Is Ben Carson a Black Role Model ?

Carson is a good role model of blacks who have climbed the ladder of success and then try to pull up the ladder behind them
How specifically has he tried to prevent others from being successful?
Carson can only be a role model for minorities if they accept him as one. Unfortunately, most will keep the poverty pimps like Sharpton and Jackson as their role models. As long as they believe they are "victims" of everything that happens, the pimps keep making a lot of money.
First, I should have said national role model - the man obviously is, and any argument to the contrary is untenable.

Your secound sentence/paragraph is unintelligible.

Your third asertion is correct, but it should be obvious that I am refering to a national figure - thus we are speaking about national role models.

To your 4th point/paragraph: the idea of a role model is to emulate them with the hope of also gaining like success which is not by appointment, but by due diligence

Continuing: Jackson, Sharpton, etc. wreak more havic on black America than white. They still influence huge masses of blacks in a negative way; affront with the victim message - see Zimmerman. They extort the blacks by stealing their ability to dream!

It is the liberal media who covers the race bating to keep the steady diet of bane flowing - the media that the majority of blacks support - it is their ignorance, and stupidity.

1. Actually the majority of what i posted was not directed at you. To your point, Carson is absolutely a model or success in his chosen field.

2. What is so "unintelligible" about "true role models" being parents and teachers who show up and are seen everyday?

3. I was not actually directing my comment towards you in my third statement.

4. Again, my 4th point was not directed at you. There was an ignorant individual who stated in your thread something to the effect: "why do blacks need Carson when they have Sharpton and Jackson?", which IMO was a stupid but typical statement for that person.

As far as Jackson and Sharpton wreaking havoc on the black population, I can only state what I know. Sharpton these days spends the majority of his time on his televised talk show, and in addition spends 3 hours daily on SiriusXM.

If you have satellite radio, I would advise you to listen occasionally to his radio show. More often than not, he tries to educate as opposed to inciting.

As far as Zimmerman goes, I am not sure that his case is a credible barometer in measuring the impact that Jackson or Sharpton has on the opinions of the average black American.

I know just as many non black people as black whö were not happy with the verdict.

Frankly, in my own circle of black professional friends, which probably far exceeds that of many here, I cannot recall the last time that either of those two were a topic of relevance in a discussion.

Self = role model :confused: Maybe uninteligible is a poor choice in words, but I don't understand it. Your parent/teacher comment was next. They are more important than a intangible figure in the national arena no doubt - as there is an intimate connection.

You have to admit that white on black violence is small compared to black on white, or black on black per population, but when it occurs, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson, run to the forefront to magnify it with the usual incitive remarks. Obama can't refrain from gettin his big mouth in it too. When it is black on white - it is ignored. When it is black on black, it is dismissed as drug or economic in nature.

I'm sick of it; I have never heard either epouse personal responsibility. I'm sorry but they are all on my ignore list; I just can't bear to hear them speak. They have disgusted me to that point.

We should praise everyone for their hard earned achievments, and hold those who fail accountable.

*Self=role model fom the standpoint of setting an example within your circle of influence and setting standards for your own behavior.

*As far as Sharpton and Jackson go, the media publicizes their statements and their sentiments in high profile cases, and then they are construed as being "race pimps" who are in the business of speaking out for the sole purpose of getting "paid". The frequency of their presence in total civil rights cases is minimal.

As far as Obama, what is he doing that makes him so divisive?

Outside of that, Jackson and Sharpton are much less outspoken or inflammatory on day to day issues regarding race matters than Rush Limbaugh is.

On the crime rate issue, the vast majority of homicides are intra racial, and we both know that. whites murder each other at a rate in excess of 85%, and blacks are over 90%.

Bottom line is that we could go back and forth all day, on Sharpton and Jackson and will not agree. That aside, all I am saying is that they are NOT role models in the eyes of most black Americans anyway that you look at it. They are occasional activists nothing more nothing less. The have been elevated to mythical status by the media.
1. Actually the majority of what i posted was not directed at you. To your point, Carson is absolutely a model or success in his chosen field.

2. What is so "unintelligible" about "true role models" being parents and teachers who show up and are seen everyday?

3. I was not actually directing my comment towards you in my third statement.

4. Again, my 4th point was not directed at you. There was an ignorant individual who stated in your thread something to the effect: "why do blacks need Carson when they have Sharpton and Jackson?", which IMO was a stupid but typical statement for that person.

