Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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Immutable traits my ass, one is genetic, the other, not so much unless someone has discovered a gay gene since yesterday.

Just like bulimia or drug addiction are "immutable traits"..


Bigotry and drug addiction are not 'immutable traits'

Christianity and sexual orientation are.

Not according to the link seabitch posted. From her link:

"This wiring can’t be changed easily."

This means it can be changed with effort, therefore it is NOT an immutable trait.

You can stop having gay sex, you don't stop being gay.

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Not according to your article, they say the brain can be rewired, it's just not easy. Of course that could be true for most antisocial behaviors.

You've never been to pride if you think being gay is anti social behavior.

People who insist being gay is a choice are saying they could choose to be attracted to either sex. They're bisexual.

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Immutable traits my ass, one is genetic, the other, not so much unless someone has discovered a gay gene since yesterday.

Understanding Genetics

Most of the research done so far suggests that in the vast majority of cases, being gay is not a choice for people. Instead, it appears to be a fundamental part of who they are.

What this means is that most people cannot “unlearn” their sexual orientation. So in most cases, being gay is not a learned behavior. [...]

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If you believe you're born gay, how can you have so much pride in something that you did nothing to have? That's right along the Liberal mindset. Proud of something you really didn't do but take credit for it as if it involved effort.

So I'm not allowed to have pride for my Irish or Scottish heritage either?

And I don't "believe" it, I know it.

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I know I chose to be straight.

Ah, so you found yourself equally attracted to both men and women but chose one? You're bisexual.

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False assumption. For that to be true you'd also have to believe that I was as equally likely to become a criminal as I was a law abiding citizen.

Interesting how freaks like you can claim things about yourself and the rest of us are supposed to accept it because you said so yet when I make a claim about myself, you question it.

If you know more about you than I do, wouldn't the same thing apply to me? Oh, that's right, you're a Liberal and nothing you apply toward you do you think should apply toward others. Typical hypocrite.
Just like bulimia or drug addiction are "immutable traits"..


Bigotry and drug addiction are not 'immutable traits'

Christianity and sexual orientation are.

Not according to the link seabitch posted. From her link:

"This wiring can’t be changed easily."

This means it can be changed with effort, therefore it is NOT an immutable trait.

You can stop having gay sex, you don't stop being gay.

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Not according to your article, they say the brain can be rewired, it's just not easy. Of course that could be true for most antisocial behaviors.

You've never been to pride if you think being gay is anti social behavior.

People who insist being gay is a choice are saying they could choose to be attracted to either sex. They're bisexual.

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I've never jumped off a 10 story building onto concrete but I have a good idea about the results.

Where did I say I could choose to be attracted to either sex. I said I chose to be attracted to the opposite sex. There's a difference.
Understanding Genetics

Most of the research done so far suggests that in the vast majority of cases, being gay is not a choice for people. Instead, it appears to be a fundamental part of who they are.

What this means is that most people cannot “unlearn” their sexual orientation. So in most cases, being gay is not a learned behavior. [...]

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If you believe you're born gay, how can you have so much pride in something that you did nothing to have? That's right along the Liberal mindset. Proud of something you really didn't do but take credit for it as if it involved effort.

So I'm not allowed to have pride for my Irish or Scottish heritage either?

And I don't "believe" it, I know it.

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I know I chose to be straight.

Ah, so you found yourself equally attracted to both men and women but chose one? You're bisexual.

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False assumption. For that to be true you'd also have to believe that I was as equally likely to become a criminal as I was a law abiding citizen.

Interesting how freaks like you can claim things about yourself and the rest of us are supposed to accept it because you said so yet when I make a claim about myself, you question it.

If you know more about you than I do, wouldn't the same thing apply to me? Oh, that's right, you're a Liberal and nothing you apply toward you do you think should apply toward others. Typical hypocrite.

