Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz being treated fairly?

Democratic Motto: Innocent until proven guilty.

NaziCon Motto: Guilty until proven innocent.

Again with the victim hood act.

Just the facts, mam. Just the facts.


You have those. You don't like those. You want a fairy tail.

Do you need it to be? Can you fucking justify it? No. No, you can't.

I don't have to justify it. Was it illegal?
There's an email about money laundering which is being investigated now by several reporters with calls for a formal investigation of the DNC but we know Odumbos Justice Dept is a part of the corruption.. No worries tho, once Trump takes office all of your lying corrupt swine will face charges and hopefully be locked away for a very long time.
I'm still laughing my ass off over something some idiot posted recently - that Hillary appointed Debbie Wasserman Schultz to DNC Chairwoman. That's hilarious...

Do you need it to be? Can you fucking justify it? No. No, you can't.

I don't have to justify it. Was it illegal?
There's an email about money laundering which is being investigated now by several reporters with calls for a formal investigation of the DNC but we know Odumbos Justice Dept is a part of the corruption.. No worries tho, once Trump takes office all of your lying corrupt swine will face charges and hopefully be locked away for a very long time.

That's the one I'm counting on. It's the Victory Fund.

Derided? So what? Is that illegal?

Good luck hiding behind laws/rules. See how well super delegates go over next election cycle.

That's another story - but was it illegal?
Is it illegal for Republicans to plant FALSE stories about Hillary, running ads on CraigsList looking for a illegal substances- all schemed by the RNC.. WOULD THAT BE WRONG?????

Derided? So what? Is that illegal?

Good luck hiding behind laws/rules. See how well super delegates go over next election cycle.

That's another story - but was it illegal?

Possibly, using DNC owned computers to transmit slander or defaming candidate information may cause a law suit.

Do you need it to be? Can you fucking justify it? No. No, you can't.

I don't have to justify it. Was it illegal?
There's an email about money laundering which is being investigated now by several reporters with calls for a formal investigation of the DNC but we know Odumbos Justice Dept is a part of the corruption.. No worries tho, once Trump takes office all of your lying corrupt swine will face charges and hopefully be locked away for a very long time.

Well, before you NaziCons execute Debbie - at least wait until proper authorities determine if she did anything illegal or not. Okay...?

Derided? So what? Is that illegal?

Good luck hiding behind laws/rules. See how well super delegates go over next election cycle.

That's another story - but was it illegal?

Possibly, using DNC owned computers to transmit slander or defaming candidate information may cause a law suit.

There just so happens to be one of those.

Derided? So what? Is that illegal?

Good luck hiding behind laws/rules. See how well super delegates go over next election cycle.

That's another story - but was it illegal?

Possibly, using DNC owned computers to transmit slander or defaming candidate information may cause a law suit.

That didn't bother the Bush boys when they used RNC computers.

Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns

Over the course of the investigation, it came out that some White House officials had conducted White House business over private email accounts set up on a server through the Republican National Committee. The White House later admitted that some internal White House emails conducted on the RNC server might have been lost.

Democrats in Congress accused the administration of purposefully circumventing recordkeeping processes, while the White House said staffers were supposed to use the RNC emails solely for political affairs, not official business. Comparing the Bush and Clinton email scandals is not exactly apples to apples, but there are some similarities.


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Do you need it to be? Can you fucking justify it? No. No, you can't.

I don't have to justify it. Was it illegal?
There's an email about money laundering which is being investigated now by several reporters with calls for a formal investigation of the DNC but we know Odumbos Justice Dept is a part of the corruption.. No worries tho, once Trump takes office all of your lying corrupt swine will face charges and hopefully be locked away for a very long time.

Well, before you NaziCons execute Debbie - at least wait until proper authorities determine if she did anything illegal or not. Okay...?

Not necessary, hillbilly.

Do you need it to be? Can you fucking justify it? No. No, you can't.

I don't have to justify it. Was it illegal?
There's an email about money laundering which is being investigated now by several reporters with calls for a formal investigation of the DNC but we know Odumbos Justice Dept is a part of the corruption.. No worries tho, once Trump takes office all of your lying corrupt swine will face charges and hopefully be locked away for a very long time.

Well, before you NaziCons execute Debbie - at least wait until proper authorities determine if she did anything illegal or not. Okay...?
You're so insane that you don't see how absolutely crazy you come across. You're truly someone that the Secret Service should watch because I am certain you are mentally unstable. It doesn't matter what you read or see, you still cling to an alternate reality. That's insanity.

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