Is Biden Catholic?

... Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

And this shows that you are not a Catholic and what is the real problem of Clerics like Raymond Burke. They strengthen people like you. I guess my mother had said to Raymond something like: Some people destroy with their ass, what others build up up with their hands - and you are directly on the way to come in the near of such people.

BluesLegend! Let it be to say such stupid things. That's not compatible with the Christian faith. No one knows who goes to hell! Everyone has always all chances in this life here - and perhaps even longer. We will see, what god will say to us, when we will have reached the end. For sure god loves his children - and loves it to be happy with them - but if necessary to do so, then god will also suffer with them. God never lets anyone alone - not even in the worst hell on Earth.

Hey go ahead and explain to God why you people aborted 50 million babies, ripping their limbs off. Good luck with that. :talk2hand:

You can't "abort" a baby, dumbass. Besides which, who the fuck is "you people"?

Look Satain's spawn if it has arms, legs, hands and feet it's a baby.

I don't know any "Satain" so I can't look there but I do know this:

Learn to pronounce
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"

Now quit posting bullshit if you don't wanna get it smacked down.

Just assume I bitch slapped you with legal cases of people being convicted of killing a child in the womb. ^^^ poster got their law degree mail order?

Children do not live in wombs, shitferbrains.

You did do so - for about 9 month. And I'm sure it were not the most unimportant months of your life, kid.

I absolutely did not. I wouldn't do that to my mother. When I was a child I lived in a house. Soon as I left the hospital.
That's why the USA kills every year about 1,000,000 human beings? And do you really like to say me you believe this nonsense on your own, which you tell me here?
Your attack upon the USA confirms your alienation from our nation.

I'm a German.

If you demand that the State arrogate control over wombs and deny the right of women make personal decisions for themselves in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones, that is the maximal Statism you support.

I don't have any idea what you say with this words. Sounds weird.

Personally, I abhor such government intrusion, and do not believe your politicians and bureaucrats should be trespassing into such private matters, especially before a viable, sentient human being has developed during the gestative process.

A woman gets pregnant and bears a baby. And let me say in very simple words: Every woman has the right to be supported from her whole village, so her and her childrens lifes might be happy and successful. And no one has any duty to support anyone to kill other human beings - so also not anyone has to support people, who try to convince women to let abort her own babies. Abortions make no one happy. Is it clear to you now what seems to be totally unclear to you? In case an abortion had happened or/and is inevitable then we also have the duty to support a mother, who lost or is losing her baby. Do you understand also this?

Your opinion is noted. Don't force it upon women. They won't force theirs upon you.

It is not an opinion what I say - it is a description in a field of problems, which your nation spoke out for example in the declaration of independence. It's a natural unalienable right to live. Such unalienable rights are able to be discovered from human beings - but they are not able to be made from human beings with a minority or majority of opinions. - They are everlasting and depend not on opinions. There's only one chance: to follow them. It is just simple true that everyone has the right to live. And it is impossible to live under respect for human life with the self defined alienation to have the right to kill or to let kill human beings. This contradiction destroys all human laws.
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I don't know why people thinks that there were only ten commands
There are only 10 COMNANDMENTS.
Yes there are additional laws, but the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the FOUNDATIONAL LAW. Think of them as the Constitution of God's Kingdom for Israel.
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Don't care if he's Catholic.

But I wish he were lucid.....
I wish he werent a lying hypocrite.

He claims he is a "devout catholic" but he supports everything that church calls evil.

He has done NOTHING to save the most innocent of human life, and he embraces every sexual perversion the scriptures clearly condemn
Don't care if he's Catholic.

But I wish he were lucid.....
I wish he werent a lying hypocrite.

He claims he is a "devout catholic" but he supports everything that church calls evil.

He has done NOTHING to save the most innocent of human life, and he embraces every sexual perversion the scriptures clearly condemn

Empty phrases without real content. He has to follow his own conscience and no ones wrong ideas about the bible. He is educated and experienced enough to do his own decisions - together with his team - for a wonderful country in a wonderful world. He is for example a friend of ecumenism - but no one expects from him to be a second Frere Roger. He's president of the United States - the first servant of your country. That's enough stress.

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... Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

And this shows that you are not a Catholic and what is the real problem of Clerics like Raymond Burke. They strengthen people like you. I guess my mother had said to Raymond something like: Some people destroy with their ass, what others build up up with their hands - and you are directly on the way to come in the near of such people.

