Is Ben Carson a Black Role Model ?

Translation: You must be gay for pointing out the obvious. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

You brought up the part about men blowing men. Yes it is obvious youre gay but I'm not. Lets keep sex out of it.

Translation: I think I love you John but I'm too shy to tell you how I feel. Hold me you lilly white stallion!

Why would you want me holding you if you are not gay? Come on and admit it.
It is often amusing reading the countless threads in this forum by those who endlessly speculate about and assume who the so called "black leaders and role models" are or should be.

The most significant and important people in any community are the millions of citizens who have realized that you are your own greatest leader or role model if you choose to be.

School teachers who realize that their work is more than a job and parents who raise their children to be good citizens and extraordinary mothers and fathers, are really the best role models out there, because they are the ones who show up everyday.

The truth is that it makes no sense for anyone to put all of their faith in a few public figures especially when they are "appointed" for you or assumed to be viable for you by someone who has no personal impact on your life or does not reside within your immediate circle of influence.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do not "lead" anyone, and they are not thriving based on what is contributed to them by black citizens, however, they do get neverending exposure through the media and from a significant level of public paranoia because they have been successful at conditioning many like some who post in this forum to believe that every black citizen in America worships them and has them on speedial, or believe that they are just sitting around waiting for an opportunity to be dispatched into any city in America to march, boycott, or to just generally wreck havoc on the lives of white citizens by rallying or inciting "The Blacks".

Because of "race pimp" fear, Sharpton and Jackson have been transformed into the ubiquitous "Black Bogeymen" who want to steal or extort money from every innocent white citizen in America, for the least little personal affront to any black person in the country.

If the same media that publicizes their every movement and keeps the old memories of Tawana Brawley and "Hymietown" alive just ignored them, the mass hysteria and belief in the myth that they are heroes or role models to the black collective would disappear.

In the majority of the occasions that Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton are brought up in this forum, it is not because of any recent news or event that even involves them, it is usually someone making an ignorant comment that just illustrates how misinformed they are and how easily they are manipulated.
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What’s amusing is so many conservatives embrace Carson because they incorrectly think that his race gives his ‘anti-welfare’ message greater weight and significance.

It doesn’t, of course.
What’s amusing is so many conservatives embrace Carson because they incorrectly think that his race gives his ‘anti-welfare’ message greater weight and significance.

It doesn’t, of course.

The Democrat Party needs to have blacks depending on welfare, they like how the government is the male head of household
An uncle tom basically seek an audience with whites to show how different he is from others of his ethnicity. He seeks their approval and will go through any lengths to prove himself worthy of their approval including berating his own people to whites. Basically a sellout or busta. I just occurred to me that maybe thats who Unk is named after. Unk seeks approval from people reading this board. An uncle tom seeks approval from whites.

Word up to your Black bitch ass...

I got schooled in the 70's by my most Black of friends who showed no deference nor drew no quarter with respect to race or ethnicity. He spoke to me plain and simple truth. He had the utmost respect of himself, his people, and his culture..

And he also respected my lilly white corn-fed ass.

But we had what today's society lacks- communication. Michael was a goddamn genius of oratorial skills. He showed me his soul. I miss that guy so much.

We dont say word up anymore wannabe! That was Cameo :lol:

Now your talkin....Charlie Wilson. Back in the
What’s amusing is so many conservatives embrace Carson because they incorrectly think that his race gives his ‘anti-welfare’ message greater weight and significance.

It doesn’t, of course.

Of course it does not. There are many hard working black people in this country who are way too proud to consider going on welfare.

It is ironic that many of the same conservatives who were born with a privileged silver spoon in their mouths and never struggled (like Romney) arrogantly believe that 47% of the population would rather live off of "their money" than work.

Just a thinly veiled way of stating that this includes the MAJORITY of the black population.

As far as Carson goes, his achievements in the medical field alone make him noteworthy and give him credibility in that field, as they should, however I cannot not help but wonder if he would be considered a "role model" if he had experienced the privilege of going to school on the dime of the Social Security Paul Ryan?
Ben Carson, regardless of race, is just another conservative, who after utilizing social infrastructure to achieve success, such as public education, public transportation, public health and welfare, educational grants and loans, or affirmative action, would destroy the very programs that aided his success.

He is no role model.

It is ironic that many of the same conservatives who were born with a privileged silver spoon in their mouths and never struggled (like Romney) arrogantly believe that 47% of the population would rather live off of "their money" than work.

Romney didn't say that, and that is not the position of the GOP.
Professionally, he makes an excellent role model

Politically he has demonstrated how a black man can make a buck by pandering to rightwing extremists.

Look everyone....we got a black man too....and he hates Obama

I have yet to see any solutions coming out of Carson

It is ironic that many of the same conservatives who were born with a privileged silver spoon in their mouths and never struggled (like Romney) arrogantly believe that 47% of the population would rather live off of "their money" than work.

Romney didn't say that, and that is not the position of the GOP.

Ok sir, maybe he did not say it in those precise words, but he certainly implied that "47% of the population oes not want to take personal responsibility"

Here is what I recall reading that he said

"1. *Mitt Romney: May 17. 2012.
“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what … who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. … These are people who pay no income tax. … and so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

I also recall Romney apologizing for those comments.

I'm not saying that is the position of the GOP entirely, but for many of them? Yes, I believe that. And for the record, i dont think Democrats are much different.
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Why? Why not? I should ask: why isn't he accepted, and promoted by black leaders ? The man came from humble beginings, and through perserverence, and application has gained national recognition - no doubt benefitting many of lives along the way! I think he is a great role model for all, and represents the best of America.

