Is Australia the Greatest Nation on Earth Concerning Freedom and Human Happiness?

but some people still have morals and ethics and respect freedom and perfer to be responsible for our self's like real men and women do.who pays for your subsidization ?
But you don't actually pay for you own health care. The other people in your insurance pool pay for your care, as you do theirs. Nor will you be paying directly for the development of a COVID vaccine, for example. Rugged independence is just pablum you've been fed since birth.

Like I said the government isn't making any vaccines.

It's a race and the first company to get one on the market will cash in.

Some vaccine research is being done by tax funded universities.

Indeed Oxford looked like they had the first viable vaccine but they have hit some roadblocks.

And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.

Many vaccines have been developed by universities and indeed with COVID vaccine many drug companies are working with universities to develop the vaccine as they will manufacture it.

don't fool yourself the money is coming from big pharma.

and it will be big pharma that makes and distributes any vaccine for Covid

Funding is coming from everywhere, most of the research funding is from universities even with government grants, but Big phrama and small pharma too (all companies globally are racing on this one) are cooperating.

One thing I do know is every Aussie will get their vaccine much cheaper than Americans if all other pharmaceutical prices be our guide.

my vaccine won't cost me a dime because I have very good health insurance. Way better than the fucking government can provide
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but some people still have morals and ethics and respect freedom and perfer to be responsible for our self's like real men and women do.who pays for your subsidization ?
But you don't actually pay for you own health care. The other people in your insurance pool pay for your care, as you do theirs. Nor will you be paying directly for the development of a COVID vaccine, for example. Rugged independence is just pablum you've been fed since birth.

Like I said the government isn't making any vaccines.

It's a race and the first company to get one on the market will cash in.

Some vaccine research is being done by tax funded universities.

Indeed Oxford looked like they had the first viable vaccine but they have hit some roadblocks.

And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.

Many vaccines have been developed by universities and indeed with COVID vaccine many drug companies are working with universities to develop the vaccine as they will manufacture it.

don't fool yourself the money is coming from big pharma.

and it will be big pharma that makes and distributes any vaccine for Covid

Funding is coming from everywhere, most of the research funding is from universities even with government grants, but Big phrama and small pharma too (all companies globally are racing on this one) are cooperating.

One thing I do know is every Aussie will get their vaccine much cheaper than Americans if all other pharmaceutical prices be our guide.
you got a link to that claim about funding in the US?

And my vaccine won'tcost me a dime because I have very good health insurance. Way better than the fucking government can provide
Aussies think everything is better there due to their egos and massive swelled heads they have
In case you haven't noticed the fucking government isn't making vaccines those evil pharmaceutical corporations are.

The fucking government doesn't make anything
Being fast tracked by the government. How come you aren't fast tracking vaccine development?
And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.
It's almost as if you think 'Big Pharma' does research and not marketing. Almost.
In case you haven't noticed the fucking government isn't making vaccines those evil pharmaceutical corporations are.

The fucking government doesn't make anything
Being fast tracked by the government. How come you aren't fast tracking vaccine development?
How much do you want to bet that a US company will be the first out with a vaccine?

And Since you don't know anything about what is going on in the US you might want to learn how the FDA has allowed vaccine trials to be accelerated by combining the phases of the trial that have always been completely separate before.
And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.
It's almost as if you think 'Big Pharma' does research and not marketing. Almost.

They do research and they fund research and they have the resources to conduct nationwide trials and to jump through all the FDA hoops not to mention manufacture mass quantities of vaccines.

The fucking government cannot do that.
And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.
It's almost as if you think 'Big Pharma' does research and not marketing. Almost.

They do research and they fund research and they have the resources to conduct nationwide trials and to jump through all the FDA hoops not to mention manufacture mass quantities of vaccines.

The fucking government cannot do that.

All drug development, private and university has to jump through those hoops.

Those hoops keep the big drug companies from selling you snake oil.

Yes it is.
What's up with the "my country is better than your country" crap? You remind me of a high schooler arguing that your school is better than my school. Who cares?

Well an native born Aussie would never do it, I admit, but I grew up in America where we were force fed slogans about how we were the shining light on the hill and told how we are the greatest at everything.

We see it on this very forum all the time.

It is just the American in me bragging about how much better Australia is.

Yes it is.
What's up with the "my country is better than your country" crap? You remind me of a high schooler arguing that your school is better than my school. Who cares?

Well an native born Aussie would never do it, I admit, but I grew up in America where we were force fed slogans about how we were the shining light on the hill and told how we are the greatest at everything.

We see it on this very forum all the time.

It is just the American in me bragging about how much better Australia is.
I think you miss being an American. That's why your Avatar is Cool Hand Luke and not Crocodile Dundee.

I miss the America that was and no longer is.
So do I.
And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.
It's almost as if you think 'Big Pharma' does research and not marketing. Almost.

They do research and they fund research and they have the resources to conduct nationwide trials and to jump through all the FDA hoops not to mention manufacture mass quantities of vaccines.

The fucking government cannot do that.

All drug development, private and university has to jump through those hoops.