Piss poor analogy. If you believe it's a choice you must obviously find yourself equally attracted to both men and women. You're bisexual. I'm not attracted to men, only women. I know I didn't choose. I'm gay. You say you chose. You're bi.

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That damned Gay Agenda™.

First, it was just L&G. And they were kinda lonely.

So they decided, okay, bisexuals can join the club, and so it became LGB.

At the next summit, they agreed their numbers were still way too small, and so the he-she's were allowed to join, even though lesbians think trannies are icky, and it was LGBT.

I guess they must have had another meeting, counted heads, and found they were still short. Because on the radio this morning, I heard a Gay Agenda Spokesthing call their club "LGBTQ".


I'm thinking...Q must mean...Questioning, maybe?

"I don't know. I bought a Prius, so I think I might be gay."

What next, LGBTQW?

W for Watched A Gay Porn Movie Once When I Was In A Blackout Drunk.

"Okay, you can come in the tent. Plenty of room."
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If you believe you're born gay, how can you have so much pride in something that you did nothing to have? That's right along the Liberal mindset. Proud of something you really didn't do but take credit for it as if it involved effort.

So I'm not allowed to have pride for my Irish or Scottish heritage either?

And I don't "believe" it, I know it.

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I know I chose to be straight.

Ah, so you found yourself equally attracted to both men and women but chose one? You're bisexual.

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False assumption. For that to be true you'd also have to believe that I was as equally likely to become a criminal as I was a law abiding citizen.

Interesting how freaks like you can claim things about yourself and the rest of us are supposed to accept it because you said so yet when I make a claim about myself, you question it.

If you know more about you than I do, wouldn't the same thing apply to me? Oh, that's right, you're a Liberal and nothing you apply toward you do you think should apply toward others. Typical hypocrite.

Piss poor analogy. If you believe it's a choice you must obviously find yourself equally attracted to both men and women. You're bisexual. I'm not attracted to men, only women. I know I didn't choose. I'm gay. You say you chose. You're bi.

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The analogy refutes any claim you have freak. I'm sorry you chose to be abnormal but the rest of us didn't. Perhaps you should make better choices or be willing to accept the consequences of making bad ones.
So I'm not allowed to have pride for my Irish or Scottish heritage either?

And I don't "believe" it, I know it.

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I know I chose to be straight.

Ah, so you found yourself equally attracted to both men and women but chose one? You're bisexual.

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False assumption. For that to be true you'd also have to believe that I was as equally likely to become a criminal as I was a law abiding citizen.

Interesting how freaks like you can claim things about yourself and the rest of us are supposed to accept it because you said so yet when I make a claim about myself, you question it.

If you know more about you than I do, wouldn't the same thing apply to me? Oh, that's right, you're a Liberal and nothing you apply toward you do you think should apply toward others. Typical hypocrite.

Piss poor analogy. If you believe it's a choice you must obviously find yourself equally attracted to both men and women. You're bisexual. I'm not attracted to men, only women. I know I didn't choose. I'm gay. You say you chose. You're bi.

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The analogy refutes any claim you have freak. I'm sorry you chose to be abnormal but the rest of us didn't. Perhaps you should make better choices or be willing to accept the consequences of making bad ones.

Captain Closet Case overcompensates again. You and McGarrit need to get a room and get over it already.
I know I chose to be straight.

Ah, so you found yourself equally attracted to both men and women but chose one? You're bisexual.

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False assumption. For that to be true you'd also have to believe that I was as equally likely to become a criminal as I was a law abiding citizen.

Interesting how freaks like you can claim things about yourself and the rest of us are supposed to accept it because you said so yet when I make a claim about myself, you question it.

If you know more about you than I do, wouldn't the same thing apply to me? Oh, that's right, you're a Liberal and nothing you apply toward you do you think should apply toward others. Typical hypocrite.

Piss poor analogy. If you believe it's a choice you must obviously find yourself equally attracted to both men and women. You're bisexual. I'm not attracted to men, only women. I know I didn't choose. I'm gay. You say you chose. You're bi.

