Is Biden purposefully throwing the election?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I got to thinking, if you replay how Joe sounded regarding such issues as the border and crime and abortion, you would have thought he was an extreme radical right winger back then. But now that he has "evolved", he is the polar opposite.

Is Joe having second thoughts, especially since he is at death's door and perhaps is trying to make amends by throwing the election to help secure his eternal salvation?

Just a thought.
I've said before that Trump is the unfolding of Jehu in the Holy Bible. Every way in which Jehu lived his life in the Holy Bible is the exact same way Trump has lived his life on earth today.

Jehu served in power for 28 years. Thus far Trump has only served in power for 24 years (20 years as leader of Trump Enterprises and 4 years as president) God has to get that other 4 years from Trump for the fulfillment of the Holy Bible.

God is the reason that Biden can't do anything correctly. God is the reason Biden will not step down and cannot step down - God is preventing it. God is causing Biden to refuse to cooperate by stepping don. Biden must run and Biden must be defeated. President Trump will do the next four years as president, and any democrat who steps in God's way with the process God is going to pluck them out of His way.
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I got to thinking, if you replay how Joe sounded regarding such issues as the border and crime and abortion, you would have thought he was an extreme radical right winger back then. But now that he has "evolved", he is the polar opposite.

Is Joe having second thoughts, especially since he is at death's door and perhaps is trying to make amends by throwing the election to help secure his eternal salvation?

Just a thought.
Raw, unvarnished narcissism. I don't think we've ever seen anything like it.
I've said before that Trump is the unfolding of Jehu in the Holy Bible. Every way Jehu lived his life in the HolyBible is the exact same way Trump has lived his life on earth today.

Jehu served in power for 28 years. Thus far Trump has only served in power for 24 years (20 years leader of Trump Enterprises and 4 years as president) God has to get that other 4 years from Trump for the fulfillment of the Holy Bible.
Definitely not a cult.
Could be his way to bow out gracefully. I'm sure he has better things to do (like molesting his grandkids' friends), so why would he bother? The job is a headache, and he is rapidly declining. His time left here is very limited.
Could be his way to bow out gracefully. I'm sure he has better things to do (like molesting his grandkids' friends), so why would he bother? The job is a headache, and he is rapidly declining. His time left here is very limited.
Consider this strongly. Biden can't think, his mind cannot function properly half the time. He can't walk, he can't talk, he can't think. God is the One causing Biden to stay put and refuse to leave. It's not Biden doing it- he can't function cognitively.

If democrats to do anything to throw Biden out lawyers from all over America will Step in to help Biden get a case to the Supreme Court quickly.
God would not agree with our politics today. Wherever big money is found big corruption is also found. The two are in separable.
God would not agree with our politics today. Wherever big money is found big corruption is also found. The two are in separable.
God is the big money. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. God owns every dime invested all over the world. Man dies. God lives on forever.

There is no one richer on earth and in heaven, than God Almighty. Read Ecclesiastes.
It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven.

The meek shall inherit the earth.

Is Biden purposefully throwing the election?​

I doubt it. I think that Biden (and Trump) have convinced themselves that America is going to hell if they are not elected in November. And BTW there are a lot of people who agree with that on both sides. Biden is not throwing the election; in fact, he believes he'd be throwing the election if he dropped out.
I got to thinking, if you replay how Joe sounded regarding such issues as the border and crime and abortion, you would have thought he was an extreme radical right winger back then. But now that he has "evolved", he is the polar opposite.

Is Joe having second thoughts, especially since he is at death's door and perhaps is trying to make amends by throwing the election to help secure his eternal salvation?

Just a thought.
You've really got to wonder but I don't think he is.
Is Joe having second thoughts, especially since he is at death's door and perhaps is trying to make amends by throwing the election to help secure his eternal salvation?

No. One thing I'm sure of is Joe is NOT throwing the election, purpose or otherwise. Like all TDSers, his ego will not let him concede to Trump and bow out. His ego will not even allow him to admit he is as far gone as he really is.

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