Is Donald Trump a real "American"?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?
No, but I have one question. Why are you joining the Democrat Party's decimation of the President when they're in deep trouble for their lies and misdeeds against a sitting American President, aka Treason?
He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?
Trump is the President which means he meets all qualifications. You must have been thinking about Barry Sotero.
No, but I have one question. Why are you joining the Democrat Party's decimation of the President when they're in deep trouble for their lies and misdeeds against a sitting American President, aka Treason?

Im just asking, because he wanted to change the laws regarding who is a native born american and who can vote. He himself wouldnt be able to vote if it were like he wanted. Btw you are very pretty girl from Texas. Is that you in your avatar?
He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?
You are simply wrong.
Trump is russian.

He changed his name from Trumpski
No, but I have one question. Why are you joining the Democrat Party's decimation of the President when they're in deep trouble for their lies and misdeeds against a sitting American President, aka Treason?

Im just asking, because he wanted to change the laws regarding who is a native born american and who can vote. He himself wouldnt be able to vote if it were like he wanted. Btw you are very pretty girl from Texas. Is that you in your avatar?
It was against the law for non-citizens to vote in national elections the last time I looked, Mortimer. Even illegal aliens can become citizens if they have lived and worked for 5 years on America's soil. That's my understanding, but if they're told to leave and they do not go, there are only a few reasons they would be told to leave--either they committed a treasonous act against this country, or hurt a United States citizen in a way that disables him or her from enjoying their freedom to pursue happiness. I'm not sure who governs noncitizens, Mortimer, and I'm not even sure the 5-year rule is still in effect. We are experiencing as a nation see saw governing due to so much lying and cheating on voting day. If they don't start taking eye scans as identification in the near future, I'm not going to vote. Why should I cast one vote by the law and have to live with 30 votes cast by people in the other party because that party shoves laws around like a builder shoves mud, pebbles, and chemicals around to get concrete at the base of the building.

Thanks for the compliment to Natalie Woods picture. She was a movie star who died years ago after fighting with her husband Robert Wagner and allegedly walked off the boat and drowned to death in the middle of the night. I never saw toxicology reports that showed she was drunk or drugged. But I only know I couldn't stand Wagner after hearing of her death. I picked this picture of her, because she's the only person who even closely resembles my appearance when I was young, and her hair is about the same length as my light brown hair is. That's why I picked that picture. It was the hair. Also, my other avi disappeared. It was a hummingbird sipping nectar from a trumpet flower. I love ornithology and am an avid lepidopterist as well. And just try to keep me away from visiting every zoo en route to wherever the destination is! Can't be done. :D

I'm old as dirt, Mortimer. My hair length may be the same, but old age is a somewhat disfiguring disease, and I'm just so plain and a bit narrow-minded as well. You'll find a real cutie someday when you learn to look on the heart and find someone who loves to do the same things you do, and you know you'll be kind to her for the rest of your dear life. If I could help you find her, I would, but I'm a little busy mowing my 14 acre estate without running the zero turn into the 3-acre lake around here. My husband left me this beautiful American dream. He died 3 years ago June13. I love the idylls of the country, but the taxes mean I have to put my household budget on nothing to pay them.
Trump is russian.

He changed his name from Trumpski
Gong, you're wrong, doll. President Trump is Holland Dutch and either German or English. He got the red hair from the Dutch. So did my ancestors.
No, but I have one question. Why are you joining the Democrat Party's decimation of the President when they're in deep trouble for their lies and misdeeds against a sitting American President, aka Treason?

Im just asking, because he wanted to change the laws regarding who is a native born american and who can vote. He himself wouldnt be able to vote if it were like he wanted. Btw you are very pretty girl from Texas. Is that you in your avatar?
It was against the law for non-citizens to vote in national elections the last time I looked, Mortimer. Even illegal aliens can become citizens if they have lived and worked for 5 years on America's soil. That's my understanding, but if they're told to leave and they do not go, there are only a few reasons they would be told to leave--either they committed a treasonous act against this country, or hurt a United States citizen in a way that disables him or her from enjoying their freedom to pursue happiness. I'm not sure who governs noncitizens, Mortimer, and I'm not even sure the 5-year rule is still in effect. We are experiencing as a nation see saw governing due to so much lying and cheating on voting day. If they don't start taking eye scans as identification in the near future, I'm not going to vote. Why should I cast one vote by the law and have to live with 30 votes cast by people in the other party because that party shoves laws around like a builder shoves mud, pebbles, and chemicals around to get concrete at the base of the building.

