Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.
Incorrect so far Germany has increased govt spending by 2%
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Yes and despite Canada not having a housing bubble and a banking crises Canada's job growth and economic growth have been lower then Americas

Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes Americas did

Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry

It's obvious that a safety net that is so strong that it is impossible to fire a worker will result in lots of new hiring.

?????????????get back on the meds, dittohead.:cuckoo::eusa_angel:
No one in the world is missing the effects of the SECOND Pub world depression. Debt is not the problem now, it's lack of growth and Pubs obstruction and fear mongering. Absolute power mad, greedy, lying swine. Change the channel, dupes...

Well it's pretty strange that the author of the piece touts Germany's low unemployment and then complains that austerity measures don't work.

Here's the author of your linked piece.

"Euro zone unemployment just hit a 15-year high. German unemployment just hit a 15-year low


Guess when Merkel introduced austerity measures? Check the date now....

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures

by Eric Westervelt

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures : NPR


You're quite right. Numbers don't lie.
Germany hasn't implemented austerity. Try again
Euro Austerity, Continued -

That's not what the article says. It gives the "opinion" that the austerity measures of Germany are exaggerated.

Krugman also goes on to say "just as we here haven’t done much real stimulus".

That has to be the funniest thing I have ever read. Not much real stimulus. Nope, obviously you need to print more money in America, go into debt even further and make sure more Democrat bundlers get more $$$$$.


You're fucking broke and deeply in debt. Reality check.
What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.
Incorrect so far Germany has increased govt spending by 2%
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Yes and despite Canada not having a housing bubble and a banking crises Canada's job growth and economic growth have been lower then Americas

Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes Americas did

Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry

It's obvious that a safety net that is so strong that it is impossible to fire a worker will result in lots of new hiring.

Toddsterpatriot I'm not getting at all how liberals are thinking "strong socialsafety net or our healthcare (which is not free by any means) have any bearing on the economy.

Now a strong economic safety net I can understand. Such as our very strict banking regulations and the Bank Of Canada making sure everyone and their mother plays by the rules or they'd get a smack down.

And a Government that is actually rolling back on regulations so that idiotic regulations don't strangle new business development (btw we've got a huge overhaul going on up here on that issue).

I don't understand how so many liberals want to keep spending money the country doesn't have?

Now either they are stupid or greedy or both. I don't get how anyone can think they can "spend their way out of debt".

That's nuts.
What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.
Incorrect so far Germany has increased govt spending by 2%
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Yes and despite Canada not having a housing bubble and a banking crises Canada's job growth and economic growth have been lower then Americas

We have a highly regulated banking system that does not allow for Banks gambling away people's money on ponzi schemes.
Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes Americas did

" Canada's job market recovered more quickly from the recession than that of the United States, and the unemployment rate remains lower.

But for the first time in five years it no longer leads the U.S. in employment creation".

You see the key here is for the first time in 5 years. We've tapered off. But we are still rocking.

Surely, you are realistic enough to not believe the bullshit you are trying to hand me here.

We've been leading the G7 for years now. And we're looking forward to more modest growth this year.

Canada to kick off year with stronger job growth | Business | Reuters
Last edited:
Austerity has worked fine for Germany and Canada(both did this ten years ago), Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand just to name few.
It's not working in the U.K. because they haven't cut back enough in government entitlements.

stop spreading lies you have already been shown were lies
When are you going to realize that dog is smarter than you. It knows it doesn't have a clue so it remains silent. You should do the same.
Cheney was right ONCE...debt isn't that important. Happen to know the debt Ike had?
NZ and Australia raised their min wage to $15 and $13 an hour. THAT raises demand! You dupes are a brainwashed mess.

The Tories cut all kind of entitlements, moron, went directly into recession.

