Is Biden Arresting Anyone Who Attended Jan 6th Events Outside Capital Now?

Very true. If they REALLY thought the election was stolen; they’d be shooting folks. Not planning how to win the next supposedly fraudulent election.
KIndly explain how Trump lost in 2020 when Bellwether battleground
States ... Florida,Ohio and Texas were called definitively early
on that Tuesday evening { Nov. 3rd }.
Or Trump winning :
2,497 counties
to Biden winning
KIndly explain how Trump lost in 2020 when Bellwether battleground
States ... Florida,Ohio and Texas were called definitively early
on that Tuesday evening { Nov. 3rd }.
Or Trump winning :
2,497 counties
to Biden winning
i can explain it.

biden won more than 270 electoral votes by winning in the relevant states.

any more incisive questions?
i can explain it.

biden won more than 270 electoral votes by winning in the relevant states.

any more incisive questions?
I guess that explains why Biden went public stating that
the 2020 General Election may take some time.Shore did.
Like over 2 weeks ... PLUS.
No need to explain.But I will.
Democrats have found a way to Steal states and elections.
All it takes is knowing how many counties have reported
their totals and how many counties are still counting.
Thereby knowing how many votes it takes to declare a winner
in that state.Then take the biggest Blue { Democrat District or county }
and stall their reporting or vote totals.Until they find the needed votes
to win .... Voila!
Lemon Squeezie
Biden isn't. The DOJ and FBI are. Anyone who was there that day was there to see the government of the United States overthrown. I don't care if they went into the Capitol or not. You still showed up.
Even if it's just a strongly worded letter or a terse phone call. All of them that can be identified. I don't care if you have to hire 10,000 FBI agents. Track em all down.

That day...can never happen again.
The charge of: "Anyone who was there that day was there to see the government of the United States overthrown." is merely part of the big lie of "freedom for me but not for thee," which the deep staters go by is what needs to be overthrown. Reviewing voting procedures when fraud is shown on hidden cameras after corrupt precincts got rid of the Republicans late at night when everyone was tired, and after the Republicans were officially locked out, the cameras showed another side of what was going on in a precinct in Georgia which was the processing of hidden voter ballots that changed the winner from Trump to Biden.

The stench will someday be found by banking trails that took at least 40 hidden transfers to get deep pocket money to participants to give the election to the unpopular Biden crime family. I think it's there somewhere, and they've been known to use 40 different trails to hide payoff money in other endeavors before, also caught on viral videos with a certain Vice President bragging his head off about how he got a ton of money into Air Force Two in less than 6 hours when he flew out of Kyiv. :cranky: Payors may or may not have been Silicone Valley or a Hungary billion dollar boys' club member. :dunno:

An inquiry into a suspicious situation is not an overthrow of the American Government, but some assinine reporter dreampt that terminology up in order to make it appear a crime was committed by the innocent person charged with some nebulous notion of the deep state to protect and enrich itself at the expense of the American people that oaths were taken to provide for the common defense of.
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Texas is a battleground state? LOL. Yeah okay.
Texas is The Battleground of all States.All the Dems need is a majority
of Democrats in Texas and the United States will forever be Lost.
In a sea of Unamericanism and turmoil.
Biden (Obama) has started arresting people who never entered the Capital and never committed an act of violence.

Pure banana republic.
Nobody will ever tell me what a “bellwether” state is.
One that predictably votes for the winning party { candidate }.
As in Ohio.Witch { Since All Souls Day is still upon us }
has matched the nationwide outcome with 93% accuracy since
Biden (Obama) has started arresting people who never entered the Capital and never committed an act of violence.

