Is Biden going to do ANYTHING to lower gas prices since there is an upcoming election?

Bad idea because the US only has 1.3% of the world's oil reserves, so we will soon run out and have to start paying really high prices then.
We should save what little oil we have for later, when prices really start to skyrocket.

Yeah because that hurts Biden…. Did you think they were going to say we don’t like the current President of the US so we are going to drive up oil and gas prices leading up to his run for re-election to hurt that effort?
You're stretching now. Let's pretend you are right for just a minute. Do you want foreign countries dictating how we run our country?
FACTS suck huh! We have TONS of oil. Were we to start extracting it we could flood the market. You know what that would do to prices?

Childish indeed, idiot

No we do not.
We have around 1.3% of the world's oil reserves.
We were set to run out in less than 20 years or so.
But by increasing the pumping, we now likely are going to run out much sooner than that.
You're stretching now. Let's pretend you are right for just a minute. Do you want foreign countries dictating how we run our country?
No. It also makes no sense to piss off foreign leaders without some goal you want to achieve. It’s not our policies they objecting to to my knowledge it’s the personal attacks by Biden against the current leader. What’s the goal there?

That is news to me?
All reports I have ever read in the last 50 years say the US has lots of coal, but very little oil.
But your link is CNN Business News, and it is not impossible for something to have changed?
But shale oil is not much fun.
It is also called "tar sands".
You have to not only use explosives to break up the rock layers, but lots of steam to liquify the oil and wash it out.
The development of "oil shale" (not to be confused with "shale oil") and "tar sands" has been shown to be environmentally destructive, and water and energy intensive. Extracting oil from U.S. public lands through oil shale or tar sands would deal a disastrous blow to any hope of reducing atmospheric CO2 levels to below 350 parts per million — the level we need to reach soon to stabilize Earth's climate. Besides helping push us toward global warming catastrophe, oil shale and tar sands development destroys species habitat, wastes enormous volumes of water, pollutes air and water, and degrades and defiles vast swaths of land.

Tar-sands development is already occurring in some places in the United States — and has taken off big in Alberta, Canada (a country also pondering oil-shale development). In fact, it has become one of the fastest-growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions in that country. In the United States, despite the wastefulness, pollution and serious climate dangers that go along with oil shale and tar sands development, oil companies want access to millions of acres of public lands for the practice in the Colorado River basin. These lands, currently open to the public for top-quality outdoor recreation, include prime trout-fishing areas, America's healthiest elk herds, rare plants found nowhere else in the world, and many endangered and threatened species. These are also areas that support rural lifestyles passed down for generations — not places to locate strip mines, oil refineries, power plants, and all the highways, pipelines, power lines and dumpsites to support them.
It's the one thing I look forward to during election season. Gas is still about double from when he took over.
Do you anticipate any changes out of the administration to try tackling these high prices?

Obama revealed this years ago, that they would force prices so high to stop people from using oil. Democrats are evil. They don't care how many families starve as they advance their green bullshit
I want to get a gas stove (propane fuel the only choice) Are they more dangerous than Natural gas stoves?

Propane and natural gas are very similar, but since propane is slightly heavier, it can collect more easily in low places, if there is a leak,
He isn't going to address the actual problem. No one will.
The only saving grace is that this malfeasant attitude of Biden's
is on record and recorded for posterity.
His sheer belligerence towards Oil and Energy.
Cancelling Government leases which were promised
by Trump and needed as Biden shuffles off into some
La La Land muttering like some person at an Old Folks
Who said I was wrong? You?
Yes, and you are. Nons not my job to then prove wrong weird little fantasies you invent, while trying to talk your way out of it..

I gave you the tools to learn. Sit there and be whiny and ignorant or don't. Good luck.
It is really bad to drain the strategic reserves, and that fixes nothing.
What we need to do is stop the illegal economic sanctions on Russia, so that their low cost oil gets back on the market.
Fuck off Kremlin stooge
Gas prices have been declining. Food prices are coming down. Our economy is growing faster than any other advanced country. Inflation has come down more than any other country.

Employment is the highest it has been in decades.

We are now more energy independent than we ever have been.

We are producing more oil than we ever have.

We're in a recession, you moron.

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