Is Biden Catholic?

He says he's Catholic, he makes a show of being Catholic, but ignores Catholic doctrine.

Ackchooly you're in no position to know. I'm not either. No one is except the person himself. That's uh kind of why it's none of our bidness.

His words and behavior have been quite clear.

As a POTUS they have to be.
As a religious aspect, his behaviour is his private business, as it the case for literally everybody.

No one who acts against one's own professed conscience can be trusted.

This thread ain't about conscience. It's about religion.
It has no business being about some third party's religion, granted, but that's what it is. An illegitimate topic, is still a topic.
Catholicism teaches no venom towards others. Catholicism is more inward and the education is to tell us totally about things we do as wrong. The meting out of this education was strict. Biden went through that for his age is from the era and it started to change in the early 1970's. When the change of our nation became more about ourselves and we can do anything we want. There are people who do not follow the Catholic way even though they went to the Churches and Schools. There are people who are religious but not through the Catholic system anymore. The issue with Biden is that he has not followed sense as a politician that has affected in a wrong way people who do have faith. Most of them do not stand up to say anything. But that is the way of Christianity by many. And they are being railroaded now by people who manipulated the Constitution and the Bible on them. The irony is men and women who believed they were wronged are repeating the same things to others that were done to them. As we move into a godless civilization whatever travesties were foisted on men will be much worse.
No, he don't have any Christian's values at all.

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Read the 10 commandments.

I don't know why people thinks that there were only ten commands. ...

You say in public: "Mr. President Joe Biden don't has Christian values at all." I don't know - and I also do not like to know - how you combine to say so with the commandement "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour". It's for you yourselve important to know your own reasons in this context.

I'm on my own by the way not happy about your Mr. president Joe Biden. It's for me clear that he will continue the war against Germany and Europe, which Donald Trump had started in the name of Europe and Joe Biden continues to do in the name of Europe. Such intrigant political games I hate very much.
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When did "the church" ever say what you falsely claim it said?
"Cardinal Raymond Burke, who is a member of the highest court at the Vatican, has declared that Joe Biden, "is not a Catholic in good standing." "
Your fake pretense has been exposed.

One dude, an habitual critic of the Church who has publicly clashed with Pope Francis and who has been repeatedly demoted for expressing his aberrant notions that differ from the Church's official position, was not speaking for the Church when he stated his opinion regarding the President.

The Church has issued no such declaration concerning the President.

The pope zeroed in on Trump’s harsh immigration and border wall policies, saying: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” As for Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents (a policy Biden opposed), the pope highlighted a disconnect between Trump’s pro-life position on abortion and his child-separation policy: “The president of the United States presents himself as pro-life and if he is a good pro-lifer, he understands that family is the cradle of life and its unity must be protected.”...
On Inauguration Day, the pope extended his “cordial good wishes” to the new president, noting that in a time of “grave crises” he prayed that Biden’s decisions “will be guided by a concern for building a society marked by authentic justice and freedom, together with unfailing respect for the rights and dignity of every person, especially the poor, the vulnerable and those who have no voice.”...
Pope Francis’s standing with American Catholics is quite high. In a recent survey, 77 percent expressed a favorable opinion, including 35 percent who voice a “very favorable” view. Ninety-four percent describe the Holy Father as “compassionate,” and 91 percent call him “humble.” Any politician, much less a religious leader, would love to receive such high marks.
No wonder that, as you enter the Oval Office and look behind the Resolute Desk, you will find an array of pictures of the Biden family and one very prominent picture of the president and the pope.
Again, the Catholic Church has never taken the position that the State's politicians and bureaucrats must seize control of wombs and women be dictated to by them rather than making personal decisions in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones.
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He says he's Catholic, he makes a show of being Catholic, but ignores Catholic doctrine.
No doubt you are evoking the President's position regarding his support of capital punishment, the State's arrogating the right to kill its citizens in cold blood, still practiced in morally-backward nations.

Pray that, given time, the President will follow the Church's teaching in the matter. The Roman Catholic Church, of course, opposes the death penalty.
The church said Biden is not in good standing with the church.
When did "the church" ever say what you falsely claim it said?

