Is Biden Catholic?

... Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

And this shows that you are not a Catholic and what is the real problem of Clerics like Raymond Burke. They strengthen people like you. I guess my mother had said to Raymond something like: Some people destroy with their ass, what others build up up with their hands - and you are directly on the way to come in the near of such people.

BluesLegend! Let it be to say such stupid things. That's not compatible with the Christian faith. No one knows who goes to hell! Everyone has always all chances in this life here - and perhaps even longer. We will see, what god will say to us, when we will have reached the end. For sure god loves his children - and loves it to be happy with them - but if necessary to do so, then god will also suffer with them. God never lets anyone alone - not even in the worst hell on Earth.

Hey go ahead and explain to God why you people aborted 50 million babies, ripping their limbs off. Good luck with that. :talk2hand:

You can't "abort" a baby, dumbass. Besides which, who the fuck is "you people"?

Look Satain's spawn if it has arms, legs, hands and feet it's a baby.

I don't know any "Satain" so I can't look there but I do know this:

Learn to pronounce
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"

Now quit posting bullshit if you don't wanna get it smacked down.

Just assume I bitch slapped you with legal cases of people being convicted of killing a child in the womb. ^^^ poster got their law degree mail order?
... Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

And this shows that you are not a Catholic and what is the real problem of Clerics like Raymond Burke. They strengthen people like you. I guess my mother had said to Raymond something like: Some people destroy with their ass, what others build up up with their hands - and you are directly on the way to come in the near of such people.

BluesLegend! Let it be to say such stupid things. That's not compatible with the Christian faith. No one knows who goes to hell! Everyone has always all chances in this life here - and perhaps even longer. We will see, what god will say to us, when we will have reached the end. For sure god loves his children - and loves it to be happy with them - but if necessary to do so, then god will also suffer with them. God never lets anyone alone - not even in the worst hell on Earth.

Hey go ahead and explain to God why you people aborted 50 million babies, ripping their limbs off. Good luck with that. :talk2hand:

You can't "abort" a baby, dumbass. Besides which, who the fuck is "you people"?

Look Satain's spawn if it has arms, legs, hands and feet it's a baby.

I don't know any "Satain" so I can't look there but I do know this:

Learn to pronounce
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"

Now quit posting bullshit if you don't wanna get it smacked down.

Just assume I bitch slapped you with legal cases of people being convicted of killing a child in the womb. ^^^ poster got their law degree mail order?

Children do not live in wombs, shitferbrains. Poster got his medical degree from the University of His Own Ass?
It's always amusing when supporters of abortion on demand claim they care about the sanctity of human life.
Not as amusing as when anti-government crackpots are so eager for the State to arrogate private, personal matters and surrender them to bureaucrats and politicians.

Respect for human life includes acknowledging that a pregnant woman has the right to control her own body and make decisions in consultation with her spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones until the stage of gestation that a viable and sentient person has developed.
People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Meanwhile, you just want inconvenient people eliminated.

Leftism is a death cult.
Now do the concept of charity and why the government should be in charge of it.
A government of, by, and for the People is an expression of the values and priorities of the People, the mechanism for the People to express their moral principles.
Funny how you believe that until the People express conservative moral principles. Then Big Daddy Government should give them the Tiananmen Square treatment.

It's funny. Leftists believe Government is better able to make decisions for people than they are if Government isn't made up of people.

Y'all really do believe Government is a benevolent entity.
Progs do not promote morals. But force people to pay for immorality and then jump on any person not a Prog who fails from just saying there is a moral compass we should at least know exists.
Your surrender to hyper-partisan rancor is noted.

Meanwhile, the corporal works of mercy will continue to provide a moral compass in democratic self-governance.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.
People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Poor Dave.

His hate is literally all he has now. It's all that gets him out of bed in the morning.

We can't save him. He's too far gone into hating everything that's good and decent.
And in your world, killing inconvenient people is "good and decent".

Everything you say is a lie.
And in your world, killing inconvenient people is "good and decent".

Kids, don't become a hate-addict.

Like many addicts, the hate-addict requires a bigger and bigger fix to get the same level of thrills from their chosen perversion.

And that explains Dave's posts.
Oh, look! More lies and projection.

I have to say I'm completely unsurprised.

For many sincere, devoutly religious Americans, a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is not a person,

But it is biologically never an "amalgam of cells" and always biologically a human being. The word "person" is complex. In a most simple way is a person a kind of mask of an actor, which we carry, when we play the game "to live together".

nor is surrendering dominion over all impregnated wombs to government politicians and bureaucrats the ethical solution.

