Is Donald Trump fit to be POTUS?

Is Donald Trump fit to remain President of the United States?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Below copied from my copy of the DSM-IV, made easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, by Dr, James Morrison (pg. 461)


A lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the patient's culture; The pattern is manifested in at least two of these areas:
  • Affect (appropriateness, intensity, lability, and range of emotions
  • Cognition (how the patient perceives and interprets self, others and events)
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning.
    • This pattern is fixed and effects many personal and social situations
    • This stable pattern has lasted a long time with roots in adolescence or young adulthood
    • The pattern isn't explained by another medical disorder
    • It isn't caused by a general medical condition or by the use of substances, including medications
***Cluster A:

Paranoid: These people are suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden meanings into innocent remarks.

Cluster B:

Antisocial: as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility; act recklessly or impulsively; and show no remorse for their behavior.


Overly emotional, vague and attention-seeking; needing constant reassurance, self centered and sexually seductive.

Narcissistic: These people are self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies, or ruminations about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others. The vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C:


These people need the approval of other so much that they have trouble making independent decisions, or starting projects; they may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. They fear abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. The are easily hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.

Consider these are very general and not all bullet points will apply to The Donald, but many do. Focus now on the more comprehensive discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 301.81 (pg 485)

Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (real or fantasized), lack of empathy, and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient for only associations with (or understanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief that others envy patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior
Too many of these bullet points reflect the behavior of Donald Trump to be dismissed. The question, however, is this: is he qualified to be or remain The Most Powerful person in the world?

Oh, god...another liberal who took Psychology 101 in college telling us how they've "diagnosed" Donald Trump as mentally unfit to be President! What is this...the five hundredth time one of you snowflakes has posted some variation of this narrative? And you think it's going to be taken seriously for what reason? (eye roll)
yes--it should be in the Humor section
I knew you would say some dumbshit--you fell into my trap:
they don't ''poll'' EVERYBODY---not even half the country
you just fked up
and not even everyone votes in the elections!!!!
58% TOTAL voters!!!!
Library Guides: Post-Election 2016 Recap & Resources: Voter Turnout
And yet 3 million more of those total voters did not vote for Trump!

And Trump has never had better than 48% approval!
Californians, they shouldn't count.
But they are Americans.

who says?

They pay taxes, serve in the armed services, bring the 5th largest economy on earth with them and disagree with Teump.

Incidentally, disagreeing with Trump is not unpatriotic. Trump ain't America.
OK Doctor Nosmo
Below copied from my copy of the DSM-IV, made easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, by Dr, James Morrison (pg. 461)


A lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the patient's culture; The pattern is manifested in at least two of these areas:
  • Affect (appropriateness, intensity, lability, and range of emotions
  • Cognition (how the patient perceives and interprets self, others and events)
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning.
    • This pattern is fixed and effects many personal and social situations
    • This stable pattern has lasted a long time with roots in adolescence or young adulthood
    • The pattern isn't explained by another medical disorder
    • It isn't caused by a general medical condition or by the use of substances, including medications
***Cluster A:

Paranoid: These people are suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden meanings into innocent remarks.

Cluster B:

Antisocial: as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility; act recklessly or impulsively; and show no remorse for their behavior.


Overly emotional, vague and attention-seeking; needing constant reassurance, self centered and sexually seductive.

Narcissistic: These people are self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies, or ruminations about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others. The vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C:


These people need the approval of other so much that they have trouble making independent decisions, or starting projects; they may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. They fear abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. The are easily hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.

Consider these are very general and not all bullet points will apply to The Donald, but many do. Focus now on the more comprehensive discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 301.81 (pg 485)

Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (real or fantasized), lack of empathy, and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient for only associations with (or understanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief that others envy patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior
Too many of these bullet points reflect the behavior of Donald Trump to be dismissed. The question, however, is this: is he qualified to be or remain The Most Powerful person in the world?
Which disorder makes Hillary trip in public every other day
Trump's lies hurt America in the field of international diplomacy, as he is POTUS. And they can hurt the economy, as signs of instability.

They do? How? Trump has done more diplomacy that has helped us than the previous 4 presidents combined. In fact I can't think of a single international agreement that obummer made that benefited US. If you know of one please provide a link to it.
Trump has attacked NATO, the UN, gotten out of the Paris Accord. There are other examples I'm sure, those were off the top of my head.