There was no registered rally for Trumpers at the Capitol that day, trump failed to legally request one outside of the Ellipse....he wanted an element of surprise when he told his followers to march down to the what the evidence has shown.
  1. The 2020 election was held in ways extremely unlike any other election for specious reasons. wasn't.
  1. Legions of leftwing groups confessed that they engineered it to determine its outcome regardless of the voters.
No. They didn't.
  1. The election did a weird swerve at the last second to elect Biden despite all other factors indicating a weak show for the DNC.
No, it didn't. It pretty much kept to the polling. Right up till the very end.
  1. Counting of votes went on for weeks until the desired outcome was reached.
Yep. Thank Republican legislatures in the swing states for that. Mail in votes weren't allowed to be counted until after polls closed and the election day votes were counted. Funny how Florida and Texas didn't have those problems. Oh yeah..they count their mail in votes ahead of election day.
  1. Anyone asking questions of seeking answers was immediately shut down and not allowed to even question the outcome much less the methods despite democrats questioning 2016 for YEARS.
Because you didn't provide any real proof that there were misdeeds going on. You took one 6000 vote error (human error) in one Michigan county and you expanded it to be a national conspiracy. Just as I predicted the night it happened..right here on these boards.
  1. Protesters went to the capitol on J6 in a last ditch effort to express their objections to the secrecy and methods used to install Joe Biden seeking redress of their concerns. And when they were ignored, some of them went too far and disrupted the day's events delaying them a few hours but without any real means of acvtually CHANGING the outcome. And they called that an "insurrection" despite no one ever being charged for it.
And stormed the Capitol, breaking windows, ransacking offices, stealing things, assaulting police officers, trying to get into the House and Senate chambers, smearing feces on the walls, waving Confederate flags, chanting "Hang Mike Pence", carrying zip ties (gee, wonder what they were gonna use those for?). All because the savior lost a legitimate election.
America was FOUNDED on the principle that the citizenry was the ultimate, final recourse, a militia of sorts to reign in a corrupt government if necessary as a final check to PRESERVE the Republic.
Again, the phrase reads "well regulated militia". The unwashed masses..are not regulated. :)
Under Jack's America, following the Constitution is now a CRIME: you better just LIKE IT, or LUMP IT, and if you don't like it or agree with it, rather than the government answering to you, Jack and his commie buddies will hunt you down to the far corners of the Earth no matter how long it takes to get you to make sure you are beat like a dog until you are taught your place as a subservient pion. Shades of the USSR, Red Communist China or North Korea.
Under "my America", if you lose an election, you don't try to overturn it. You take it like a man and move on to the next election. And don't give me any of your fucking 2016 bullshit, son. Clinton conceded. Obama gave the orange hump an orderly transition. Not everyone's fault the guy was corrupt and incompetent. The Russians did assist his campaign. All of our intelligence agencies said so. The Trump Tower meeting DID happen. I would just deal with it at this point.
NEXT UP: Jack will want cameras and microphones in every home to assure loyalty to the State and to expose enemy partisans! But wait! We are already there with government spying on every cellphone, every letter, every email and social message! MUST FIND THOSE ENEMIES!
There's already cameras and microphones everywhere. There is no such thing as "off the grid" anymore. Something I've tried to explain to several "preppers" that I know. :)
SIEG HEIL, herr fuhrer Jack! May I shine your boots?

View attachment 852041
Stop posting selfies. Halloween is over.
Biden isn't. The DOJ and FBI are. Anyone who was there that day was there to see the government of the United States overthrown. I don't care if they went into the Capitol or not. You still showed up.
Even if it's just a strongly worded letter or a terse phone call. All of them that can be identified. I don't care if you have to hire 10,000 FBI agents. Track em all down.

That day...can never happen again.

Nice job wanting to punish thoughcrime, you feckless fucktard.

That day was overblown by mouthbreathing freaks like you. Reichstag fire V2.
There was no registered rally for Trumpers at the Capitol that day, trump failed to legally request one outside of the Ellipse....he wanted an element of surprise when he told his followers to march down to the what the evidence has shown.
Spoken like a hack who supports his continued persecution.
I suppose the former President dint personally { in letters
to both Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Bowser } because they refused
calling him to act on his advice { Since a Potus has little legal
authority in that request } for 10,ooo or more National Guard
be called in for J6.
Pelosi Never even bothered reading her letter as Bowser
handed her letter to Pelosi,as well.
Defiance at the top level from Fired Speaker Pelosi
and cohort Bowser.
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Nice job wanting to punish thoughcrime, you feckless fucktard.

That day was overblown by mouthbreathing freaks like you. Reichstag fire V2.
Overblown?..sure, dozens of officers injured, millions of dollars in damage..all for what? To reinstall a fat, orange retard in the run with that lemming. And stop throwing around Nazi references. You look like a fucking moron when you do.
Overblown?..sure, dozens of officers injured, millions of dollars in damage..all for what? To reinstall a fat, orange retard in the run
with that lemming. And stop throwing around Nazi references. You look like a fucking moron when you do.

LOL, and the Anti-fa "Summer of Love" did what????

Most of those people got wrist slaps, if they were arrested at all.

One day, that did NOTHING to stop Biden from becoming President when he was supposed to become president.

Fuck off and Die, you hack Chicken little poseur piece of shit.

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