Is Biden Arresting Anyone Who Attended Jan 6th Events Outside Capital Now?

They don't come cleaner and more honest than me.

More of your BS?

You never said anything about settling and why should anyone be tracked down just for going to witness what they thought might be a historical event? What kind of country do you want to live in where people are /tracked down/ for following their legitimate political aspirations? You chinese Jack?

Yet here you are donating $800 to that much stupidity here. 95% of the left and 10% of the right here are probably equally as stupid, or at least partisan beyond all hope.

Period. You having a period, Jack? When you go before a judge to argue a case, is that what you tell him, that you are innocent, PERIOD?

No courts decided anything Jack except to stay out of it because they wanted no part in reversing an election and having 88,000 screaming loons coming to their houses like the left did when SCOTUS put abortion rightly back in the state's jurisdiction.

Yep. He lost. But I'm a scientist Jack and I don't accept things which conflict with known facts without proof.

Guess time will tell whether you are right or not.
60+ cases. Dismissed. Lack of evidence. I'm not sure why you continue to lie. Maybe it's because you're an idiot. Or you're just lonely. But I suspect it's because you're a true believer.'re also a coward. I've been watching you post for almost three years now about starting a thread that will prove massive voter fraud, but you fail to start it. Why?

You're a scientist. :auiqs.jpg:You mean, you're a believer.
So you don't stop believin. :)
60+ cases. Dismissed. Lack of evidence.
Were you born wrong, Jack, or just born a liar? Only two cases were ever actually heard by the courts and tried, and Trump WON both of those. All of the others were dismissed outright without even hearing the evidence or testing it on technical grounds of time of filing, standing, or some other technicality.

I'm not sure why you continue to lie.
You mean continue to dispute all of your unsubstantiated bullshit. Disagreeing with your baseless claims does not constitute a lie Jack.

Maybe it's because you're an idiot. Or you're just lonely.
Yeah, that's it Jack, I'm a lonely idiot. :cuckoo:

But I suspect it's because you're a true believer.
I believe what I know, can test, measure or substantiate. I'd be more than happy to believe YOU if just ONCE, you'd actually offer some concrete evidence supporting any of your 11,000 hollow assertions!'re also a coward.
Sure, Jack, that's it, I'm just a yellow bellied liver-lickin' coward. :sigh2:

I've been watching you post for almost three years now
You stalking me, Jack, or just hot for my chili? I hope that bulge in your pants is just because you are happy to have me to straighten you out.

about starting a thread that will prove massive voter fraud, but you fail to start it. Why?
You have a brain tumor, too? What would be the point when you'd just deny everything I posted like the 30 something cases of fraud documented in one state alone I once posted complete with links to supporting documentation for every one of them. Besides, lots of others have posted thousands of reports, facts and evidence here since 2020 and I've yet to ever see you prove a single one of them wrong. You just deflect, deny, and post smarmy comments about how bored and tired you are. Maybe you just need a good night's sleep?

You're a scientist. :auiqs.jpg:
Retired. Now I'm just your worst nightmare.
Were you born wrong, Jack, or just born a liar? Only two cases were ever actually heard by the courts and tried, and Trump WON both of those. All of the others were dismissed outright without even hearing the evidence or testing it on technical grounds of time of filing, standing, or some other technicality.

You mean continue to dispute all of your unsubstantiated bullshit. Disagreeing with your baseless claims does not constitute a lie Jack.

Yeah, that's it Jack, I'm a lonely idiot. :cuckoo:

I believe what I know, can test, measure or substantiate. I'd be more than happy to believe YOU if just ONCE, you'd actually offer some concrete evidence supporting any of your 11,000 hollow assertions!

Sure, Jack, that's it, I'm just a yellow bellied liver-lickin' coward. :sigh2:

You stalking me, Jack, or just hot for my chili? I hope that bulge in your pants is just because you are happy to have me to straighten you out.

You have a brain tumor, too? What would be the point when you'd just deny everything I posted like the 30 something cases of fraud documented in one state alone I once posted. Besides, lots of others have posted thousands of reports, facts and evidence here since 2020 and I've yet to ever see you prove a single one of them wrong. You just deflect, deny, and post smarmy comments about how bored and tired you are. Maybe you just need a good night's sleep?

Retired. Now I'm just your worst nightmare.
So..nothing, huh? Just your standard denial and running away and hiding.
We call that being a coward.

Go away, son. You got nothing. Come back when you've removed that yellow streak from your back.

Sorry Jack, but I've vowed to stick around until you've donated at least $1200 here. Then I'll consider going away.

And that is not a yellow streak on my back, that is my Limited Edition Commemorative Donald Trump 2024 Sunshine Backscratcher.
It was NOT the Capitol, but a House office building.
I don't see the difference.

They interrupted congressional business by occupying parts of the Capital Complex.
Where they did it makes no difference. They broke into and occupied parts of the Capital Complex (federal government facilities) causing a very loud disturbance.
The primary difference between that protest and the one on Jan 6th was the way Capital police reacted to it.
Trump supporters were treated horribly, whereas Hamas supporters were indulged and treated like they had a right to be there.
Trump supporters were murdered and fired upon by police.
Hamas supporters were protected from possible counter-protesters.
Because insurrection is against the law. That's pretty straightforward. Yes, I'm sure I've read that somewhere.

Stop using big words. The people spoke. They threw the last guy out of office...and he pitched a fit....and you went along with it. Got nothing to do with challenging authority. YOU TRIED TO OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT!! Do not pass Go! :auiqs.jpg:

It's only alive in the minds of you lemmings. Why? Because you immerse yourself in alt-right media. And they lie to you. And you accept it.

All of em. No matter how long it takes.
Your filthy tyrannical regime needs overthrowing. In fact burying with all the other failed despots.

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