No it does not. Artificially hiking pay is countered by raising prices.
The money has to come from somewhere to pay people.
Government can put a band aid on costs( in this case wages) but it cannot control price.
If a widget costs $1 to produce it is sold to the end user at $2....If the government steps in and mandates the workers who create the widget must be paid more, the cost of the widget is increased. Therefore the price to the consumer must be increased in proportion to the increase the cost to produce.
The end result is all relative. Nobody wins.
Yup, Social Democratic Canada is in good shape, mainly because they don't have corrupt, cronyist Pubs, and brainwashed dupes...
It's obvious that a safety net that is so strong that it is impossible to fire a worker will result in lots of new hiring.

Is that why Europe has a higher percentage of their workign populations actually working?
Notice how reality always contradicts conservative ideology
Well it's pretty strange that the author of the piece touts Germany's low unemployment and then complains that austerity measures don't work.

Here's the author of your linked piece.

"Euro zone unemployment just hit a 15-year high. German unemployment just hit a 15-year low


Guess when Merkel introduced austerity measures? Check the date now....

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures

by Eric Westervelt

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures : NPR


You're quite right. Numbers don't lie.
Germany hasn't implemented austerity. Try again
Euro Austerity, Continued -

That's not what the article says. It gives the "opinion" that the austerity measures of Germany are exaggerated.

Krugman also goes on to say "just as we here haven’t done much real stimulus".

That has to be the funniest thing I have ever read. Not much real stimulus. Nope, obviously you need to print more money in America, go into debt even further and make sure more Democrat bundlers get more $$$$$.


You're fucking broke and deeply in debt. Reality check.

Oh I see so according to you Germany increasing government spending actually means they cut government spending:cuckoo:
Furthermore govt spending in America under Obama has increased less then under Reagan or Bush and govt employment has decreased udner Obama compared tot hose two periods we are implementing austerity and as a result we have a weaker economy
American Austerity -

Furthermore every country that impl;ments austerity gets deeper in debt because austerity caused the country to fall back into recession
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry

It's obvious that a safety net that is so strong that it is impossible to fire a worker will result in lots of new hiring.

?????????????get back on the meds, dittohead.:cuckoo::eusa_angel:

How's that job creation going in countries where you can never fire an employee?
Let's see your numbers.
And while you're at it, why don't you show how raising the minimum wage increases employment. LOL!
No one in the world is missing the effects of the SECOND Pub world depression. Debt is not the problem now, it's lack of growth and Pubs obstruction and fear mongering. Absolute power mad, greedy, lying swine. Change the channel, dupes...

Debt is not the problem now

Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry

It's obvious that a safety net that is so strong that it is impossible to fire a worker will result in lots of new hiring.

Toddsterpatriot I'm not getting at all how liberals are thinking "strong socialsafety net or our healthcare (which is not free by any means) have any bearing on the economy.

Now a strong economic safety net I can understand. Such as our very strict banking regulations and the Bank Of Canada making sure everyone and their mother plays by the rules or they'd get a smack down.

And a Government that is actually rolling back on regulations so that idiotic regulations don't strangle new business development (btw we've got a huge overhaul going on up here on that issue).

I don't understand how so many liberals want to keep spending money the country doesn't have?

Now either they are stupid or greedy or both. I don't get how anyone can think they can "spend their way out of debt".

That's nuts.

They're stupid.
Austerity has worked fine for Germany and Canada(both did this ten years ago), Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand just to name few.
It's not working in the U.K. because they haven't cut back enough in government entitlements.

I see so according to you Puerto Rico having 15% unemployment and GDP being down 16% and still being in recession is a success.
2nd Germany/Canada/Australia have all increased govt spending not cut it. And the reason those three countries are doing good is that Germany didn't have a housing bubble, Australia and Canada didn't have banking crashes or bubble crashes either.
In the UK the government implemented austerity measures equal to over 5% of GDP, as a result the economy is now back in recession, and the debt is higher then it was before asutierity
NZ and Australia raised their min wage to $15 and $13 an hour. THAT raises demand! You dupes are a brainwashed mess.

The Tories cut all kind of entitlements, moron, went directly into recession.

