Is Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren the best Democrats can do?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Or is there a better Democrat Presidential candidate who is waiting it out until 2024?

And if so, who is he or she?

I mean, someone of the caliber of FDR or JFK.
...and they can go for Big Mike

but I don't think it will work :04:
If trump didn’t have the billions to fight all the lynching investigations democrats have put him through he would have been in jail by now. Think of that, you can’t run for President against democrats because they will put you in the courts for years or until you quit
Or is there a better Democrat Presidential candidate who is waiting it out until 2024?

And if so, who is he or she?

I mean, someone of the caliber of FDR or JFK.

Consider the opponent any of them would be running against. Not exactly a high bar.
Hillary has some time on her hands...
Oh my God. Pahlease, last timeshe ran we got this guy. I think the Republicans could run the Devil himself and stand a chance if Hillary were actually in there. I vote Republican mostly but, I have vote democrat for three different winning presidents. I could not vote Hillary, and a third party never wins.
Or is there a better Democrat Presidential candidate who is waiting it out until 2024?

And if so, who is he or she?

I mean, someone of the caliber of FDR or JFK.

Howard Schultz probably would have been better than any of them. Not sure why now he dropped out early on.
Or is there a better Democrat Presidential candidate who is waiting it out until 2024?

And if so, who is he or she?

I mean, someone of the caliber of FDR or JFK.

Howard Schultz probably would have been better than any of them. Not sure why now he dropped out early on.

Fear of the angry Liberal mob. The hypocrite Michael Moore for instance was screaming for people to boycott Starbucks if he ran.

These people are so full of it that it isn't even funny. Fake "we want change" promoters who really just want the same establishment candidates. If Moore were actually honest, he'd see Trump as the alternative to the norm. He is too soy to understand.
The early mad dash to insanity scared off any potential adult candidates.
  • The Green New Deal,
  • Open Borders,
  • Reparations,
  • Free college,
  • $15 MW, etc.
This is why Bloomberg is off on his own. He doesn't want to have to be insane for the "Base."

The Democrats need a Governor, not a legislator who has never had to take responsibility for a decision or a position.
Right, I agree. Mitt Romney got the Republican nomination because the good candidates avoid running against an incumbent. Romney was a throw-away.

Same this year. The only Democrats running against Trump are the throw-aways.
Or is there a better Democrat Presidential candidate who is waiting it out until 2024?

And if so, who is he or she?

I mean, someone of the caliber of FDR or JFK.

So who wants to run inside a party that conducts witch trials and cheats so that the insiders always win?

Not to mention, is anti-American to its very core.

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