Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

Sure. One day every most unimportant quant will be part of a living entity. That's not a natural law, but I'm sure that's what we will do, when we will survive a little longer, what I doubt about, because this needs love and rationality.

It doesn’t matter what we do.

It’s pretty obvious that it’s natural for us to try to invent smart things.

We’re obsessed with making smart devices.
The question is why? The answer to that is because it is logical and therefore natural.

Intelligent beings creating intelligent things makes sense because their creations were created to serve a purpose which means they were created for a reason. Therefore it is logical for intelligence to create intelligence.

And because our creations serve a purpose and because it is natural for intelligence to progress it is natural for intelligence to create ever increasing intelligent creations.

And since this is what we see, it’s kind of hard to not reach the conclusion that creating intelligence is an artifact of intelligence.
Is "creating" an artifact of the creator?

I wasn't being sarcastic.

I do infact think God is THE Creator...and we are made in His WE have a desire/drive to create.

Create intelligence sure...but create other things as well.

Same question...but you're focused on the word "intelligence" and I'm focused on the word "create".
Sure. I was actually thinking that we can use our experiences as creators as a proxy to understand God.

Such as we create things for a reason to serve a purpose. Our creations are created in steps. Our creations require intelligence. The more complex our creation the greater the intelligence needs to be and the more steps needed to create it.

How about this for a mind exercise?

What if God the Creator is asking himself the same questions we ask?

- What is the meaning of life?
- What is My purpose?
- Why do I exist?

So He creates beings (us) in His image to explore every imaginable variation of these questions.
So what are your answers to those questions?
The question is why? The answer to that is because it is logical and therefore natural.

Intelligent beings creating intelligent things makes sense because their creations were created to serve a purpose which means they were created for a reason. Therefore it is logical for intelligence to create intelligence.

And because our creations serve a purpose and because it is natural for intelligence to progress it is natural for intelligence to create ever increasing intelligent creations.

And since this is what we see, it’s kind of hard to not reach the conclusion that creating intelligence is an artifact of intelligence.

You said that intelligent beings create things that become more and more intelligent. The question then would be is it possible for an intelligent being to create something that becomes more intelligent than the creator?

In the case of mankind, we are very close to quantum computing, and many scientists have said that would be very close to how the human brain operates. That being said, could a quantum computer "evolve" or be created that is smarter than mankind?

That being said, is it possible for mankind to evolve to the point where they can be more intelligent than God? Or, do you think He put in a fail safe in us, keeping us from becoming as intelligent or more so than the Creator?
The question is why? The answer to that is because it is logical and therefore natural.

Intelligent beings creating intelligent things makes sense because their creations were created to serve a purpose which means they were created for a reason. Therefore it is logical for intelligence to create intelligence.

And because our creations serve a purpose and because it is natural for intelligence to progress it is natural for intelligence to create ever increasing intelligent creations.

And since this is what we see, it’s kind of hard to not reach the conclusion that creating intelligence is an artifact of intelligence.

You said that intelligent beings create things that become more and more intelligent. The question then would be is it possible for an intelligent being to create something that becomes more intelligent than the creator?

In the case of mankind, we are very close to quantum computing, and many scientists have said that would be very close to how the human brain operates. That being said, could a quantum computer "evolve" or be created that is smarter than mankind?

That being said, is it possible for mankind to evolve to the point where they can be more intelligent than God? Or, do you think He put in a fail safe in us, keeping us from becoming as intelligent or more so than the Creator?
Great questions. I don’t believe man will ever surpass the intelligence and complexity of God’s creation.

So I don’t believe it is possible for man’s creations to surpass his intelligence unless he modifies God’s creation and in that case it’s still God’s creation.
I’m not following. I meant your answers to these questions.

They are not questions that have one sentence "answers"...they must be searched for and found individually. And finding the answer usually involves looking back on the journey of searching.

True enlightenment comes in a flash...but only after years of hard study.
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?
We have exactly one example of intelligence, man. I'd say the sample is too small to say.
So you believe it could be different for other intelligent beings? Why?
If you asked one voter who they would vote for in the next election, how confident could you be in the outcome?
What does that have to do with anything?

Are you arguing that man can’t be intelligent because he is partisan? Or that I can’t be intelligent because I can’t predict it?

