Is Biden Catholic?


What do you like to say to me with your "disagree" comment in post 151? What do you see on what exact reasons in another way?
People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Meanwhile, you just want inconvenient people eliminated.

Leftism is a death cult.
Your nonsense aside, if you support the State imposing control over the reproductive systems of women by bureaucrats and politicians, simply admit that is what you advocate. I do not.
The less government is involved in individual lives, the better.

Leftists violently disagree with that statement.

No, what I'd like is a cultural shift. I'd like everyone to realize the unborn are valuable and worthy of protection, and see abortion only as a last resort when lives are endangered.

Leftists violently disagree with that statement, too.

Now, thanks to the left's loathing for human life, the unborn are seen as not even human, and nothing more than trash to be disposed of when inconvenient. For 50+ years the left has said people don't need to face the consequences of their actions.

This is undeniable. But you will predictably deny it anyway.
Your silly, hyper-partisan mewling about that "left" that festers in your noggin aside, do you support the State imposing impersonal control over the reproductive systems of women by bureaucrats and politicians, or do you prefer Americans keep control of such private matters and make their personal decisions in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones?

It sounds as if you are calling for the government take-over of wombs to force your opinion upon everyone.
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Hmm. As far as I can see in the moment the Canadians decided in 1989 a fetus has no personal rights and no right to live. Do they try to save unborn babies in case of medical problems? Are unborn babies able to be heirs? ...
Life is as respected in Canada as in the United States.

Canada does not inflict State control by politicians and bureaucrats upon its citizens in the matter, but rather recognizes the right of a woman to control her own body and consult with her spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones in making such personal decisions.
Hmm. As far as I can see in the moment the Canadians decided in 1989 a fetus has no personal rights and no right to live. Do they try to save unborn babies in case of medical problems? Are unborn babies able to be heirs? ...
Life is as respected in Canada as in the United States.

Says a Brit to a Boer?

Canada does not inflict State control by politicians and bureaucrats upon its citizens in the matter, but rather recognizes the right of a woman to control her own body and consult with her spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones in making such personal decisions.

And what about to end all "State control by politicians and bureaucrats" and to allow all forms of murder? Why no laws at all and to live continually in anarchy?

From my point of view it has absolutelly nothing to do with "control of the own body" to kill a human being, which owns 50% of the own genetical structure and grows for 9 months in the most safe place, which mother nature was able to give a new child. It's a perversion to kill a human being in the uterus of the own mother and/or to tear it out. The "control of heart, mind and body" and the "respect for life" should not lead to a pregnancy, if a woman likes not to be pregnant. In case a woman is pregnant then the problem is to steal from the unborn human being a whole life span of about 1000-1500 months in case of an abortion.

If such an aborted child would be able to get a compensation for the own abortion then I estimate now this could be about 3-6 million dollar - only for the material losses. But the immaterial losses are higher. Who knows the mathematical formula, which we need, but never was found? So only the material loss in total could be every year in the USA 3-6,000,000,000,000 Dollar. No idea how to speak out such a number correctly in English - but perhaps this will help you to understand the dimension of this problem.

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Hmm. As far as I can see in the moment the Canadians decided in 1989 a fetus has no personal rights and no right to live. Do they try to save unborn babies in case of medical problems? Are unborn babies able to be heirs? ...
Life is as respected in Canada as in the United States.

Says a Brit to a Boer?

Canada does not inflict State control by politicians and bureaucrats upon its citizens in the matter, but rather recognizes the right of a woman to control her own body and consult with her spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones in making such personal decisions.

And what about to end all "State control by politicians and bureaucrats" and to allow all forms of murder? Why no laws at all and to live continually in anarchy?

From my point of view it has absolutelly nothing to do with "control of the own body" to kill a human being, which owns 50% of the own genetical structure and grows for 9 months in the most safe place, which mother nature was able to give a new child. It's a perversion to kill a human being in the uterus of the own mother and/or to tear it out. The "control of heart, mind and body" and the "respect for life" should not lead to a pregnancy, if a woman likes not to be pregnant. In case a woman is pregnant then the problem is to steal from the unborn human being a whole life span of about 1000-1500 months.