As far as Jackson and Sharpton wreaking havoc on the black population, I can only state what I know. Sharpton these days spends the majority of his time on his televised talk show, and in addition spends 3 hours daily on SiriusXM.

If you have satellite radio, I would advise you to listen occasionally to his radio show. More often than not, he tries to educate as opposed to inciting.

As far as Zimmerman goes, I am not sure that his case is a credible barometer in measuring the impact that Jackson or Sharpton has on the opinions of the average black American.

I know just as many non black people as black whö were not happy with the verdict.

Frankly, in my own circle of black professional friends, which probably far exceeds that of many here, I cannot recall the last time that either of those two were a topic of relevance in a discussion.

Self = role model :confused: Maybe uninteligible is a poor choice in words, but I don't understand it. Your parent/teacher comment was next. They are more important than a intangible figure in the national arena no doubt - as there is an intimate connection.

You have to admit that white on black violence is small compared to black on white, or black on black per population, but when it occurs, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson, run to the forefront to magnify it with the usual incitive remarks. Obama can't refrain from gettin his big mouth in it too. When it is black on white - it is ignored. When it is black on black, it is dismissed as drug or economic in nature.

I'm sick of it; I have never heard either epouse personal responsibility. I'm sorry but they are all on my ignore list; I just can't bear to hear them speak. They have disgusted me to that point.

We should praise everyone for their hard earned achievments, and hold those who fail accountable.

*Self=role model fom the standpoint of setting an example within your circle of influence and setting standards for your own behavior.

*As far as Sharpton and Jackson go, the media publicizes their statements and their sentiments in high profile cases, and then they are construed as being "race pimps" who are in the business of speaking out for the sole purpose of getting "paid". The frequency of their presence in total civil rights cases is minimal.

As far as Obama, what is he doing that makes him so divisive?

Outside of that, Jackson and Sharpton are much less outspoken or inflammatory on day to day issues regarding race matters than Rush Limbaugh is.

On the crime rate issue, the vast majority of homicides are intra racial, and we both know that. whites murder each other at a rate in excess of 85%, and blacks are over 90%.

Bottom line is that we could go back and forth all day, on Sharpton and Jackson and will not agree. That aside, all I am saying is that they are NOT role models in the eyes of most black Americans anyway that you look at it. They are occasional activists nothing more nothing less. The have been elevated to mythical status by the media.

The media obsession with Sharpton/Jackson is strange to me. Its almost like they want white people to think they are considered the "leaders" of the Black community. They speak truth on a lot of subjects but I dont know any Black people that talk much about them. Most Black people are focused on being leaders in their own family which is the way it should be.
he's an Uncle Tom wackadoddle according to the libs on this board

He had the NEVE to criticize OBAMBAM

you have to be a disgusting race baiter and hater like Al Shapton, the rev. Jess Jackson, Obama and his Rev. Wright for them to give any black person, respect and considered a role model

Only conservatives refer to Carson as ‘Uncle Tom.’

So, Asclepias is a conservative?
What’s amusing is so many conservatives embrace Carson because they incorrectly think that his race gives his ‘anti-welfare’ message greater weight and significance.

It doesn’t, of course.

Of course it does not. There are many hard working black people in this country who are way too proud to consider going on welfare.

It is ironic that many of the same conservatives who were born with a privileged silver spoon in their mouths and never struggled (like Romney) arrogantly believe that 47% of the population would rather live off of "their money" than work.

Just a thinly veiled way of stating that this includes the MAJORITY of the black population.

As far as Carson goes, his achievements in the medical field alone make him noteworthy and give him credibility in that field, as they should, however I cannot not help but wonder if he would be considered a "role model" if he had experienced the privilege of going to school on the dime of the Social Security Paul Ryan?

Those proud blacks are called conservatives!

Most successful conservatives worked their asses off for it.

What Romney said was politically incorrect, but was full of truth.

Your last statement is rediculous.

No. Ther are proud hard working black citizens who are not "conservative" just like there are some who may be conservatives and some who are in the middle.

What Romney said was a blanket statement. I seriously doubt that there is any credible source out there that could prove that 47% of the population expects the government to support them, so yes it was a politically incorrect and ignorant statement on the part of Romney, and likely it had a significant impact on his campaign.