I'm not sure what he accomplished with Kim Jong Un either.

Yeah? So? NATO has been sponging off of us for decades. Presidents for as long as i can remember have been saying that the European nations needed to step up their payments. Trump is the first one with the balls to actually call them out on their cheapskatedness. Aren't you sick and tired of being the worlds piggy bank?

The Paris accord hurt the US, helped the Chinese and the Indian countries, and ultimately did nothing to curb pollution. Why sign onto something that does nothing but bankrupt the USA?

If the shrilary were elected we would right now be in a real shooting war with NK. Trump is talking to the little shit, and maybe, just maybe we can get him to get rid of his nukes without having to go to war. Do you not think that worth the diplomatic efforts that trump has engaged in?

Nice try faux Nostradamus, along with echoing trumps talking points have you anything of substance to offer?

The post that you just responded to had more substantive discourse than the last 25 posts you have made, cupcake. I suggest you heed your own advice.

Your post is fake news, it's an echo of ignorance biddable people like you believe. You can't see the future (shooting war with NK); you reject the obvious, the climate is changing for the worse and no matter what % human activity is responsible, states and communities all around our nation and the world are taking action to curtail what might be contributing to serious storms, droughts, fooding, hurricanes, & tornadoes (all around except in DC where Trump fiddles on his twitter account attacking members of Congress).
They do? How? Trump has done more diplomacy that has helped us than the previous 4 presidents combined. In fact I can't think of a single international agreement that obummer made that benefited US. If you know of one please provide a link to it.
Trump has attacked NATO, the UN, gotten out of the Paris Accord. There are other examples I'm sure, those were off the top of my head.

I'm not sure what he accomplished with Kim Jong Un either.

Yeah? So? NATO has been sponging off of us for decades. Presidents for as long as i can remember have been saying that the European nations needed to step up their payments. Trump is the first one with the balls to actually call them out on their cheapskatedness. Aren't you sick and tired of being the worlds piggy bank?

The Paris accord hurt the US, helped the Chinese and the Indian countries, and ultimately did nothing to curb pollution. Why sign onto something that does nothing but bankrupt the USA?

If the shrilary were elected we would right now be in a real shooting war with NK. Trump is talking to the little shit, and maybe, just maybe we can get him to get rid of his nukes without having to go to war. Do you not think that worth the diplomatic efforts that trump has engaged in?

Nice try faux Nostradamus, along with echoing trumps talking points have you anything of substance to offer?

The post that you just responded to had more substantive discourse than the last 25 posts you have made, cupcake. I suggest you heed your own advice.

Your post is fake news, it's an echo of ignorance biddable people like you believe. You can't see the future (shooting war with NK); you reject the obvious, the climate is changing for the worse and no matter what % human activity is responsible, states and communities all around our nation and the world are taking action to curtail what might be contributing to serious storms, droughts, fooding, hurricanes, & tornadoes (all around except in DC where Trump fiddles on his twitter account attacking members of Congress).

Other than leading up your post with every non sequitur imaginable, do you have a point other than you seem to have none?
Trump has attacked NATO, the UN, gotten out of the Paris Accord. There are other examples I'm sure, those were off the top of my head.

I'm not sure what he accomplished with Kim Jong Un either.

Yeah? So? NATO has been sponging off of us for decades. Presidents for as long as i can remember have been saying that the European nations needed to step up their payments. Trump is the first one with the balls to actually call them out on their cheapskatedness. Aren't you sick and tired of being the worlds piggy bank?

The Paris accord hurt the US, helped the Chinese and the Indian countries, and ultimately did nothing to curb pollution. Why sign onto something that does nothing but bankrupt the USA?

If the shrilary were elected we would right now be in a real shooting war with NK. Trump is talking to the little shit, and maybe, just maybe we can get him to get rid of his nukes without having to go to war. Do you not think that worth the diplomatic efforts that trump has engaged in?

Nice try faux Nostradamus, along with echoing trumps talking points have you anything of substance to offer?

The post that you just responded to had more substantive discourse than the last 25 posts you have made, cupcake. I suggest you heed your own advice.

Your post is fake news, it's an echo of ignorance biddable people like you believe. You can't see the future (shooting war with NK); you reject the obvious, the climate is changing for the worse and no matter what % human activity is responsible, states and communities all around our nation and the world are taking action to curtail what might be contributing to serious storms, droughts, fooding, hurricanes, & tornadoes (all around except in DC where Trump fiddles on his twitter account attacking members of Congress).