Thanks for the compliment to Natalie Woods picture. She was a movie star who died years ago after fighting with her husband Robert Wagner and allegedly walked off the boat and drowned to death in the middle of the night. I never saw toxicology reports that showed she was drunk or drugged. But I only know I couldn't stand Wagner after hearing of her death. I picked this picture of her, because she's the only person who even closely resembles my appearance when I was young, and her hair is about the same length as my light brown hair is. That's why I picked that picture. It was the hair. Also, my other avi disappeared. It was a hummingbird sipping nectar from a trumpet flower. I love ornithology and am an avid lepidopterist as well. And just try to keep me away from visiting every zoo en route to wherever the destination is! Can't be done. :D

I'm old as dirt, Mortimer. My hair length may be the same, but old age is a somewhat disfiguring disease, and I'm just so plain and a bit narrow-minded as well. You'll find a real cutie someday when you learn to look on the heart and find someone who loves to do the same things you do, and you know you'll be kind to her for the rest of your dear life. If I could help you find her, I would, but I'm a little busy mowing my 14 acre estate without running the zero turn into the 3-acre lake around here. My husband left me this beautiful American dream. He died 3 years ago June13. I love the idylls of the country, but the taxes mean I have to put my household budget on nothing to pay them.

How old are you? Im 36.
No, but I have one question. Why are you joining the Democrat Party's decimation of the President when they're in deep trouble for their lies and misdeeds against a sitting American President, aka Treason?

Im just asking, because he wanted to change the laws regarding who is a native born american and who can vote. He himself wouldnt be able to vote if it were like he wanted. Btw you are very pretty girl from Texas. Is that you in your avatar?
It was against the law for non-citizens to vote in national elections the last time I looked, Mortimer. Even illegal aliens can become citizens if they have lived and worked for 5 years on America's soil. That's my understanding, but if they're told to leave and they do not go, there are only a few reasons they would be told to leave--either they committed a treasonous act against this country, or hurt a United States citizen in a way that disables him or her from enjoying their freedom to pursue happiness. I'm not sure who governs noncitizens, Mortimer, and I'm not even sure the 5-year rule is still in effect. We are experiencing as a nation see saw governing due to so much lying and cheating on voting day. If they don't start taking eye scans as identification in the near future, I'm not going to vote. Why should I cast one vote by the law and have to live with 30 votes cast by people in the other party because that party shoves laws around like a builder shoves mud, pebbles, and chemicals around to get concrete at the base of the building.

Thanks for the compliment to Natalie Woods picture. She was a movie star who died years ago after fighting with her husband Robert Wagner and allegedly walked off the boat and drowned to death in the middle of the night. I never saw toxicology reports that showed she was drunk or drugged. But I only know I couldn't stand Wagner after hearing of her death. I picked this picture of her, because she's the only person who even closely resembles my appearance when I was young, and her hair is about the same length as my light brown hair is. That's why I picked that picture. It was the hair. Also, my other avi disappeared. It was a hummingbird sipping nectar from a trumpet flower. I love ornithology and am an avid lepidopterist as well. And just try to keep me away from visiting every zoo en route to wherever the destination is! Can't be done. :D

I'm old as dirt, Mortimer. My hair length may be the same, but old age is a somewhat disfiguring disease, and I'm just so plain and a bit narrow-minded as well. You'll find a real cutie someday when you learn to look on the heart and find someone who loves to do the same things you do, and you know you'll be kind to her for the rest of your dear life. If I could help you find her, I would, but I'm a little busy mowing my 14 acre estate without running the zero turn into the 3-acre lake around here. My husband left me this beautiful American dream. He died 3 years ago June13. I love the idylls of the country, but the taxes mean I have to put my household budget on nothing to pay them.

I've read your posts, and I can't say I agree with much of what you write, but a few years doesn't mean a loss of beauty. There are more alluring aspects to a woman than perky tits. Experience and understanding that a young woman could never have can be more appealing than you might realize. Perhaps you just haven't been around men who recognize or appreciate an experienced woman. Their loss.
No, but I have one question. Why are you joining the Democrat Party's decimation of the President when they're in deep trouble for their lies and misdeeds against a sitting American President, aka Treason?

Im just asking, because he wanted to change the laws regarding who is a native born american and who can vote. He himself wouldnt be able to vote if it were like he wanted. Btw you are very pretty girl from Texas. Is that you in your avatar?
It was against the law for non-citizens to vote in national elections the last time I looked, Mortimer. Even illegal aliens can become citizens if they have lived and worked for 5 years on America's soil. That's my understanding, but if they're told to leave and they do not go, there are only a few reasons they would be told to leave--either they committed a treasonous act against this country, or hurt a United States citizen in a way that disables him or her from enjoying their freedom to pursue happiness. I'm not sure who governs noncitizens, Mortimer, and I'm not even sure the 5-year rule is still in effect. We are experiencing as a nation see saw governing due to so much lying and cheating on voting day. If they don't start taking eye scans as identification in the near future, I'm not going to vote. Why should I cast one vote by the law and have to live with 30 votes cast by people in the other party because that party shoves laws around like a builder shoves mud, pebbles, and chemicals around to get concrete at the base of the building.