What is so ridiculous about the possibility of conservatives reversing field on their approval of Carson if he had been the beneficiary of government assistance to fund his education?
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The best role model for black folks, is white folks
Self = role model :confused: Maybe uninteligible is a poor choice in words, but I don't understand it. Your parent/teacher comment was next. They are more important than a intangible figure in the national arena no doubt - as there is an intimate connection.

You have to admit that white on black violence is small compared to black on white, or black on black per population, but when it occurs, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson, run to the forefront to magnify it with the usual incitive remarks. Obama can't refrain from gettin his big mouth in it too. When it is black on white - it is ignored. When it is black on black, it is dismissed as drug or economic in nature.

I'm sick of it; I have never heard either epouse personal responsibility. I'm sorry but they are all on my ignore list; I just can't bear to hear them speak. They have disgusted me to that point.

We should praise everyone for their hard earned achievments, and hold those who fail accountable.

*Self=role model fom the standpoint of setting an example within your circle of influence and setting standards for your own behavior.

*As far as Sharpton and Jackson go, the media publicizes their statements and their sentiments in high profile cases, and then they are construed as being "race pimps" who are in the business of speaking out for the sole purpose of getting "paid". The frequency of their presence in total civil rights cases is minimal.

As far as Obama, what is he doing that makes him so divisive?

Outside of that, Jackson and Sharpton are much less outspoken or inflammatory on day to day issues regarding race matters than Rush Limbaugh is.

On the crime rate issue, the vast majority of homicides are intra racial, and we both know that. whites murder each other at a rate in excess of 85%, and blacks are over 90%.

Bottom line is that we could go back and forth all day, on Sharpton and Jackson and will not agree. That aside, all I am saying is that they are NOT role models in the eyes of most black Americans anyway that you look at it. They are occasional activists nothing more nothing less. The have been elevated to mythical status by the media.

The media obsession with Sharpton/Jackson is strange to me. Its almost like they want white people to think they are considered the "leaders" of the Black community. They speak truth on a lot of subjects but I dont know any Black people that talk much about them. Most Black people are focused on being leaders in their own family which is the way it should be.

You are correct, and that is exactly what I am saying as well. Both are far from being the "leaders" of anyone. Speaking out selectively on social issues does not make one a "leader".
Self = role model :confused: Maybe uninteligible is a poor choice in words, but I don't understand it. Your parent/teacher comment was next. They are more important than a intangible figure in the national arena no doubt - as there is an intimate connection.

You have to admit that white on black violence is small compared to black on white, or black on black per population, but when it occurs, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson, run to the forefront to magnify it with the usual incitive remarks. Obama can't refrain from gettin his big mouth in it too. When it is black on white - it is ignored. When it is black on black, it is dismissed as drug or economic in nature.

I'm sick of it; I have never heard either epouse personal responsibility. I'm sorry but they are all on my ignore list; I just can't bear to hear them speak. They have disgusted me to that point.

We should praise everyone for their hard earned achievments, and hold those who fail accountable.

*Self=role model fom the standpoint of setting an example within your circle of influence and setting standards for your own behavior.

*As far as Sharpton and Jackson go, the media publicizes their statements and their sentiments in high profile cases, and then they are construed as being "race pimps" who are in the business of speaking out for the sole purpose of getting "paid". The frequency of their presence in total civil rights cases is minimal.

As far as Obama, what is he doing that makes him so divisive?

Outside of that, Jackson and Sharpton are much less outspoken or inflammatory on day to day issues regarding race matters than Rush Limbaugh is.

On the crime rate issue, the vast majority of homicides are intra racial, and we both know that. whites murder each other at a rate in excess of 85%, and blacks are over 90%.

Bottom line is that we could go back and forth all day, on Sharpton and Jackson and will not agree. That aside, all I am saying is that they are NOT role models in the eyes of most black Americans anyway that you look at it. They are occasional activists nothing more nothing less. The have been elevated to mythical status by the media.

The media obsession with Sharpton/Jackson is strange to me. Its almost like they want white people to think they are considered the "leaders" of the Black community. They speak truth on a lot of subjects but I dont know any Black people that talk much about them. Most Black people are focused on being leaders in their own family which is the way it should be.
Sharpton, and Jackson are on standby to rush to any percieved isolated case wherein a white perpetrates violence against a black with inciteful rhetoric at the ready - that is what they live for. You may not acknowledge them as role models, but they are leaders in the black community who are capable of drawing huge crowds with huge influence.