BluesLegend! Let it be to say such stupid things. That's not compatible with the Christian faith. No one knows who goes to hell! Everyone has always all chances in this life here - and perhaps even longer. We will see, what god will say to us, when we will have reached the end. For sure god loves his children - and loves it to be happy with them - but if necessary to do so, then god will also suffer with them. God never lets anyone alone - not even in the worst hell on Earth.

Hey go ahead and explain to God why you people aborted 50 million babies, ripping their limbs off. Good luck with that. :talk2hand:

You can't "abort" a baby, dumbass. Besides which, who the fuck is "you people"?

Look Satain's spawn if it has arms, legs, hands and feet it's a baby.

I don't know any "Satain" so I can't look there but I do know this:

Learn to pronounce
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"

Now quit posting bullshit if you don't wanna get it smacked down.

Just assume I bitch slapped you with legal cases of people being convicted of killing a child in the womb. ^^^ poster got their law degree mail order?

Children do not live in wombs, shitferbrains.

You did do so - for about 9 month. And I'm sure it were not the most unimportant months of your life, kid.

I absolutely did not. I wouldn't do that to my mother. When I was a child I lived in a house. Soon as I left the hospital.

Are you a new kind of monster? An "undead idiot", or so?

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...your nation spoke out for example in the declaration of independence. It's a natural unalienable right to live.
All rights are circumscribed by the rights of others, and the status of a fetus in a woman's womb is a scientific reality, subject to extant laws. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that access to safe and legal abortion is a Constitutional right.

If the United States felt bound by "It's a natural unalienable right to live," it would never have instituted a death penalty, yet the State persists in killing fully-developed human beings.

Biden, like many other Catholics, do not feel that their Church's doctrine - or that of any other religious denomination - should be imposed upon all Americans via the coercive power of the State.

Consider Canada, where there has been no State control of wombs for 30 years, and yet the frequency of abortions has not increased.
I don't know why people thinks that there were only ten commands
There are only 10 COMNANDMENTS.
Yes there are additional laws, but the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the FOUNDATIONAL LAW. Think of them as the Constitution of God's Kingdom for Israel.
The commandments are the laws. Those are the laws that God commanded us to follow. and the neighbors are those who were not descendants of Abraham, but loved God. They weren't obligated to follow the laws or stay with the descendants of Abraham. But God allowed them to stay to eat the crumbs. That is why God told the Abraham's descendants to give the food of the unclean animals that they have acquired or the scraps from their Passover Lamb to those that aren't living in your tents or within their gates. But Abraham's descendants must love them as they've loved their own, unconditionally. Like the way the children of the king are exempted from from paying taxes.
God says that anyone who accepts Him, that we must accept them as family. It is because their faith has made them clean. And whatever God cleans, we accept.

Matthew 22:36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 15:27
“Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

Numbers 12:1
Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite.

Acts 11 :8 “I replied, ‘Surely not, Lord! Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.’

9 “The voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’

Matthew 5:46
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?

Luke 7:50

Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Meanwhile, you just want inconvenient people eliminated.

Leftism is a death cult.
Your nonsense aside, if you support the State imposing control over the reproductive systems of women by bureaucrats and politicians, simply admit that is what you advocate. I do not.
The less government is involved in individual lives, the better.

Leftists violently disagree with that statement.

No, what I'd like is a cultural shift. I'd like everyone to realize the unborn are valuable and worthy of protection, and see abortion only as a last resort when lives are endangered.

Leftists violently disagree with that statement, too.

Now, thanks to the left's loathing for human life, the unborn are seen as not even human, and nothing more than trash to be disposed of when inconvenient. For 50+ years the left has said people don't need to face the consequences of their actions.

This is undeniable. But you will predictably deny it anyway.
...your nation spoke out for example in the declaration of independence. It's a natural unalienable right to live.
All rights are circumscribed by the rights of others,

by the weakness of others. We need rights to protect the weak. Unborn human beings are the most weak human beings.

and the status of a fetus in a woman's womb is a scientific reality, subject to extant laws. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that access to safe and legal abortion is a Constitutional right.

What shows that not only you but also the Supreme Court of the USA is able to speak nonsense. The physical reality of unborn babies is very well known and biologically it's totally clear that a homo sapiens sapiens fetus is different from other fetusses of other animals.

If the United States felt bound by "It's a natural unalienable right to live," it would never have instituted a death penalty, yet the State persists in killing fully-developed human beings.

