Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz being treated fairly?

Lincoln used the Internet.


Yes, but it took Gore to build it. ;)

Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?

Initiative in creating, sounds like he is taking credit to me. He is also partially responsible for the inventions of hanging chads and global warming.

Sounds like and is are often very different.
Doesn't that depend on what the meaning of is is?
Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Although Vice-President Gore's phrasing might have been a bit clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet in the sense of having designed or implemented it, but rather that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the "invention" of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing that arose out of a close presidential campaign. Gore never used the word "invent," and the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings: the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?

He said he took the initiative in creating it. He made it sound like no one else was interested and he insinuated that it would not exist without him. He made a pretty big claim. Sure, once he was called on his bullshit, he added a new explanation.
Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Although Vice-President Gore's phrasing might have been a bit clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet in the sense of having designed or implemented it, but rather that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the "invention" of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing that arose out of a close presidential campaign. Gore never used the word "invent," and the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings: the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?

He said he took the initiative in creating it. He made it sound like no one else was interested and he insinuated that it would not exist without him. He made a pretty big claim. Sure, once he was called on his bullshit, he added a new explanation.

No, his original statement was clear enough for most sane people.
Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Although Vice-President Gore's phrasing might have been a bit clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet in the sense of having designed or implemented it, but rather that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the "invention" of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing that arose out of a close presidential campaign. Gore never used the word "invent," and the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings: the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?

He said he took the initiative in creating it. He made it sound like no one else was interested and he insinuated that it would not exist without him. He made a pretty big claim. Sure, once he was called on his bullshit, he added a new explanation.

No, his original statement was clear enough for most sane people.

Yes it was, he clearly took more credit than he should have for the development of the internet.
Hey DNC!

Lakhota the best you could hire?

Soros, you aren't getting squat for ROI.
Democratic Party leadership has just had transparency thrust upon them by an external source...

And, predictably, they could not endure the scrutiny...

Rather like cockroaches scattering, when the light is turned on, in a badly-run and filthy kitchen...
The walk back on lamestream media reporting the emails and Wasserman stepping down after the convention should prove entertaining.

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair
Never write in an email anything you don't want to show up on the front page of the NY Times.
Al Gore never said he built the Internet. Just more NaziCon lies.

During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Although Vice-President Gore's phrasing might have been a bit clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet in the sense of having designed or implemented it, but rather that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the "invention" of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing that arose out of a close presidential campaign. Gore never used the word "invent," and the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings: the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea.​

Did Al Gore Claim He Invented the Internet?

He said he took the initiative in creating it. He made it sound like no one else was interested and he insinuated that it would not exist without him. He made a pretty big claim. Sure, once he was called on his bullshit, he added a new explanation.

No, his original statement was clear enough for most sane people.
'Nuff said.

1. to create or devise (new ideas, machines, etc)
2. to make up (falsehoods); fabricate
[C15: from Latin invenīre to find, come upon, from in-2 + venīre to come]
inˈventible, inˈventable adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Edward Snowden is probably helping Putin with his KGB cold war dirty work. Snowden is probably a Russian agent by now.
Edward Snowden is probably helping Putin with his KGB cold war dirty work. Snowden is probably a Russian agent by now.

Gee if some US journalists had uncovered this, they would be heroes. Probably get a book deal and a movie.

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