Thanks for the compliment to Natalie Woods picture. She was a movie star who died years ago after fighting with her husband Robert Wagner and allegedly walked off the boat and drowned to death in the middle of the night. I never saw toxicology reports that showed she was drunk or drugged. But I only know I couldn't stand Wagner after hearing of her death. I picked this picture of her, because she's the only person who even closely resembles my appearance when I was young, and her hair is about the same length as my light brown hair is. That's why I picked that picture. It was the hair. Also, my other avi disappeared. It was a hummingbird sipping nectar from a trumpet flower. I love ornithology and am an avid lepidopterist as well. And just try to keep me away from visiting every zoo en route to wherever the destination is! Can't be done. :D

I'm old as dirt, Mortimer. My hair length may be the same, but old age is a somewhat disfiguring disease, and I'm just so plain and a bit narrow-minded as well. You'll find a real cutie someday when you learn to look on the heart and find someone who loves to do the same things you do, and you know you'll be kind to her for the rest of your dear life. If I could help you find her, I would, but I'm a little busy mowing my 14 acre estate without running the zero turn into the 3-acre lake around here. My husband left me this beautiful American dream. He died 3 years ago June13. I love the idylls of the country, but the taxes mean I have to put my household budget on nothing to pay them.

How old are you? Im 36.

For all those who live with their eyes closed: Trump’s story actually familiar. He tells us that he alone will rescue average Americans from powerful alien forces – immigrants, foreign traders, foreign politicians, and their international agreements. All those evil things that have undermined the wellbeing of Americans. To fight this fake story, we need a true story based on facts, logic, and our history which shouldn’t end with Trump’s authoritarianism and nativism. An end that’s far truer to America’s ideals is a reinvigorated democracy. This will require a benevolent community free from the crony capitalists who have corrupted America.
No, but I have one question. Why are you joining the Democrat Party's decimation of the President when they're in deep trouble for their lies and misdeeds against a sitting American President, aka Treason?

Im just asking, because he wanted to change the laws regarding who is a native born american and who can vote. He himself wouldnt be able to vote if it were like he wanted. Btw you are very pretty girl from Texas. Is that you in your avatar?
It was against the law for non-citizens to vote in national elections the last time I looked, Mortimer. Even illegal aliens can become citizens if they have lived and worked for 5 years on America's soil. That's my understanding, but if they're told to leave and they do not go, there are only a few reasons they would be told to leave--either they committed a treasonous act against this country, or hurt a United States citizen in a way that disables him or her from enjoying their freedom to pursue happiness. I'm not sure who governs noncitizens, Mortimer, and I'm not even sure the 5-year rule is still in effect. We are experiencing as a nation see saw governing due to so much lying and cheating on voting day. If they don't start taking eye scans as identification in the near future, I'm not going to vote. Why should I cast one vote by the law and have to live with 30 votes cast by people in the other party because that party shoves laws around like a builder shoves mud, pebbles, and chemicals around to get concrete at the base of the building.

Thanks for the compliment to Natalie Woods picture. She was a movie star who died years ago after fighting with her husband Robert Wagner and allegedly walked off the boat and drowned to death in the middle of the night. I never saw toxicology reports that showed she was drunk or drugged. But I only know I couldn't stand Wagner after hearing of her death. I picked this picture of her, because she's the only person who even closely resembles my appearance when I was young, and her hair is about the same length as my light brown hair is. That's why I picked that picture. It was the hair. Also, my other avi disappeared. It was a hummingbird sipping nectar from a trumpet flower. I love ornithology and am an avid lepidopterist as well. And just try to keep me away from visiting every zoo en route to wherever the destination is! Can't be done. :D

I'm old as dirt, Mortimer. My hair length may be the same, but old age is a somewhat disfiguring disease, and I'm just so plain and a bit narrow-minded as well. You'll find a real cutie someday when you learn to look on the heart and find someone who loves to do the same things you do, and you know you'll be kind to her for the rest of your dear life. If I could help you find her, I would, but I'm a little busy mowing my 14 acre estate without running the zero turn into the 3-acre lake around here. My husband left me this beautiful American dream. He died 3 years ago June13. I love the idylls of the country, but the taxes mean I have to put my household budget on nothing to pay them.