Those hoops keep the big drug companies from selling you snake oil.

Tell me what US university is capable producing vaccines on the scale necessary for COVID

Hint the Answer is spelled N O N E.

According to the New York Times there is not one US vaccine trial being run by a public university.

only Australians think its the greatest mainly due to their inflated egos and swollen heads 3 x their normal size.
And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.
It's almost as if you think 'Big Pharma' does research and not marketing. Almost.

They do research and they fund research and they have the resources to conduct nationwide trials and to jump through all the FDA hoops not to mention manufacture mass quantities of vaccines.

The fucking government cannot do that.

All drug development, private and university has to jump through those hoops.

Those hoops keep the big drug companies from selling you snake oil.

Tell me what US university is capable producing vaccines on the scale necessary for COVID

Hint the Answer is spelled N O N E.

According to the New York Times there is not one US vaccine trial being run by a public university.

I think you are missing the point university research and commercial development often work together.

Americans are so binary in thought.

Indeed of a university comes up with the vaccine first, it controls the patent and then can insure the manufacture does not gouge as so many US pharmaceutical companies do.

Jesus Americans get ripped off on drug prices.
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but some people still have morals and ethics and respect freedom and perfer to be responsible for our self's like real men and women do.who pays for your subsidization ?
But you don't actually pay for you own health care. The other people in your insurance pool pay for your care, as you do theirs. Nor will you be paying directly for the development of a COVID vaccine, for example. Rugged independence is just pablum you've been fed since birth.

Like I said the government isn't making any vaccines.

It's a race and the first company to get one on the market will cash in.

Some vaccine research is being done by tax funded universities.

Indeed Oxford looked like they had the first viable vaccine but they have hit some roadblocks.

And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.

Many vaccines have been developed by universities and indeed with COVID vaccine many drug companies are working with universities to develop the vaccine as they will manufacture it.

don't fool yourself the money is coming from big pharma.

and it will be big pharma that makes and distributes any vaccine for Covid

Funding is coming from everywhere, most of the research funding is from universities even with government grants, but Big phrama and small pharma too (all companies globally are racing on this one) are cooperating.

One thing I do know is every Aussie will get their vaccine much cheaper than Americans if all other pharmaceutical prices be our guide.

my vaccine won't cost me a dime because I have very good health insurance. Way better than the fucking government can provide


That was the laugh of the day.

Your premiums are paying for it.

At much higher cost than universal insurance.

That is if your policy even covers it as all universal insurance and the PBS in Australia does.
but some people still have morals and ethics and respect freedom and perfer to be responsible for our self's like real men and women do.who pays for your subsidization ?
But you don't actually pay for you own health care. The other people in your insurance pool pay for your care, as you do theirs. Nor will you be paying directly for the development of a COVID vaccine, for example. Rugged independence is just pablum you've been fed since birth.

Like I said the government isn't making any vaccines.

It's a race and the first company to get one on the market will cash in.

Some vaccine research is being done by tax funded universities.

Indeed Oxford looked like they had the first viable vaccine but they have hit some roadblocks.

And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.

Many vaccines have been developed by universities and indeed with COVID vaccine many drug companies are working with universities to develop the vaccine as they will manufacture it.

don't fool yourself the money is coming from big pharma.

and it will be big pharma that makes and distributes any vaccine for Covid

Funding is coming from everywhere, most of the research funding is from universities even with government grants, but Big phrama and small pharma too (all companies globally are racing on this one) are cooperating.

One thing I do know is every Aussie will get their vaccine much cheaper than Americans if all other pharmaceutical prices be our guide.

my vaccine won't cost me a dime because I have very good health insurance. Way better than the fucking government can provide


That was the laugh of the day.

Your premiums are paying for it.

At much higher cost than universal insurance.

That is if your policy even covers it as all universal insurance and the PBS in Australia does.

My insurance premiums aren't that high and I get better coverage than the fucking government can provide.

And yes my insurance covers vaccinations with no copay.

Why you people think the fucking government can solve all your problems is beyond me. I for one wouldn't trust any corrupt asshole of a politician as far as a 5 year old could throw them

and your coverage isn't free even if you're dumb enough to think it is. You pay for it via higher taxes.
And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.
It's almost as if you think 'Big Pharma' does research and not marketing. Almost.

They do research and they fund research and they have the resources to conduct nationwide trials and to jump through all the FDA hoops not to mention manufacture mass quantities of vaccines.

The fucking government cannot do that.

All drug development, private and university has to jump through those hoops.

Those hoops keep the big drug companies from selling you snake oil.

Tell me what US university is capable producing vaccines on the scale necessary for COVID

Hint the Answer is spelled N O N E.

According to the New York Times there is not one US vaccine trial being run by a public university.

I think you are missing the point university research and commercial development often work together.

Americans are so binary in thought.

Indeed of a university comes up with the vaccine first, it controls the patent and then can insure the manufacture does not gouge as so many US pharmaceutical companies do.

