Is carnivorism ethical?

Retribution? Nonsense. It is helping maintain the balance of nature.

As for killing innocent animals, those same animals will over graze and do grave harm to the environment if left unchecked.
This is all nonsense, I have already answered these questions twice. Your reasoning betrays in you not warrior's spirit
This is all nonsense, I have already answered these questions twice. Your reasoning betrays in you not warrior's spirit

You have not answered anything. And there is no need for answers, and I did not ask a question. I stated scientific, observable facts about herbivores without predators.

As for my "warrior spirit", that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Everywhere. Pigs have same food and same boxes

Those are animals. Those same animals will eat their young, especially the young of a female they wish to mate with.

We were discussing your claim that tribal groups were communism.
And after all, this is how it happens by and large, villains use orphans, children from dysfunctional families for dirty proposes, robbers attack defenseless old people and women, scammers use simplicity and naivety, and so on. These are all predatory habits. The hunter is generally the same predator
Everywhere. Pigs have same food and same boxes

Odd that you would want to defend pigs and chickens, and yet call predators "vile".

Pigs are natural omnivores and, in the wild, will eat ground nest birds, small mammals and any other creature they can kill.

Chickens, in addition to eating grains, also eat any bugs or grubs they find. Making them a "vile predator" as well.
Odd that you would want to defend pigs and chickens, and yet call predators "vile".

Pigs are natural omnivores and, in the wild, will eat ground nest birds, small mammals and any other creature they can kill.

Chickens, in addition to eating grains, also eat any bugs or grubs they find. Making them a "vile predator" as well.
Why are you cheating? This was said to the topic of communist equality. I do not deny that the predator is vile
When the predators are removed, prey populations explode. Without any predators to limit population growth, herbivorous prey species reproduce without check, and all of them are hungry. More herbivores eat more plants, and without anything to control them, they can quickly degrade their habitat.
Science and facts dont support your childish view of reality. I linked to facts.
Facts cannot contradict trivial logic. If predators regulate animal populations, then why do criminals not regulate human populations. Just a hypocritical tale for idiots.

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