Is Donald John Trump the ANTICHRIST? (Remember, You Heard it Here First!)

Is Donald John Trump the ANTICHRIST?
Er.. no... The Donald isn't the "ANTICHRIST" .... he just plays one on the campaign trail.

The fact of the matter is (as almost everybody already knows) that the ANTICHRIST is Sam Neill.

Hmm, I'll have to consider that.

Got a link?


Link? I'll do ya one better, here's the video that proves Sam Neill is the Anti-Christ, the prick all but openly admits it. ;)

Given that the antichrist almost certainly would manifest at a malignant narcissist, then Trump clearly has passed the first hurdle of qualification...

Actually though, Dick Cheney more fits the bill. In spades. Trump's like one of the lesser demons. Not sophisticated enough to really worm in and manipulate from behind the scenes.

Here's how clever Cheney is. He was raised by democrats, married a woman also raised by democrats, dodged the draft 5 times, supports gay marriage, but somehow became the uber-trusted darling advisor to the furthest reaches of the conservative what used to be called "moral majority" filled with veterans, Christians and multi-generational republican families. That's some kind of bullshit only the smoothest of dark-workers could pull off.
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Given that the antichrist almost certainly would manifest at a malignant narcissist, then Trump clearly has passed the first hurdle of qualification...
Yeah so have all the other scumbag politicians that already work in Washington D.C. :eek:
When asked which book of the Bible was his favorite, Donald Trump responded, "Chapter 11."

Asked for confirmation, Rump replied:


Given that the antichrist almost certainly would manifest at a malignant narcissist, then Trump clearly has passed the first hurdle of qualification...

Actually though, Dick Cheney more fits the bill. In spades. Trump's like one of the lesser demons. Not sophisticated enough to really worm in and manipulate from behind the scenes.

Here's how clever Cheney is. He was raised by democrats, married a woman also raised by democrats, dodged the draft 5 times, supports gay marriage, but somehow became the uber-trusted darling advisor to the furthest reaches of the conservative what used to be called "moral majority" filled with veterans, Christians and multi-generational republican families. That's some kind of bullshit only the smoothest of dark-workers could pull off.

No, Dick Cheney is the False Prophet that precedes the Anti-Christ.

Man, you liberals sure dont know your Schofield Dispensationalism very well.
OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days


After looking at that face, well I believe the Anti-Christ might feel a little insulted to be compared to Trump...
If you take the letters of Trump's name, and add the letters for PENTAGRAM (Satan's symbol), then add the letters for YOUR MOTHER SUCKS COCKS IN HELL, what you miraculously end up with is JIMBOWIE IS ONE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!

It's true. You saw it here first.

Coming from someone that promotes Common Core? You calling ANYONE "stupid" is so fucking ironic.
Is Donald John Trump the ANTICHRIST?
Er.. no... The Donald isn't the "ANTICHRIST" .... he just plays one on the campaign trail.

The fact of the matter is (as almost everybody already knows) that the ANTICHRIST is Sam Neill.

Hmm, I'll have to consider that.

Got a link?


Link? I'll do ya one better, here's the video that proves Sam Neill is the Anti-Christ, the prick all but openly admits it. ;)

Isnt that the scene right after he ....never mind.

That is not evidence; it is filmography. We are talking real science here bubba, not Hollyweird.

If you take the letters of Trump's name, and add the letters for PENTAGRAM (Satan's symbol), then add the letters for YOUR MOTHER SUCKS COCKS IN HELL, what you miraculously end up with is JIMBOWIE IS ONE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!

It's true. You saw it here first.

Coming from someone that promotes Common Core? You calling ANYONE "stupid" is so fucking ironic.
You have to give a certain amount of patience and charity with children, dogs and drooling sociopaths like girly5000.

Lets stay on the high ground though and let the chiggers bite what they may.

OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days


After looking at that face, well I believe the Anti-Christ might feel a little insulted to be compared to Trump...

The son of darkness has feelings to you know.
If you take the letters of Trump's name, and add the letters for PENTAGRAM (Satan's symbol), then add the letters for YOUR MOTHER SUCKS COCKS IN HELL, what you miraculously end up with is JIMBOWIE IS ONE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!

It's true. You saw it here first.

Coming from someone that promotes Common Core? You calling ANYONE "stupid" is so fucking ironic.
You have to give a certain amount of patience and charity with children, dogs and drooling sociopaths like girly5000.

Lets stay on the high ground though and let the chiggers bite what they may.


Yeah, I seem to be running low on that trait when it comes to dealing with the terminally stupid.
OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days


After looking at that face, well I believe the Anti-Christ might feel a little insulted to be compared to Trump...

The son of darkness has feelings gs to you know.

Lol, he only pretends to have feelings, dude. The Anti-Christ transcends normal human emotion and is One with Everyone and Nothing simultaneously.

Did that sound Eastern Mystic Self-contradictory Bullshit enough for this topic?

