Is Biden really that stronger of a candidate for president than hildebeast?

Saw a bumper sticker yesterday ...."I am proud to be a Democrat". Party loyalists are what Democrats are all about. My mother in law is old school Democrat. I told her the Democrat party today isn't the same party and they're basically commies. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. You can't reason with indoctrinated people.
She realizes what an extremist nut job you are
Democrats took God out of their platform, support and encourage illegal immigration, support abortion up to birth, and you think I'm the extremist? You're as big an idiot as my mother in law.
He is no perv

Trump lives in a glass house if he wants to play that card

Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit
Looks to be someone bending over to whisper to a young girl

Do I get to post pictures of Trump molesting pre teen Ivamka?
The shit stain is obviously molesting that girl… Biden is a fucking piece of shit of the worst order
Since you insist on going there....

Trump getting a hard on while getting a lap dance from Ivanka


Trump feeling up his daughters breasts

Pleeeease RW, stop with your Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no hard on in the photo (other than the one in your head), there is no lap dance, and there is no feeling of breasts.

Quit projecting your own twisted fantasies, if you got nothing to counter argue with, just sit there collect your money and STFU.
All you have to do is see the look on his face
Trump is bearing serious wood

Pictures don’t lie

Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit
Looks to be someone bending over to whisper to a young girl

Do I get to post pictures of Trump molesting pre teen Ivamka?
The shit stain is obviously molesting that girl… Biden is a fucking piece of shit of the worst order
Since you insist on going there....

Trump getting a hard on while getting a lap dance from Ivanka


Trump feeling up his daughters breasts

Pleeeease RW, stop with your Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no hard on in the photo (other than the one in your head), there is no lap dance, and there is no feeling of breasts.

Quit projecting your own twisted fantasies, if you got nothing to counter argue with, just sit there collect your money and STFU.
All you have to do is see the look on his face
Trump is bearing serious wood

Pictures don’t lie
You're doing great at showing the world how depraved democrats are. Please, keep going.
Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit
Looks to be someone bending over to whisper to a young girl

Do I get to post pictures of Trump molesting pre teen Ivamka?
The shit stain is obviously molesting that girl… Biden is a fucking piece of shit of the worst order
Since you insist on going there....

Trump getting a hard on while getting a lap dance from Ivanka

Trump feeling up his daughters breasts

Pleeeease RW, stop with your Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no hard on in the photo (other than the one in your head), there is no lap dance, and there is no feeling of breasts.

Quit projecting your own twisted fantasies, if you got nothing to counter argue with, just sit there collect your money and STFU.

Trump is bearing serious wood

Another important message from a guy with a 6th grade education who doesn't even know the difference between BARING and "bearing."

Biden is basically liked by the public
Trump? Not so much
Biden isn't any less damaged goods, is he? The guy's a perv. I wonder if the women's vote will come his way.
He is no perv

Trump lives in a glass house if he wants to play that card

Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit
Looks to be someone bending over to whisper to a young girl

Do I get to post pictures of Trump molesting pre teen Ivamka?
The shit stain is obviously molesting that girl… Biden is a fucking piece of shit of the worst order
Just look at her face. Nowadays she'd be part of the #metoo movement. She's just thrilled to be mauled by that geezer.
Biden isn't any less damaged goods, is he? The guy's a perv. I wonder if the women's vote will come his way.
He is no perv

Trump lives in a glass house if he wants to play that card

Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit
Looks to be someone bending over to whisper to a young girl

Do I get to post pictures of Trump molesting pre teen Ivamka?
The shit stain is obviously molesting that girl… Biden is a fucking piece of shit of the worst order
Since you insist on going there....

Trump getting a hard on while getting a lap dance from Ivanka


Trump feeling up his daughters breasts
I see no hardon and his hands aren't anywhere near anyone's breasts. I'll give you credit for having a very...puerile imagination, though.
Looks to be someone bending over to whisper to a young girl

Do I get to post pictures of Trump molesting pre teen Ivamka?
The shit stain is obviously molesting that girl… Biden is a fucking piece of shit of the worst order
Since you insist on going there....

Trump getting a hard on while getting a lap dance from Ivanka


Trump feeling up his daughters breasts

Pleeeease RW, stop with your Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no hard on in the photo (other than the one in your head), there is no lap dance, and there is no feeling of breasts.

