Is ANYONE else sick of all this political shit with the sexual claims?

course it might be better , a return to the OLD DAYS like V.P. Mike Pence practices with his wife eh Bodecea :afro: ,
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.
Partisans are fine with - and in fact, outraged by - any sexual misconduct claims they feel may be politically advantageous to them.

Those that are not, or those that may be politically damaging to them, just aren't that big a deal, unless they're so bad they can't be spun.

We do know this, right? Am I not supposed to say this? Did I break a rule of politics here? Should I take a "time out" or sumpin'?

Yes, Mac, now go stand in the corner until you learn how to be a self righteous prick towards all the "right" people.
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.
-------------------------------------------------- BOTTOM LINE is simply that guys should keep their hands to themselves and that has been taught to many GOOD kids for generations Chris . Probably changed in the 60s but girls were willing from what i remember . Still , bottom line is that guys should keep their hands to themselves Chris .

Wow, calm down dude.

She was 14 when he had her touch his penis....

I am a christian and the man that you are defending is a slime of a man who uses bible scriptures to slam people just like the Governor of Alabama that had to step down because of his sexual infidelity 6 months ago..same kind of a man.


When he what, Comrade? tg

h Who even made a claim of touching penises other than you, Herr Goebbels? You making new shit up?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Moore is an obvious Criminal.

White, Christian? Yep, that is a "criminal" as far as you Stalinists are concerned.
No, just because a girl smiles at you doesn't mean she wants to do you either. :rolleyes: I don't know why some men have to be so weird when it comes to relationships and sex. Their views and attitudes seem totally dysfunctional to me. I guess some of them do not or do not want to recognize that women are also human beings with feelings, thoughts, desires, wants, etc.
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.

I'm going to disagree women are a fucking bitch to decipher. I had a chick make out with me and within 10 minutes she wanted nothing to do with me because some other gal hit on her. Women are fickle little bitches and a shit-ton of them will hit on you for no damn reason; so then you're thinking their interested so you do ask them to go on a date and they get stupid bent and zero to bitch on you. I just happen to be a hair smarter than men because I've seen it so damn much; men tend to go for the arm around the waist or try for a kiss or some shit which today gets them slapped with "sexual assault"...

Ya know, if I were a total bitch could slap a bunch of women with "sexual assault" because they're constantly up in my shit; grabbing my ass, rubbing my stomach, kissing me on the face or hands - they think it's a game, some kind of ego fluff that I find them attractive... I'm in a monogamous relationship and I've given up women... They know their safe so they tease me, intentionally, worse than they ever did when I was "available," knowing that I won't do shit, it's a fucking game for them to get me to break my vows, testing my control... It doesn't work on me because of my syn, but I have to imagine that women do that kind of crap to guys too, and now they've extended their cruel playground to ridiculous lengths under the threat of law and newly defined, massively restrictive, rule-sets that put it all on the guy, even when the woman is intentionally baiting them. It's rather disgusting to be frank. The whole shit about sexual assault of women was supposed to be protecting them, about respecting women - and so many bitches abuse it. Where's the respect for men, where's the protection for them in this shit? A bitch can change her mind the morning after and fucking destroy a guys life with a mere accusation; it's sickening.
i knew a couple Valets at a big luxury hotel years ago and in Los Angeles . They made good money with minimum wage and tips . A couple 3 - 4 times a year they'd take a few days off and head to Nevada and buy what they wanted . ------------- just a comment .
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes. And also saying “ethics investigation”. But I do find the panic on Mitch McConnel’s fat disgusting face amusing.

Still, Bitch McConnell has not called for his fellow swamp rat to resign, and he SURE hasn't called for the scumbag to be expelled.

Such measures are reserved for conservatives, under Bitch McConnells rule..
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.

They are the powerful, the oligarchs. They live a world where it is not only accepted, but celebrated to take what they want by force.

