Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz being treated fairly?

Given the release of DNC emails, she should have resigned. It happened on her watch and the emails were not flattering to the organization. She should take the hit.
I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair

The Court of Public Opinion has already convicted her. She resigned.

Have you heard her side of the story?

She's a lying demagogue with an IQ of people vote for that bitch....its crazy
For a minute there I thought Lakhota was going to take it all the way back to Washington using computers.
NaziCons want to burn another woman at the stake.

Once you use the Nazi word you have lost credibility and the argument.

Only to a Nazi-Conservative.

You have an IQ of less than 70, don't you?

Well, I try to keep it around room temperature - when I'm on this Politics forum...

How much do you get paid to post?

I live well...
For a minute there I thought Lakhota was going to take it all the way back to Washington using computers.
That's too far back but Adams and Jefferson did.

Lincoln used the Internet.


I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair

The emails proved that the DNC was helping Hillary to unfairly knock Bernie out of the running. She's the top dog at the DNC, which puts the responsibility on her. She will take the fall and the Dems hope that will end it so that Hillary and others don't have to answer for anything.
Lincoln used the Internet.


Yes, but it took Gore to build it. ;)

Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Although Vice-President Gore's phrasing might have been a bit clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet in the sense of having designed or implemented it, but rather that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the "invention" of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing that arose out of a close presidential campaign. Gore never used the word "invent," and the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings: the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?
Once you use the Nazi word you have lost credibility and the argument.

Only to a Nazi-Conservative.

You have an IQ of less than 70, don't you?

Well, I try to keep it around room temperature - when I'm on this Politics forum...

How much do you get paid to post?

I live well...

I'm sure. How long do you think you can spin your lies?
Lincoln used the Internet.


Yes, but it took Gore to build it. ;)

Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?

Initiative in creating, sounds like he is taking credit to me. He is also partially responsible for the inventions of hanging chads and global warming.
Lincoln used the Internet.


Yes, but it took Gore to build it. ;)

Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?

Initiative in creating, sounds like he is taking credit to me. He is also partially responsible for the inventions of hanging chads and global warming.

Sounds like and is are often very different.

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