If that's how you view him, why can't he just be looked at as a "role model", and leave his race out of it?
We know that the great majority of blacks are liberal. I wanted to explore specifically: how they would here, handle another black man's great achievments being opposed to his political ideology. If they would outright ignore it, or if they would acknowledge it, and identify it with what I should have asked - national role model status. Why a race relation forum?

As we can see, success is hard to deny - especially the kind that is incrementally achieved through diligence over an entire career. That type should be applauded, and promoted irrespective of affiliation.
Carson is like most other human beings. He is a role model for whatever success he has attained. He also seems to be an uncle tom and that part of him is not anything to emulate. You take the good examples of success and discard the bad.
Please deseminate " uncle tom" for me; help me understand what the criteria is to accquire that title. What does an uncle tom do that is societally counter productive?

An uncle tom basically seek an audience with whites to show how different he is from others of his ethnicity. He seeks their approval and will go through any lengths to prove himself worthy of their approval including berating his own people to whites. Basically a sellout or busta. I just occurred to me that maybe thats who Unk is named after. Unk seeks approval from people reading this board. An uncle tom seeks approval from whites.
I'm not trying to be facetious, but was Dr. Carson seeking a white audience when he endeavored to be a surgeon, or are you promoting segregation? Dr.Carson needs no approval of whites as he has surpassed the majority of them in his field :confused:
It may not be clear to you, but successful whites don't care what your skin color is i.e. president Barrack Obama!

What specifically have they sold out too :confused: Are you refering to politics?
It is often amusing reading the countless threads in this forum by those who endlessly speculate about and assume who the so called "black leaders and role models" are or should be.

The most significant and important people in any community are the millions of citizens who have realized that you are your own greatest leader or role model if you choose to be.

School teachers who realize that their work is more than a job and parents who raise their children to be good citizens and extraordinary mothers and fathers, are really the best role models out there, because they are the ones who show up everyday.

The truth is that it makes no sense for anyone to put all of their faith in a few public figures especially when they are "appointed" for you or assumed to be viable for you by someone who has no personal impact on your life or does not reside within your immediate circle of influence.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do not "lead" anyone, and they are not thriving based on what is contributed to them by black citizens, however, they do get neverending exposure through the media and from a significant level of public paranoia because they have been successful at conditioning many like some who post in this forum to believe that every black citizen in America worships them and has them on speedial, or believe that they are just sitting around waiting for an opportunity to be dispatched into any city in America to march, boycott, or to just generally wreck havoc on the lives of white citizens by rallying or inciting "The Blacks".

Because of "race pimp" fear, Sharpton and Jackson have been transformed into the ubiquitous "Black Bogeymen" who want to steal or extort money from every innocent white citizen in America, for the least little personal affront to any black person in the country.

If the same media that publicizes their every movement and keeps the old memories of Tawana Brawley and "Hymietown" alive just ignored them, the mass hysteria and belief in the myth that they are heroes or role models to the black collective would disappear.

In the majority of the occasions that Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton are brought up in this forum, it is not because of any recent news or event that even involves them, it is usually someone making an ignorant comment that just illustrates how misinformed they are and how easily they are manipulated.
First, I should have said national role model - the man obviously is, and any argument to the contrary is untenable.

Your secound sentence/paragraph is unintelligible.

Your third asertion is correct, but it should be obvious that I am refering to a national figure - thus we are speaking about national role models.

To your 4th point/paragraph: the idea of a role model is to emulate them with the hope of also gaining like success which is not by appointment, but by due diligence :confused:

Continuing: Jackson, Sharpton, etc. wreak more havic on black America than white. They still influence huge masses of blacks in a negative way; affront with the victim message - see Zimmerman. They extort the blacks by stealing their ability to dream!

It is the liberal media who covers the race bating to keep the steady diet of bane flowing - the media that the majority of blacks support - it is their ignorance, and stupidity.
What’s amusing is so many conservatives embrace Carson because they incorrectly think that his race gives his ‘anti-welfare’ message greater weight and significance.

It doesn’t, of course.

The Democrat Party needs to have blacks depending on welfare, they like how the government is the male head of household

I don't think you're being fair to the democratic party. The democratic party want's the government to be the male head of EVERY household.
What’s amusing is so many conservatives embrace Carson because they incorrectly think that his race gives his ‘anti-welfare’ message greater weight and significance.

It doesn’t, of course.
He is embaced because he personifies personal reliance, success.
What’s amusing is so many conservatives embrace Carson because they incorrectly think that his race gives his ‘anti-welfare’ message greater weight and significance.

It doesn’t, of course.

Of course it does not. There are many hard working black people in this country who are way too proud to consider going on welfare.

It is ironic that many of the same conservatives who were born with a privileged silver spoon in their mouths and never struggled (like Romney) arrogantly believe that 47% of the population would rather live off of "their money" than work.

Just a thinly veiled way of stating that this includes the MAJORITY of the black population.

As far as Carson goes, his achievements in the medical field alone make him noteworthy and give him credibility in that field, as they should, however I cannot not help but wonder if he would be considered a "role model" if he had experienced the privilege of going to school on the dime of the Social Security Paul Ryan?

Those proud blacks are called conservatives!

Most successful conservatives worked their asses off for it.

What Romney said was politically incorrect, but was full of truth.

Your last statement is rediculous.

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