda™.

First, it was just L&G. And they were kinda lonely.

So they decided, okay, bisexuals can join the club, and so it became LGB.

At the next summit, they agreed their numbers were still way too small, and so the he-she's were allowed to join, even though lesbians think trannies are icky, and it was LGBT.

I guess they must have had another meeting, counted heads, and found they were still short. Because on the radio this morning, I heard a Gay Agenda Spokesthing call their club "LGBTQ".


I'm thinking...Q must mean...Questioning, maybe?

"I don't know. I bought a Prius, so I think I might be gay."

What next, LGBTQW?

W for Watched A Gay Porn Movie Once When I Was In A Blackout Drunk.

"Okay, you can come in the tent. Plenty of room."

This is only the beginning unless we put a stop to it now. Down the road it will be the LGBTIPOLLSIDLSNBNMIEWW community.

What Each of Facebook’s 51 New Gender Options Means
We have had public accommodation laws for over 50 years now in the United States- which among other things has protected persons because of their religious behavior.

Public accommodation laws that include sexual orientation prohibit a baker from among other things refusing to sell a cake to a mixed race couple because he doesn't approve of the behavior of mixed race marriages, and also prohibits a baker from refusing to sell a cake for a bar mitzvah because the baker doesn't approve of the behavior of Jewish coming of age rites, and also prohibits the baker from refusing to sell a cake to a gay couple because he doesn't approve of a gay couple marrying.

Now that you are less ignorant- you can thank me for your new knowledge.

So the baker is forced to bake a cake because he can't refuse to accept gay people getting married, but no respect is expected to the baker because he has religious beliefs he probably followed all of his life.

This is the problem with the minority controlling the majority in this country. It seems to be a fetish of the left.
If you believe you're born gay, how can you have so much pride in something that you did nothing to have? That's right along the Liberal mindset. Proud of something you really didn't do but take credit for it as if it involved effort.


Baking a cake is just that, not a declaration of faith. What possible difference could it make who eats it?
Baking a cake is just that, not a declaration of faith. What possible difference could it make who eats it?

If it goes against your beliefs then it goes against your beliefs. Or to put it another way:

Let's say that one of our bakers here in Cleveland were approached by Black Lies Matter, and they wanted him to bake a cake for their Kill The Police party for the Republican convention. Should that baker be forced to make a cake for an event that totally goes against his social and moral beliefs?

Or if a black baker is approached by the grand Poobah of the KKK, and he insisted the baker make a cake for their annual Hang The N party. Should that black baker be forced to accommodate them? After all, it's only a cake and why should the baker cares who eats it?
In the privacy of their own sanctuary I do not care how anyone gets their freak on. Public display of your sexual preference is not necessary in my opinion. Parades, flags and PDA is way out of line for one's sexual leanings.
What is the need for the attention grabbing behavior?
So is a hetero couple holding hands attention grabbing behavior?
Rachel Maddow had a very informative segment tonight about radical homophobes who experience self-hatred for having/repressing gay feelings while strongly condemning the gay lifestyle and those who are openly gay. Gee, that could help explain a lot of the anti-gay posts I see on USMB. Interesting...

Here's a little more food for thought:

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay

So are you closet conservative? Because the logic is the same. Since I bust on the leftard clown posse and liberals....does that mean I secretly wish to be a leftard or liberal? Let's talk about this.....

You didn't bust anybody with your conspiracy theories.
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