IS Biden the world's greatest elected fool ???

Read the article :

Whether You Buy an EV or Not, You'll Still Pay for It, Study Says​

The true cost of EVs is masked by a litany of subsidies, transfers, and other expenses that are passed on to Americans who don’t own EVs, the report states.

So MR Transparent and Bidenomics and "I'm working for you"
not only
Subsidized production of EVs
Subsidized purchase of EVs
Is legally closing all competition

And while the whole damn thing tanks (just like offshore windmills and other assshole ideas) guess who is paying tens of thousands per person !!!

Whether You Buy an EV or Not, You'll Still Pay for It, Study Says​

The true cost of EVs is masked by a litany of subsidies, transfers, and other expenses that are passed on to Americans who don’t own EVs, the report states.
He wasn't elected, he was installed.
Yes Biden wants to get rid of natural gas stoves. In the name of green energy.
That's in EO 13990, along with a fuckton of other things to fuck America up.

I don't feel so good. Who the fuck thought moonshine pickles was a good idea?

Oh, I'm gonna get somebody with them motherfuckers.
Read the article :

Whether You Buy an EV or Not, You'll Still Pay for It, Study Says​

The true cost of EVs is masked by a litany of subsidies, transfers, and other expenses that are passed on to Americans who don’t own EVs, the report states.

So MR Transparent and Bidenomics and "I'm working for you"
not only
Subsidized production of EVs
Subsidized purchase of EVs
Is legally closing all competition

And while the whole damn thing tanks (just like offshore windmills and other assshole ideas) guess who is paying tens of thousands per person !!!

Whether You Buy an EV or Not, You'll Still Pay for It, Study Says​

The true cost of EVs is masked by a litany of subsidies, transfers, and other expenses that are passed on to Americans who don’t own EVs, the report states.

Biden isn't manufacturing any EV's from the information I have.

Do you happen to have a link to the Biden EV factory? Thanks
Biden has rolled former Speaker McCarthy on the debt ceiling. Over 500,000 Americans, Men Women and Children died because P01135809 did jack shit to prevent the spread of COVID.

Biden has done more to increase jobs and employment while P01135809 LOST millions of jobs.

Biden passed the American Rescue Plan that put money in the pockets of Americans. P01135809 passed tax cuts to richest one percent that added trillions of dollars to the National Debt.

Biden is the first American President a picket line, while P01135809 went to non-union auto plant to denigrate unions.

P01135809 sucked dictators like the Communist Putin of Russia and Kim of North Korea.

P01135809 is now using Nazi Phrases and Swastika Flags fly at ReNaziKlan Bund Rallies.

Biden is working for the American People. P01135809 is working to be a Dictator.
No idea who P01135809 is but more people died in Biden's first year of COVID with a vaccine in place and an established treatment protocol than during Trump's year with covid; the debt ceiling was a manufactured crisis, always has been and always will be so there is no "rolling" to be done and the American Rescue Plan is why shit that used to cost 6 dollars now costs $11
Biden defeated a thumb sucking Putin Loving Pussy Grabbing asshole.

P01135809 LOST to Biden by almost exact number of votes that he beat HRC with.
Well if "he's not Trump" is the best you've got, then you go with that.

He might be if he was actually elected.

You people questioning our public servants laws and journalists because of admitted scumbag propaganda are a disgrace and anti-american seditionists. Change the channel. The only thing wrong with Biden is the perverted American ageism obsession. Smarter than anyone else in politics as far as I can tell and running the best economy of any major country. You people don't even care about democracy anymore. Poor America
You people questioning our public servants laws and journalists because of admitted scumbag propaganda are a disgrace and anti-american seditionists. Change the channel. The only thing wrong with Biden is the perverted American ageism obsession. Smarter than anyone else in politics as far as I can tell and running the best economy of any major country. You people don't even care about democracy anymore. Poor America

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