I cant tell sometimes if I hit my mark or not.

OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days

LOL....but I thought Obama was the Anti-Christ.......
OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days


After looking at that face, well I believe the Anti-Christ might feel a little insulted to be compared to Trump...

The son of darkness has feelings gs to you know.

Lol, he only pretends to have feelings, dude. The Anti-Christ transcends normal human emotion and is One with Everyone and Nothing simultaneously.

Did that sound Eastern Mystic Self-contradictory Bullshit enough for this topic?

I cant tell sometimes if I hit my mark or not.


Na na man you did awesom.
OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days

LOL....but I thought Obama was the Anti-Christ.......

Obama WAS the AntiChrist, but even the Anti-Christ has to evolve and adapt to the changes in the political environment.

If that confuses you, just sit in a corner till you poop and piss yourself chanting OM till you fall asleep. When you awaken, things will make sense to you then.


OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days

LOL....but I thought Obama was the Anti-Christ.......

Maybe Obama is the false prophet.
OK, this is a widely used ball of mud, I admit, but in this case there is actual special evidence that Donald John Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ and I am going to give you free advice on what to do about it. At completely no cost to you, I will explain why I am certain beyond the meaning of the English language to convey that, yes, Donald John Trump is in fact THE Anti-Christ. But I only present the evidence; you have to decide for yourself on if he is and how you can take advantage of this special investment opportunity.

First, let's take a close look at the Name of the Beast, 'Donald John Trump'. The numerical value of his name, in total, is 187. That is a very special number as seven is the number of God and thus 8 is 'ABOVE God' and what do we know about the AntiChrist other than that he exalts himself ABOVE GOD? And since the 8 precedes the 7, we also see that Trump places himself BEFORE GOD also! Key fact!

Also if you multiply 187 by 3.56 (the number of days in the old Chaldean Revised calendar divided by one hundred) we get 665.72, which rounded up = 666. OK, 'nuff said about his diabolical name. Things should be fairly obvious now.

But secondly, let us look at what Trump has done in this election, shall we? Months ago, long before the normally quiet and overlooked Indiana primary, Trump talked to Bobby Knight on the phone and got the man's endorsement before anyone else could get it. MONTHS BEFORE ANYONE REALIZED INDIANA WOULD STILL BE IN PLAY. All through this election, Trump has made fools of all the political pros who have predicted almost every month that one faux paus after another from Trump would knock him out of the election, but such silly things CANNOT ELIMINATE THE ANTICHRIST! Now which are we to believe, that Trump is just astronomically lucky, or a brilliant genius behind that abysmal tan job, or that HE IS THE BAALZEBUL? YOU DECIDE.

Thirdly, I present to you, Trumps hot wife, Melania. How could such an old fart like Trump, with his bad hair piece and spray tan get such a smoking hot babe like that? Right, SATAN IS THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION. Somehow Trump has the contract on Melania's soul and he wont let it go, this much is apparent.

Fourthly, the old TV series '666 Park Avenue' is about an old bald guy that runs an upscale hotel in NEW YORK CITY called 'The Drake' and this man is in fact, spoiler here, he is THE DEVIL. He specializes in giving people what they want FOR A PRICE. Sound familiar? What other NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER GOES AROUND OFFERING PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHAT THEY WANT? HMMMM? Was this TV series just entertainment, or was it cleverly disguised ADVERTISEMENT FOR SATAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?

Fifthly, Glenn Beck as we all know sits at the right hand of God and listens in on the conversations daily and then is good enough to share these things with us on his TV and radio show, for a subscription fee, and he has revealed to us, on his knees weeping really HUUUGE tears, that Ted Cruz was chosen BY GOD HIMSELF to lead America to the Promised Land. And Who is Opposing this Divinely Ordained Plan but Donald John Trump? I dont mean to cast aspersions at the SATANIC NEW YORK CITY HOTEL OWNER, but who else can oppose GOD but SATAN? Therefore, Becks message is not just about Cruz; it is also about Trump, who STANDS AGAINST GOD.

Is Donald John Trump in fact the GREAT SATAN? I dont know. I am not asserting that TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST (but he probably is) but I am only presenting the FACTS; YOU DECIDE.

But IF Trump is the ANTICHRIST, just imagine the investment opportunities that await you! Real estate in the Third World could sky rocket at any moment, so call now 1-666- 554-1212, that's 1-666-554-1212.


/sarc, yes,in case you were doubting, this was humor, not to be taken seriously, just in case anyone was wondering...yeah, sad we gotta say that these days

LOL....but I thought Obama was the Anti-Christ.......

Obama WAS the AntiChrist, but even the Anti-Christ has to evolve and adapt to the changes in the political environment.

If that confuses you, just sit in a corner till you poop and piss yourself chanting OM till you fall asleep. When you awaken, things will make sense to you then.



I think I am beginning to understand- the Anti-Christ can be ANYONE!

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