Jesus Americans get ripped off on drug prices.
we pay more for drugs here because it makes it cheaper in other nations if other nations like Australia would actually pay their far share we would have to pay as much,
Now as for university developing vaccines that bull crap they dont have the resources to do so, they do research and only a few are good at that . but the actual development and testing and production are done by Pharmaceutical company's , cost vary but your talking about 1 to 5 billion dollars and as much as 10 years for development testing and approval . by the way most research by university is paid for by Pharmaceutical company's and University's don't do any thing but research as far as I know
but some people still have morals and ethics and respect freedom and perfer to be responsible for our self's like real men and women do.who pays for your subsidization ?
But you don't actually pay for you own health care. The other people in your insurance pool pay for your care, as you do theirs. Nor will you be paying directly for the development of a COVID vaccine, for example. Rugged independence is just pablum you've been fed since birth.

Like I said the government isn't making any vaccines.

It's a race and the first company to get one on the market will cash in.

Some vaccine research is being done by tax funded universities.

Indeed Oxford looked like they had the first viable vaccine but they have hit some roadblocks.

And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.

Many vaccines have been developed by universities and indeed with COVID vaccine many drug companies are working with universities to develop the vaccine as they will manufacture it.

don't fool yourself the money is coming from big pharma.

and it will be big pharma that makes and distributes any vaccine for Covid

Funding is coming from everywhere, most of the research funding is from universities even with government grants, but Big phrama and small pharma too (all companies globally are racing on this one) are cooperating.

One thing I do know is every Aussie will get their vaccine much cheaper than Americans if all other pharmaceutical prices be our guide.

my vaccine won't cost me a dime because I have very good health insurance. Way better than the fucking government can provide


That was the laugh of the day.

Your premiums are paying for it.

At much higher cost than universal insurance.

That is if your policy even covers it as all universal insurance and the PBS in Australia does.

My insurance premiums aren't that high and I get better coverage than the fucking government can provide.

And yes my insurance covers vaccinations with no copay.

Why you people think the fucking government can solve all your problems is beyond me. I for one wouldn't trust any corrupt asshole of a politician as far as a 5 year old could throw them

and your coverage isn't free even if you're dumb enough to think it is. You pay for it via higher taxes.

The average American's insurance premiums are $474 per month according to the AMA.

The average Australian's is 88$ per month on the taxed levy.

We get better results in health care than the US in every category except breast and prostrate cancer treatments, and there we are close.

Our wait times for GPs are shorter, critical surgery the same and in most elective surgery not that far behind. (Except hip replacements)|

Our PBS buys and subsidises drug prices, on almost every drug we pay two thirds lower than a US consumer.

Drugs are lower here because the government is the main insurer so has far more bargaining power with drug producers and can drive down the price where as the drug companies loot American private insurance companies and the consumer because in a fragmented insurance system they simply do not have the same bargaining power.
but some people still have morals and ethics and respect freedom and perfer to be responsible for our self's like real men and women do.who pays for your subsidization ?
But you don't actually pay for you own health care. The other people in your insurance pool pay for your care, as you do theirs. Nor will you be paying directly for the development of a COVID vaccine, for example. Rugged independence is just pablum you've been fed since birth.

Like I said the government isn't making any vaccines.

It's a race and the first company to get one on the market will cash in.

Some vaccine research is being done by tax funded universities.

Indeed Oxford looked like they had the first viable vaccine but they have hit some roadblocks.

And those universities cannot compete with big pharma.

When a vaccine is out it will not come from some public university.

Many vaccines have been developed by universities and indeed with COVID vaccine many drug companies are working with universities to develop the vaccine as they will manufacture it.

don't fool yourself the money is coming from big pharma.

and it will be big pharma that makes and distributes any vaccine for Covid

Funding is coming from everywhere, most of the research funding is from universities even with government grants, but Big phrama and small pharma too (all companies globally are racing on this one) are cooperating.

One thing I do know is every Aussie will get their vaccine much cheaper than Americans if all other pharmaceutical prices be our guide.

my vaccine won't cost me a dime because I have very good health insurance. Way better than the fucking government can provide


That was the laugh of the day.

Your premiums are paying for it.

At much higher cost than universal insurance.

That is if your policy even covers it as all universal insurance and the PBS in Australia does.

My insurance premiums aren't that high and I get better coverage than the fucking government can provide.

And yes my insurance covers vaccinations with no copay.

Why you people think the fucking government can solve all your problems is beyond me. I for one wouldn't trust any corrupt asshole of a politician as far as a 5 year old could throw them

and your coverage isn't free even if you're dumb enough to think it is. You pay for it via higher taxes.

The average American's insurance premiums are $474 per month according to the AMA.

The average Australian's is 88$ per month on the taxed levy.

We get better results in health care than the US in every category except breast and prostrate cancer treatments, and there we are close.

Our wait times for GPs are shorter, critical surgery the same and in most elective surgery not that far behind. (Except hip replacements)|

Our PBS buys and subsidises drug prices, on almost every drug we pay two thirds lower than a US consumer.

Drugs are lower here because the government is the main insurer so has far more bargaining power with drug producers and can drive down the price where as the drug companies loot American private insurance companies and the consumer because in a fragmented insurance system they simply do not have the same bargaining power.


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