Is CNN starting to get it?

Very disconcerting, JG. It can only mean one of two things:
  1. The people of CNN have finally run out of excuses and strength to keep alibiing any further for Joe.
  2. Working with the media like they do with Big Tech, the CNN has been told by Big Gov to start to phase in the next step to Slam Joe to begin discrediting him before the public's eyes as the first step in his eventual planned removal to bring in their real Kommie agent, Kammy the K_unt.

If scenario number two is the case, just imagine how much fun we're gonna have with her. I say "Bring it on." Put that two-bit cocksucking whore in the White House.

Joe was low-hanging fruit and just too easy to make fun of. With Kamala in the WH, my fact-checking, photoshop, and writing skills would greatly improve. Think I'm a brutal sonofabitch now? Ghengis Khan has nothing on me.

The glass is always half full to me. When I get stuck with a shitload of lemons, I open a lemonade stand.

And all that good shit. :04:
If scenario number two is the case, just imagine how much fun we're gonna have with her.
Understand that this is really the Harriden Administration. Kammy and her Klown Kar are already running this shit show. Joe is just the fall guy to front the whole mess, screw everything up, then take the blame as a senile old man.

Meantime, this buys them time to groom Kammy.

Maybe Joe is SO far gone, even HE doesn't know he is being played! Maybe they offered Jill a handsome reward for all of this.

Understand that this is really the Harriden Administration. Kammy and her Klown Kar are already running this shit show. Joe is just the fall guy to front the whole mess, screw everything up, then take the blame as a senile old man.

Meantime, this buys them time to groom Kammy.

Maybe Joe is SO far gone, even HE doesn't know he is being played! Maybe they offered Jill a handsome reward for all of this.

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I don't think she's all that potent. You saw what happened when Joe sent her to the border to represent his agenda: She balked and then then totally fucked up when she finally did go there.

If her own POTUS has that little faith in his own VP and she's the most unpopular person to ever run for President, I have no doubt that she's a total fuckup. After all, just having a gaping hole between her legs, some oral dexterity, and some alleged Negro blood in her lineage, doesn't necessarily mean that she's presidential material.

Barack Obama fulfilled all three of those qualifications, and look what a sorry POS fuckup he turned out to be. :04:
Just as much proof as you have that Joe is even the real winner of last year's election.

Last I checked, Trump wasn't there these past weeks and months, Trump is not even in office and it is the POTUS who calls the shots and has total control of everything. Or at least whomever gives Joe his orders.

No malice. Trump spoke out against the war for almost a decade and got a plan in place last year in only four years despite everything else on his plate and dealing with Covid and BLM/Floyd riots as well! Joe had 20 years to do something and when he tried to steal credit for ending the war, he fucked it up so bad he will forever now be known as Surrender Joe.

Biden won. Fucking deal with it. Trump...did...nothing. He had no foreign policy. And he was incompetent...and a coward. with it. :)
Biden won. Fucking deal with it. Trump...did...nothing. He had no foreign policy. And he was incompetent...and a coward. with it. :)

She balked and then then totally fucked up when she finally did go there.

Yes! That's it! Just imagine the comedy show if power falls to her,
  1. She doesn't like the responsibility one bit.
  2. She makes a public travesty of it.
  3. Forced to make decisions, her's are terrible ones and both a personal, public, and political embarrassment.
The one-two punch of the Biden-Harris Presidency will do more harm to the public confidence in the party for more years than anything Trump could have actually done himself had he stayed in office.
Biden won. Fucking deal with it.
We all can deal with the fact that Biden's election is the MOST doubted, and will be the MOST investigated, in the history of this country. And while the records show Trump's 4 years were some of the best this country ever had in many ways especially after the Obumma recession, but history will eventually show the four years filled by both Surrender Joe and his hobag Kammy to be the absolute darkest years this nation has seen since WWII. We have no choice but to deal with it and people are.
The Cuomo News Network is nothing more then a propagandist for the DNC. The party sees the writing on the wall here, and that is Xiden and Harris have done massive harm to the party. They are circling the wagons.

Cuomo News Network! I like that!
In my opinion, I don't think Crap News Network will ever get it.....not under their present Globalist Totalitarian leadership.

A tiger can not change its stripes just likes that.

You have to start from anew.
Oh, my bad. Ahem:

"It's da gay Jooz! Da gay Jooz are gonna getcha!"

Better now?

Confession was loud and clear.

You know CNN is all Zionist homos who lie their asses off in between pokes...
Ted Turner a Jew? I don't think so.

Get your facts right.

Sorry, my "facts" do not come from a Jew fraud of a Christian or Fox News, and most on Fox News are Jew frauds of Christians, just like your preacher.....

Ted turner = very Jewish, very dishonest, very much against truth
We all can deal with the fact that Biden's election is the MOST doubted, and will be the MOST investigated, in the history of this country. And while the records show Trump's 4 years were some of the best this country ever had in many ways especially after the Obumma recession, but history will eventually show the four years filled by both Surrender Joe and his hobag Kammy to be the absolute darkest years this nation has seen since WWII. We have no choice but to deal with it and people are.
Well, we dealt with four years of the last guy. He got the benefit of the economic growth his predecessor left him, until he pissed it away because he blew the response to the virus.
Now, I'll say that we survived. There's a lot of dead Americans attributed to the last guy's watch.
We survived four years of him. We'll survive the next four. Then you'll have a chance to vote..again. :)
Well, we dealt with four years of the last guy. He got the benefit of the economic growth his predecessor left him
Thanks for the revisionist, leftwing bullshit. Obumma left him nothing. After the longest delay and slowest recovery ever, butthole, the economy was just beginning to come back under Obumma after 8 long years when he left office.

until he pissed it away because he blew the response to the virus.
Trump pissed nothing away, liar-idiot-moron. The fall of the economy last year had nothing to do with the virus or Trump's handling of it (no one really "handles" a virus); it had EVERYTHING to do with all the blue states whose democrat governors refused to follow the federal guidelines for the virus and insisted that THEY were going to all act independently and shut all business and human activity in their states down irregardless of the harm to our economy.

Democrats wrecked our great economy last year, then used it to blame Trump with, and have now installed Trump's replacement who is now further destroying what is left of it---- so much so that you're trying to raise taxes everywhere and are even frantically pulling out of Afghanistan trying to save money now realizing that Biden has broke us so badly with unhinged spending we can no longer afford an overseas conflict to save our lives. Now terrorism and anti-America sentiment around the world will soar due to Biden.

There's a lot of dead Americans attributed to the last guy's watch.
Can you name one of them? Only dead Americans all died under the hapless ministrations of the Senile Buffoon Surrenderer.

Except you have no proof of that. Just your right wing media klaxxons drilling it into your tiny minds 24x7.
Your savior is just as responsible for the debacle in Afghanistan..where are your words of malice for him? :)
bull ! the Taliban did not control 85 billion in weaponry and Bagram was not abandoned in the middle of the night without Afghan allies being forewarned ! Biden turned a drawdown into a bloody retreat !
Biden won. Fucking deal with it. Trump...did...nothing. He had no foreign policy. And he was incompetent...and a coward. with it. :)
your weak effeminate emotional reasoning is blurring reality !

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