How old are you? Im 36.

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<giggle> Oh, Hossfly, you have it down pat! :lmao:
For all those who live with their eyes closed: Trump’s story actually familiar. He tells us that he alone will rescue average Americans from powerful alien forces – immigrants, foreign traders, foreign politicians, and their international agreements. All those evil things that have undermined the wellbeing of Americans. To fight this fake story, we need a true story based on facts, logic, and our history which shouldn’t end with Trump’s authoritarianism and nativism. An end that’s far truer to America’s ideals is a reinvigorated democracy. This will require a benevolent community free from the crony capitalists who have corrupted America.
Welcome to USMB, garrettp. Hope you enjoy the boards at USMB. Be sure you tell your mommie to keep up your shots. There's a bit of anklebiting that goes on around these parts, and you're safer if you have them. :huddle:
For all those who live with their eyes closed: Trump’s story actually familiar. He tells us that he alone will rescue average Americans from powerful alien forces – immigrants, foreign traders, foreign politicians, and their international agreements. All those evil things that have undermined the wellbeing of Americans. To fight this fake story, we need a true story based on facts, logic, and our history which shouldn’t end with Trump’s authoritarianism and nativism. An end that’s far truer to America’s ideals is a reinvigorated democracy. This will require a benevolent community free from the crony capitalists who have corrupted America.

Quite an impressive first post, or close to first anyway. Welcome.

Point is well taken. We have seen Rump's song and dance before, from the Know Nothings to the Ku Klux Klan to the National Security League. Those who ignore their own history get to rerun it all over again.

As for Rump's parentage, this month it's "a very wonderful place in Germany". Before that it was "Sweden". Such is life for those who just make it up as they go.
For all those who live with their eyes closed: Trump’s story actually familiar. He tells us that he alone will rescue average Americans from powerful alien forces – immigrants, foreign traders, foreign politicians, and their international agreements. All those evil things that have undermined the wellbeing of Americans. To fight this fake story, we need a true story based on facts, logic, and our history which shouldn’t end with Trump’s authoritarianism and nativism. An end that’s far truer to America’s ideals is a reinvigorated democracy. This will require a benevolent community free from the crony capitalists who have corrupted America.
Welcome to USMB, garrettp. Hope you enjoy the boards at USMB. Be sure you tell your mommie to keep up your shots. There's a bit of anklebiting that goes on around these parts, and you're safer if you have them. :huddle:
Thanks for caring, Beautress. I'm bulletproof on the Internet. It is the safest place to communicate with every kind of mamm... humans.
For all those who live with their eyes closed: Trump’s story actually familiar. He tells us that he alone will rescue average Americans from powerful alien forces – immigrants, foreign traders, foreign politicians, and their international agreements. All those evil things that have undermined the wellbeing of Americans. To fight this fake story, we need a true story based on facts, logic, and our history which shouldn’t end with Trump’s authoritarianism and nativism. An end that’s far truer to America’s ideals is a reinvigorated democracy. This will require a benevolent community free from the crony capitalists who have corrupted America.

Quite an impressive first post, or close to first anyway. Welcome.

Point is well taken. We have seen Rump's song and dance before, from the Know Nothings to the Ku Klux Klan to the National Security League. Those who ignore their own history get to rerun it all over again.

As for Rump's parentage, this month it's "a very wonderful place in Germany". Before that it was "Sweden". Such is life for those who just make it up as they go.
That's a much more warm welcome than I expected, actually :) Agreed with your points, also.
To fight this fake story, we need a true story based on facts, logic, and our history which shouldn’t end with Trump’s authoritarianism and nativism. An end that’s far truer to America’s ideals is a reinvigorated democracy. This will require a benevolent community free from the crony capitalists who have corrupted America.


Now, all you need is a way to identify those darned "crony capitalists" (for they have "corrupted America"), and send the death squads to go after them. Not an hour longer than absolutely inevitable shall the "benevolent community" - real Americans, all - be subject to their devilish, corrupting influence. Free, at last!

Then, you'll still have the slight problem of selling that as a "true story" of "reinvigorated democracy". But I am confident, you'll get it done.
Nothing is more American than pulling the ladder up behind one, so yes, Trump is a 'real' American.
He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?

He's playing the right. Those most attracted to him are white males without an education. We have a problem with foreigners, but Trump is playing the right and telling them what they want to hear while he loathes them with every fiber of his being.

Most of his crap will be shot down by the courts and you will be left with a POLICE STATE, plenty of foreigners, and no way in Hell of resisting the fury the left will unleash once Trump leaves the White House.

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