What for heavens sake is an ethical solution? Abortion is no solution at all for any problem, which the aborted human being never will have. Abortion means to steal from every aborted human being a whole lifespan.

Personal morality is not achieved through State coercion.

Eh? I have not any idea what you like to say with this sentence. The feeling for justice is often not represented from laws. Nevertheless we need laws. We all have to take care that justice and laws not will become strangers.

It is odd that those most contemptuous of governmental competence and averse to government intervention are so eager to surrender dominion in such matters of life and death - capital punishment included - to the State.

From my point of view capital punishment often was once used to protect others from future crimes - specially of mad and sick murderers. So it was often a kind of preemptive self-defense. That was the only positive aspect. But today we have much more possibilites to help and much more safe prisons. So capital punishment is obsolete today. And in all times capital punishment also had been sometimes judical errors or had been sometimes even crimes on their own.
Impersonal politicians and bureaucrats arrogating the right of a woman to control her own body and make personal decisions in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones is a State intrusion that is repugnant before the process of gestation justifies it.

I trust in the morality of the American in such personal matters over that of an intrusive State dictating its orders to everyone.

A mindless, microscopic amalgam of cells is a biological entity no more sentient than a paired fingernail. It is distinguished by its awesome potential to become a person, but, unless and until gestation occurs, it is what it is, just as an acorn is not an oak tree.

Respect and trust to the moral capacity of the woman over the impersonal politicians hellbent upon seizing control.

That's why the USA kills every year about 1,000,000 human beings? And do you really like to say me you believe this nonsense on your own, which you tell me here?
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... Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

And this shows that you are not a Catholic and what is the real problem of Clerics like Raymond Burke. They strengthen people like you. I guess my mother had said to Raymond something like: Some people destroy with their ass, what others build up up with their hands - and you are directly on the way to come in the near of such people.

BluesLegend! Let it be to say such stupid things. That's not compatible with the Christian faith. No one knows who goes to hell! Everyone has always all chances in this life here - and perhaps even longer. We will see, what god will say to us, when we will have reached the end. For sure god loves his children - and loves it to be happy with them - but if necessary to do so, then god will also suffer with them. God never lets anyone alone - not even in the worst hell on Earth.

Hey go ahead and explain to God why you people aborted 50 million babies, ripping their limbs off. Good luck with that. :talk2hand:

I have not any problem if god kicks the Earth into the sun, beause we make abortions. But he will not do so. On the other side I guess it's better not to tell ETs that we are a species, which kills the own breed. I hate it to awake in a psychiatric hospital on Eridani IV.
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... Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

And this shows that you are not a Catholic and what is the real problem of Clerics like Raymond Burke. They strengthen people like you. I guess my mother had said to Raymond something like: Some people destroy with their ass, what others build up up with their hands - and you are directly on the way to come in the near of such people.

BluesLegend! Let it be to say such stupid things. That's not compatible with the Christian faith. No one knows who goes to hell! Everyone has always all chances in this life here - and perhaps even longer. We will see, what god will say to us, when we will have reached the end. For sure god loves his children - and loves it to be happy with them - but if necessary to do so, then god will also suffer with them. God never lets anyone alone - not even in the worst hell on Earth.

Hey go ahead and explain to God why you people aborted 50 million babies, ripping their limbs off. Good luck with that. :talk2hand:

You can't "abort" a baby, dumbass. Besides which, who the fuck is "you people"?

Look Satain's spawn if it has arms, legs, hands and feet it's a baby.

I don't know any "Satain" so I can't look there but I do know this:

Learn to pronounce
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"

Now quit posting bullshit if you don't wanna get it smacked down.

Just assume I bitch slapped you with legal cases of people being convicted of killing a child in the womb. ^^^ poster got their law degree mail order?

Children do not live in wombs, shitferbrains.

You did do so - for about 9 month. And I'm sure it were not the most unimportant months of your life, kid.

Poster got his medical degree from the University of His Own Ass?
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People who support post-birth abortion make the same argument.

Meanwhile, you just want inconvenient people eliminated.

Leftism is a death cult.
Your nonsense aside, if you support the State imposing control over the reproductive systems of women by bureaucrats and politicians, simply admit that is what you advocate. I do not.
... Leftists believe Government is better able to make decisions for people than they are themselves.
You can appoint yourself spokesperson for your "leftists" - whomever you claim they are - but it is you that call for subjugating women to the control of your politicians and bureaucrats.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.
Do you take a knee when you recite that as you deny freedom for women to control their own bodies and demand that they be subjected to State control? Does is also apply to your surrendering to the State the power to kill people in cold blood?
As Biden is a genuinely good man, what's your problem? That he's a genuinely good man? I can see how that would offend the evil.