During Biden's campaign you idiot. God you leftards are ill informed. Here dummy,

" Cardinal Raymond Burke, who is a member of the highest court at the Vatican, has declared that Joe Biden, "is not a Catholic in good standing." Burke said that Catholic politicians, like Biden, who support abortion rights should not approach the Holy Communion at Mass. He further stated that Biden "gives scandal to everyone" because he claims he is a "devout Catholic." and yet supports abortion. Burke said that "a Catholic may not support abortion in any shape or form because it is one of the most grievous sins against human life and intrinsically evil, and therefore to in any way support the act is a mortal sin." "

It is not wrong what Cardinal Raymond says here. One problem in this context: He is on his own an extreme man. I remember a totally superflous fight in context condoms from him, which was very counterproductive.

The real problem in this context here is not only Joe Biden. We Catholics make abortions like all others. Sure this is a shame for the church - but this helps no one. It has reasons why also many Catholics support abortions. And it needs much more than some flat sentences, if someone needs really help in case of abortion. And: Not all abortions are really a sin. The life of the mother for example has a higher priority than the life of the fetus.

And Raymond Burke has a typical problem of Catholic Clerics. Here fought a Cardinal against someone who said "I am a devout Catholic" and for someone, who was in best case a ... a ... a Donald Trump.
It is everyone's business when the President of the United States declares openly he is Catholic but ignores the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Your presumptuous, false assumption is clearly calculated to promote your partisan agenda, but is not aligned with reality.

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Pope Francis Calls Joe Biden to Give President-Elect
'Blessings and Congratulations'

Does the President think that a mindless, microscopic amalgam of cells is a person?

More American Catholics voted for him. Are they all to be excommunicated for sharing Biden's view in the matter?

The former guy was an abomination for many devout Catholics, a loathsome mockery of Christian morality:

... Catholic leaders have harshly criticized [Trump's] policies on immigration, including his family separation policy, and his seeming indifference to racism, particularly his reaction to white supremacists rallying in Charlottesville, Va., in 2016. They have also criticized his economic policies and health care proposals, as well as his disrespectful statements concerning women, racial minorities and even the military. His environmental policies are out of step with the priorities of Pope Francis.
It is not wrong what Cardinal Raymond says here. One problem in this context: He is on his own an extreme man. I remember a totally superflous fight in context condoms from him, which was very counterproductive.

The real problem in this context here is not only Joe Biden. We Catholics make abortions like all others. Sure this is a shame for the church - but this helps no one. It has reasons why also many Catholics support abortions. And it needs much more than some flat sentences, if someone needs really help in case of abortion. And: Not all abortions are really a sin. The life of the mother for example has a higher priority than the life of the fetus.

And Raymond Burke has a typical problem of Catholic Clerics. Here fought a Cardinal against someone who said "I am a devout Catholic" and for someone, who was in best case a ... a ... a Donald Trump.
For many sincere, devoutly religious Americans, a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is not a person, nor is surrendering dominion over all impregnated wombs to government politicians and bureaucrats the ethical solution.

Personal morality is not achieved through State coercion.

It is odd that those most contemptuous of governmental competence and averse to government intervention are so eager to surrender dominion in such matters of life and death - capital punishment included - to the State.
When did "the church" ever say what you falsely claim it said?
"Cardinal Raymond Burke, who is a member of the highest court at the Vatican, has declared that Joe Biden, "is not a Catholic in good standing." "
Your fake pretense has been exposed.

One dude, an habitual critic of the Church who has publicly clashed with Pope Francis and who has been repeatedly demoted for expressing his aberrant notions that differ from the Church's official position, was not speaking for the Church when he stated his opinion regarding the President.

The Church has issued no such declaration concerning the President.