Obama as president should not comment on insignificant events, he should try and lead on huge issues: he was quick to call the Cambrige police stupid only knowing one fact - the cop was white, the professor was black. He said Travon Martin could have been his son - don't you know how irresponsible that is? He took the black side without the facts. When Delbert Belton was savagely beaten by two blacks did Obama say those could of been my sons, or my dad? Wrong color scheme. If Mr Belton was black, and the murderers were white, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama would have been all over it to magnify injustice to blacks to incite - please.

Blacks make up 12% of the population roughly, but kill whites 13, times more than whites kill blacks. That is a huge disparity, and shows that blacks are far, far more violent than whites.

The mainstream media portrays itself as pro black - the reason Sharpton, Jackson etc. get the coverage is really because they want to promote the black victim mentality that keeps the liberals in power over the blacks; the blacks suppressed.

If most blacks were busy being role models to their children, the black community would not be in such a deplorable state - get real man.
*Self=role model fom the standpoint of setting an example within your circle of influence and setting standards for your own behavior.

*As far as Sharpton and Jackson go, the media publicizes their statements and their sentiments in high profile cases, and then they are construed as being "race pimps" who are in the business of speaking out for the sole purpose of getting "paid". The frequency of their presence in total civil rights cases is minimal.

As far as Obama, what is he doing that makes him so divisive?

Outside of that, Jackson and Sharpton are much less outspoken or inflammatory on day to day issues regarding race matters than Rush Limbaugh is.

On the crime rate issue, the vast majority of homicides are intra racial, and we both know that. whites murder each other at a rate in excess of 85%, and blacks are over 90%.

Bottom line is that we could go back and forth all day, on Sharpton and Jackson and will not agree. That aside, all I am saying is that they are NOT role models in the eyes of most black Americans anyway that you look at it. They are occasional activists nothing more nothing less. The have been elevated to mythical status by the media.

The media obsession with Sharpton/Jackson is strange to me. Its almost like they want white people to think they are considered the "leaders" of the Black community. They speak truth on a lot of subjects but I dont know any Black people that talk much about them. Most Black people are focused on being leaders in their own family which is the way it should be.

You are correct, and that is exactly what I am saying as well. Both are far from being the "leaders" of anyone. Speaking out selectively on social issues does not make one a "leader".
When you draw huge crowds, and have huge influence, you are a leader.
"Is Ben Carson a Black Role Model ?"

Not as long as illegal drugs pay more.

For those that are not into drugs, Dr. Carson will be a role-model, for anyone, I would think.
*Self=role model fom the standpoint of setting an example within your circle of influence and setting standards for your own behavior.

*As far as Sharpton and Jackson go, the media publicizes their statements and their sentiments in high profile cases, and then they are construed as being "race pimps" who are in the business of speaking out for the sole purpose of getting "paid". The frequency of their presence in total civil rights cases is minimal.

As far as Obama, what is he doing that makes him so divisive?

Outside of that, Jackson and Sharpton are much less outspoken or inflammatory on day to day issues regarding race matters than Rush Limbaugh is.

On the crime rate issue, the vast majority of homicides are intra racial, and we both know that. whites murder each other at a rate in excess of 85%, and blacks are over 90%.

Bottom line is that we could go back and forth all day, on Sharpton and Jackson and will not agree. That aside, all I am saying is that they are NOT role models in the eyes of most black Americans anyway that you look at it. They are occasional activists nothing more nothing less. The have been elevated to mythical status by the media.

The media obsession with Sharpton/Jackson is strange to me. Its almost like they want white people to think they are considered the "leaders" of the Black community. They speak truth on a lot of subjects but I dont know any Black people that talk much about them. Most Black people are focused on being leaders in their own family which is the way it should be.
Sharpton, and Jackson are on standby to rush to any percieved isolated case wherein a white perpetrates violence against a black with inciteful rhetoric at the ready - that is what they live for. You may not acknowledge them as role models, but they are leaders in the black community who are capable of drawing huge crowds with huge influence.

Obama as president should not comment on insignificant events, he should try and lead on huge issues: he was quick to call the Cambrige police stupid only knowing one fact - the cop was white, the professor was black. He said Travon Martin could have been his son - don't you know how irresponsible that is? He took the black side without the facts. When Delbert Belton was savagely beaten by two blacks did Obama say those could of been my sons, or my dad? Wrong color scheme. If Mr Belton was black, and the murderers were white, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama would have been all over it to magnify injustice to blacks to incite - please.

