Is Biden Arresting Anyone Who Attended Jan 6th Events Outside Capital Now?

Who's talking about "rounding up" anyone but the feebs who were there on 1/6/2021?
I don't have the power to arrest anyone...but the Feds do. :)

You want to arrest every single person that was there that day, regardless of whether they broke the law or not, you're a piece of fascist scum. But, you are a piece of scum with zero power, you can run your mouth off all you want anonymously on here. but what you say remains meaningless and always will. :dunno:
What took place on 1/6/2021 WAS an actual crime. Lots and lots of video to prove it.

So why not just own it?
Because innocently being in the area is not a crime. Do you arrest everyone at a BLM protest if a handful of people break windows, start fires and assault people? I say no.
You want to arrest every single person that was there that day, regardless of whether they broke the law or not, you're a piece of fascist scum. But, you are a piece of scum with zero power, you can run your mouth off all you want anonymously on here. but what you say remains meaningless and always will. :dunno:
Tough shit. The next time you lose an election, take it like a man. :auiqs.jpg:..and move on.
Because innocently being in the area is not a crime. Do you arrest everyone at a BLM protest if a handful of people break windows, start fires and assault people? I say no.
No one there that day was innocent. They were there that day to see history made. To see an election overturned. To see their savior reinstalled.
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No there that day was innocent. They were there that day to see history made. To see an election overturned. To see their savior reinstalled.
That's a thought crime, not an actual crime, and impossible to prosecute. Tell you what, name the actual law they broke, and when you can't, admit there is no reason whatsoever to arrest anyone who simply went to the Capitol and broke no laws that day.

Basically, you want them punished because reasons and feelz, nothing else.
That day...can never happen again.

  1. The 2020 election was held in ways extremely unlike any other election for specious reasons.
  2. Legions of leftwing groups confessed that they engineered it to determine its outcome regardless of the voters.
  3. The election did a weird swerve at the last second to elect Biden despite all other factors indicating a weak show for the DNC.
  4. Counting of votes went on for weeks until the desired outcome was reached.
  5. Anyone asking questions of seeking answers was immediately shut down and not allowed to even question the outcome much less the methods despite democrats questioning 2016 for YEARS.
  6. Protesters went to the capitol on J6 in a last ditch effort to express their objections to the secrecy and methods used to install Joe Biden seeking redress of their concerns. And when they were ignored, some of them went too far and disrupted the day's events delaying them a few hours but without any real means of acvtually CHANGING the outcome. And they called that an "insurrection" despite no one ever being charged for it.
America was FOUNDED on the principle that the citizenry was the ultimate, final recourse, a militia of sorts to reign in a corrupt government if necessary as a final check to PRESERVE the Republic.

Under Jack's America, following the Constitution is now a CRIME: you better just LIKE IT, or LUMP IT, and if you don't like it or agree with it, rather than the government answering to you, Jack and his commie buddies will hunt you down to the far corners of the Earth no matter how long it takes to get you to make sure you are beat like a dog until you are taught your place as a subservient pion. Shades of the USSR, Red Communist China or North Korea.

NEXT UP: Jack will want cameras and microphones in every home to assure loyalty to the State and to expose enemy partisans! But wait! We are already there with government spying on every cellphone, every letter, every email and social message! MUST FIND THOSE ENEMIES!

SIEG HEIL, herr fuhrer Jack! May I shine your boots?

I'd place good odds that asshole was someone who showed up with 'ballots' at 3am on election night.

Wouldn't Jack's story change fast if the GOP takes over and hunts down all those mules dropping off 60,000 ballots all over the city that night then all his leftwing groups named by Time Magazine brazenly bragging how they spent a year and a half-billion dollars organizing to assure the outcome of 2020 rigged for the DNC?

He would be the first person screaming bloody murder if all his friends started getting rounded up for the very same but justifiable reasons as he champions for the J6ers!

I just saw a report showing that wherever unlimited no rules all mail in voting is adopted, suddenly, no matter how red the region previous was, suddenly the places all start flipping blue!

Funny how that works.
A friend and his son were there (did not cross the barricades) and nobody has even contacted them. :dunno:
Because insurrection is against the law.
Where did insurrection happen, Jack? Who has been charged with insurrection? Especially when no one even so much as showed up there with a gun? Are you really telling us that the US government can be overthrown by a few hundred unarmed selfie-taking fools without the good sense to even cover their faces like Antifa and leave their cellphones home? And how is someone who just happened to be there that day caught up in the mess who never bothered anyone much less went inside or damaged anything an insurrectionist as you say deserving to be hunted down and put away?

Now I tried to overthrow our government? How is that Jack? Be careful what you say next. I'll stick my shoe so far up your ass you'll be singing Buster Brown.
Biden (Obama) has started arresting people who never entered the Capital and never committed an act of violence.

This Deep State baloney needs to be nipped in the bud.
Who's talking about "rounding up" anyone but the feebs who were there on 1/6/2021?
Seems you were Jack.

I don't have the power to arrest anyone...but the Feds do.
Except Joe Biden. Seems that the more we hear, the more we find out they've had 20 criminal investigations against his family for years and have instead been trying to bury it and protect him instead of doing their jobs.

What do you call someone who protects criminals, Jack? Seems that if not for these coverups hiding stuff from the public, Joe might not have ever even gotten elected.
Countdown till a mod shuts this thread
I take it a possible version of Stalinism revamped for the States.
A sheer method of intimidation.Probably including versions of
Maoism where what people put on { clothes } is state ordered.
Like our Masks during Covid.Or Antifa with heads covered and
wearing all black.
No it isn't. You knuckeheads like to bitch and threaten on anonymous Internet message boards.
An odd view from someone who routinely makes threats against others here!

But when it comes down to brass tacks, you run away and hide.
Funny that once again, it looks like Jack is the one running and hiding.

Where'd ya go, Jack?

What took place on 1/6/2021 WAS an actual crime.
Name the crime Jack. Do please tell us what the federal code is for the criminality of a protest, just because it got out of control after being instigated and provoked to do so?
Biden (Obama) has started arresting people who never entered the Capital and never committed an act of violence.

Who gave President Biden the power to make America poor again? :rolleyes-41:
A friend and his son were there (did not cross the barricades) and nobody has even contacted them. :dunno:
Not yet, but that's what certain people are rabidly seeking, the arrest of anyone even in the vicinity. And after that, their friends and family because they probably also wanted to see history made and the mighty US government that couldn't be faced without F-15s and nukes brought to its knees by some flag-waving grandmas.
No [one] there that day was innocent. They were there that day to see history made. To see an election overturned. To see their savior reinstalled.

YOU JUST READ IT. If you go anywhere to see history made, an important event, motivated by love of country, YOU ARE NOT INNOCENT. Jack wants you hunted down like a dog, if it takes 100 years and going to the far corners of the Earth! Even if you were just standing around watching taking pictures! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

Can't have anyone ever question an election ever again in the USA! What, do you think this is a free country?! Not until the next time a GOP wins a race, then it'll be more than OK, it'll be mandatory that you question and protest EVERYTHING again!

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