Is anyone surprised that the country hates MAGA

MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

It doesn't, so far, look to affect the over all out come of the election much though. Biden is making some gains, not much though.

I checked out three different places, even Decision Desk, a very pro-establishment liberal source. . is telling the administration they are in trouble.

Best start facing up to reality now. :oops:

Mar 28, 2024



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The republican party has become the party that HATES personal freedom. Hates everything this nation ever stood for. Pure shit.
Squeals the moron who demands vax mandates, wants to disarm the people, and wants to censor everyone who doesn't agree with you.

Sheesh you're stupid.
Maga is fascism, loserterianism and stone aged bs all boxed up into one package. It literally wants to transform America into a mixture of saudi arabia, iran and the islamic state.

It fucking sucks dick
I’d remind you that you’re both wrong and massively stupid, but I’m not sure you’d understand it.

There is not a kernel of truth in your stupid petty childish rant.
Seems pretty clear that we learned in 2016 that this is not a small part of the country. Not at all.

There's something inside these people that the rest of us didn't/don't see, and it's being fed, 24/7/365.

Again: The world has seen this before. It doesn't usually end well.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

If you and the Trump that lives between your ears is the country, then yes!

Otherwise? No.
Seems pretty clear that we learned in 2016 that this is not a small part of the country. Not at all.

There's something inside these people that the rest of us didn't/don't see, and it's being fed, 24/7/365.

Again: The world has seen this before. It doesn't usually end well.
Yeah, almost like a supermajority that votes, huh, Mac?

Guess what Mac? MAGA people aren't for the disarmament of the citizenry.

No demonization of any particular races, either.

Your argument and attempted retarded Nazi parallels:
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People are afraid to wear red hats. They don’t want to be identified as low IQ voters.
While we've seen some of this before in world history, there are a couple of qualities to this that seem new, and make this even more destructive.

First is the mal-information they receive in a constant stream and believe without question. And second is this joy in cruelty. How aggrieved can everyday people be to get so much happiness from it? While there may be some historical comparison for it, I can't think of it.

This is a fuckin' rage, it's not slowing down at all, and they want anyone not on board to feel it. I just don't get it.
While we've seen some of this before in world history, there are a couple of qualities to this that seem new, and make this even more destructive.

First is the mal-information they receive in a constant stream and believe without question. And second is this joy in cruelty. How aggrieved can everyday people be to get so much happiness from it? While there may be some historical comparison for it, I can't think of it.

This is a fuckin' rage, it's not slowing down at all, and they want anyone not on board to feel it. I just don't get it.
I must ask: What in the holy fuck are you talking about?

I'm not tuned into your TDS Hive Mind bullshit.

One has to think this is pure projection. Leftists never laugh at themselves or funny things, only at the misery

of others. Sadistically.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

/——/ You libtards are unhinged. Seek help. MAGA
Maga is fascism, loserterianism and stone aged bs all boxed up into one package. It literally wants to transform America into a mixture of saudi arabia, iran and the islamic state.

It fucking sucks dick
the "know nothings" were at the founding of the repubs, maga means they are now the dominant faction of that rico party.
I'll skip over the seeming fascination with fellatio in this thread; however, there was one post that I kinda hafta nod my head in agreement with.

This one:

"People are afraid to wear red hats. They don’t want to be identified as low IQ voter."

Now, I don't know why folks don't go out in public with their MAGA hats. But I rarely......rarely.....ever see one. Oh sure, I can watch some event on the telly where Don Trump is speaking or is nearby and there will be those red hats on some folks; but not in the real world of retail shopping, golf, sports arenas, or any activity where a hat is common or expected.

I've read on this venue that MAGA hats have become sort of the new "Kick Me" sign pasted on someone's kiester. I don't know if that is true or not. I certainly ain't inclined to kick anyone with one of the iconic hats. But, it ain't hard to conclude that that hat now serves as more of an identifier for one like-minded bloke to recognize another like-minded. Sort of a cult-badge, like that 'Q' lapel pin.

Regardless, it ain't common out there in the narrow slices of America that I live and travel in.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

He could have said traitors instead of vermin
First is the mal-information they receive in a constant stream and believe without question.

Max has a good show The Truth vs Alex Jones and it really goes into how this works and it really opened my eyes as to how people can believe the things they do
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

I wouldn't put a lot of stock in what some "poll of Americans" says. The majority of John Q Public can barely run their own lives.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Yes! You must CRUSH you opposition.

You, like Biden, love to peddle that hate, right? We all know, maga, in the eyes of democrats = all trump voting republicans.

So tell us…what exactly do you mean when you say they need to be treated as such?

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