Quit projecting your own twisted fantasies, if you got nothing to counter argue with, just sit there collect your money and STFU.
All you have to do is see the look on his face
Trump is bearing serious wood

Pictures don’t lie
You're doing great at showing the world how depraved democrats are. Please, keep going.
Blame it on Democrats

We are not the ones forcing our daughters to give lap dances
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.
You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.
Obama won twice .
Obama won once, just because he was a black novelty, against an unpopular McCain. The 2nd time he stole the election through voter suppression of Romney votes with a weaponized IRS via Lois Lerner.
Biden can win back the working class . His weakness is his womanizing . The one area Trump can’t throw stones .
Wanna bet? You sure that's his only weakness? At least with Trump, it was only HIS word claimed with consenting adults. Biden we have on camera actually groping women and children. Biden is all weakness with only two strengths.
People want an experienced grownup in the White House .
Then they want Trump. Trump has 50 years experience actually running things for a profit. And now 4 years experience actually running the country. What has Biden experience in, being a politician? Collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck? Experience in business as usual in Washington? People are SICK of Washington, and Biden is the epitome of it, as plain vanilla as they come, let's face it, the ONLY reason why you support him is because he has a D after his name.


The only thing Biden has going for him other than a D for all the wailing democrats is the fact that he is about as interesting as Gerald Ford. His biggest accomplishment in the Senate? IDon'tKnow. His biggest accomplishment as VP? ButtKisser. His biggest accomplishment as candidate? 9 hours of video of women and children pulling away from him as he tried to grab, hold, sniff and feel them.
Not to mention he's just another old, white guy. How hilarious that the "intersectional" zealots would actually propose running another old, white guy as their representative. And he's a nasty old, white guy, to boot!
Biden is basically liked by the public
Trump? Not so much
Biden isn't any less damaged goods, is he? The guy's a perv. I wonder if the women's vote will come his way.
He is no perv

Trump lives in a glass house if he wants to play that card

Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit
Look up the word perverted in dictionary,,,,,,,,,definition is Donald Trump
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.

Sideshow Joe is the clown car driver for the 2020 Democrat candidates

Biden is basically liked by the public
Trump? Not so much
Biden isn't any less damaged goods, is he? The guy's a perv. I wonder if the women's vote will come his way.
He is no perv

Trump lives in a glass house if he wants to play that card

Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit

Biden STILL doesn't get it.

Joe and Jill Biden respond to women who say he made them uncomfortable
The shit stain is obviously molesting that girl… Biden is a fucking piece of shit of the worst order
Since you insist on going there....

Trump getting a hard on while getting a lap dance from Ivanka


Trump feeling up his daughters breasts
Na, not really

Pictures don’t lie

If Republicans want to interpret pictures of Biden touching women, they can deal with inappropriate pictures of Trump and his daughter

pictures don't lie?

no, but people lie about pictures, dont' they?

How may of those pictures you keep posting of the Trumps were staged, set poses?

But then, you're a good parrot, arent' you.

your masters tell you what to say, and you say it, without any thinking on your part.

Merely pointing out how pictures are open to interpretation

Is Joe Biden offering personal support to a young girl on stage or is he trying to publicly molest them?
Depends on your interpretation

Same applies to Trumps overly affectionate pictures with his daughter

Same applies to Trumps overly affectionate pictures with his daughter

doubles down on idiocy
Biden is basically liked by the public
Trump? Not so much
Biden isn't any less damaged goods, is he? The guy's a perv. I wonder if the women's vote will come his way.
He is no perv

Trump lives in a glass house if he wants to play that card

Senile Joe Biden is a perverted piece of shit
Look up the word perverted in dictionary,,,,,,,,,definition is Donald Trump
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.

He is as corrupt as Hillary, most likely in to a bunch of the same shit she is into. Biden is also weaker then Clinton. All Biden has ever been is “a guy”. Nothing more . Just a guy who used his dead wife and kid for political sympathy. Wrecked a good mans name for political sympathy. I hope Biden makes it all the way. Would love to see the books open on that asshole.
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.
You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.
Obama won twice .
Obama won once, just because he was a black novelty, against an unpopular McCain. The 2nd time he stole the election through voter suppression of Romney votes with a weaponized IRS via Lois Lerner.
Biden can win back the working class . His weakness is his womanizing . The one area Trump can’t throw stones .
Wanna bet? You sure that's his only weakness? At least with Trump, it was only HIS word claimed with consenting adults. Biden we have on camera actually groping women and children. Biden is all weakness with only two strengths.
People want an experienced grownup in the White House .
Then they want Trump. Trump has 50 years experience actually running things for a profit. And now 4 years experience actually running the country. What has Biden experience in, being a politician? Collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck? Experience in business as usual in Washington? People are SICK of Washington, and Biden is the epitome of it, as plain vanilla as they come, let's face it, the ONLY reason why you support him is because he has a D after his name.