Other than leading up your post with every non sequitur imaginable, do you have a point other than you seem to have none?
Do you wish to comment on this?
North Korea leader Kim Jong Un fires missiles to warn Donald Trump | Metro News
Unfortunately, there isn't a rating available to adequately demonstrate my reaction to your rationalization. It, if available, would show the iced tea streaming from my nose as I read your post.

You resent politicians lying to the people, so you voted for Trump. You resent politicians enriching themselves and their cronies, while screwing over the middle class. So you voted for Trump.

What manner of logic did you use to make your decision?

Trumps lies hurt trump. They don't hurt the American People. Obummer lied about healthcare and cost over one hundred million more people to buy insurance that was worse than what they had. Hillarys lies ended up with people dead. Funny that. The people you seem to like, lie every bit as much as trump does, but the victims of their lies are the regular people. Trump hurts trump.

HUGE difference.
Trump's lies hurt America in the field of international diplomacy, as he is POTUS. And they can hurt the economy, as signs of instability.

They do? How? Trump has done more diplomacy that has helped us than the previous 4 presidents combined. In fact I can't think of a single international agreement that obummer made that benefited US. If you know of one please provide a link to it.
Trump has attacked NATO, the UN, gotten out of the Paris Accord. There are other examples I'm sure, those were off the top of my head.

I'm not sure what he accomplished with Kim Jong Un either.
NATO is broken, can we count on anyone in NATO defending our country should we be attacked? The answer is no. Turkey doesn't belong in NATO they aren't an ally. And our allies are weak unable to protect themselves leaning on us too much. The UN is 50% Totalitarian Countries out to get over on everyone else. We should never given equal or near equal rights in the UN based on their own Governmental systems and selfish ideals. The Paris Accord is a joke. It's a redistribution scheme to take money and assets away from rich countries and give them to poor countries in the name of AGW. It's BULLSHIT!!

1. The answer is yes. I think you are missing something. There are NATO forces deployed all over in eastern countries next to Russia. NATO forces means combinations of soldiers from several countries. In the event of war these forces will move in. Got it? Couple of my friends are deployed there.

And who the hell will even try to attack us?

2. In the event of war. I don’t expect Russian or China’s tanks or soldiers will land in our shores but I expect those warheads will land in our major cities. This is the reason why Putin keeps those missiles pristinely sharp.

3. NO. Paris Accord is not a joke. Trump made us a joke. We are the only country that does not part of this world movement. Trump is a total joke both foreign and domestic policies.
Unfortunately, there isn't a rating available to adequately demonstrate my reaction to your rationalization. It, if available, would show the iced tea streaming from my nose as I read your post.

You resent politicians lying to the people, so you voted for Trump. You resent politicians enriching themselves and their cronies, while screwing over the middle class. So you voted for Trump.

What manner of logic did you use to make your decision?

Trumps lies hurt trump. They don't hurt the American People. Obummer lied about healthcare and cost over one hundred million more people to buy insurance that was worse than what they had. Hillarys lies ended up with people dead. Funny that. The people you seem to like, lie every bit as much as trump does, but the victims of their lies are the regular people. Trump hurts trump.

HUGE difference.
Trump's lies hurt America in the field of international diplomacy, as he is POTUS. And they can hurt the economy, as signs of instability.

They do? How? Trump has done more diplomacy that has helped us than the previous 4 presidents combined. In fact I can't think of a single international agreement that obummer made that benefited US. If you know of one please provide a link to it.
Trump has attacked NATO, the UN, gotten out of the Paris Accord. There are other examples I'm sure, those were off the top of my head.

I'm not sure what he accomplished with Kim Jong Un either.
Yes. But can you think of anything he shouldn't have done?

Run for office.
What problems? Be specific as to origin.

You must be kidding: Most everything he has done can be classified as a clusterfuck.

Is that enough to enlighten you that trump is inept, inexperienced and for two years has further divided our country with his arrogance and total lack of decorum?

This is what I think with Trump die hard supporters. They like this cluster fuck just the way he LOOKS. Suits with red ties.
They don’t care about his mess up domestic and foreign policies.
They don’t care if he is a racist.
They don’t care if he pathological liar.
They don’t care if he is hypocrite bastard.
They don’t care his childish behavior.
They don’t care his fabricated crisis.

