Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?
Creating intelligence is a type of radical rebranding for the Democrat party. It could take generations to gain traction.
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

That is a very good question. In the Bible, it says that God created mankind in His Image. That thing itself could explain why God created mankind. He had to, as it was an instinct He had to follow.

But then, that brings up the question that if God had to create mankind because intelligence mandates that intelligent things create other intelligent things, does that mean that instinct is greater than God?
does that mean that instinct is greater than God?

I hear what y'r saying...but I think of it in slightly different terms.

Sometimes something just "is". even for God.

It's a "universal truth".

Like you can't have a front without a back.

I don't tend to think of it as "greater" than God...rather...just the way it is.
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

That is a very good question. In the Bible, it says that God created mankind in His Image. That thing itself could explain why God created mankind. He had to, as it was an instinct He had to follow.

But then, that brings up the question that if God had to create mankind because intelligence mandates that intelligent things create other intelligent things, does that mean that instinct is greater than God?
No. I don’t think it does.

Not as long as we worship the creator instead of what he created.
Trick question.
Humans have no intelligence.
An infant race with no real grasp of consciousness or understanding of what qualifies as sentient. Facing the infinite under the delusion of a false sense if self importance. Unable with limited senses to truly perceive the Universe let alone understand it or ourselves.

In other words...

Above my pay grade.
Trick question.
Humans have no intelligence.
An infant race with no real grasp of consciousness or understanding of what qualifies as sentient. Facing the infinite under the delusion of a false sense if self importance. Unable with limited senses to truly perceive the Universe let alone understand it or ourselves.

In other words...

Above my pay grade.
And yet we are obsessed with creating smart things.
Trick question.
Humans have no intelligence.
An infant race with no real grasp of consciousness or understanding of what qualifies as sentient. Facing the infinite under the delusion of a false sense if self importance. Unable with limited senses to truly perceive the Universe let alone understand it or ourselves.

In other words...

Above my pay grade.
And yet we are obsessed with creating smart things.
Every smart thing I have has broken.
Trick question.
Humans have no intelligence.
An infant race with no real grasp of consciousness or understanding of what qualifies as sentient. Facing the infinite under the delusion of a false sense if self importance. Unable with limited senses to truly perceive the Universe let alone understand it or ourselves.

In other words...

Above my pay grade.
And yet we are obsessed with creating smart things.
Every smart thing I have has broken.
So has God’s.
Is "creating" an artifact of the creator?

I wasn't being sarcastic.

I do infact think God is THE Creator...and we are made in His WE have a desire/drive to create.

Create intelligence sure...but create other things as well.

Same question...but you're focused on the word "intelligence" and I'm focused on the word "create".
Is "creating" an artifact of the creator?

I wasn't being sarcastic.

I do infact think God is THE Creator...and we are made in His WE have a desire/drive to create.

Create intelligence sure...but create other things as well.

Same question...but you're focused on the word "intelligence" and I'm focused on the word "create".
Sure. I was actually thinking that we can use our experiences as creators as a proxy to understand God.

Such as we create things for a reason to serve a purpose. Our creations are created in steps. Our creations require intelligence. The more complex our creation the greater the intelligence needs to be and the more steps needed to create it.
According to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the intelligence of mankind was never created or made and neither indeed can be. It is believed to have always existed and is self-existent. There is a part of man that has always existed. The spirits of mankind are a combination of spirit matter and intelligence and are believed to have been combined through the process of procreation. This is why they are known to be the children of God and God is known to be the Father of spirits. Man's physical body, according to scripture, was created of the dust of the ground.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

Abraham spoke of man's intelligence and referred to it as spirit:

Abraham 3:18
18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.

Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

Hebrews 12:9
9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also does not accept the philosophy of Ex Nihilo creation. The problem with this philosophy under our current topic is that if God were to create mankind Ex Nihilo, God would be culpable for the imperfections of man. Men and women would stand before the judgement seat of God and if they were condemned by God for their evil life, the men and women could respond and say, "Well, you made me that way! You made me less that perfect and I acted according to how you made me. So you are the one who is at fault!"

If God has all power to create Ex Nihilo and to create beings who would be all knowing, all powerful, all loving, all merciful, etc, basically to be just like himself, then he should have. To choose to make them less than what he has the power to do would make him culpable for the evil acts they commit. However, if he took a self-existing intelligence who through his own will and choice has not climbed to perfection yet and combined it with spirit matter and then physical matter and placed him/her on this earth. If they committed evil acts, God would not be culpable but only be trying to help this soul progress.

Since intelligence are self-existent, they cannot be made perfect since they are not made and neither indeed can be. Nowhere in scripture does ever say that God creates Ex Nihilo.
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

Sure. One day every most unimportant quant will be part of a living entity. That's not a natural law, but I'm sure that's what we will do, when we will survive a little longer, what I doubt about, because this needs love and rationality.

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Is "creating" an artifact of the creator?

I wasn't being sarcastic.

I do infact think God is THE Creator...and we are made in His WE have a desire/drive to create.

Create intelligence sure...but create other things as well.

Same question...but you're focused on the word "intelligence" and I'm focused on the word "create".
Sure. I was actually thinking that we can use our experiences as creators as a proxy to understand God.

Such as we create things for a reason to serve a purpose. Our creations are created in steps. Our creations require intelligence. The more complex our creation the greater the intelligence needs to be and the more steps needed to create it.

How about this for a mind exercise?

What if God the Creator is asking himself the same questions we ask?

- What is the meaning of life?
- What is My purpose?
- Why do I exist?

So He creates beings (us) in His image to explore every imaginable variation of these questions.
Is "creating" an artifact of the creator?

I wasn't being sarcastic.

I do infact think God is THE Creator...and we are made in His WE have a desire/drive to create.

Create intelligence sure...but create other things as well.

Same question...but you're focused on the word "intelligence" and I'm focused on the word "create".
Sure. I was actually thinking that we can use our experiences as creators as a proxy to understand God.

Such as we create things for a reason to serve a purpose. Our creations are created in steps. Our creations require intelligence. The more complex our creation the greater the intelligence needs to be and the more steps needed to create it.

How about this for a mind exercise?

What if God the Creator is asking himself the same questions we ask?

- What is the meaning of life?
- What is My purpose?
- Why do I exist?

So He creates beings (us) in His image to explore every imaginable variation of these questions.
If he doesn’t know, we don’t have a chance!
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?
We have exactly one example of intelligence, man. I'd say the sample is too small to say.
So you believe it could be different for other intelligent beings? Why?
If you asked one voter who they would vote for in the next election, how confident could you be in the outcome?
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?
We have exactly one example of intelligence, man. I'd say the sample is too small to say.
So you believe it could be different for other intelligent beings? Why?
If you asked one voter who they would vote for in the next election, how confident could you be in the outcome?
What does that have to do with anything?

Are you arguing that man can’t be intelligent because he is partisan? Or that I can’t be intelligent because I can’t predict it?

How many technological civilizations have been created that you are aware of?

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