Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

Speaking of Retards. I consider anything you have to say as coming from a retard plus.

Oh BTW, They did work in Canada. Try again idiot.
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Austerity has worked fine for Germany and Canada(both did this ten years ago), Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand just to name few.
It's not working in the U.K. because they haven't cut back enough in government entitlements.

Germany had a strong social safety net in place that was not touched by austerity measures. Canada has universal health care. Apples & oranges.
" I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, and destroy Medicare!" You go Pub chumps...

Saw Krugman on Charlie Rose last night. Even he says it's too late, Pubs have blocked a quick recovery back in 2010. All we can do now is rehire the 550,000 teachers, firemen, and policemen Pubs cut last year.

The "common sense" debt crisis "jobs, jobs, jobs" BULLSHYTTE has not totally ruined the recovery, but going back to cronyism and stupid, corrupt deregulation is nuts. This recovery is built on stability and intelligence, not another boom for greedy rich polluting, screw the workers Pubs and a bust for the rest AND the country.

Thanks for the depression and the stupidest (off the books) wars ever, morons...

Well it's pretty strange that the author of the piece touts Germany's low unemployment and then complains that austerity measures don't work.

Here's the author of your linked piece.

"Euro zone unemployment just hit a 15-year high. German unemployment just hit a 15-year low


Guess when Merkel introduced austerity measures? Check the date now....

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures

by Eric Westervelt

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures : NPR


You're quite right. Numbers don't lie.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to tinydancer again.
Obama saved us from the second great depression? HAHAHAHAHA, what a fool, but then again what do you expect. Obama is the king of cronyism, its' the Chicago way. Poor helpless sheep, they jumped off the cliff and haven't realized it yet.
NZ and Australia raised their min wage to $15 and $13 an hour. THAT raises demand! You dupes are a brainwashed mess.

The Tories cut all kind of entitlements, moron, went directly into recession.
Obama saved us from the second great depression? HAHAHAHAHA, what a fool, but then again what do you expect. Obama is the king of cronyism, its' the Chicago way. Poor helpless sheep, they jumped off the cliff and haven't realized it yet.

Duh, we went from losing 750k jobs/month from 10/2008 to 4/2009 to gaining jobs every month since 10/2010. Since then, no stimulus or jobs bills, AND acredit rating dip thanks to Pub disfunction (that was S+P's explanation, dupe).

Pubs deserve to STFU, get voted out, and thrown in the garbage can of history- along with their propaganda/misinformation machine and its loudmouth hater/morons...:cuckoo::lol:
Speaking of garbage cans, Propaganda and misinformation?

I'm sure the Dems will be taking up residence in that garbage can real soon.

Loudmouths/haters/morons?? Fits you to a tee you idiot.
Austerity has worked fine for Germany and Canada(both did this ten years ago), Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand just to name few.
It's not working in the U.K. because they haven't cut back enough in government entitlements.

Germany had a strong social safety net in place that was not touched by austerity measures. Canada has universal health care. Apples & oranges.

What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.

Check the date:

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Re: Canada and I am a Canuck, what pray tell does our health care system have to do with economics?

Our government first and foremost did not go bonkers throwing money out the window on bullshit job creation and stimulus money to pay back all their backers from an election like the Democrats did.

It was a very tightly monitored infusion of cash into job creation with EVERY PENNY accounted for.

We have a highly regulated banking system that does not allow for Banks gambling away people's money on ponzi schemes.

And our finance minister isn't an academic economically challenged moron like Geitner. He's knows what he's doing.

And to top it all off my Conservative Prime Minister has a Masters in Economics but better than that he had a day job before he became PM. Harper understands the real world.

This is why we lead the G7 in recovery.
Austerity has worked fine for Germany and Canada(both did this ten years ago), Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand just to name few.
It's not working in the U.K. because they haven't cut back enough in government entitlements.

Germany had a strong social safety net in place that was not touched by austerity measures. Canada has universal health care. Apples & oranges.

What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.

Check the date:

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Re: Canada and I am a Canuck, what pray tell does our health care system have to do with economics?

Our government first and foremost did not go bonkers throwing money out the window on bullshit job creation and stimulus money to pay back all their backers from an election like the Democrats did.

It was a very tightly monitored infusion of cash into job creation with EVERY PENNY accounted for.

We have a highly regulated banking system that does not allow for Banks gambling away people's money on ponzi schemes.

And our finance minister isn't an academic economically challenged moron like Geitner. He's knows what he's doing.

And to top it all off my Conservative Prime Minister has a Masters in Economics but better than that he had a day job before he became PM. Harper understands the real world.

This is why we lead the G7 in recovery.

Good for you TD and good for Canada.

Too bad our leaders aren't as smart as yours. Too bad they don't have any damned common sense.

Franco is an idiot who's hatred of the GOP is all he thinks about. What a moron.
stop spreading lies you have already been shown were lies

You are the one who won't accept that cutting government, entitlements, lowering corp. taxes and reforming taxes works.
What part of, you can't spend 1.2 trillion more than what you take in does not work?
Until we get more businesses and entrepreneurs, and we won't if we dont' get rid of over blown regulations and high corp taxes cut, then were going down big time.

what were corporate tax rates during our most historically prosperous years?