If such an aborted child would be able to get a compensation for the own abortion then I estimate now this could be about 3-6 million dollar - only for the material losses. But the immaterial losses are higher. Who knows the mathematical formula, which we need, but never was found? So only the material loss in total could be every year in the USA 3-6,000,000,000,000 Dolar. No idea how to speak out such a number - but perhaps this will help you to understand the dimension of this problem.
You can push your insistence that the State should arrogate control over wombs and deny women the right to make personal decisions in consultation with their spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones. Canada's trusting to the moral authority of the woman over that of your impersonal bureaucrats and politicians provides us with a viable alternative approach that is not dependent upon rabid statism.

You may wish the State to pretend that a microscopic, mindless entity is a citizen, but it isn't. Trust women to make more informed, enlightened, and thoughtful personal decisions than your bureaucrats and politicians could ever make for them.

Remember, when you surrender the personal control of the woman to the impersonal State, you are not just enabling the State to do your bidding. You are enabling forced abortion as well, as we have also seen where State authority prevails.
Asshole #61: you offer no translation? FYB207 is not the first medicament against COVID-19. If Germans are so hot, why aren’t they bitching about vaccinating the natural host instead of humans?
Hmm. As far as I can see in the moment the Canadians decided in 1989 a fetus has no personal rights and no right to live. Do they try to save unborn babies in case of medical problems? Are unborn babies able to be heirs? ...
Life is as respected in Canada as in the United States.

Says a Brit to a Boer?

Canada does not inflict State control by politicians and bureaucrats upon its citizens in the matter, but rather recognizes the right of a woman to control her own body and consult with her spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones in making such personal decisions.

And what about to end all "State control by politicians and bureaucrats" and to allow all forms of murder? Why no laws at all and to live continually in anarchy?

From my point of view it has absolutelly nothing to do with "control of the own body" to kill a human being, which owns 50% of the own genetical structure and grows for 9 months in the most safe place, which mother nature was able to give a new child. It's a perversion to kill a human being in the uterus of the own mother and/or to tear it out. The "control of heart, mind and body" and the "respect for life" should not lead to a pregnancy, if a woman likes not to be pregnant. In case a woman is pregnant then the problem is to steal from the unborn human being a whole life span of about 1000-1500 months.

If such an aborted child would be able to get a compensation for the own abortion then I estimate now this could be about 3-6 million dollar - only for the material losses. But the immaterial losses are higher. Who knows the mathematical formula, which we need, but never was found? So only the material loss in total could be every year in the USA 3-6,000,000,000,000 Dolar. No idea how to speak out such a number - but perhaps this will help you to understand the dimension of this problem.
You can push your insistence that the State should arrogate control over wombs ...

You seem to be extremelly fanatic in context of the theme "abortion". An uterus is by the way a specialized part of a female "womb" or body. ...

But may I ask whether you are responsible on your own for an abortion and the discussion here causes psychological problems for you? We can stop here - it's anyway not the theme here.

The theme here is that many US-Americans are extreme anti-Catholics, who have a probles with a Catholic president of the USA, because to be a Catholic means to be a devil in their eyes. But factually Catholics are extremely underrepresented. Before Joe Biden only John F. Kennedy was a Catholic and president of the USA - for some very few years. Somehow he shot the USA to the moon.

I don't think Joe Biden will do something like this too - but I think it's good that a "bridge builder" is president of the USA. I hope everyeone supports him to build bridges. The USA needs this now.
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Nonetheless, there is never a time that the mindless entity is not alive, until aborted. There are plenty of profoundly retarded Homo sapiens who are wards of the State.
Asshole #61: you offer no translation? FYB207 is not the first medicament against COVID-19.

FYB207 is the first medicament against covid-19, which was specially designed and made against covid-19. All other medicaments, which are used against covid-19, were originally made for other purposes. It's still a project - but works.

