Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

Austerity has failed to spurn on the economy in europe.

Your ideas have failed.

why do you support historically failed ideas?

What a bullshit fucking article!:mad:

In the article they are talking about the 90's with Chretien as Prime Minister who had Paul Martin as his right hand man as a fabulous finance minister.

Their edge in getting rid of the deficit in the 90's that was still a hangover from the Trudeau years was a 7% GST (goods and services tax) that was implemented by Mulroney (conservative) as a temporary measure.

There are other issues with the GST as well. But that's a different story.

Fuck that noise on small tax increases. Imagine everything in your life just goes up 7% and you budget for it.

It was tough, and they got us out of a huge deficit, but then they never reduced the tax. They kept it on.


Not ONE part of that article deals with the global recession of the latter part of last decade till now.

And how our Conservative government kept their sticks on the ice and kept us ahead of everyone in the G7 on recovery.

It's total unadulterated fucking bullshit. Boy, I'm pissed but thanks for the article because I shall write a letter to the editor and blast them a new orifice.

ETA: pardon my french aka swearing but this article really ticked me off with its bullshit levels.
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blast your new oriface at them all you like.

they weill merely laugh at your made up partisan world veiw
Limitled spending and budgetary restraint should not be considered when the people have wants and needs...

All can be paid back later..........Print those dollars, there are social welfare programs to fund !!!! lol
Austerity has failed to spurn on the economy in europe.

Your ideas have failed.

why do you support historically failed ideas?

Au contraire, Bride of Franco.:lol:

Greece just passed their austerity measures. JUST passed them. March 2012.

Ditto Spain. January 2012.

How on earth can one judge if the measures have worked or not when they've just been implemented?

What a bullshit fucking article!:mad:

In the article they are talking about the 90's with Chretien as Prime Minister who had Paul Martin as his right hand man as a fabulous finance minister.

Their edge in getting rid of the deficit in the 90's that was still a hangover from the Trudeau years was a 7% GST (goods and services tax) that was implemented by Mulroney (conservative) as a temporary measure.

There are other issues with the GST as well. But that's a different story.

Fuck that noise on small tax increases. Imagine everything in your life just goes up 7% and you budget for it.

It was tough, and they got us out of a huge deficit, but then they never reduced the tax. They kept it on.


Not ONE part of that article deals with the global recession of the latter part of last decade till now.

And how our Conservative government kept their sticks on the ice and kept us ahead of everyone in the G7 on recovery.

It's total unadulterated fucking bullshit. Boy, I'm pissed but thanks for the article because I shall write a letter to the editor and blast them a new orifice.

Love the image.....What a perfectly Canadian thing to say. Thank you.
blast your new oriface at them all you like.

they weill merely laugh at your made up partisan world veiw

Really Bride of Franco?

Read the article yourself. They only deal with the 90's. What the hell does that have to do with the here and now.

" Canada was in such bad shape in the early 1990s that its dollar was called the “northern peso” and the Wall Street Journal sarcastically called Canada an honorary member of the Third World. Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chrétien took office in 1993 and put Canada on a brutal austerity diet. Big spending cuts and smaller tax increases took the federal budget from a big deficit to a surplus in just four years. And Canada’s economic growth rate accelerated from less than 3 percent in 1993 to more than 4 percent in 1998."

God you libs are such sheep.

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Limitled spending and budgetary restraint should not be considered when the people have wants and needs...

All can be paid back later..........Print those dollars, there are social welfare programs to fund !!!! lol

Worked for Germany didn't it in the 20's?


The way the Fed's printing the monopoly money, this will be franco shopping at Walmart in the very near future.
this is why your party is dying

No. This is why you are a partisan hack and a flamming idiot.

The only facts you like are your own.

Canada turned itself around big time in the 90's.

One can only hope we are smart enough to do the same.
this is why your party is dying

Yes, our dying party kicked your ass in 2010.

Please comment on those figures. I'd like to know what you think happened there.

And it appears we will keep the house, have a good chance of getting the senate, and might even kick out an incumbant president.

Yes, our party is dying.

Actually, we are a mess.

If we were organized, we would destroy you.

What does that say about your party ?


Well it's pretty strange that the author of the piece touts Germany's low unemployment and then complains that austerity measures don't work.

Here's the author of your linked piece.

"Euro zone unemployment just hit a 15-year high. German unemployment just hit a 15-year low


Guess when Merkel introduced austerity measures? Check the date now....

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures

by Eric Westervelt

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures : NPR


You're quite right. Numbers don't lie.

Well it's pretty strange that the author of the piece touts Germany's low unemployment and then complains that austerity measures don't work.

Here's the author of your linked piece.

"Euro zone unemployment just hit a 15-year high. German unemployment just hit a 15-year low


Guess when Merkel introduced austerity measures? Check the date now....

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures

by Eric Westervelt

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures : NPR


You're quite right. Numbers don't lie.

LOL They aren't Truthspatters "cold hard facts" therefore they are false. According to that flamming idiot anyway.

The Bride of Franco suits her quite well. She and he are lefty loons of the first magnitude.

She says that Conservative policies and ideas have failed big time throughtout history. I don't know who's history she's quoting as she never gives anyone those "cold hard facts."

She is worth a laugh or two.
Austerity has failed to spurn on the economy in europe.

Your ideas have failed.

why do you support historically failed ideas?

Au contraire, Bride of Franco.:lol:

Greece just passed their austerity measures. JUST passed them. March 2012.

Ditto Spain. January 2012.

How on earth can one judge if the measures have worked or not when they've just been implemented?
I see according to you austerity failed because there wasn't enough austerity. come back when you are able to actually think and are not a retard
this is why your party is dying

No. This is why you are a partisan hack and a flamming idiot.
Yes you being clueless and ignorant means others are idiots
The only facts you like are your own.

Canada turned itself around big time in the 90's.

One can only hope we are smart enough to do the same.
I see so you hope that we implement austerity measures that have never worked and have failed every time they were tried. Clearlrly you are nto even smart enough to breathe on your own

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