Exactly. Death penalty is wrong. The only argument for death penalty is self defense. So today - in times of safe prisons -it's more a question of paranoia and fear to be for death penalty any longer.

Biden, like many other Catholics, do not feel that their Church's doctrine - or that of any other religious denomination - should be imposed upon all Americans via the coercive power of the State.

I don't know what Mr. Joe Biden feels or not feels. And it is not coercion to live and let live. It is coercion to kill and let kill.

Consider Canada, where there has been no State control of wombs for 30 years, and yet the frequency of abortions has not increased.

Hmm. As far as I can see in the moment the Canadians decided in 1989 a fetus has no personal rights and no right to live. Do they try to save unborn babies in case of medical problems? Are unborn babies able to be heirs? ...
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... Leftists believe Government is better able to make decisions for people than they are themselves.
You can appoint yourself spokesperson for your "leftists" - whomever you claim they are - but it is you that call for subjugating women to the control of your politicians and bureaucrats.
Not really. I don't think I have a say in where people invest their money, what kind of light bulbs they can buy, how much water can flow through their toilet, what their new cars must be powered by, how their electricity must be generated, or if they want to wear a mask in public.

Leftists, however, DO believe government should make all those decisions for people.

And my opinion is it's due to leftists recognizing their own general incompetence and projecting it on others.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.
Do you take a knee when you recite that as you deny freedom for women to control their own bodies and demand that they be subjected to State control? Does is also apply to your surrendering to the State the power to kill people in cold blood?
No. Don't be stupid, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.

Speaking of cold blood, leftists want people to be unable to defend themselves with firearms.

Why do you want people killed by criminals?

Oh, wait, I already asked that. Leftism is a death cult.
...your nation spoke out for example in the declaration of independence. It's a natural unalienable right to live.
All rights are circumscribed by the rights of others, and the status of a fetus in a woman's womb is a scientific reality, subject to extant laws. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that access to safe and legal abortion is a Constitutional right.

If the United States felt bound by "It's a natural unalienable right to live," it would never have instituted a death penalty, yet the State persists in killing fully-developed human beings.

Biden, like many other Catholics, do not feel that their Church's doctrine - or that of any other religious denomination - should be imposed upon all Americans via the coercive power of the State.

Consider Canada, where there has been no State control of wombs for 30 years, and yet the frequency of abortions has not increased.
Comparing Canada and the Untied States is a Saul Alinsky production. But the globalist have turned some Canadian cities into more U.S. city like.
...your nation spoke out for example in the declaration of independence. It's a natural unalienable right to live.
All rights are circumscribed by the rights of others, and the status of a fetus in a woman's womb is a scientific reality, subject to extant laws. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that access to safe and legal abortion is a Constitutional right.

If the United States felt bound by "It's a natural unalienable right to live," it would never have instituted a death penalty, yet the State persists in killing fully-developed human beings.

Biden, like many other Catholics, do not feel that their Church's doctrine - or that of any other religious denomination - should be imposed upon all Americans via the coercive power of the State.

Consider Canada, where there has been no State control of wombs for 30 years, and yet the frequency of abortions has not increased.
Leftism on the value of human life:

You may not end the life of an adult who has committed horrific acts. His life is valuable.

You may end the life of an unborn person, the most innocent life of all, if his existence is inconvenient. His life is worthless.
People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Meanwhile, you just want inconvenient people eliminated.

Leftism is a death cult.
Your nonsense aside, if you support the State imposing control over the reproductive systems of women by bureaucrats and politicians, simply admit that is what you advocate. I do not.
The less government is involved in individual lives, the better. ...

By the way: Why?
People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Meanwhile, you just want inconvenient people eliminated.

Leftism is a death cult.
Your nonsense aside, if you support the State imposing control over the reproductive systems of women by bureaucrats and politicians, simply admit that is what you advocate. I do not.
The less government is involved in individual lives, the better. ...

By the way: Why?
I can make my own decisions for myself, with my best interests at heart and those of my family.

Why do you believe government can do better?
People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Meanwhile, you just want inconvenient people eliminated.

Leftism is a death cult.
Your nonsense aside, if you support the State imposing control over the reproductive systems of women by bureaucrats and politicians, simply admit that is what you advocate. I do not.
The less government is involved in individual lives, the better. ...

By the way: Why?
I can make my own decisions for myself, with my best interests at heart and those of my family.

Why do you believe government can do better?

I believe nothing in such a context. I just simple was interested in this moment about reasons for such a placative idea and/or empty phrase. I'm curious - that's all.
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