For well over 30 years, sexual harassment laws have been aggressively enforced against normals. A normal man who dares to even tell a women she looks nice in the workplace will lose his job, home and marriage.

But the swamp and Hollywood, the left, impose laws on normals that are not applied to them.
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.

I'm going to disagree women are a fucking bitch to decipher. I had a chick make out with me and within 10 minutes she wanted nothing to do with me because some other gal hit on her. Women are fickle little bitches and a shit-ton of them will hit on you for no damn reason; so then you're thinking their interested so you do ask them to go on a date and they get stupid bent and zero to bitch on you. I just happen to be a hair smarter than men because I've seen it so damn much; men tend to go for the arm around the waist or try for a kiss or some shit which today gets them slapped with "sexual assault"...

Ya know, if I were a total bitch could slap a bunch of women with "sexual assault" because they're constantly up in my shit; grabbing my ass, rubbing my stomach, kissing me on the face or hands - they think it's a game, some kind of ego fluff that I find them attractive... I'm in a monogamous relationship and I've given up women... They know their safe so they tease me, intentionally, worse than they ever did when I was "available," knowing that I won't do shit, it's a fucking game for them to get me to break my vows, testing my control... It doesn't work on me because of my syn, but I have to imagine that women do that kind of crap to guys too, and now they've extended their cruel playground to ridiculous lengths under the threat of law and newly defined, massively restrictive, rule-sets that put it all on the guy, even when the woman is intentionally baiting them. It's rather disgusting to be frank. The whole shit about sexual assault of women was supposed to be protecting them, about respecting women - and so many bitches abuse it. Where's the respect for men, where's the protection for them in this shit? A bitch can change her mind the morning after and fucking destroy a guys life with a mere accusation; it's sickening.

Well, I don't know what kind of people you hang out with. Maybe that is something you need to think about.
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.

I'm going to disagree women are a fucking bitch to decipher. I had a chick make out with me and within 10 minutes she wanted nothing to do with me because some other gal hit on her. Women are fickle little bitches and a shit-ton of them will hit on you for no damn reason; so then you're thinking their interested so you do ask them to go on a date and they get stupid bent and zero to bitch on you. I just happen to be a hair smarter than men because I've seen it so damn much; men tend to go for the arm around the waist or try for a kiss or some shit which today gets them slapped with "sexual assault"...

Ya know, if I were a total bitch could slap a bunch of women with "sexual assault" because they're constantly up in my shit; grabbing my ass, rubbing my stomach, kissing me on the face or hands - they think it's a game, some kind of ego fluff that I find them attractive... I'm in a monogamous relationship and I've given up women... They know their safe so they tease me, intentionally, worse than they ever did when I was "available," knowing that I won't do shit, it's a fucking game for them to get me to break my vows, testing my control... It doesn't work on me because of my syn, but I have to imagine that women do that kind of crap to guys too, and now they've extended their cruel playground to ridiculous lengths under the threat of law and newly defined, massively restrictive, rule-sets that put it all on the guy, even when the woman is intentionally baiting them. It's rather disgusting to be frank. The whole shit about sexual assault of women was supposed to be protecting them, about respecting women - and so many bitches abuse it. Where's the respect for men, where's the protection for them in this shit? A bitch can change her mind the morning after and fucking destroy a guys life with a mere accusation; it's sickening.

Something isn't right here. I highly doubt that you are that irresistible. Lol. :lol:
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.

They are the powerful, the oligarchs. They live a world where it is not only accepted, but celebrated to take what they want by force.

For well over 30 years, sexual harassment laws have been aggressively enforced against normals. A normal man who dares to even tell a women she looks nice in the workplace will lose his job, home and marriage.

But the swamp and Hollywood, the left, impose laws on normals that are not applied to them.