Blacks make up 12% of the population roughly, but kill whites 13, times more than whites kill blacks. That is a huge disparity, and shows that blacks are far, far more violent than whites.

The mainstream media portrays itself as pro black - the reason Sharpton, Jackson etc. get the coverage is really because they want to promote the black victim mentality that keeps the liberals in power over the blacks; the blacks suppressed.

If most blacks were busy being role models to their children, the black community would not be in such a deplorable state - get real man.

I dont get your point about Sharpton and Jackson. They draw crowds on the issue they speak out on because people are concerned about them. that doesnt make them leaders of every Black person.

So you don't consider a unarmed minor being shot by an adult playing cop and not going to trial to be a significant enough issue to warrant the POTUS commenting on it? Its a good thing what you think doesnt matter. There should have been a trial and it happened. Tough that it bothers you that Trayvon could have been his son. What exactly was the problem with that statement?

Whites kill off whole civilizations. Please dont try and preach to me about who is more violent. You only look stupid.

The mainstream media is in no way pro black. Where did you dream that one up? :lol: Sharpton and Jackson get coverage because the media knows it drives white racists ape shit and creates ratings. You really need to educate yourself about the world you live in.

Only the ghettos are in a deplorable condition. Not all Black people live in them. Stop believing what the "pro-black" media tells you. :lol:
The media obsession with Sharpton/Jackson is strange to me. Its almost like they want white people to think they are considered the "leaders" of the Black community. They speak truth on a lot of subjects but I dont know any Black people that talk much about them. Most Black people are focused on being leaders in their own family which is the way it should be.

You are correct, and that is exactly what I am saying as well. Both are far from being the "leaders" of anyone. Speaking out selectively on social issues does not make one a "leader".
When you draw huge crowds, and have huge influence, you are a leader.

Not true. You are a leader when people follow your lead. Most Blacks dont follow their lead hence they are not leaders to all Blacks. Simple logic
The media obsession with Sharpton/Jackson is strange to me. Its almost like they want white people to think they are considered the "leaders" of the Black community. They speak truth on a lot of subjects but I dont know any Black people that talk much about them. Most Black people are focused on being leaders in their own family which is the way it should be.
Sharpton, and Jackson are on standby to rush to any percieved isolated case wherein a white perpetrates violence against a black with inciteful rhetoric at the ready - that is what they live for. You may not acknowledge them as role models, but they are leaders in the black community who are capable of drawing huge crowds with huge influence.

Obama as president should not comment on insignificant events, he should try and lead on huge issues: he was quick to call the Cambrige police stupid only knowing one fact - the cop was white, the professor was black. He said Travon Martin could have been his son - don't you know how irresponsible that is? He took the black side without the facts. When Delbert Belton was savagely beaten by two blacks did Obama say those could of been my sons, or my dad? Wrong color scheme. If Mr Belton was black, and the murderers were white, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama would have been all over it to magnify injustice to blacks to incite - please.

Blacks make up 12% of the population roughly, but kill whites 13, times more than whites kill blacks. That is a huge disparity, and shows that blacks are far, far more violent than whites.

The mainstream media portrays itself as pro black - the reason Sharpton, Jackson etc. get the coverage is really because they want to promote the black victim mentality that keeps the liberals in power over the blacks; the blacks suppressed.

If most blacks were busy being role models to their children, the black community would not be in such a deplorable state - get real man.

I dont get your point about Sharpton and Jackson. They draw crowds on the issue they speak out on because people are concerned about them. that doesnt make them leaders of every Black person.

So you don't consider a unarmed minor being shot by an adult playing cop and not going to trial to be a significant enough issue to warrant the POTUS commenting on it? Its a good thing what you think doesnt matter. There should have been a trial and it happened. Tough that it bothers you that Trayvon could have been his son. What exactly was the problem with that statement?

Whites kill off whole civilizations. Please dont try and preach to me about who is more violent. You only look stupid.

The mainstream media is in no way pro black. Where did you dream that one up? :lol: Sharpton and Jackson get coverage because the media knows it drives white racists ape shit and creates ratings. You really need to educate yourself about the world you live in.

