Is Beto A Fake Or A Genuine Spastic?

He's the male Cortez. That's all you need to know.
AOC's a socialist. All we know about Beto is that he was born in the US (probably) and he lives in Texas.
That and Beto the Psychedelic Warlord fantacized about killing children.

Beto O'Rourke was a member of hacking group called Cult of the Dead Cow who posted murder fiction | Daily Mail Online

Did they shoot 'em in the face? :fu:
Hopefully that's what the dopers got. One between the eyes. One to knock out a few teeth.
There is an organic element to the boy's wild gyrations and here's my proof: :deal:

Stereotypic movement disorder. Specialty. Psychiatry. Stereotypic movement disorder (SMD) is a motor disorder with onset in childhood involving repetitive, nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand waving or head banging), that markedly interferes with normal activities or results in bodily injury.

Stereotypic movement disorder - Wikipedia

One thing that I do know is that he doesn't have any respect for other people and their property. By him standing on the table where the public eats off of. That it shows that he will walk all over us. We are like filthy peasants to him. That we better eat the scum from off the bottom of his shoes.
Supposedly he writes poetry about cows.

I need a butt-shine,
Right now
You are holy,
Oh, sacred Cow
I thirst for you,
Provide Milk.

Buff my balls,
Love the Cow,
Good fortune for those that do.
Love me, breathe my feet,
The Cow has risen.

Wax my ass,
Scrub my balls.
The Cow has risen,
Provide Milk.

Beto O'Rourke wrote poem asking cow to 'wax my ass' and 'scrub my balls'

Here's my poem of reverence to him:

There was a man from el paso
who liked to get caught with a lasso
He rolled on the floor
as he smiled like a 'ore
and said polish my ass with some brasso
brothers and sisters: with the most divisive president in history, Beto is the unifying figure we need. it doesnt matter to me if you got to america 60 years ago or 6 days ago, you must join this movement! this will change forever the face of democracy in the world. because Beto unified us!
brothers and sisters: with the most divisive president in history, Beto is the unifying figure we need. it doesnt matter to me if you got to america 60 years ago or 6 days ago, you must join this movement! this will change forever the face of democracy in the world. because Beto unified us!
I just know that stinking pig is an open-borders traitor and that's all I need to hate this utter scum of Plastic Paddies (I'm a Plastic Paddy myself, I'm allowed to call him that).
There is an organic element to the boy's wild gyrations and here's my proof: :deal:

Stereotypic movement disorder. Specialty. Psychiatry. Stereotypic movement disorder (SMD) is a motor disorder with onset in childhood involving repetitive, nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand waving or head banging), that markedly interferes with normal activities or results in bodily injury.

Stereotypic movement disorder - Wikipedia

O'Rourke is perceived by the right as a threat to Trump – time for conservatives to start with the idiotic, childish attacks.
There is an organic element to the boy's wild gyrations and here's my proof: :deal:

Stereotypic movement disorder. Specialty. Psychiatry. Stereotypic movement disorder (SMD) is a motor disorder with onset in childhood involving repetitive, nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand waving or head banging), that markedly interferes with normal activities or results in bodily injury.

Stereotypic movement disorder - Wikipedia

O'Rourke is perceived by the right as a threat to Trump – time for conservatives to start with the idiotic, childish attacks.

I remember the attacks on Reagan. And that was in a pre social media age. And Bush the first and W. W constantly seen as a moron was about as smash mouth you can get. Trump is bashed by progressives 24 hours a day. Even bashed by fraud Repubs that man voted for admired over the decades.
O'Rourke is perceived by the right as a threat to Trump – time for conservatives to start with the idiotic, childish attacks.

All he's a "threat" to are little school kids in a cross-walk. Have you read his story about killing two of them by "standing on the gas" and hearing them hit the hood and cry out? He then stopped his car and jacked off until somebody tapped on the window and he sped off to do it again. Hey, he's a commiecrat and you're all sick puppies.
There is an organic element to the boy's wild gyrations and here's my proof: :deal:

Stereotypic movement disorder. Specialty. Psychiatry. Stereotypic movement disorder (SMD) is a motor disorder with onset in childhood involving repetitive, nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand waving or head banging), that markedly interferes with normal activities or results in bodily injury.

Stereotypic movement disorder - Wikipedia

O'Rourke is perceived by the right as a threat to Trump – time for conservatives to start with the idiotic, childish attacks.

You won't believe this but I'll say it anyway: I'm NOT afraid of that scum of my Irish ancestry, I'm DISGUSTED by his open-borders treason. Why is that simple concept so difficult to grasp? I'm tired of liberals selling us out to the lowest, criminal savages of the 3rd world.

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