Is eugenics necessary? Icelandic study would suggest that.

Hello nazi.

I support positive eugenics, no death, or sterilizations involved, but rather monetary incentives.

Furthermore Nazis not only approached things in the wrong way, they killed mostly Whites, destroyed mostly White cities, and had an idiotic view that Dolichocephalic peoples were superior.

Government has no business breeding people. We give monetary incentives to ghetto trash and criminals to breed like bunnies and look where it got us.

It's actually more cruel to let ghetto trash, and petty criminals die from poverty, than what I'm calling for.

They don't die from poverty when they're locked up. They just die.
Hello nazi.

I support positive eugenics, no death, or sterilizations involved, but rather monetary incentives.

Furthermore Nazis not only approached things in the wrong way, they killed mostly Whites, destroyed mostly White cities, and had an idiotic view that Dolichocephalic peoples were superior.

Government has no business breeding people. We give monetary incentives to ghetto trash and criminals to breed like bunnies and look where it got us.

It's actually more cruel to let ghetto trash, and petty criminals die from poverty, than what I'm calling for.

They don't die from poverty when they're locked up. They just die.

If some Republicans got their way..... Then I think criminals would be dying of poverty.

I don't call for idiots to die of poverty, I call for idiots to be punished for having kids, they shouldn't be having.
Hello nazi.

I support positive eugenics, no death, or sterilizations involved, but rather monetary incentives.

Furthermore Nazis not only approached things in the wrong way, they killed mostly Whites, destroyed mostly White cities, and had an idiotic view that Dolichocephalic peoples were superior.

Government has no business breeding people. We give monetary incentives to ghetto trash and criminals to breed like bunnies and look where it got us.

It's actually more cruel to let ghetto trash, and petty criminals die from poverty, than what I'm calling for.

They don't die from poverty when they're locked up. They just die.

If some Republicans got their way..... Then I think criminals would be dying of poverty.

I don't call for idiots to die of poverty, I call for idiots to be punished for having kids, they shouldn't be having.

The state has no business meddling in breeding. Or subsidizing criminality, promiscuity, drug use, or stupidity.

Tax cuts for families who work.

That should be the extent of it.

If you can't raise your own kids, you shouldn't have any. If you do have them, and you can't care for them, someone else will raise them and you can go live in a mental hospital, as you have proven you are not capable of functioning in society.
I support positive eugenics, no death, or sterilizations involved, but rather monetary incentives.

Furthermore Nazis not only approached things in the wrong way, they killed mostly Whites, destroyed mostly White cities, and had an idiotic view that Dolichocephalic peoples were superior.

Government has no business breeding people. We give monetary incentives to ghetto trash and criminals to breed like bunnies and look where it got us.

It's actually more cruel to let ghetto trash, and petty criminals die from poverty, than what I'm calling for.

They don't die from poverty when they're locked up. They just die.

If some Republicans got their way..... Then I think criminals would be dying of poverty.

I don't call for idiots to die of poverty, I call for idiots to be punished for having kids, they shouldn't be having.

The state has no business meddling in breeding. Or subsidizing criminality, promiscuity, drug use, or stupidity.

Tax cuts for families who work.

That should be the extent of it.

If you can't raise your own kids, you shouldn't have any. If you do have them, and you can't care for them, someone else will raise them and you can go live in a mental hospital, as you have proven you are not capable of functioning in society.

So sorry, but I don't think government lack of intervention will do much.

Africans live like garbage, and have more kids than wealthy parts of the World like America, Japan, or Western Europe.
Hello nazi.

I support positive eugenics, no death, or sterilizations involved, but rather monetary incentives.

Furthermore Nazis not only approached things in the wrong way, they killed mostly Whites, destroyed mostly White cities, and had an idiotic view that Dolichocephalic peoples were superior.

You're an ignorant idiot and while I seldom agree with anything koschergrl says, you are a nazi and most certainly kkk, alt right, fasicst. Read your own link. It shows that eugenics is NOT "necessary" to "natural selection". Perhaps if you had a clue as to the meaning of either or both terms ...
Hello nazi.

I support positive eugenics, no death, or sterilizations involved, but rather monetary incentives.

Furthermore Nazis not only approached things in the wrong way, they killed mostly Whites, destroyed mostly White cities, and had an idiotic view that Dolichocephalic peoples were superior.

You're an ignorant idiot and while I seldom agree with anything koschergrl says, you are a nazi and most certainly kkk, alt right, fasicst. Read your own link. It shows that eugenics is NOT "necessary" to "natural selection". Perhaps if you had a clue as to the meaning of either or both terms ...

What makes Humans superior is our brains, we don't have great senses of smell like a Dog, or hearing like a Cat, or running ability like a Cheetah.

The fact is, we could overtime lose our intelligence, and revert backwards from civilization if we allow it. (Which we are, because of nimrods)

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