The highest in the world? :cuckoo:
NZ and Australia raised their min wage to $15 and $13 an hour. THAT raises demand! You dupes are a brainwashed mess.

The Tories cut all kind of entitlements, moron, went directly into recession.

They should have raised it to $100, what could go wrong? :cuckoo:
Austerity has worked fine for Germany and Canada(both did this ten years ago), Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand just to name few.
It's not working in the U.K. because they haven't cut back enough in government entitlements.

Germany had a strong social safety net in place that was not touched by austerity measures. Canada has universal health care. Apples & oranges.

What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.

Check the date:

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Re: Canada and I am a Canuck, what pray tell does our health care system have to do with economics?

Our government first and foremost did not go bonkers throwing money out the window on bullshit job creation and stimulus money to pay back all their backers from an election like the Democrats did.

It was a very tightly monitored infusion of cash into job creation with EVERY PENNY accounted for.

We have a highly regulated banking system that does not allow for Banks gambling away people's money on ponzi schemes.

And our finance minister isn't an academic economically challenged moron like Geitner. He's knows what he's doing.

And to top it all off my Conservative Prime Minister has a Masters in Economics but better than that he had a day job before he became PM. Harper understands the real world.

This is why we lead the G7 in recovery.

I can only get the mobile link to work in my phone. Article is from NPR and is titled "The Misuse Of The German Example"
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Well it's pretty strange that the author of the piece touts Germany's low unemployment and then complains that austerity measures don't work.

Here's the author of your linked piece.

"Euro zone unemployment just hit a 15-year high. German unemployment just hit a 15-year low


Guess when Merkel introduced austerity measures? Check the date now....

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures

by Eric Westervelt

June 8, 2010

The German government has announced a package of spending cuts intended to keep the country's sovereign debt in check. Chancellor Merkel says Germany needs to save around $100 billion over the next four years. She also hopes other countries using the euro will follow Germany's lead and introduce their own austerity programs to help strengthen confidence in the currency.

Germany Introduces Austerity Measures : NPR


You're quite right. Numbers don't lie.
Germany hasn't implemented austerity. Try again
Euro Austerity, Continued -
NZ and Australia raised their min wage to $15 and $13 an hour. THAT raises demand! You dupes are a brainwashed mess.

The Tories cut all kind of entitlements, moron, went directly into recession.

They should have raised it to $100, what could go wrong? :cuckoo:

Congratulations. Stupidest possible argument...moron.:cuckoo:

As I said, even Krugman only wants rehiring thoseb 550k teachers, police, and firemen, and some infrastrure jobs bills the responsible GOP has always been for in the past, before they went nuts and the ideologically blind dupes/inmates took over the asylum.
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What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.
Incorrect so far Germany has increased govt spending by 2%
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Our government first and foremost did not go bonkers throwing money out the window on bullshit job creation and stimulus money to pay back all their backers from an election like the Democrats did.
Yes and despite Canada not having a housing bubble and a banking crises Canada's job growth and economic growth have been lower then Americas

We have a highly regulated banking system that does not allow for Banks gambling away people's money on ponzi schemes.
Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes Americas did
What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.
Incorrect so far Germany has increased govt spending by 2%
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Yes and despite Canada not having a housing bubble and a banking crises Canada's job growth and economic growth have been lower then Americas

We have a highly regulated banking system that does not allow for Banks gambling away people's money on ponzi schemes.
Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes Americas did

Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes America's Pubs did...


If you don't know that, you're sorely misled by their propaganda.
NZ and Australia raised their min wage to $15 and $13 an hour. THAT raises demand! You dupes are a brainwashed mess.

The Tories cut all kind of entitlements, moron, went directly into recession.

They should have raised it to $100, what could go wrong? :cuckoo:

Congratulations. Stupidest possible argument...moron.:cuckoo:

As I said, even Krugman only wants rehiring thoseb 550k teachers, police, and firemen, and some infrastrure jobs bills the responsible GOP has always been for in the past, before they went nuts and the ideologically blind dupes/inmates took over the asylum.

Yes, the argument that by increasing costs we can increase demand is truly stupid.
What pray tell are you talking about? A strong social safety net didn't have jack shit to do with economics.
Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry
Euro Austerity, Continued -

One more time. Merkel had to introduce austerity measures to bring Germany back from the brink of a serious recession.
Incorrect so far Germany has increased govt spending by 2%
Euro Austerity, Continued -

Yes and despite Canada not having a housing bubble and a banking crises Canada's job growth and economic growth have been lower then Americas

We have a highly regulated banking system that does not allow for Banks gambling away people's money on ponzi schemes.
Yes your politicians didn't make the same mistakes Americas did

Actually a strong saftey net results in more people starting business, it also provides instant stimulus programs during a depressed economy, and lifts millions out of povetry

It's obvious that a safety net that is so strong that it is impossible to fire a worker will result in lots of new hiring.

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