Is belief in an Abrahamic religion incompatible with a belief in a better future?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Almost half of Americans believe Jesus will arrive by 2050.

Jesus Christ’s Return to Earth

Is belief in an Abrahamic religion incompatible with a desire for a future that resembles a space opera? Is a belief that the universe out there is like Mass Effect incompatible with the Abrahamic religions?

There is nothing wrong with religious liberty. America was founded on it but will it keep us from achieving our potential?
Almost half of Americans believe Jesus will arrive by 2050.

Jesus Christ’s Return to Earth

Is belief in an Abrahamic religion incompatible with a desire for a future that resembles a space opera? Is a belief that the universe out there is like Mass Effect incompatible with the Abrahamic religions?

There is nothing wrong with religious liberty. America was founded on it but will it keep us from achieving our potential?

Actually it's the main focus of the Abrahamic heritage - humanity's merit in the active role of creating a better future - by work in this world. At least originally, Abraham Avinu A"H is not described as an angel seeking a way out to another world - rather to correct this one.

Technological advancement is an integral part of this vision - humanity is to rule over the material (and the animal) world, and not otherwise, 'raise' above it, and raise it with themselves, by fulfilling humanity's potential through this interaction for a higher purpose, so that the material serves fulfill that potential in a correct way, rather than corrupt humanity.

In the Abrahamic vision of a better future - the material is an integral part, and technology serves humanity to reach that future, and with it technology takes its correct place -

"and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore."
I'm talking about Judaism, Christianity and Islam have a more reluctant, somewhat even sinful view of technology, or...even being born. And that's the whole point of difference between 'belief in religion' and Abrahamic heritage.

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