They don’t even realize he is terrorizing this country.
They just love him the way he looks. Just watch some of his rallies where he lies and lies lies ....... They cheered.

After 2 years Trump proved himself unfit POTUS. Probably not even fit as a mayor of small town.
Now, let's get back to the seminal question of this thread:

Is Donald Trump fit to remain President of the United States?

21 of you voted he is fit and is in fact perfect. Yet not one of you provided and explanation for their vote.

All believe, or pretend, Trump is fit to be president. I challenge all or anyone of them to provide clear, concise and probative evidence that trump is fit, and why they would vote for him in the next general election.

Try to prove to me, and other critics, why we should consider to reward him with four more years.

I have no reason or motivation to prove the obvious to you.

Why should I write you a book of events that have been public knowledge from January 20 2017?

Results tell. That you choose to believe nonsense is your own affair.

Also, if you actually read the thread, you would see that I qualified the "perfect" reading.

You've been brainwashed (I heard you only need a light rinse, but went all the way). What has Trump accomplished which is more valuable than what he has destroyed?
  • relationships with are allies
  • Kim is still shooting rockets into the Sea of Japan
  • He lied about the tax bill, it is a 2/3 benefit to corporations
  • The tax fraud is a 1/3 benefit to some of the middle class, which will dwindle away until it sunsets in 10 years - corporate cuts last without a sunset
  • He's added Millions to the defense budget, creating a larger federal deficit and debt
  • He's proved he cannot drain the swamp, he's filled it with ne'er do wells, cronies and lying press agents
  • He's inept, incompetent and inexperienced
  • He is unable and unwilling to learn his job, and that puts all of us at risk
  • He has divided our nation and continues to do so
  • He is a racist and has made racism acceptable, as can be seen in the posts of racist on this message board.
You've been brainwashed

Hardly. My political views were largely formed in the late 60s-early 70s, long before Trump was a consideration.

But for the sake of argument, if I had been, it would be better than your constant drowning in spastic pathological delusions.
Last edited:
Trump is a billion times more competent and qualified than that worthless affirmative action dumbass Muslim that the stupid Moon Bats elected.

Obama left the office with extremely very impressive high quality remarks both foreign and domestic. That’s a fact.

Trump made us the laughing stock a total joke administration and total embarrassment. Both domestically and internationally. That’s a fact.

Just the Russian meddling in to our 2016 election alone. You can see the evidence stamp in this orange clown forehead that Putin rape our democracy. Yet he still love and cozying with Putin.

He even sided with Kim Jung Un a murderer dictator against Biden..

He blamed Obama for family separation that he screwed up last year and this year.

Just imagine what kind of POTUS is that? Just imagine the fucking mentality of this guy.
Below copied from my copy of the DSM-IV, made easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, by Dr, James Morrison (pg. 461)


A lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the patient's culture; The pattern is manifested in at least two of these areas:
  • Affect (appropriateness, intensity, lability, and range of emotions
  • Cognition (how the patient perceives and interprets self, others and events)
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning.
    • This pattern is fixed and effects many personal and social situations
    • This stable pattern has lasted a long time with roots in adolescence or young adulthood
    • The pattern isn't explained by another medical disorder
    • It isn't caused by a general medical condition or by the use of substances, including medications
***Cluster A:

Paranoid: These people are suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden meanings into innocent remarks.

Cluster B:

Antisocial: as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility; act recklessly or impulsively; and show no remorse for their behavior.


Overly emotional, vague and attention-seeking; needing constant reassurance, self centered and sexually seductive.

Narcissistic: These people are self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies, or ruminations about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others. The vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C:


These people need the approval of other so much that they have trouble making independent decisions, or starting projects; they may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. They fear abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. The are easily hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.

Consider these are very general and not all bullet points will apply to The Donald, but many do. Focus now on the more comprehensive discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 301.81 (pg 485)

Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (real or fantasized), lack of empathy, and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient for only associations with (or understanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief that others envy patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior
Too many of these bullet points reflect the behavior of Donald Trump to be dismissed. The question, however, is this: is he qualified to be or remain The Most Powerful person in the world?

Oh, god...another liberal who took Psychology 101 in college telling us how they've "diagnosed" Donald Trump as mentally unfit to be President! What is this...the five hundredth time one of you snowflakes has posted some variation of this narrative? And you think it's going to be taken seriously for what reason? (eye roll)

Your ignorance and anti intellectual comment is not be taken seriously. Pyschology 101 has zero chapters on the DSM, something every freshman in a Jr. college knows.