Oh, I get it. The priest is a pro-life jihadist, but not honest enough to say it outright. I'll pray he repents of his evil.

No he isn't, he is a petty hate filled racist. You lying dog faced pony soldier.
Well, you can join a Catholic parish, get donation envelopes, go to church when the Church says you oughtta, pay a tithe, and call yourself a "Catholic." Being a sinner doesn't enter into it; we are all sinners. Good enough?

But the issue goes deeper than that.

Imagine a "Born-again" Christian who states publicly that he believes that the personage we refer to as "Jesus Christ" is actually an amalgam of a dozen or so messianic figures who all lived around the same time in Palestine, and there is no actual "Jesus Christ," per se. Is this person a "Christian"? [No].

Imagine a Mormon who states publicly that he thinks Joseph Smith was a pure charlatan who made up the Book of Mormon, used his religious stature to screw a small army of women - some of whom were married at the time - claiming to have "married" them to justify his actions. Is he a "Mormon"? [No].

Imagine a Roman Catholic who believes that the morality of abortion is not absolute, but is something for each person to decide, and he enthusiastically supports the right of pregnant women to have abortions. Suppose he also is a firm believer in gay "marriage."

These two positions are diametrically opposed to the clear teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. You cannot be a "Catholic" and hold these views. No conscientious priest will knowingly administer the Holy Eucharist to anyone - especially a public figure - who holds these views. This "Roman Catholic" person is not "Catholic."

Being raised Catholic at the time when Biden was raised, and especially if you went to parochial schools, gives one a sense of "being Catholic," in an intrinsic sense that is comparable to one's race or nationality. The attitude is, "I am Catholic and no one can tell me that I'm not." But that's bullshit.

It ain't bullshit at all. Religion is personal. The fascist OP has zero standing to run around declaring what other people's personal preferences are. Fuck him and everything he stands for.

You're a mouthy little prick aren't you? Biden in no way represents anything of faith.
That's why the USA kills every year about 1,000,000 human beings? And do you really like to say me you believe this nonsense on your own, which you tell me here?
Your attack upon the USA confirms your alienation from our nation. If you demand that the State arrogate control over wombs and deny the right of women make personal decisions for themselves in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones, that is the maximal Statism you support.

Personally, I abhor such government intrusion, and do not believe your politicians and bureaucrats should be trespassing into such private matters, especially before a viable, sentient human being has developed during the gestative process.
That's why the USA kills every year about 1,000,000 human beings? And do you really like to say me you believe this nonsense on your own, which you tell me here?
Your attack upon the USA confirms your alienation from our nation.

I'm a German.

If you demand that the State arrogate control over wombs and deny the right of women make personal decisions for themselves in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones, that is the maximal Statism you support.

I don't have any idea what you say with this words. Sounds weird.

Personally, I abhor such government intrusion, and do not believe your politicians and bureaucrats should be trespassing into such private matters, especially before a viable, sentient human being has developed during the gestative process.

A woman gets pregnant and bears a baby. And let me say in very simple words: Every woman has the right to be supported from her whole village, so her and her childrens lifes might be happy and successful. And no one has any duty to support anyone to kill other human beings - so also not anyone has to support people, who try to convince women to let abort her own babies. Abortions make no one happy. Is it clear to you now what seems to be totally unclear to you? In case an abortion had happened or/and is inevitable then we also have the duty to support a mother, who lost or is losing her baby. Do you understand also this?

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That's why the USA kills every year about 1,000,000 human beings? And do you really like to say me you believe this nonsense on your own, which you tell me here?
Your attack upon the USA confirms your alienation from our nation.

I'm a German.

If you demand that the State arrogate control over wombs and deny the right of women make personal decisions for themselves in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones, that is the maximal Statism you support.

I don't have any idea what you say with this words. Sounds weird.

Personally, I abhor such government intrusion, and do not believe your politicians and bureaucrats should be trespassing into such private matters, especially before a viable, sentient human being has developed during the gestative process.

A woman gets pregnant and bears a baby. And let me say in very simple words: Every woman has the right to be supported from her whole village, so her and her childrens lifes might be happy and successful. And no one has any duty to support anyone to kill other human beings - so also not anyone has to support people, who try to convince women to let abort her own babies. Abortions make no one happy. Is it clear to you now what seems to be totally unclear to you? In case an abortion had happened or/and is inevitable then we also have the duty to support a mother, who lost or is losing her baby. Do you understand also this?

Your opinion is noted. Don't force it upon women. They won't force theirs upon you.

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