The pope zeroed in on Trump’s harsh immigration and border wall policies, saying: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” As for Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents (a policy Biden opposed), the pope highlighted a disconnect between Trump’s pro-life position on abortion and his child-separation policy: “The president of the United States presents himself as pro-life and if he is a good pro-lifer, he understands that family is the cradle of life and its unity must be protected.”...
On Inauguration Day, the pope extended his “cordial good wishes” to the new president, noting that in a time of “grave crises” he prayed that Biden’s decisions “will be guided by a concern for building a society marked by authentic justice and freedom, together with unfailing respect for the rights and dignity of every person, especially the poor, the vulnerable and those who have no voice.”...
Pope Francis’s standing with American Catholics is quite high. In a recent survey, 77 percent expressed a favorable opinion, including 35 percent who voice a “very favorable” view. Ninety-four percent describe the Holy Father as “compassionate,” and 91 percent call him “humble.” Any politician, much less a religious leader, would love to receive such high marks.
No wonder that, as you enter the Oval Office and look behind the Resolute Desk, you will find an array of pictures of the Biden family and one very prominent picture of the president and the pope.
Again, the Catholic Church has never taken the position that the State's politicians and bureaucrats must seize control of wombs and women be dictated to by them rather than making personal decisions in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones.

Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.
When did "the church" ever say what you falsely claim it said?
"Cardinal Raymond Burke, who is a member of the highest court at the Vatican, has declared that Joe Biden, "is not a Catholic in good standing." "
Your fake pretense has been exposed.

One dude, an habitual critic of the Church who has publicly clashed with Pope Francis and who has been repeatedly demoted for expressing his aberrant notions that differ from the Church's official position, was not speaking for the Church when he stated his opinion regarding the President.

The Church has issued no such declaration concerning the President.

The pope zeroed in on Trump’s harsh immigration and border wall policies, saying: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” As for Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents (a policy Biden opposed), the pope highlighted a disconnect between Trump’s pro-life position on abortion and his child-separation policy: “The president of the United States presents himself as pro-life and if he is a good pro-lifer, he understands that family is the cradle of life and its unity must be protected.”...
On Inauguration Day, the pope extended his “cordial good wishes” to the new president, noting that in a time of “grave crises” he prayed that Biden’s decisions “will be guided by a concern for building a society marked by authentic justice and freedom, together with unfailing respect for the rights and dignity of every person, especially the poor, the vulnerable and those who have no voice.”...
Pope Francis’s standing with American Catholics is quite high. In a recent survey, 77 percent expressed a favorable opinion, including 35 percent who voice a “very favorable” view. Ninety-four percent describe the Holy Father as “compassionate,” and 91 percent call him “humble.” Any politician, much less a religious leader, would love to receive such high marks.
No wonder that, as you enter the Oval Office and look behind the Resolute Desk, you will find an array of pictures of the Biden family and one very prominent picture of the president and the pope.
Again, the Catholic Church has never taken the position that the State's politicians and bureaucrats must seize control of wombs and women be dictated to by them rather than making personal decisions in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones.

Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

When did "the church" ever say what you falsely claim it said?
"Cardinal Raymond Burke, who is a member of the highest court at the Vatican, has declared that Joe Biden, "is not a Catholic in good standing." "
Your fake pretense has been exposed.

One dude, an habitual critic of the Church who has publicly clashed with Pope Francis and who has been repeatedly demoted for expressing his aberrant notions that differ from the Church's official position, was not speaking for the Church when he stated his opinion regarding the President.

The Church has issued no such declaration concerning the President.

The pope zeroed in on Trump’s harsh immigration and border wall policies, saying: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” As for Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents (a policy Biden opposed), the pope highlighted a disconnect between Trump’s pro-life position on abortion and his child-separation policy: “The president of the United States presents himself as pro-life and if he is a good pro-lifer, he understands that family is the cradle of life and its unity must be protected.”...
On Inauguration Day, the pope extended his “cordial good wishes” to the new president, noting that in a time of “grave crises” he prayed that Biden’s decisions “will be guided by a concern for building a society marked by authentic justice and freedom, together with unfailing respect for the rights and dignity of every person, especially the poor, the vulnerable and those who have no voice.”...
Pope Francis’s standing with American Catholics is quite high. In a recent survey, 77 percent expressed a favorable opinion, including 35 percent who voice a “very favorable” view. Ninety-four percent describe the Holy Father as “compassionate,” and 91 percent call him “humble.” Any politician, much less a religious leader, would love to receive such high marks.
No wonder that, as you enter the Oval Office and look behind the Resolute Desk, you will find an array of pictures of the Biden family and one very prominent picture of the president and the pope.
Again, the Catholic Church has never taken the position that the State's politicians and bureaucrats must seize control of wombs and women be dictated to by them rather than making personal decisions in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones.