No one but me has posted a clear erudition of trumps nexus to Chap. 15 on Personality Disorders, and many of the Clusters therein which explain trump's mentally deranged behavior.
So please tell us where are all these children praying to Trump like they did to Obama?

Clueless Dems are going to get a big wake up call in 2020.

They missed all the support Trump got at his last rally. He has consistantly gotten great support from American patriots at all his rallies.

Nah! I think those are the same people that supports him the last time. But it’s very scary to look at the only color of the crowd.
Despite Trump’s massive and very impressive rallies he only collected 63+ millions votes from 212 registered voters.

After 2 years do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease? Let’s starts with.....

1. Hispanic voters.
2. Gay and lesbian communities, friends and families. Die you see how large in the Pride parade all over US?
3. Did you see the anti Trump rallies all over US?
4. Black voters.
5. Asian voters.
6. Muslim voters.

I can assure you Trumpy is in big trouble.
So please tell us where are all these children praying to Trump like they did to Obama?

Clueless Dems are going to get a big wake up call in 2020.

They missed all the support Trump got at his last rally. He has consistantly gotten great support from American patriots at all his rallies.

Nah! I think those are the same people that supports him the last time. But it’s very scary to look at the only color of the crowd.
Despite Trump’s massive and very impressive rallies he only collected 63+ millions votes from 212 registered voters.

After 2 years do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease? Let’s starts with.....

1. Hispanic voters.
2. Gay and lesbian communities, friends and families. Die you see how large in the Pride parade all over US?
3. Did you see the anti Trump rallies all over US?
4. Black voters.
5. Asian voters.
6. Muslim voters.

I can assure you Trumpy is in big trouble.

Coming directly from the "Trump has no path to the White House" polling company
You've been brainwashed

Hardly. My political views were largely formed in the late 60s-early 70s, long before Trump was a consideration.

But for the sake of argument, if I had been, it would be better than your constant drowning in spastic pathological delusions.

Prove it. Nothing you've posted fit the scenario you claim.

My political leanings developed during the late 60's and early 70's. I enlisted in the Navy in '67, because I felt it was my duty, my dad and his dad fought in WW II and WW I respectively, and by then two of my friends had been killed in Vietnam.

It didn't take me long to support RFK, an ideology which I supported then and do today.
You've been brainwashed

Hardly. My political views were largely formed in the late 60s-early 70s, long before Trump was a consideration.

But for the sake of argument, if I had been, it would be better than your constant drowning in spastic pathological delusions.

Prove it. Nothing you've posted fit the scenario you claim.

What scenario is that?

Q. What scenario is that?

A. Your claim that, "My political views were largely formed in the late 60s-early 70s, long before Trump was a consideration."
Yeah? So? NATO has been sponging off of us for decades. Presidents for as long as i can remember have been saying that the European nations needed to step up their payments. Trump is the first one with the balls to actually call them out on their cheapskatedness. Aren't you sick and tired of being the worlds piggy bank?

The Paris accord hurt the US, helped the Chinese and the Indian countries, and ultimately did nothing to curb pollution. Why sign onto something that does nothing but bankrupt the USA?

If the shrilary were elected we would right now be in a real shooting war with NK. Trump is talking to the little shit, and maybe, just maybe we can get him to get rid of his nukes without having to go to war. Do you not think that worth the diplomatic efforts that trump has engaged in?

Nice try faux Nostradamus, along with echoing trumps talking points have you anything of substance to offer?

The post that you just responded to had more substantive discourse than the last 25 posts you have made, cupcake. I suggest you heed your own advice.

Your post is fake news, it's an echo of ignorance biddable people like you believe. You can't see the future (shooting war with NK); you reject the obvious, the climate is changing for the worse and no matter what % human activity is responsible, states and communities all around our nation and the world are taking action to curtail what might be contributing to serious storms, droughts, fooding, hurricanes, & tornadoes (all around except in DC where Trump fiddles on his twitter account attacking members of Congress).

Other than leading up your post with every non sequitur imaginable, do you have a point other than you seem to have none?
Do you wish to comment on this?
North Korea leader Kim Jong Un fires missiles to warn Donald Trump | Metro News

Sure, the little runt is trying to get some attention. Did they fly over Japan? No? Then what is your issue?

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