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The analogy refutes any claim you have freak. I'm sorry you chose to be abnormal but the rest of us didn't. Perhaps you should make better choices or be willing to accept the consequences of making bad ones.

Captain Closet Case overcompensates again. You and McGarrit need to get a room and get over it already.

Rest assured the freak's claim is false. I'd tell you who you could ask but the mods seem to have a problem with mentioning someone else's female relatives.
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......

Na. To busy with my own agenda to give a shit.
Ah, so you found yourself equally attracted to both men and women but chose one? You're bisexual.

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False assumption. For that to be true you'd also have to believe that I was as equally likely to become a criminal as I was a law abiding citizen.

Interesting how freaks like you can claim things about yourself and the rest of us are supposed to accept it because you said so yet when I make a claim about myself, you question it.

If you know more about you than I do, wouldn't the same thing apply to me? Oh, that's right, you're a Liberal and nothing you apply toward you do you think should apply toward others. Typical hypocrite.

Piss poor analogy. If you believe it's a choice you must obviously find yourself equally attracted to both men and women. You're bisexual. I'm not attracted to men, only women. I know I didn't choose. I'm gay. You say you chose. You're bi.

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The analogy refutes any claim you have freak. I'm sorry you chose to be abnormal but the rest of us didn't. Perhaps you should make better choices or be willing to accept the consequences of making bad ones.

Captain Closet Case overcompensates again. You and McGarrit need to get a room and get over it already.

Rest assured the freak's claim is false. I'd tell you who you could ask but the mods seem to have a problem with mentioning someone else's female relatives.

Afraid to speak your mind like you're afraid to accept what you so obviously are.
Gays have always been part of Boy Scouts- they just didn't want to be kicked out for being gay.


There is no such thing as a "gay boy scout". There are only boy scouts. Sexuality has nothing to do with the boy scouts and should not be advertised or discussed either hetero or gay in the boy scouts, nor be any part of an expressed identity within the boy scouts. ie: do not sexualize the boy scouts.
I agree with that. There is no reason to discuss the sexuality of minors. Which is why it is wrong to ban gay Boy Scouts.
False assumption. For that to be true you'd also have to believe that I was as equally likely to become a criminal as I was a law abiding citizen.

Interesting how freaks like you can claim things about yourself and the rest of us are supposed to accept it because you said so yet when I make a claim about myself, you question it.

If you know more about you than I do, wouldn't the same thing apply to me? Oh, that's right, you're a Liberal and nothing you apply toward you do you think should apply toward others. Typical hypocrite.

Piss poor analogy. If you believe it's a choice you must obviously find yourself equally attracted to both men and women. You're bisexual. I'm not attracted to men, only women. I know I didn't choose. I'm gay. You say you chose. You're bi.

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The analogy refutes any claim you have freak. I'm sorry you chose to be abnormal but the rest of us didn't. Perhaps you should make better choices or be willing to accept the consequences of making bad ones.

Captain Closet Case overcompensates again. You and McGarrit need to get a room and get over it already.

Rest assured the freak's claim is false. I'd tell you who you could ask but the mods seem to have a problem with mentioning someone else's female relatives.

Afraid to speak your mind like you're afraid to accept what you so obviously are.

I think you got my point and I didn't have to upset the pussies on here to say it.
Piss poor analogy. If you believe it's a choice you must obviously find yourself equally attracted to both men and women. You're bisexual. I'm not attracted to men, only women. I know I didn't choose. I'm gay. You say you chose. You're bi.

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The analogy refutes any claim you have freak. I'm sorry you chose to be abnormal but the rest of us didn't. Perhaps you should make better choices or be willing to accept the consequences of making bad ones.

Captain Closet Case overcompensates again. You and McGarrit need to get a room and get over it already.

Rest assured the freak's claim is false. I'd tell you who you could ask but the mods seem to have a problem with mentioning someone else's female relatives.