How many technological civilizations have been created that you are aware of?
I'm saying the question is unanswerable, we don't have enough data to even venture a guess.
Asimov, an atheist, enjoyed playing with this conundrum. “The Last Question” “The Last Answer” and “Reason” are short stories which stand out in my mind as examples. Worth reading.
I’m not following. I meant your answers to these questions.

They are not questions that have one sentence "answers"...they must be searched for and found individually. And finding the answer usually involves looking back on the journey of searching.

True enlightenment comes in a flash...but only after years of hard study.
They can.

- What is the meaning of life?
- What is My purpose?
- Why do I exist?
To pass knowledge down to the next generation.

To become the best version of myself.

To become the best version of myself and to pass knowledge down to the next generation.
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?
We have exactly one example of intelligence, man. I'd say the sample is too small to say.
So you believe it could be different for other intelligent beings? Why?
If you asked one voter who they would vote for in the next election, how confident could you be in the outcome?
What does that have to do with anything?

Are you arguing that man can’t be intelligent because he is partisan? Or that I can’t be intelligent because I can’t predict it?

How many technological civilizations have been created that you are aware of?
I'm saying the question is unanswerable, we don't have enough data to even venture a guess.
What would it take for you to venture a guess?
I’m not following. I meant your answers to these questions.

They are not questions that have one sentence "answers"...they must be searched for and found individually. And finding the answer usually involves looking back on the journey of searching.

True enlightenment comes in a flash...but only after years of hard study.
They can.

- What is the meaning of life?
- What is My purpose?
- Why do I exist?
To pass knowledge down to the next generation.

To become the best version of myself.

To become the best version of myself and to pass knowledge down to the next generation.

If that is your truth...then congrat's for finding it!

Those answers don't work for me though.
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

Sure. One day every most unimportant quant will be part of a living entity. That's not a natural law, but I'm sure that's what we will do, when we will survive a little longer, what I doubt about, because this needs love and rationality.

It doesn’t matter what we do.


It’s pretty obvious that it’s natural for us to try to invent smart things.

We’re obsessed with making smart devices.

Your brain (=reality simulator) has a weight of about 1.5 kilo-gram. Now imagine you try to think with a kind of brainware by using a complex structure of matter with the mass of 1.5 kilo-billion suns ... . Where's the real limit?

Asimov, an atheist, enjoyed playing with this conundrum. “The Last Question” “The Last Answer” and “Reason” are short stories which stand out in my mind as examples. Worth reading.

Asimov was an atheist? Strange. He's not boring. Whatever. I read lots of books from him. "The Bicentennial Man" is a book I still remember very well. And was he not also the author of this little extraterrestrian pet with the name Lummox? ... Oh no - this was from Robert A. Heinlein - damned old, from the year 1954 I see now. I'm astonished. Why did I read it and why do I still remember it? A wonderful story: "The Star beast". Sometimes I'm not sure about my dog and other animals from time to time. Are they more intelligent, than I think about them? Are they more intelligent, than I am on my own?

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I’m not following. I meant your answers to these questions.

They are not questions that have one sentence "answers"...they must be searched for and found individually. And finding the answer usually involves looking back on the journey of searching.

True enlightenment comes in a flash...but only after years of hard study.
They can.

- What is the meaning of life?
- What is My purpose?
- Why do I exist?
To pass knowledge down to the next generation.

To become the best version of myself.

To become the best version of myself and to pass knowledge down to the next generation.

If that is your truth...then congrat's for finding it!

Those answers don't work for me though.
Ok, so what answers do work for you?
Is it the nature of intelligence to create intelligence? Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

Sure. One day every most unimportant quant will be part of a living entity. That's not a natural law, but I'm sure that's what we will do, when we will survive a little longer, what I doubt about, because this needs love and rationality.

It doesn’t matter what we do.


It’s pretty obvious that it’s natural for us to try to invent smart things.

We’re obsessed with making smart devices.

Your brain (=reality simulator) has a weight of about 1.5 kilo-gram. Now imagine you try to think with a kind of brainware by using a complex structure of matter with the mass of 1.5 kilo-billion suns ... . Where's the real limit?

I’m not sure what you are getting at.
Trick question.
Humans have no intelligence.
An infant race with no real grasp of consciousness or understanding of what qualifies as sentient. Facing the infinite under the delusion of a false sense if self importance. Unable with limited senses to truly perceive the Universe let alone understand it or ourselves.

In other words...

Above my pay grade.
or anyone else's
they think they KNOW about a ''god''/intelligence/beginning/etc
when really it's all just speculation--that' it

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