If Germans are so hot, why aren’t they bitching about vaccinating the natural host instead of humans?

I'm not interested in anti-German war propaganda from the USA. Do your war alone this time.
Hmm. As far as I can see in the moment the Canadians decided in 1989 a fetus has no personal rights and no right to live. Do they try to save unborn babies in case of medical problems? Are unborn babies able to be heirs? ...
Life is as respected in Canada as in the United States.

Says a Brit to a Boer?

Canada does not inflict State control by politicians and bureaucrats upon its citizens in the matter, but rather recognizes the right of a woman to control her own body and consult with her spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones in making such personal decisions.

And what about to end all "State control by politicians and bureaucrats" and to allow all forms of murder? Why no laws at all and to live continually in anarchy?

From my point of view it has absolutelly nothing to do with "control of the own body" to kill a human being, which owns 50% of the own genetical structure and grows for 9 months in the most safe place, which mother nature was able to give a new child. It's a perversion to kill a human being in the uterus of the own mother and/or to tear it out. The "control of heart, mind and body" and the "respect for life" should not lead to a pregnancy, if a woman likes not to be pregnant. In case a woman is pregnant then the problem is to steal from the unborn human being a whole life span of about 1000-1500 months.

If such an aborted child would be able to get a compensation for the own abortion then I estimate now this could be about 3-6 million dollar - only for the material losses. But the immaterial losses are higher. Who knows the mathematical formula, which we need, but never was found? So only the material loss in total could be every year in the USA 3-6,000,000,000,000 Dolar. No idea how to speak out such a number - but perhaps this will help you to understand the dimension of this problem.
You can push your insistence that the State should arrogate control over wombs ...

You seem to be extremelly fanatic in context of the theme "abortion". An utersu is by the way a specialized part of a female "womb" or body. ...

But may I ask whether you are responsible on your own for an abortion and the discussion here causes psychological problems for you? We can stop here - it's anyway not the theme here.

The theme here is that many US-Americans are extreme anti-Catholics, who have a problems with a Catholic president of the USA because to be a Catholic means to be a devil in their eyes. Itöscomtle yuhrtmazt what iokaoins Joe Biden has asas Cathoicv nthe eyes of such people. But factually Catholics are extremely underrepresented. Before Joe Biden only John F. Kennedy was a Catholic and president of the USA - for some very few years. Somehow he shot the USA to the moon.

I don't think Joe Biden will do something like this too - but I think it's good that he a "bridge builder" is president of the USA. I hope everyeone supports him to build bridges. The USA needs this now.
Most Americans approve of the Biden presidency, and express confidence that he can lead in the nation's recovery.

Like most Americans in general, most Catholic Americans are supportive of the President whose respect for women in personal, reproductive matters mirrors theirs.

A majority of Catholic voters in the United States think that abortion should be legal.

Nonetheless, there is never a time that the mindless entity is not alive, until aborted. There are plenty of profoundly retarded Homo sapiens who are wards of the State.

Very short: A foetal alocohol syndrome is one of the main reasons. I guess this is not better with cannabis or cocaine. And some psychopathological deseases are very constant in all cultures and civilisations of the world. Schuzophrenia for example has everywhere nearly the same frequency. Some Nazis tried to eliminate such deseases with "darwinistic" methods. That's in theory and practice impossible! In general you can see the quality of a culture and/or civilisations in the way how they take care for example for schizophrenic people.
Hmm. As far as I can see in the moment the Canadians decided in 1989 a fetus has no personal rights and no right to live. Do they try to save unborn babies in case of medical problems? Are unborn babies able to be heirs? ...
Life is as respected in Canada as in the United States.

Says a Brit to a Boer?

Canada does not inflict State control by politicians and bureaucrats upon its citizens in the matter, but rather recognizes the right of a woman to control her own body and consult with her spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones in making such personal decisions.

And what about to end all "State control by politicians and bureaucrats" and to allow all forms of murder? Why no laws at all and to live continually in anarchy?

