Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz being treated fairly?

now that debb
I KNEW I saw this scene before:



Got Russian retrieved email?
Bushels of it.
now that Debbie has been fired, maybe she can get on of her previous jobs back? Cow Proctologist?
Syrian blowing up in Germany, Wasserman in Philadelphia. Wonder how many virgins they get apiece?
And you're right there's always 2 sides to a story, and the other side we haven't heard yet.
The other side of this story will be when Julian of WikiLeaks releases 10s of thousands emails from Hillary's private server. Maybe we'll get to read those email she deleted after the Russians copied them and see if they were really about Chelsea's wedding plans.
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And you're right there's always 2 sides to a story, and the other side we haven't heard yet.
The other side of this story will be when Julian of wiliLeaks releases 10s of thousands emails from Hillary's private server. Maybe we'll get to read those email she deleted after the Russians copied them and see if they were really about Chelsea's wedding plans.

Yes, we're all looking forward to that. But, so far there is no proof that Hillary's private server was ever hacked - but there was and is plenty of proof that the State and Defense Department computers were hacked.

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair
It's not like she doesn't have a job anymore. She works for Hillary.

You couldn't make this shit up.

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair
It's not like she doesn't have a job anymore. She works for Hillary.

You couldn't make this shit up.

As DNC chairman she works for ALL Democrat candidates--LOL She is NOT Hillary Clinton's campaign manager or a member of her staff.

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair
It's not like she doesn't have a job anymore. She works for Hillary.

You couldn't make this shit up.

Do you have "credible" proof that she works for Hillary? What's her job title? What's her salary?

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair
It's not like she doesn't have a job anymore. She works for Hillary.

You couldn't make this shit up.

Do you have "credible" proof that she works for Hillary? What's her job title? What's her salary?
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Brings Disgraced DNC Chair Onto Her Campaign

"Mere hours after Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned as chair of the DNC, Hillary Clinton has already given her a high ranking position in her campaign.

Schultz resigned after Wikileaks released emails that showed her team showed a clear bias for Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primaries, with DNC CFO Brad Marshall going so far as to suggest attacking his faith in Bible belt states Kentucky and West Virginia.

In an official statement, Clinton praised Wasserman Schultz without mentioning the email scandal, commending her “hard work and leadership.” Wasserman Schultz’s new job will be to act as honorary chairman of the Clinton campaign’s “50-state” program:"

I bet Crooked Hillary praised her. She's probably been working for Hillary through the whole campaign. They are probably laughing their asses off and making fun of the gullible voters.
I hope that this pisses off Bernie so much that he runs as an independent.
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I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair
It's not like she doesn't have a job anymore. She works for Hillary.

You couldn't make this shit up.

As DNC chairman she works for ALL Democrat candidates--LOL She is NOT Hillary Clinton's campaign manager or a member of her staff.
She certainly is now.

My God the OP is one pronounced exactly goes on out there in the middle of nowhere in SD?

s0n.........real men hate Hillary Clinton. I have yet to find, here in New York, a regular man who is going to pull the lever for her. What male does?:bye1: One that has never worn the pants.......better known as pussy whipped. One that has never engaged in sports competition, except for playing the position of left out. Prius drivers. Men who prefer the girlie tear jerker movies. Men who protect their families with a wiffle ball bat collection. Men who debate face to face and invariably storm away in hysterical fashion. We all know who go to their bosses to complain about a male being "offensive" to them. Politically correct fairies who would sooner throw themselves off a 50 foot cliff than offend somebody.:coffee:


I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair

She's never been much of an asset to the Democratic Party. The party had a great DNC chairman in Howard Dean. They should have stuck with that model.
What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL?
What 'Ramen Noodle Head' did did was 'immoral'. I realise you have no concept of the meaning of the word.
Fortunately many many millions of voters do.
The bitch publically 'jumped' before she was publically 'pushed'.
The DNC convention is going to look like a dozen fucking political MOABS were dropped on it.
The most wonderful event still awaits us friends.
Wikileaks has announced it will release emails from and to Hillary BEFORE the end of of the convention which will mean Hillary's career in politics will thankfully be over AND may result in criminal charges against her.
I PREDICTED! the dried up old WHITE filthy rich 1%er bull dycke will suddenly become too 'sick' to carry on.
She's going to get REALLY ill after the next batch of Wikileaks are released.
And you're right there's always 2 sides to a story, and the other side we haven't heard yet.
The other side of this story will be when Julian of wiliLeaks releases 10s of thousands emails from Hillary's private server. Maybe we'll get to read those email she deleted after the Russians copied them and see if they were really about Chelsea's wedding plans.

Yes, we're all looking forward to that. But, so far there is no proof that Hillary's private server was ever hacked - but there was and is plenty of proof that the State and Defense Department computers were hacked.

The Justice Department indicated that the server was set up so poorly that it wouldn't have captured any evidence of it if it had been hacked.

Anyway. allowing DWS to leave under her own terms just furthers the image that the whole process is rigged. She should be removed before the end of the day and not allowed to resign once her BFF is crowned.

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