No it does not. Artificially hiking pay is countered by raising prices.
The money has to come from somewhere to pay people.
Government can put a band aid on costs( in this case wages) but it cannot control price.
If a widget costs $1 to produce it is sold to the end user at $2....If the government steps in and mandates the workers who create the widget must be paid more, the cost of the widget is increased. Therefore the price to the consumer must be increased in proportion to the increase the cost to produce.
The end result is all relative. Nobody wins.
Actually you are wrong
BW Online | April 12, 2004 | Commentary: The Costco Way
^A higher minimum wage that is 40% higher results in employee turnover being almost 400% less.
^Comparable stores that have higher wages saw less turnover and higher productivity and therefor lower costs of labour by a little less than 1/3. Meaning Costco’s employees are 30% more productive.
^Unemployment was lowest during times of high minimum wages.

Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Small Business | Economic Policy Institute
^States with higher minimum wages saw 30% more per capita job growth.
U.S. Department of Labor - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - Minimum Wage Laws in the States
^states with higher minimum wages saw 12% less poverty.
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
^Minimum wage increases preceded times with less inflation, less poverty and less unemployment, and more GDP growth.

Minimum wage has decreased even while minimum wage workers qualifications and productivity has increased.
Minimum wage has decreased by 20%.
Education attainment of minimum wage workers has increased by 50% and Workers productivity has increased by 45%
^Minimum wage workers: better educated, worse compensated | Economic Policy Institute
Workers' productivity rises...their wages don't

Top U.S. Chamber Official: The Minimum Wage Is 'Counterproductive' And 'Doesn't Help' | ThinkProgress
^Minimum wage increase in New Jersey followed more job growth then neighboring Pennsylvania who didn’t see an increase in minimum wage. In 2009 the minimum wage increase boosted consumer spending and therefor demand by 5 billion.

U.S. minimum wage hike a stimulus to economy: report | Reuters
Minimum Wage Increase Would Help Sluggish Economy, Say Experts
^A minimum wage increase would act similar to unemployment benefits and food stamps providing billions of stimulus and demand to the economy a dollar increase in the federal minimum wage would increase output by 10 billion dollars while simultaneously expanding living standards for the poorest Americans.
Obama saved us from the second great depression? HAHAHAHAHA, what a fool, but then again what do you expect. Obama is the king of cronyism, its' the Chicago way. Poor helpless sheep, they jumped off the cliff and haven't realized it yet.

Duh, we went from losing 750k jobs/month from 10/2008 to 4/2009 to gaining jobs every month since 10/2010. Since then, no stimulus or jobs bills, AND acredit rating dip thanks to Pub disfunction (that was S+P's explanation, dupe).

Pubs deserve to STFU, get voted out, and thrown in the garbage can of history- along with their propaganda/misinformation machine and its loudmouth hater/morons...:cuckoo::lol:

hey Frankie!......does this go for your side too?......they have a lot of Propaganda,Misinformation and they have a few loudmouths too.....OR are you just to stupid and Controlled to see that? to me Frankie.....
Yup, Social Democratic Canada is in good shape, mainly because they don't have corrupt, cronyist Pubs, and brainwashed dupes...

As has been explained to you BY A CANADIAN, they dropped their highly socialistic approach for a more conservative (libertarian) hands off approach.

So what they got rid of were the morons like you who don't know WTF you are talking about and they went with people who knew that people do best when they are not paying inflated prices.

You might also happen to know that CA is bigger than Canada and Cananda has an extremely tight immigrant employment policy. Every cab driver I have ever had came from Pakistan, India or the Middle East. Most had PHD's but are not allowed to practice in their respective fields.

Put a couple of 747's worth of illegals a day onto their healthcare and watch it crash.
What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.
Incorrect so far Germany has increased govt spending by 2%
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Yes and despite Canada not having a housing bubble and a banking crises Canada's job growth and economic growth have been lower then Americas

Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes Americas did

Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes America's Pubs did...


If you don't know that, you're sorely misled by their propaganda.

as someone who is very sorely misled by should know Frankie.....

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