Afraid to speak your mind like you're afraid to accept what you so obviously are.

I think you got my point and I didn't have to upset the pussies on here to say it.

Sure looks like the pussy is YOU.
Ah another idiot who wants to equate homosexuality to rape.

What an asshole.
you're exposed to your own bigotry now, though. it's not easy for people to face it, but there it is. you see the word rape, you say the word asshole, that's how far down the path of decadence america has gone. the lgbt people are partially responsible for this, they demand the political system be obsessed with sex and genitals, even what public toilets people are allowed to use, and so there's no time to focus on things like balancing the budget or securing the borders. hey queerbaits, stop being useful idiots, simple as that. stop letting the politicians and the courts abuse you as a means to stir up shit between different people in society and things will improve.
The analogy refutes any claim you have freak. I'm sorry you chose to be abnormal but the rest of us didn't. Perhaps you should make better choices or be willing to accept the consequences of making bad ones.

Captain Closet Case overcompensates again. You and McGarrit need to get a room and get over it already.

Rest assured the freak's claim is false. I'd tell you who you could ask but the mods seem to have a problem with mentioning someone else's female relatives.

Afraid to speak your mind like you're afraid to accept what you so obviously are.

I think you got my point and I didn't have to upset the pussies on here to say it.

Sure looks like the pussy is YOU.

Your ability to discuss any point or make your case is utterly pathetic, "lil keyboard warrior". (snicker)
Captain Closet Case overcompensates again. You and McGarrit need to get a room and get over it already.

Rest assured the freak's claim is false. I'd tell you who you could ask but the mods seem to have a problem with mentioning someone else's female relatives.

Afraid to speak your mind like you're afraid to accept what you so obviously are.

I think you got my point and I didn't have to upset the pussies on here to say it.

Sure looks like the pussy is YOU.

Your ability to discuss any point or make your case is utterly pathetic, .........

Ah, perhaps you just need to read something in your own language. Here you go...

Conspiracy! Conspiracy! I know everything! You're my bitch! 2300000000 hours of research! FEMA Camps! Fed! You're all slaves! Corporate masters! Intelligentsia! Da Joooos! Aliens! Bees! Flouride! 8-Track Tapes! Transceiver in your fillings! Inside job! Bitch! Bitch! Kicked your ass!

Rest assured the freak's claim is false. I'd tell you who you could ask but the mods seem to have a problem with mentioning someone else's female relatives.

Afraid to speak your mind like you're afraid to accept what you so obviously are.

I think you got my point and I didn't have to upset the pussies on here to say it.

Sure looks like the pussy is YOU.

Your ability to discuss any point or make your case is utterly pathetic, .........

Ah, perhaps you just need to read something in your own language. Here you go...

Conspiracy! Conspiracy! I know everything! You're my bitch! 2300000000 hours of research! FEMA Camps! Fed! You're all slaves! Corporate masters! Intelligentsia! Da Joooos! Aliens! Bees! Flouride! 8-Track Tapes! Transceiver in your fillings! Inside job! Bitch! Bitch! Kicked your ass!

Easy to get butthurt like you do when you have so little understanding of how the world actually works. (snicker)
Afraid to speak your mind like you're afraid to accept what you so obviously are.

I think you got my point and I didn't have to upset the pussies on here to say it.

Sure looks like the pussy is YOU.

Your ability to discuss any point or make your case is utterly pathetic, .........

Ah, perhaps you just need to read something in your own language. Here you go...

Conspiracy! Conspiracy! I know everything! You're my bitch! 2300000000 hours of research! FEMA Camps! Fed! You're all slaves! Corporate masters! Intelligentsia! Da Joooos! Aliens! Bees! Flouride! 8-Track Tapes! Transceiver in your fillings! Inside job! Bitch! Bitch! Kicked your ass!

Easy to get butthurt like you do when you have so little understanding of how the world actually works. (snicker)

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