Is Don Jr. OK?

Bush and Trump are not the President but this piece of shit that you stupid Moon Bats voted for and then let get away with stealing an election is and he is a disaster.

We told you stupid Moon Bats that Joe Potatohead was going to fuck this country and like the idiots you are you didn't pay attention.

Meanwhile we have astronomical inflation that is killing American working families. The fat cat donors of the Democrat party aren't hurting but most Americans are. We have $5/gal gas due to his unbelievably idiotic Environmental Wacko anti fossil fuel policies and it is going to get worse.

We have decreased family income, millions of goddamn illegals flooding across the border, rampant crime, higher taxes, near a recession and weak foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

Anybody that supported Joe Pototahead is a fucking moron.
I stopped reading as soon as I read stealing an election. If you still believe that you need help. Not even going to read the rest. Try again loser.
One day the history books will discuss the stolen election of 2020.
Not a chance. But they will go back and talk about how Bush stole Florida and Ohio.

Hanging chads, true
Butterfly ballots, true
Hacked Diebold Voting Machines, true. Look it up.
Starting a riot to stop the recount, happened. Google Brooks Brother Riots.

Please Lenny, I need a good laugh. Let me hear you explain this one away

In August 2003, Walden O'Dell, chief executive of Diebold, announced that he had been a top fundraiser for President George W. Bush

Imagine if the CEO of Dominion was a top fundraiser for Biden.

You have to be a moron to think 2020 was stolen. Why because during a pandemic governors mailed everyone eligible to vote a ballot? You wanted everyone to go stand in line to vote during a fucking pandemic? You aren't that bright are you Lenny?

I think Donnie J should feel extremely lucky he's still a free man. After all.............

Though he may not be one much longer.

Bush and Trump are not the President but this piece of shit that you stupid Moon Bats voted for and then let get away with stealing an election is and he is a disaster.

We told you stupid Moon Bats that Joe Potatohead was going to fuck this country and like the idiots you are you didn't pay attention.

Meanwhile we have astronomical inflation that is killing American working families. The fat cat donors of the Democrat party aren't hurting but most Americans are. We have $5/gal gas due to his unbelievably idiotic Environmental Wacko anti fossil fuel policies and it is going to get worse.

We have decreased family income, millions of goddamn illegals flooding across the border, rampant crime, higher taxes, near a recession and weak foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.
Anybody that supported Joe Pototahead is a fucking moron.

Are you at least now willing to admit the government works more for the rich than it does We the People?

From Bush and Trump's tax breaks to now where oil companies are recording record profits. Supermarkets too. Meat producers. They're gouging us because of shortages and just because. What do you want the government to do about it? Nothing? Then deal with it. Get a better job loser.
I think Donnie J should feel extremely lucky he's still a free man. After all.............

Though he may not be one much longer.

But we know the rich will never be put in jail. Maybe Martha Stewart but not Ivanka.
Are you at least now willing to admit the government works more for the rich than it does We the People?

From Bush and Trump's tax breaks to now where oil companies are recording record profits. Supermarkets too. Meat producers. They're gouging us because of shortages and just because. What do you want the government to do about it? Nothing? Then deal with it. Get a better job loser.
Are you at least now willing to admit the government works more for the rich than it does We the People?

From Bush and Trump's tax breaks to now where oil companies are recording record profits. Supermarkets too. Meat producers. They're gouging us because of shortages and just because. What do you want the government to do about it? Nothing? Then deal with it. Get a better job loser.
The problem is called “Joe Biden”.
Trump would have wupped their asses months ago.
The problem is called “Joe Biden”.
Trump would have wupped their asses months ago.
So you like government so long as Trump/Mitch/Dennis Hastert types are in charge.

Here is my favorite 2 Republicans today. They are PERFECT for your party.

1. Former Detroit Chief of police Larry Craig. Forged signatures to get on the ballot. He won't try to steal elections like Trump. Nah.

2. Hershel Walker, former football player who says fatherlessness is a problem in the black community. He would know. We just found out he has 4 kids that he didn't raise. Maybe some he paid alimony and some he sent birthday/xmas gifts to but that's not raising your kids. Who's he kidding? This would be like OJ running on a Domestic Violence platform. LOL
So you like government so long as Trump/Mitch/Dennis Hastert types are in charge.