Only the ghettos are in a deplorable condition. Not all Black people live in them. Stop believing what the "pro-black" media tells you. :lol:
You are delusional: Trayvon layed in wait, and attacked Zimmerman, and tried to murder him. Your black victim mentality won't allow you to accept the verdict - too bad. For the record: I don't give a shit about either. That case was insignificant ( except to race baiting victim minded blacks, and their controllers ) Minors murder people all the time - see Belton. Trayvon was armed with concrete, and fist. Both have independantly been proven deadly.

If you can't decipher why the POTUS should not takes sides in a racial case, and even comment on a single case which is insignificant, you don't understand what that position is all about. I ask you now: why does he not claim that murderous blacks could be his sons, or why " Shorty" Belton could not of been his dad? He is racially divisive!

The mainstream media magnify white on black violence, and won't even identify the race when it is black on white! I said that they promote themselves as pro black, but they are really anti black - as they feed you your victim reinforcement diet.

Blacks on this globe treat other blacks more savagely that whites. Black on black violence is hushed.

You really need to accept the facts, and purge your mind of the polution that has inculcated it.

The black race is in a way more sorry state than others. Instead of casting blame elsewhere, your race needs to assume personal responsibility; identify your weaknesses, and work on them - they are many!
Sharpton, and Jackson are on standby to rush to any percieved isolated case wherein a white perpetrates violence against a black with inciteful rhetoric at the ready - that is what they live for. You may not acknowledge them as role models, but they are leaders in the black community who are capable of drawing huge crowds with huge influence.

Obama as president should not comment on insignificant events, he should try and lead on huge issues: he was quick to call the Cambrige police stupid only knowing one fact - the cop was white, the professor was black. He said Travon Martin could have been his son - don't you know how irresponsible that is? He took the black side without the facts. When Delbert Belton was savagely beaten by two blacks did Obama say those could of been my sons, or my dad? Wrong color scheme. If Mr Belton was black, and the murderers were white, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama would have been all over it to magnify injustice to blacks to incite - please.

Blacks make up 12% of the population roughly, but kill whites 13, times more than whites kill blacks. That is a huge disparity, and shows that blacks are far, far more violent than whites.

The mainstream media portrays itself as pro black - the reason Sharpton, Jackson etc. get the coverage is really because they want to promote the black victim mentality that keeps the liberals in power over the blacks; the blacks suppressed.

If most blacks were busy being role models to their children, the black community would not be in such a deplorable state - get real man.

I dont get your point about Sharpton and Jackson. They draw crowds on the issue they speak out on because people are concerned about them. that doesnt make them leaders of every Black person.

So you don't consider a unarmed minor being shot by an adult playing cop and not going to trial to be a significant enough issue to warrant the POTUS commenting on it? Its a good thing what you think doesnt matter. There should have been a trial and it happened. Tough that it bothers you that Trayvon could have been his son. What exactly was the problem with that statement?

Whites kill off whole civilizations. Please dont try and preach to me about who is more violent. You only look stupid.

The mainstream media is in no way pro black. Where did you dream that one up? :lol: Sharpton and Jackson get coverage because the media knows it drives white racists ape shit and creates ratings. You really need to educate yourself about the world you live in.

Only the ghettos are in a deplorable condition. Not all Black people live in them. Stop believing what the "pro-black" media tells you. :lol:
You are delusional: Trayvon layed in wait, and attacked Zimmerman, and tried to murder him. Your black victim mentality won't allow you to accept the verdict - too bad. For the record: I don't give a shit about either. That case was insignificant ( except to race baiting victim minded blacks, and their controllers ) Minors murder people all the time - see Belton. Trayvon was armed with concrete, and fist. Both have independantly been proven deadly.

If you can't decipher why the POTUS should not takes sides in a racial case, and even comment on a single case which is insignificant, you don't understand what that position is all about. I ask you now: why does he not claim that murderous blacks could be his sons, or why " Shorty" Belton could not of been his dad? He is racially divisive!

The mainstream media magnify white on black violence, and won't even identify the race when it is black on white! I said that they promote themselves as pro black, but they are really anti black - as they feed you your victim reinforcement diet.

Blacks on this globe treat other blacks more savagely that whites. Black on black violence is hushed.

You really need to accept the facts, and purge your mind of the polution that has inculcated it.

The black race is in a way more sorry state than others. Instead of casting blame elsewhere, your race needs to assume personal responsibility; identify your weaknesses, and work on them - they are many!

What an awful lot of words, just to show your ass.
You are correct, and that is exactly what I am saying as well. Both are far from being the "leaders" of anyone. Speaking out selectively on social issues does not make one a "leader".
When you draw huge crowds, and have huge influence, you are a leader.