The only thing Biden has going for him other than a D for all the wailing democrats is the fact that he is about as interesting as Gerald Ford. His biggest accomplishment in the Senate? IDon'tKnow. His biggest accomplishment as VP? ButtKisser. His biggest accomplishment as candidate? 9 hours of video of women and children pulling away from him as he tried to grab, hold, sniff and feel them.
Not to mention he's just another old, white guy. How hilarious that the "intersectional" zealots would actually propose running another old, white guy as their representative. And he's a nasty old, white guy, to boot!

Look at McCain for an old white guy. Had he won in 2008, he barely would have made it through his two terms before dying of a brain tumor. And Biden has already been senile for at least 10-15 years. Where will Biden be as a president in 4 years? 8 years?
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.
You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.
Obama won twice .
Obama won once, just because he was a black novelty, against an unpopular McCain. The 2nd time he stole the election through voter suppression of Romney votes with a weaponized IRS via Lois Lerner.
Biden can win back the working class . His weakness is his womanizing . The one area Trump can’t throw stones .
Wanna bet? You sure that's his only weakness? At least with Trump, it was only HIS word claimed with consenting adults. Biden we have on camera actually groping women and children. Biden is all weakness with only two strengths.
People want an experienced grownup in the White House .
Then they want Trump. Trump has 50 years experience actually running things for a profit. And now 4 years experience actually running the country. What has Biden experience in, being a politician? Collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck? Experience in business as usual in Washington? People are SICK of Washington, and Biden is the epitome of it, as plain vanilla as they come, let's face it, the ONLY reason why you support him is because he has a D after his name.


The only thing Biden has going for him other than a D for all the wailing democrats is the fact that he is about as interesting as Gerald Ford. His biggest accomplishment in the Senate? IDon'tKnow. His biggest accomplishment as VP? ButtKisser. His biggest accomplishment as candidate? 9 hours of video of women and children pulling away from him as he tried to grab, hold, sniff and feel them.
Not to mention he's just another old, white guy. How hilarious that the "intersectional" zealots would actually propose running another old, white guy as their representative. And he's a nasty old, white guy, to boot!

Look at McCain for an old white guy. Had he won in 2008, he barely would have made it through his two terms before dying of a brain tumor. And Biden has already been senile for at least 10-15 years. Where will Biden be as a president in 4 years? 8 years?

He And trump are almost the same age!
You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.
Obama won twice .
Obama won once, just because he was a black novelty, against an unpopular McCain. The 2nd time he stole the election through voter suppression of Romney votes with a weaponized IRS via Lois Lerner.
Biden can win back the working class . His weakness is his womanizing . The one area Trump can’t throw stones .
Wanna bet? You sure that's his only weakness? At least with Trump, it was only HIS word claimed with consenting adults. Biden we have on camera actually groping women and children. Biden is all weakness with only two strengths.
People want an experienced grownup in the White House .
Then they want Trump. Trump has 50 years experience actually running things for a profit. And now 4 years experience actually running the country. What has Biden experience in, being a politician? Collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck? Experience in business as usual in Washington? People are SICK of Washington, and Biden is the epitome of it, as plain vanilla as they come, let's face it, the ONLY reason why you support him is because he has a D after his name.


The only thing Biden has going for him other than a D for all the wailing democrats is the fact that he is about as interesting as Gerald Ford. His biggest accomplishment in the Senate? IDon'tKnow. His biggest accomplishment as VP? ButtKisser. His biggest accomplishment as candidate? 9 hours of video of women and children pulling away from him as he tried to grab, hold, sniff and feel them.
Not to mention he's just another old, white guy. How hilarious that the "intersectional" zealots would actually propose running another old, white guy as their representative. And he's a nasty old, white guy, to boot!

Look at McCain for an old white guy. Had he won in 2008, he barely would have made it through his two terms before dying of a brain tumor. And Biden has already been senile for at least 10-15 years. Where will Biden be as a president in 4 years? 8 years?

He And trump are almost the same age!

Yeah but Biden can’t talk and has to put make up on to not look like a zombie.

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