Is ANYONE else sick of all this political shit with the sexual claims?

Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Frankin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?
no he didn't, he waited until the photo was published. that's just getting caught. no apology saves that. had he called the woman and apologized after the event, then that is sincere. not after being caught.

She didn't express anger until recently. He apologized as soon as he was aware of that.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
In reply to your title,
gettin there
Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Frankin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?

Please don’t use the words Franken and “Integrity “ in the same sentence!

Too many long words in a row and confusing for you?
Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Frankin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?
no he didn't, he waited until the photo was published. that's just getting caught. no apology saves that. had he called the woman and apologized after the event, then that is sincere. not after being caught.

She didn't express anger until recently. He apologized as soon as he was aware of that.
why did it take her to say anything? what exactly is the photo supposed to be exactly? what is the exact prank?

This is a prank:
---------------------- don't think that you caught anyone , as far as MOORE is concerned its all MERE accusations JoeB .

You can say that, but I'm betting "Judge" Moore has put some darkies in prison on less evidence than there is against him.

and this jealousy or envy of the rich is unbecoming JoeB .

No, what's unbecoming is we have children going to bed hungry at night while rich assholes buy dancing horses.
PROVE your allegations concerning Prisoners . --------------------------- As far as hungry children , there is foodstamps and welfare , food banks , charity , soup kitchens and private people that can be asked for food JoeB !!
even in the 20s there were poor people . I knew an old lady with 11 kids and a dead husband that had worked on a RailRoad . Old man got sick and died , family was provided with relief which amounted to being supplied with rough food , potatoes , grains , salt , sugar yada , yada and maybe a few bucks . Both of this old ladies older boys fought for the USA in ww2 , one died in France and the other came home after the war to marry and have a family , built his own house . Anyway , the family was fed at taxpayer expense even in the 1920s JoeB .
I don't know why there is all this distinction being made based on puberty. Some girls start their periods at 9, some don't start until they are 16. That doesn't have shit to do with it.
why does Alabama and several states have 16 as the age of consent? they are still children?
Believe it or not it was raised to 16 from 10.
Children and Youth in History | Age of Consent Laws

And should be raised again given what we know now and what should be OBVIOUS to anyone who has ever had a teenaged child. :eusa_eh: It's disgusting, it's creepy when grown men chase after teenaged girls. Yes, I know, some will say there are women out there who do this too, but it is MUCH more rare for women to be sexual predators, especially for little boys and girls.
The age of consent that we see for a particular state probably doesn't mean what you think it means. In most states, the laws vary by the type of sexual act, often the gender of the participants or other considerations, such as involving a position of trust and in some jurisdictions may also make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a single age. There are also conflicts between state and federal law.

People often confuse age of consent with the age of majority, age of criminal responsibility, voting age, drinking age, driving age, etc.
The only reason Gropenfranken admitted it was because she had the picture. And you know it so quit propping him up as a saint. He's a disgusting idiot. Typical libtardo hypocrite.

I never said he didn't do it. or that it was not wrong. I just said he handled it in an honorable way.

Until the son of a bitch resigns he hasn't "handled" it in an honorable way. Your moral compass is broken. Get a new one.

On what basis would he resign?

If I had a nickel for every time I posted that question tonight and got crickets, I'd have a dollar.

Did you miss the premise of "honor" the poster was referencing? Honor isn't just an apology, it carries consequences. If I steal a candy bar I just don't get to say I'm sorry, I have to pay a price.

I didn't miss a damn thing Elmer. I put a question out and all I get is the land of a thousand dances around it.

The question again, for those of you reading through mud-covered goggles, is what the basis would be for resigning from the Senate. In other words --- what the fuck does a personality conflict on a USO tour years ago --- none of which has jack squat to do with the Senate --- have to do with the Senate?

Let's see another dance now. :dance:

Your answer:

It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

There are legitimate concerns about sexual harassment

But a guy acting like an asshole is what we do
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
It's obvious that the media is trying to desensitize the public so they can grease the skids for their candidates like Creepy Joe Biden or Fondling Al Franken.
Prosecutor: Did you in fact hit on her sir?

Defendent: Yes sir.

Prosecutor: Your honor we request 90 days jail time & 1k restitution along with 100 hours of community service.

Is this our future? Gonna need contracts signed & notorized for sex?
-------------------------------------------------------------- somewhat related , This is said to be the 'Official Princeton Dancing Consent Guideline' for use at a school dance i think . --- Princeton issues guidelines for ‘Consent on the Dance Floor’ --- doesn't matter to me but i think its funny and some what related to your thoughts about Contracts Grandpa . Yep , I'm just glad that my growing up times were in the 60s and early 70s Grandpa .
---------------------- don't think that you caught anyone , as far as MOORE is concerned its all MERE accusations JoeB .

You can say that, but I'm betting "Judge" Moore has put some darkies in prison on less evidence than there is against him.

and this jealousy or envy of the rich is unbecoming JoeB .

No, what's unbecoming is we have children going to bed hungry at night while rich assholes buy dancing horses.
If your children are going to bed hungry, go feed them. Their hunger is your fault.
It is not just sexual misconduct / crime accusations that's the's the political 'gottcha' game on steroids both parties are playing....the Russians, Sexual Misconduct....anything and everything they can use to take down opposing party members ... it has become the #1 effort in DC, rather than doing their jobs and doing what is best for America.

The problem is, your side does what's best for the rich, not what's best for America.

The other part of the problem is that only your side is trying to tell Americans how they should conduct their sex lives - no abortions, no gay stuff, no adultery - so it's sweetly ironic when we catch one of yours in bed with an underage girl or a boy hooker and a pile of meth.
---------------------- don't think that you caught anyone , as far as MOORE is concerned its all MERE accusations JoeB .
It’s also 38 years too late!

Bu today's standards, the sailor in this photo should have his honorable discharge revoked and given a dishonorable discharge.

His ancestors should have to formally apologize to the family of the young woman who his is obviously molesting.

Remember: Given today's broad interpretation of sexual molestation, none of us would exist if it were not for sexual molestation.

(Geez, I remember when woman actually liked sex...some alien plot to exterminate the human race perhaps?!?!?)
No...that's getting hysterical just like the Navy hierarchy did after Tailhook. How hard is it to keep one's hands to oneself, gentlemen?

So you'd agree that the sailor in that picture is guilty of sexual molestation?

If men kept their hands to themselves, the human race would come to an end.

Sorry if you can't accept the realities of human behavior and biology.

While there are extreme behaviors that are absolutely unacceptable, today's broad interpretation of 'sexual molestation' would lead to the end of the human race.

The vast majority of romances that lead to marriages and children start with some degree of aggressive male behavior.

Or is your belief that aggressive male behavior is only acceptable when the man is extremely good looking, well endowed or wealthy, and that the average male should eliminated from the species?
Context, Comrade. Do you even know the event that triggered that kiss? Will you seriously be comparing that event and that kiss with Child-catcher Moore?

No wonder guys keep molesting girls.....they don't understand appropriateness at all....they think it's too much to ask they keep their hands to theirselves.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz come back in 38 more Years
Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Frankin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?
no he didn't, he waited until the photo was published. that's just getting caught. no apology saves that. had he called the woman and apologized after the event, then that is sincere. not after being caught.

She didn't express anger until recently. He apologized as soon as he was aware of that.
So! Minnesota still decides
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
It's obvious that the media is trying to desensitize the public so they can grease the skids for their candidates like Creepy Joe Biden or Fondling Al Franken.
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