Biden and baby aborting Dems will burn in hell.

90% Agree with this man.
He is wrong about one thing. Joe Biden must be thrown out. John the Baptist said he is not welcome in his sins. He must bring forth fruit of repentance. He must be put out, so that he can be alone with his thoughts and hopefully repent. But Joe Biden's god is the Democrat Party

You just described a huge minority population in the US, people who have abandoned the Bible, God, the Constitution, Laws, the concepts of accountability and equal justice, reality, facts, truth, honesty, integrity, loyalty, morality, defend, mindlessly follow, parrot, and obey the Democrat party.
He says he's Catholic, he makes a show of being Catholic, but ignores Catholic doctrine.
No doubt you are evoking the President's position regarding his support of capital punishment, the State's arrogating the right to kill its citizens in cold blood, still practiced in morally-backward nations.

Pray that, given time, the President will follow the Church's teaching in the matter. The Roman Catholic Church, of course, opposes the death penalty.

Though raised in the RCC, and educated by both Franciscans and Jesuits, I'm not a subscriber.

I just point out masks when I see them.
Though raised in the RCC, and educated by both Franciscans and Jesuits, I'm not a subscriber.

I just point out masks when I see them.
I'm not qualified or entitled to pass judgment concerning the sincerity of the religious beliefs of others.

Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 11.54.28 AM.png
When someone opposes that to which they openly claim to have pledged, that's your qualification.
Again, I'm not qualified or entitled to pass judgment concerning the sincerity of the religious beliefs of others.

I'm not sure what you may be referencing.
Though raised in the RCC, and educated by both Franciscans and Jesuits, I'm not a subscriber.

I just point out masks when I see them.
I'm not qualified or entitled to pass judgment concerning the sincerity of the religious beliefs of others.

When someone opposes that to which they openly claim to have pledged, that's your qualification.

That opposition, if and where it exists, is something you have no way to discern.
He says he's Catholic, he makes a show of being Catholic, but ignores Catholic doctrine.

Ackchooly you're in no position to know. I'm not either. No one is except the person himself. That's uh kind of why it's none of our bidness.

His words and behavior have been quite clear.

As a POTUS they have to be.
As a religious aspect, his behaviour is his private business, as it the case for literally everybody.

No one who acts against one's own professed conscience can be trusted.

This thread ain't about conscience. It's about religion.
It has no business being about some third party's religion, granted, but that's what it is. An illegitimate topic, is still a topic.
Catholicism teaches no venom towards others. Catholicism is more inward and the education is to tell us totally about things we do as wrong. The meting out of this education was strict. Biden went through that for his age is from the era and it started to change in the early 1970's. When the change of our nation became more about ourselves and we can do anything we want. There are people who do not follow the Catholic way even though they went to the Churches and Schools. There are people who are religious but not through the Catholic system anymore. The issue with Biden is that he has not followed sense as a politician that has affected in a wrong way people who do have faith. Most of them do not stand up to say anything. But that is the way of Christianity by many. And they are being railroaded now by people who manipulated the Constitution and the Bible on them. The irony is men and women who believed they were wronged are repeating the same things to others that were done to them. As we move into a godless civilization whatever travesties were foisted on men will be much worse.

As usual a post that looks like a traffic circle in Italy but from the little I can follow here I'll just note the elephant in the proverbial room:

What Biden (or anyone else) does as a politician has nothing to do with their religion, unless that politician is part of a theocracy. Religion is personal. We would have no way to know how Joe Biden (or anyone else) handles their own religious paradigm, nor should we.

I don't know where jackasses like the OP get this cockamamie idea that some elected official's personally identified religion has anything to do with how they execute their office. That's just mindless.

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