Is Conspiracy To Influence An Election A Crime

With all the railing about voter intimidation and court injunctions to put weight behind the left's fake outrage, why didn't Holder prosecute the New Black Panther case?

If it's a crime to influence an election, like with this new court injunction, why is Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and Donna Brazille not being prosecuted for hosing Bernie?

Can one of you libtarded wizards explain if it isn't a crime, why the court injunction?

If it is, why are you disregarding the DNC's crime?

Not one.....NOT ONE voter ever complained that they could not vote or were "too scared to vote" because of those 2 imbeciles who stood in front of that polling place in Philadelphia....

Find something else to bitch about........This "outrage" by your ilk is as stupid as most of your attempts.
With all the railing about voter intimidation and court injunctions to put weight behind the left's fake outrage, why didn't Holder prosecute the New Black Panther case?

If it's a crime to influence an election, like with this new court injunction, why is Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and Donna Brazille not being prosecuted for hosing Bernie?

Can one of you libtarded wizards explain if it isn't a crime, why the court injunction?

If it is, why are you disregarding the DNC's crime?

Not one.....NOT ONE voter ever complained that they could not vote or were "too scared to vote" because of those 2 imbeciles who stood in front of that polling place in Philadelphia....

Find something else to bitch about........This "outrage" by your ilk is as stupid as most of your attempts.
One imbicile.

The other on was a certified poll watcher who had every right to be there.

& it was a 99% black precinct with literally of just a few hundred voters.

But Fox News got 45,555,990 miles of yardage out of that story that still rumbles from the mouths of gull-bills today.
Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act in 1871 to stop violent threats and harassment against former slaves and their white supporters from the KKK by banning conspiracies to intimidate or threaten voters
So the Trump people are violating this
Have someone read the article to you if you are incapable.
I'm not interested in opinion. The fact is you can't back up your claim.
weasely, you are the one that dies by the opinion with no facts.
With all the railing about voter intimidation and court injunctions to put weight behind the left's fake outrage, why didn't Holder prosecute the New Black Panther case?

If it's a crime to influence an election, like with this new court injunction, why is Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and Donna Brazille not being prosecuted for hosing Bernie?

Can one of you libtarded wizards explain if it isn't a crime, why the court injunction?

If it is, why are you disregarding the DNC's crime?

Not one.....NOT ONE voter ever complained that they could not vote or were "too scared to vote" because of those 2 imbeciles who stood in front of that polling place in Philadelphia....

Find something else to bitch about........This "outrage" by your ilk is as stupid as most of your attempts.

So why aren't you railing about the obvious biased against Bernie from the Clintoon machine? No foul no crime is your defense so if we go with that precedent of an out right foul then a crime was committed on a national level. Hell, no need to answer, we know your double standard is your way of life.
So why aren't you railing about the obvious biased against Bernie from the Clintoon machine? No foul no crime is your defense so if we go with that precedent of an out right foul then a crime was committed on a national level. Hell, no need to answer, we know your double standard is your way of life.

NO ONE stopped me from voting for Sanders during the primaries....NO ONE....
But, Bernie lost the popular vote.....Find something else to bitch about.
So why aren't you railing about the obvious biased against Bernie from the Clintoon machine? No foul no crime is your defense so if we go with that precedent of an out right foul then a crime was committed on a national level. Hell, no need to answer, we know your double standard is your way of life.

NO ONE stopped me from voting for Sanders during the primaries....NO ONE....
But, Bernie lost the popular vote.....Find something else to bitch about.
Your vote didn't count. Hillary still got the delegates. You were played.
Meanwhile I've run across three posters on usmb today bragging about posting multiple times for Hillary. Even though one misspelled her name.
god damn 2 black guys stand in front of an election place one time, in an all black neighborhood no less, and white people are still shaking and crying about it
And the ONE black guy with the club was asked to leave and he did immediately with no fight or argument, ''simply OK, I'll leave'', and the other taller guy WAS A LEGAL TRAINED POLL WATCHER and he stayed.

Republicans get fooled by their Right wing propagandists, DAILY.....
It's just not true. The two were sued and defaulted after which Eric Holder dismissed the case.

Holder's Black Panther Stonewall
The federal statues governing this are easily searchable.

Then why don't you step up and point out which position is hypocritical and which was a crime?

If you are too lazy to type words into a computer then you don't need to know.

I typed in "double standard" and your picture popped up. Now what?

You going to defend the hypocrisy or just type shit to see your fingers move?

If conspiracy isn't a crime committed by the DNC then why is an injunction required when no crime has been committed?

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