Is creating intelligence an artifact of intelligence?

Every smart thing I have has broken.
So has God’s.
no--it was '''created''' broken --never ran well--never perfect
can't break if it was always broken
Did you type that on your smart phone?
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
So has God’s.
no--it was '''created''' broken --never ran well--never perfect
can't break if it was always broken
Did you type that on your smart phone?
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
no--it was '''created''' broken --never ran well--never perfect
can't break if it was always broken
Did you type that on your smart phone?
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
I have reality--you don't
there is no sky fairy--you live in fairy tales
no--it was '''created''' broken --never ran well--never perfect
can't break if it was always broken
Did you type that on your smart phone?
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
bullshit--you are afraid of reality
Did you type that on your smart phone?
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
I have reality--you don't
there is no sky fairy--you live in fairy tales
You don’t have a clue about how to see reality.

In fact, you don’t even understand the distinction between what you see and reality.

But for the sake of argument, let’s say you do, ok? So what? How exactly has that made your life better?

Because from my observations you seem to be fucking miserable.
Did you type that on your smart phone?
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
bullshit--you are afraid of reality
Don’t be silly. I confront reality.
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
bullshit--you are afraid of reality
Don’t be silly. I confront reality.
then why do you think there is a sky fairy ?? when there is not
That’s what I thought.
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
bullshit--you are afraid of reality
Don’t be silly. I confront reality.
then why do you think there is a sky fairy ?? when there is not
How do you know there’s not?
you don't think--you dream and fantasize about a sky fairy
it HAS to be true to make you feel comfortable
you're scared of the opposite
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
bullshit--you are afraid of reality
Don’t be silly. I confront reality.
then why do you think there is a sky fairy ?? when there is not
How do you know there’s not?
...we've been over this before--if you can't prove something--it's bullshit--it's not real--not true
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
bullshit--you are afraid of reality
Don’t be silly. I confront reality.
then why do you think there is a sky fairy ?? when there is not
How do you know there’s not?
...we've been over this before--if you can't prove something--it's bullshit--it's not real--not true
Then apparently you believe your belief that there is no God must be bullshit because you can’t prove it.

I have evidence for my beliefs. You don’t.
No. I am awake and see reality.

I have peace through the storm. I have a rock I built my foundation upon. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What do you have?
bullshit--you are afraid of reality
Don’t be silly. I confront reality.
then why do you think there is a sky fairy ?? when there is not
How do you know there’s not?
...we've been over this before--if you can't prove something--it's bullshit--it's not real--not true
So before relativity was discovered it didn’t exist? Really?
I'm saying the question is unanswerable, we don't have enough data to even venture a guess.
What would it take for you to venture a guess?
More data. I am perfectly comfortable saying we just don't know. In this case, we can't even speculate intelligently.
What data are you expecting exactly?
I'd like to meet at least one other intelligent species.

One thing to consider, if we look back to our own past, how long did we exist before we created anything intelligent?
Sure. One day every most unimportant quant will be part of a living entity. That's not a natural law, but I'm sure that's what we will do, when we will survive a little longer, what I doubt about, because this needs love and rationality.

It doesn’t matter what we do.


It’s pretty obvious that it’s natural for us to try to invent smart things.

We’re obsessed with making smart devices.

Your brain (=reality simulator) has a weight of about 1.5 kilo-gram. Now imagine you try to think with a kind of brainware by using a complex structure of matter with the mass of 1.5 kilo-billion suns ... . Where's the real limit?

I’m not sure what you are getting at.

Sure you are not sure.

I am certain I am not sure of what you are trying to say.

So what? Where was you 200 years ago?
It doesn’t matter what we do.


It’s pretty obvious that it’s natural for us to try to invent smart things.

We’re obsessed with making smart devices.

Your brain (=reality simulator) has a weight of about 1.5 kilo-gram. Now imagine you try to think with a kind of brainware by using a complex structure of matter with the mass of 1.5 kilo-billion suns ... . Where's the real limit?

I’m not sure what you are getting at.

Sure you are not sure.

I am certain I am not sure of what you are trying to say.

So what? Where was you 200 years ago?

The atoms in my body were present but their current configuration wasn’t.

All matter and energy were created from nothing 14 billion years ago when space and time literally popped into existence. Since that time they have merely changed form.

Still not getting you point though.
I'm saying the question is unanswerable, we don't have enough data to even venture a guess.
What would it take for you to venture a guess?
More data. I am perfectly comfortable saying we just don't know. In this case, we can't even speculate intelligently.
What data are you expecting exactly?
I'd like to meet at least one other intelligent species.

One thing to consider, if we look back to our own past, how long did we exist before we created anything intelligent?
You don’t need to meet another intelligent species to know that it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. There are 7 billion other intelligent creatures on this planet to observe.

You are making a cop out because this offends your atheist sensibilities.
So before 5000 years ago life didn’t exist? Really?
Don’t be silly. Life has continuously existed since it made the leap from inanimate matter.

Intelligent life is a different matter. With respect to intelligence our physiology is no different today than it was 10,000 years ago. We just have more knowledge.
I'm saying the question is unanswerable, we don't have enough data to even venture a guess.
What would it take for you to venture a guess?
More data. I am perfectly comfortable saying we just don't know. In this case, we can't even speculate intelligently.
What data are you expecting exactly?
I'd like to meet at least one other intelligent species.

One thing to consider, if we look back to our own past, how long did we exist before we created anything intelligent?
You don’t need to meet another intelligent species to know that it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. There are 7 billion other intelligent creatures on this planet to observe.

You are making a cop out because this offends your atheist sensibilities.
Their is one intelligent species on this planet but fine, if you want to go with individuals, how many of the 7 billion intelligences will create intelligence?

My atheist sensibilities are fine it is my science sensibilities that are hurting.
What would it take for you to venture a guess?
More data. I am perfectly comfortable saying we just don't know. In this case, we can't even speculate intelligently.
What data are you expecting exactly?
I'd like to meet at least one other intelligent species.

One thing to consider, if we look back to our own past, how long did we exist before we created anything intelligent?
You don’t need to meet another intelligent species to know that it is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. There are 7 billion other intelligent creatures on this planet to observe.

You are making a cop out because this offends your atheist sensibilities.
Their is one intelligent species on this planet but fine, if you want to go with individuals, how many of the 7 billion intelligences will create intelligence?

My atheist sensibilities are fine it is my science sensibilities that are hurting.
Almost all - if not all - animals and plants have some level of intelligence. The question is degree. To be intelligent one must have senses to receive input and the ability to process that input to make a selection or choice. Most animals and plants do this instinctively and are not conscious of the selection. Humans are different. Yes, we have instincts and impulses but we can override our instincts and impulses.

Humans are beings that know and create. We have built a technological society. As such we have created a myriad of technologies that mimic intelligence. They have sensors and they have processors. They receive input from their surroundings and make predetermined responses.

This should be so self evident that I am at a loss how you can be arguing against this. Therefore, I concluded that this offends your atheist sensibilities.

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