Is "Equality" a Good Thing?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It appears that at the NFL's kickoff game a few days ago, the few fans who were present "booed" the players' demonstration for "equality." Other stated objectives of the "demonstration" were uncontroversial - fighting racism, opposing police brutality, and so on. But "equality" as a goal is an entirely different matter.

The Declaration of Independence declares that all [people] are created "equal," but that quotation refers to political equality, meaning that Englishmen living in the Colonies should not be treated as political inferiors to Englishmen living in Britain. Bringing that down to the present circumstance, all citizens have equal rights as citizens, with a few inequalities at the margins (e.g., South Dakotans are "more equal" in their Senate influence than Californians).

But what sort of "equality" are today's People of Color and their "white" supporters demonstrating for? In every measurable way, POC's have equal rights with the majority. They have an equal vote (an outsized influence, truth be told), have equal rights to government services and benefits, equal rights in the courts, they pay taxes on an equal basis. They have better than equal treatment by Government when it comes to employment and admission to government-sponsored schools. What is it?

Clearly, POC's do not currently enjoy statistically equal incomes or assets. But these are not distributed by Government, they are distributed by the free economy, and discrimination against POC's is at its lowest level EVER. Indeed, with affirmative action, diversity, and other discriminatory policies universally present, one could argue that the overall impact of discrimination is BALANCED by those benefits.

Do you support EQUALITY? If so, define it. And why do you support it?
That school of equality purports that if you have much, they are entitled to have much as well.

Just consider the concept of looting as deserved reparations.

I support equality of opportunity. Outcomes solely depend upon you.
It appears that at the NFL's kickoff game a few days ago, the few fans who were present "booed" the players' demonstration for "equality." Other stated objectives of the "demonstration" were uncontroversial - fighting racism, opposing police brutality, and so on. But "equality" as a goal is an entirely different matter.

The Declaration of Independence declares that all [people] are created "equal," but that quotation refers to political equality, meaning that Englishmen living in the Colonies should not be treated as political inferiors to Englishmen living in Britain. Bringing that down to the present circumstance, all citizens have equal rights as citizens, with a few inequalities at the margins (e.g., South Dakotans are "more equal" in their Senate influence than Californians).

But what sort of "equality" are today's People of Color and their "white" supporters demonstrating for? In every measurable way, POC's have equal rights with the majority. They have an equal vote (an outsized influence, truth be told), have equal rights to government services and benefits, equal rights in the courts, they pay taxes on an equal basis. They have better than equal treatment by Government when it comes to employment and admission to government-sponsored schools. What is it?

Clearly, POC's do not currently enjoy statistically equal incomes or assets. But these are not distributed by Government, they are distributed by the free economy, and discrimination against POC's is at its lowest level EVER. Indeed, with affirmative action, diversity, and other discriminatory policies universally present, one could argue that the overall impact of discrimination is BALANCED by those benefits.

Do you support EQUALITY? If so, define it. And why do you support it?
Equality is a theoretical and legal construct. It is one that nature, human or otherwise, does not share. Equilibrium does exist.
People weren't booing players seeking equality. THey were booing players support for a racist terrorist organization and showing disrespect for the flag.

As for the question, I believe in equality in terms of opportunity as well as treatment based upon race. That is why oppose racist institutions like affirmative action that imposes handicaps towards some to provide privilege to others in an attempt to create equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity.
It appears that at the NFL's kickoff game a few days ago, the few fans who were present "booed" the players' demonstration for "equality." Other stated objectives of the "demonstration" were uncontroversial - fighting racism, opposing police brutality, and so on. But "equality" as a goal is an entirely different matter.

The Declaration of Independence declares that all [people] are created "equal," but that quotation refers to political equality, meaning that Englishmen living in the Colonies should not be treated as political inferiors to Englishmen living in Britain. Bringing that down to the present circumstance, all citizens have equal rights as citizens, with a few inequalities at the margins (e.g., South Dakotans are "more equal" in their Senate influence than Californians).

But what sort of "equality" are today's People of Color and their "white" supporters demonstrating for? In every measurable way, POC's have equal rights with the majority. They have an equal vote (an outsized influence, truth be told), have equal rights to government services and benefits, equal rights in the courts, they pay taxes on an equal basis. They have better than equal treatment by Government when it comes to employment and admission to government-sponsored schools. What is it?