I don't think there is anything wrong with complimenting people. I compliment people all the time, tell them I like their shoes, their outfits, that their hair looks good, that they look beautiful today, or whatever. I don't think there are very many people who get upset over compliments, but there are your nice sincere compliments and then there are your sleazy acting people who will look at you as if you are food or something while "complimenting" you, and that can tend to be creepy after a while, especially if you have to deal with it day in and day out. I just wonder why human beings cannot have just a little bit of respect for one another, male or female, and especially in the workplace where people are just trying to make a living. It's starting to get really annoying, hearing about all of these things.
Why can't these men just keep their hands to themselves? Come on, they can't be so stupid that they can't tell when a woman doesn't want them to touch her?! The guys that are doing these things know full well. They just don't care. They think they are "entitled" to touch any woman, no matter how she feels about it. Something is wrong with a person who would want to have sex with another person who doesn't want them. They are sexually dysfunctional at least, if not mentally disturbed. Maybe this is due to rejection from women or how the environment they were raised up in.

I'm going to disagree women are a fucking bitch to decipher. I had a chick make out with me and within 10 minutes she wanted nothing to do with me because some other gal hit on her. Women are fickle little bitches and a shit-ton of them will hit on you for no damn reason; so then you're thinking their interested so you do ask them to go on a date and they get stupid bent and zero to bitch on you. I just happen to be a hair smarter than men because I've seen it so damn much; men tend to go for the arm around the waist or try for a kiss or some shit which today gets them slapped with "sexual assault"...

Ya know, if I were a total bitch could slap a bunch of women with "sexual assault" because they're constantly up in my shit; grabbing my ass, rubbing my stomach, kissing me on the face or hands - they think it's a game, some kind of ego fluff that I find them attractive... I'm in a monogamous relationship and I've given up women... They know their safe so they tease me, intentionally, worse than they ever did when I was "available," knowing that I won't do shit, it's a fucking game for them to get me to break my vows, testing my control... It doesn't work on me because of my syn, but I have to imagine that women do that kind of crap to guys too, and now they've extended their cruel playground to ridiculous lengths under the threat of law and newly defined, massively restrictive, rule-sets that put it all on the guy, even when the woman is intentionally baiting them. It's rather disgusting to be frank. The whole shit about sexual assault of women was supposed to be protecting them, about respecting women - and so many bitches abuse it. Where's the respect for men, where's the protection for them in this shit? A bitch can change her mind the morning after and fucking destroy a guys life with a mere accusation; it's sickening.

Well, I don't know what kind of people you hang out with. Maybe that is something you need to think about.

So basically you're saying it's /my/ fault? "choices I make" and shit yea? So what happened to people keeping their hands to themselves and shit?? Funny how hypocrisy works ain't it dear?

To answer your question; ~shrug~ with my syn it's a whatever.
I just relayed the story the other day that I was in Dunkin Donuts and some guy was just staring at me and staring and staring. Finally, he asked me about how tall I am. I told him and then he started talking about how much he "likes" petite women and how his girlfriend was petite and all kinds of things. It wasn't necessarily the things he said that were creepy, but his entire demeanor towards me was creepy. I wouldn't want to work with that man every day and have to listen to his stories about his conquests of petite women. I would not want to be alone with that man either.
I was listening to a female comedian who was bringing the Hollywood news to NPR. I don't know who it was and I am assuming it was a comedian because at the time the conversation centered on C.K. I do not think he is funny. At all. She loves him and they are good friends and her thing was he had abused his power and could people still love the people that did these bad things.

If it was humanly possible, I would have reached through the radio and pulled her head out of her ass for the following two reasons. The first is that the women involved agreed to it. So, what she said was yes means no. Reading body language has jack all to do with it. Did the women consent? Bam. End of story.

The second was when she said it happens in Hollywood and it happens in bakeries. It's all the same.

No. What happens in bakeries is that someone that is barely making ends meet is sexually harassed with the full knowledge that these people need.............not want..........need that income in order to survive. Or when the slum lord makes sexual advances towards a mother with children and knows this individual has no other place to go.

Women are not powerless. The power of no.

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