Is being pro-2nd amendment automatically make you offensive?


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2021
It seems like that’s how some people react. At my last job, I had a coffee thermos with a “Molon labe” and a Roman legion helmet on it and was told by my manager that some coworkers found it very offensive? I wore my Grunt Style tee shirt on tee shirt day, no message or words on front, just flag on one sleeve and rifles on the other and was told some found that aggressive and political?

I ignored it and nothing came of it, but has anyone else had these experiences? Are guns, or the flag or the constitution considered triggering?
Maybe it's not the guns but you they find offensive...

Seriously though, since I don't display or discuss my position regarding the 2nd, I can say that I have never experienced that which you describe.
It seems like that’s how some people react. At my last job, I had a coffee thermos with a “Molon labe” and a Roman legion helmet on it and was told by my manager that some coworkers found it very offensive? I wore my Grunt Style tee shirt on tee shirt day, no message or words on front, just flag on one sleeve and rifles on the other and was told some found that aggressive and political?

I ignored it and nothing came of it, but has anyone else had these experiences? Are guns, or the flag or the constitution considered triggering?
It seems like that’s how some people react. At my last job, I had a coffee thermos with a “Molon labe” and a Roman legion helmet on it and was told by my manager that some coworkers found it very offensive? I wore my Grunt Style tee shirt on tee shirt day, no message or words on front, just flag on one sleeve and rifles on the other and was told some found that aggressive and political?

I ignored it and nothing came of it, but has anyone else had these experiences? Are guns, or the flag or the constitution considered triggering?

Snowflakes were offended?

Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads I always say.
It seems like that’s how some people react. At my last job, I had a coffee thermos with a “Molon labe” and a Roman legion helmet on it and was told by my manager that some coworkers found it very offensive? I wore my Grunt Style tee shirt on tee shirt day, no message or words on front, just flag on one sleeve and rifles on the other and was told some found that aggressive and political?

I ignored it and nothing came of it, but has anyone else had these experiences? Are guns, or the flag or the constitution considered triggering?

As a rule, these days, the watchword for patriots is discretion. For many reasons unimportant to this thread discussion I will not wear clothing bearing logos, emblems or slogans of any kind. While free Americans should be able to wear whatever they choose without fear of political persecution, why would one want to go out of one's way to broadcast his stance on such political issues? If a colleague approaches me and starts talking up something like gun ownership or have I completed any 80% lowers, I walk away in a hurry or put on a puzzled grimace. Chance favors the prepared mind and loose lips (or t-shirt logos) sink ships.
I just wear my cowboy boots and sometimes pack a pistol to shoot an occasional coyote or fox in the field when i check cows :)
It seems like that’s how some people react. At my last job, I had a coffee thermos with a “Molon labe” and a Roman legion helmet on it and was told by my manager that some coworkers found it very offensive? I wore my Grunt Style tee shirt on tee shirt day, no message or words on front, just flag on one sleeve and rifles on the other and was told some found that aggressive and political?

I ignored it and nothing came of it, but has anyone else had these experiences? Are guns, or the flag or the constitution considered triggering?
I just wear my cowboy boots and sometimes pack a pistol to shoot an occasional coyote or fox in the field when i check cows :)

What caliber? We have a lot of yotes here in Wisconsin. I'd shoot every one of the damned things if I could, but they're sneaky.
Democrats have the full cooperation of the mainstream media on their side so it doesn't take much to put ordinary Americans on the defensive in a Constitutional issue. You have a 1st Amendment freedom of speech issue and a 2nd Amendment issue and lefties couldn't care less. Americans who support the Constitution used to be celebrated. It only took a generation after Vietnam to turn that around.
What caliber? We have a lot of yotes here in Wisconsin. I'd shoot every one of the damned things if I could, but they're sneaky.
Yes they are and they eat my baby calves,, it's sad. They are ruthless. It's good to inject some out of date Poison into the meaty part of a dead calf or heifer in the hip or the shoulder of a carcasses so the predators have a little snack before they die!!! Just saying, I'm not trying to be cruel but when they kill the cattle or horses and that's your means and/or lively hood then it's an easy fix. MOOOOO!! :)
How bout them wolves, we didn't even talk about them, that's a whole different story. They are so BEAUTIFUL however they multiply like rabbits and kill for the sake of simply KILLING and they are known to just leave there kill and not always eat or consume the meat.
To me that's not right!!

Democrats have the full cooperation of the mainstream media on their side so it doesn't take much to put ordinary Americans on the defensive in a Constitutional issue. You have a 1st Amendment freedom of speech issue and a 2nd Amendment issue and lefties couldn't care less. Americans who support the Constitution used to be celebrated. It only took a generation after Vietnam to turn that around.
Fuck the Dems!!
I'm soooo sorry for all of the Vietnam Vets that lost there lives and they were treated like SHIT when they came home, well at least the ones that did get home!! So sad..

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