From my point of view it has absolutelly nothing to do with "control of the own body" to kill a human being, which owns 50% of the own genetical structure and grows for 9 months in the most safe place, which mother nature was able to give a new child. It's a perversion to kill a human being in the uterus of the own mother and/or to tear it out. The "control of heart, mind and body" and the "respect for life" should not lead to a pregnancy, if a woman likes not to be pregnant. In case a woman is pregnant then the problem is to steal from the unborn human being a whole life span of about 1000-1500 months.

If such an aborted child would be able to get a compensation for the own abortion then I estimate now this could be about 3-6 million dollar - only for the material losses. But the immaterial losses are higher. Who knows the mathematical formula, which we need, but never was found? So only the material loss in total could be every year in the USA 3-6,000,000,000,000 Dolar. No idea how to speak out such a number - but perhaps this will help you to understand the dimension of this problem.
You can push your insistence that the State should arrogate control over wombs ...

You seem to be extremelly fanatic in context of the theme "abortion". An utersu is by the way a specialized part of a female "womb" or body. ...

But may I ask whether you are responsible on your own for an abortion and the discussion here causes psychological problems for you? We can stop here - it's anyway not the theme here.

The theme here is that many US-Americans are extreme anti-Catholics, who have a problems with a Catholic president of the USA because to be a Catholic means to be a devil in their eyes. Itöscomtle yuhrtmazt what iokaoins Joe Biden has asas Cathoicv nthe eyes of such people. But factually Catholics are extremely underrepresented. Before Joe Biden only John F. Kennedy was a Catholic and president of the USA - for some very few years. Somehow he shot the USA to the moon.

I don't think Joe Biden will do something like this too - but I think it's good that he a "bridge builder" is president of the USA. I hope everyeone supports him to build bridges. The USA needs this now.
Most Americans approve of the Biden presidency, and express confidence that he can lead in the nation's recovery.

Like most Americans in general, most Catholic Americans are supportive of the President whose respect for women in personal, reproductive matters mirrors theirs.

A majority of Catholic voters in the United States think that abortion should be legal.

Why do you still like to speak about abortion with me? I'm a Catholic and I made very clear what a Catholic like I thinks about abortion!
Why do you still like to speak about abortion with me? I'm a Catholic and I made very clear what a Catholic like I thinks about abortion!
You have your views on abortion. Other Catholics have theirs. Most American Catholics support abortion rights.

More than half of U.S. Catholics (56%) said abortion should be legal in all or most cases
Older Catholics may also have views like you spout. But a million abortions a year is not mistakes or rape.
It is not the role of President Biden, or any other politician, to use their offices to force their beliefs on others. They are there to lead all Americans, not just those in their particular sect. It never occurs to anti-choice types that women, like men, practice different faiths or choose not to practice a faith at all. Yet the politicians in some states even force women deciding on having an abortion to attend, in person, indoctrination sessions run by anti-choice religious sects. Women are not to be slaves of the state.
Mr. Biden also issued a presidential memorandum unwinding the Mexico City Policy, known as the global gag rule, which prohibits U.S. dollars from flowing to international non-governmental organizations that provide abortions, advocate to legalize and expand abortion access, or provide abortion counseling.

The rule dates back to 1984, under President Ronald Reagan, but has been revoked and reinstated by Democratic and Republican administrations, respectively. Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama rescinded the policy, while Mr. Trump re-enacted and expanded it.

I'm pretty sure the Catholic Church is totally against abortion. If the church had any balls they woulda excommunicated him and Pelosi long ago. So, is he a catholic? I think he's a CINO, you figure it out.
Actually, pre-Vatican II Catholics are quite different from the current.
church teaching changes over time.

Traditionalists point to the Church recognizing the “quickening” at the point of gestation a fetus exhibits animation as the point after which abortion is proscribed, and Exodus, in Old Testament, says only that a formed fetus, or one with the shape and features of a human baby, would warrant full legal protection.

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