Here is my favorite 2 Republicans today. They are PERFECT for your party.

1. Former Detroit Chief of police Larry Craig. Forged signatures to get on the ballot. He won't try to steal elections like Trump. Nah.

2. Hershel Walker, former football player who says fatherlessness is a problem in the black community. He would know. We just found out he has 4 kids that he didn't raise. Maybe some he paid alimony and some he sent birthday/xmas gifts to but that's not raising your kids. Who's he kidding? This would be like OJ running on a Domestic Violence platform. LOL
Politicians are supposed to represent the people, not just MNCs.
I understand that you are a Portfolio LibTard.
Politicians are supposed to represent the people, not just MNCs.
I understand that you are a Portfolio LibTard.

Barr said something about Trump that from now on I'm going to say about you guys

“I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has, you know, lost contact with, become detached from reality,” Barr said. The former attorney general said when he tried to tell the president “how crazy some of these allegations were, there was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were.”
Barr said something about Trump that from now on I'm going to say about you guys

“I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has, you know, lost contact with, become detached from reality,” Barr said. The former attorney general said when he tried to tell the president “how crazy some of these allegations were, there was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were.”
Unlike hypocritical human slave labor Portfolio LibTards such as yourself, all I care about is how well the economy is doing for the most people.

You can shove your “polite”, selfish, hypocritical bull up your rear end.
Unlike hypocritical human slave labor Portfolio LibTards such as yourself, all I care about is how well the economy is doing for the most people.

You can shove your “polite”, selfish, hypocritical bull up your rear end.
Yea, that's all Germans cared about too when they voted in Hitler.

And let me remind you a couple things. Trump was handed a great economy. He passed a major tax break that mostly went to rich people, caused inflation too, debt, and it barely improved the economy. If GDP was 2.2 the year before, he got 2.3. You're full of shit.

And I remember Bush's economy SUCKED for 8 years and you guys said it was great. You defended him just like we defend Biden. Because we know the alternative will be worse. Trump would have done what about inflation?
One day the history books will discuss the stolen election of 2020.
They absolutely will. And they will not look kindly at the side trying to usurp democracy by spreading lies about the election being stolen from them.
Uh oh

The allowance must be drying up
I feel like Barr felt about Trump when I talk to USMB Republicans.

“I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has, you know, lost contact with, become detached from reality,”.

When he tried to tell the president how crazy some of these allegations were, "there was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were.”
They absolutely will. And they will not look kindly at the side trying to usurp democracy by spreading lies about the election being stolen from them.
Just remember what Trump's own attorney general said about the stolen election.

“I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has, you know, lost contact with, become detached from reality,” Barr said. The former attorney general said when he tried to tell the president “how crazy some of these allegations were, there was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were.”

So unless Trumpsters plan on re-writing history when they get back in power.
But we know the rich will never be put in jail. Maybe Martha Stewart but not Ivanka.
I agree the rich have an unfair advantage but.......

Trump and his two eldest children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr, agreed last week to answer questions under oath starting 15 July unless the court of appeals decided to step in.

A message seeking comment on Tuesday’s ruling was sent to Trump’s lawyer. Alan Futerfas, a lawyer for Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr, declined comment. A message was also left with a spokesperson for Letitia James, the attorney general.
The history books will discuss Donald Trump being impeached TWICE and his failed coup.

The history books would have to cover the fake news. It would have to go over how Donald Trump's calls to the President of Ukraine and Governor of Georgia were perfect. How it was normal to ask Comey for his loyalty and fire him for not giving it.

And it would have to say how all the former staffers or appointments of Donald Trump's who wrote books not flattering to Trump, well they were all just trying to make money and they were rino's and deep state globalists.

I can't wait to read the history books after the revolution.
Yea, that's all Germans cared about too when they voted in Hitler.

And let me remind you a couple things. Trump was handed a great economy. He passed a major tax break that mostly went to rich people, caused inflation too, debt, and it barely improved the economy. If GDP was 2.2 the year before, he got 2.3. You're full of shit.

And I remember Bush's economy SUCKED for 8 years and you guys said it was great. You defended him just like we defend Biden. Because we know the alternative will be worse. Trump would have done what about inflation?
Thanks for not reading any of my posts.
Every R President since Reagan sucked.
GW was our worst President ever and Trump was our best.
And you are still a selfish, slave labor loving LibTard.

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