Not true. You are a leader when people follow your lead. Most Blacks dont follow their lead hence they are not leaders to all Blacks. Simple logic
Simple logic: they draw huge crowds, and have big influence.

Jack off Jackson should have taught his son some integrity instead of putting down whitey - then maybe him, and his wife wouldn't have fucked the American people so bad!
When you draw huge crowds, and have huge influence, you are a leader.

Not true. You are a leader when people follow your lead. Most Blacks dont follow their lead hence they are not leaders to all Blacks. Simple logic
Simple logic: they draw huge crowds, and have big influence.

Jack off Jackson should have taught his son some integrity instead of putting down whitey - then maybe him, and his wife wouldn't have fucked the American people so bad!

And you're a dick.

I dont get your point about Sharpton and Jackson. They draw crowds on the issue they speak out on because people are concerned about them. that doesnt make them leaders of every Black person.

So you don't consider a unarmed minor being shot by an adult playing cop and not going to trial to be a significant enough issue to warrant the POTUS commenting on it? Its a good thing what you think doesnt matter. There should have been a trial and it happened. Tough that it bothers you that Trayvon could have been his son. What exactly was the problem with that statement?

Whites kill off whole civilizations. Please dont try and preach to me about who is more violent. You only look stupid.

The mainstream media is in no way pro black. Where did you dream that one up? :lol: Sharpton and Jackson get coverage because the media knows it drives white racists ape shit and creates ratings. You really need to educate yourself about the world you live in.

Only the ghettos are in a deplorable condition. Not all Black people live in them. Stop believing what the "pro-black" media tells you. :lol:
You are delusional: Trayvon layed in wait, and attacked Zimmerman, and tried to murder him. Your black victim mentality won't allow you to accept the verdict - too bad. For the record: I don't give a shit about either. That case was insignificant ( except to race baiting victim minded blacks, and their controllers ) Minors murder people all the time - see Belton. Trayvon was armed with concrete, and fist. Both have independantly been proven deadly.

If you can't decipher why the POTUS should not takes sides in a racial case, and even comment on a single case which is insignificant, you don't understand what that position is all about. I ask you now: why does he not claim that murderous blacks could be his sons, or why " Shorty" Belton could not of been his dad? He is racially divisive!

The mainstream media magnify white on black violence, and won't even identify the race when it is black on white! I said that they promote themselves as pro black, but they are really anti black - as they feed you your victim reinforcement diet.

Blacks on this globe treat other blacks more savagely that whites. Black on black violence is hushed.

You really need to accept the facts, and purge your mind of the polution that has inculcated it.

The black race is in a way more sorry state than others. Instead of casting blame elsewhere, your race needs to assume personal responsibility; identify your weaknesses, and work on them - they are many!

What an awful lot of words, just to show your ass.
Your obviously incapable of more than a one liner.
You are delusional: Trayvon layed in wait, and attacked Zimmerman, and tried to murder him. Your black victim mentality won't allow you to accept the verdict - too bad. For the record: I don't give a shit about either. That case was insignificant ( except to race baiting victim minded blacks, and their controllers ) Minors murder people all the time - see Belton. Trayvon was armed with concrete, and fist. Both have independantly been proven deadly.

If you can't decipher why the POTUS should not takes sides in a racial case, and even comment on a single case which is insignificant, you don't understand what that position is all about. I ask you now: why does he not claim that murderous blacks could be his sons, or why " Shorty" Belton could not of been his dad? He is racially divisive!

The mainstream media magnify white on black violence, and won't even identify the race when it is black on white! I said that they promote themselves as pro black, but they are really anti black - as they feed you your victim reinforcement diet.

Blacks on this globe treat other blacks more savagely that whites. Black on black violence is hushed.

You really need to accept the facts, and purge your mind of the polution that has inculcated it.

The black race is in a way more sorry state than others. Instead of casting blame elsewhere, your race needs to assume personal responsibility; identify your weaknesses, and work on them - they are many!

What an awful lot of words, just to show your ass.
Your obviously incapable of more than a one liner.

"Is Ben Carson a Black Role Model ?"

Not as long as illegal drugs pay more.

For those that are not into drugs, Dr. Carson will be a role-model, for anyone, I would think.
He will be demonized by the left to no end - they won't give the man a shread of credit; fucking racist!

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