Clearly, POC's do not currently enjoy statistically equal incomes or assets. But these are not distributed by Government, they are distributed by the free economy, and discrimination against POC's is at its lowest level EVER. Indeed, with affirmative action, diversity, and other discriminatory policies universally present, one could argue that the overall impact of discrimination is BALANCED by those benefits.

Do you support EQUALITY? If so, define it. And why do you support it?

I'm done being lectured on wacism. DONE. fuck them all.
Put that equality theory to the test if you ever went to a game. Sitting in the upper deck end zone rafters is not the same as sitting in a super box with food, drink and a bathroom.
That school of equality purports that if you have much, they are entitled to have much as well.

Just consider the concept of looting as deserved reparations.

I support equality of opportunity. Outcomes solely depend upon you.

Equality is one of the most misunderstood things in this world due to the Left.

We are assured equality of opportunity. Everyone is born free to seek out opportunity, capitalize on opportunity, create opportunity for themselves. What varies with the individual is the OUTCOME. That depends on you. Somehow the Left have perverted the concept to mean everyone miraculously ends up the same.

Every race I've ever seen, all the contestants start at the starting line.

I've yet to ever see as race where they all FINISH at the same time and place! Each is a different driver in different cars with different skills, position and engines. The essence which drives the human spirit is competition. Without freedom to be the best you can be, the human spirit withers.

To suggest otherwise it to court insanity.
People weren't booing players seeking equality.
As the OP asks, what "equality" are they seeking? I would like to see comparative statistics on whether police shootings are more related to race, seriousness of suspected crime, brandishing a weapon or otherwise resisting arrest.
1. there is no problem of inequality
2. I've got a thread on it--we are NOT all born equal:
some are not as smart/some tall-short-fat-etc/some have idiot parents or 1 parent/deformed/autism/etc etc--etc
3. if you are stupid, you WON'T/can't/don't ''deserve to make as much $$$ as someone who is smart--same if you are lazy
all explained here:
It appears that at the NFL's kickoff game a few days ago, the few fans who were present "booed" the players' demonstration for "equality." Other stated objectives of the "demonstration" were uncontroversial - fighting racism, opposing police brutality, and so on. But "equality" as a goal is an entirely different matter.

The Declaration of Independence declares that all [people] are created "equal," but that quotation refers to political equality, meaning that Englishmen living in the Colonies should not be treated as political inferiors to Englishmen living in Britain. Bringing that down to the present circumstance, all citizens have equal rights as citizens, with a few inequalities at the margins (e.g., South Dakotans are "more equal" in their Senate influence than Californians).

But what sort of "equality" are today's People of Color and their "white" supporters demonstrating for? In every measurable way, POC's have equal rights with the majority. They have an equal vote (an outsized influence, truth be told), have equal rights to government services and benefits, equal rights in the courts, they pay taxes on an equal basis. They have better than equal treatment by Government when it comes to employment and admission to government-sponsored schools. What is it?

Clearly, POC's do not currently enjoy statistically equal incomes or assets. But these are not distributed by Government, they are distributed by the free economy, and discrimination against POC's is at its lowest level EVER. Indeed, with affirmative action, diversity, and other discriminatory policies universally present, one could argue that the overall impact of discrimination is BALANCED by those benefits.

Do you support EQUALITY? If so, define it. And why do you support it?
. grads earn more--blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college--where they graduate that less
People do not have an equal representation in the courts.

3 months for a violent sexual assault.

Stanford sex attacker freed from jail

8 years for medical marijuana.

Mississippi Sentences Man to 8 Years in Prison for Medical Marijuana He Purchased Legally in Another State
2 examples out of how many????!!!!

2 out of a possible thousands.
it's like supposed police brutality===a few incidents out of MILLIONS = in the world of math/REAL/science = not a problem
People do not have an equal representation in the courts.

3 months for a violent sexual assault.

Stanford sex attacker freed from jail

8 years for medical marijuana.

Mississippi Sentences Man to 8 Years in Prison for Medical Marijuana He Purchased Legally in Another State
jesus F CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOK AT YOUR Link!
2. '''''Black people are being murdered and brutalized by police with near impunity. Act with us to end police brutality, demand racial justice, and defend our right to protest. Your donation will fuel our legal battles and urgent advocacy efforts.''''''
#2 is TOTAL bullshit!!!!!!!!! = the link is bullshit
3. he HAD committed a crime--it's not like he was innocent
ACLU links are not credible

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