Is Asia too Asian, Germany too German, France too French and is Africa too black?

The "leftist agenda" is to make The West a mess like Brazil, thus eliminating must culture and the various White ethnic groups. They are using 3rd world savages from the middle east to invade Europe and from every 3rd world cesspool to invade the USA.
The "leftist agenda" is to make The West a mess like Brazil, thus eliminating must culture and the various White ethnic groups. They are using 3rd world savages from the middle east to invade Europe and from every 3rd world cesspool to invade the USA.

Brazil is in the West.
Diversity is code word for less white people.Anti Racist is code word for Anti white. The left's goal is a nonwhite majority they can control period. That took a MAJOR blow in 2016 and continues to with Eastern Europe electing smart nationalist minded governments
i remember a General , trying to think of his name , i think he was CIA and he said on some news show that the goal of diversity in the USA is to populate the USA with all races , ethnicities , religions to the percentages that exist in the world . This guy i mention is a short fat guy with glasses and bald head .
Diversity is code word for less white people.Anti Racist is code word for Anti white. The left's goal is a nonwhite majority they can control period. That took a MAJOR blow in 2016 and continues to with Eastern Europe electing smart nationalist minded governments
-------------------------------- go Viktor Orban and others like him Odium .
The agenda is to destroy white nations. The minorities don't believe whites should have a home.

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