Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Yeah you do lie a lot

Kaz- 4/29/15:
and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread.
I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise. It has also been demonstrated that is will lead to the further decay of our society. But thats my opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

For the record, You are no more right on this than me or anyone else. There is no correct and incorrect, all there are is opinions.

We need a national referendum of some sort to resolve it, but I see zero chance of that ever happening.

You cannot control how everyone else posts in a thread- but you should be able to control how
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

See here is the thing- you don't need to say you hate gays when you demonstrate that hatred with claims like your second line.

The Catholic Priests who molested boys might have been gay- or might not have been.

Pedophiles- by which I assume you mean child molesters - are by a large margin men who molest girls.

See- as a father of a daughter- this is an issue that I care about- so I read up on it.

The victim of child molestation is likely to be a girl between 69%-91% of the time. And men are the molesters of all children by a large margin over women.

What is sad is that making the claim that Pedifiles are predominately gay as you do actually puts children at risk. Most child molesters are family members- fathers/step fathers/brothers/uncles etc, followed by men in positions of authority over children- priests, ministers, teachers, coaches. Telling people that they should be watching out for the 'gays' just puts all children at more risk from the Jerry Sandusky's of the world. That attitude endangers children- endangers my child.

I have to correct something I said. not all pediphiles are gay, only the men who molest boys and the women who molest girls.

and with that, I once again request that the mods close this thread, it has served its purpose and continued posting would only be repeating what has already been said.
No. You are again wrong. Pedophiles are people who have sex will little children. Little children are not CONSENTING ADULTS. I'll ask again. What the hell is wrong with you?

since that post makes no sense, I will not attempt to answer it.
You don't know the difference between a little child and a consenting adult? I'll ask again... What the HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?
(Jake, there's no such thing as "the Fallacy of Authority", ya poor, pathetic moonbat.)

There is the 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy.

OH! What a delightful point.

Allow me to join in the fun.

There is Chevrolet, Doorknobs and ... to be sure: M&Ms Melt in your mouth, not in your hands.

What there is NOT, however, is: The Fallacy of Authority.

Of course, if you had the slightest means to reason objectively, you'd understand that.

But... in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there is NO WAY you could know that.

See how that works?
Its still you citing you. And you're nobody

Welcome to message boards, Gomer.

Tell the truth, in real life, you have no actual friends, do you? You are one arrogant ass

There is the 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy. And you use it obsessively. Insisting that you speak for everything from Nature to Objective Morality, to Creation, to God, to the English Language, to constitutionality.

You constantly commit the appeal to your own bloated ego fallacy

When its just you citing you. For example, marriage doesn't even exist in nature. Yet you bizarrely insist that there's a 'natural law of marriage'. Which is a physical impossibility given the stark lack of marriage in nature

Sure it does. There are a lot of animals who mate for life. The more intelligent the animal, the more likely they are to do so. And humans have been in man,woman marriages for millennia. Even when they cheat, they know they are doing something wrong

She's not speaking to monogamy. She's speaking to the Religious Ceremony, wherein two beings consciously join together, bound by their own oath to the Creator of the Universe and witnessed by those closest to them.

Which in a sweet irony, has happened in nature... billions of times over thousands of years.

Of course as a Relativist, she naturally needs to define 'nature', to fit within her own subjective needs. Which of course, bears no kinship, with reality.

But hey... that's just one of the many downside to the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy.
Animals- other than humans don't marry.

Lots of animals do mate for life- but your claim "The more intelligent the animal, the more likely they are to do so" is false on many levels.

Humans are by most measures the most intelligent species-

Humans are by every measure the most intelligent species. And this without exception...

...and if you look in the United States- a large minority of the United States clearly don't mate for life- just look at our divorce rate.

You cite a demonstration of a decline in cognitive acuity; wherein those who have 'bought into' lies... thus foolish people, therefore people of descending cognitive acuity... who allowed themselves to believe in an "Easier Way", which of course lead to greater hardship.

These foolish notions (LIES) of course ALL STEM from "RELATIVISM" and of the two competing species of reasoning: The Ideological Left and the Philosophical Right? Which would you guess brought the world "No Fault Divorce"?

Which do you suppose promotes sexual promiscuity; which some argue leads women to choose poorly in marriage?

Which do you suppose promotes in women, the illusion that Sexual Intercourse bears little if any consequences?

Which do you suppose is the one which claims the above addle-minded, regressive nonsense, to be truth?

And... for te best question of all. Which do you suppose require greater intelligence? The Fool who buys the illusion, or the sound individual who recognizes foolishness as the absence of truth?

(Reader, please understand that the would-be 'contributor' to whom I am responding, is quite literally incapable of understanding what I have asked of her. But it would be good fun to watch it try to respond, sadly, in all likelihood, it lacks the courage to do so.
Starting with a strawman? The SC is not ruling on whether or not gay marriage must be sanctioned in every state. They are ruling on whether or not Gay marriage can be banned in any one of the States.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. Without regard to who claims otherwise or how few their number, or how many those few FRAUDULENTLY CLAIM to represent.

As a result, no state has 'banned' marriage. They have merely defended the standard that IS MARRIAGE.

And the SCOTUS either has the wisdom to understand that, or they do not. If they do, then they will remain relevant.

If they do not, they will become irrelevant.

In reality, thus in truth, that is all there is to it.
I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise.

The Issue is not divisive. The issue is the LINE which decisively denotes EVIL.

I hope you come to understand that... because your OP presented the illusion that the issue is something else, which can be or should be ignored; that the fight for the standard of marriage is a a completed fate; that the Evil must win.

Understand, evil cannot win. Because Good is infinite. Evil can fester, and destroy, as it is now, because that is its purpose. Evil is the rot that returns everything NOT GOOD, to dust, evil is death.

By ignoring evil, you concede to it. There is NEVER a time for ignoring evil and there is NO ISSUE more important than destroying it.

And that friend is the reality of it and as such, that is the truth of it.
You're still a bigot.

The use of the word "Bigot" is to proclaim one's self to be such.

Reader, understand that a "Bigot" is defined as: One who demonstrates an intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Thus, the use of the word bigot, to describe another, who believes differently from you, is a demonstration of intolerance for that person; ergo, the use of the word "Bigot" is to profess one's own bigotry.

The Relativist cannot understand that, because the Relativist rejects the objectivity required to recognize truth.
I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise.

The Issue is not divisive. The issue is the LINE which decisively denotes EVIL.

I hope you come to understand that... because your OP presented the illusion that the issue is something else, which can be or should be ignored; that the fight for the standard of marriage is a a completed fate; that the Evil must win.

Understand, evil cannot win. Because Good is infinite. Evil can fester, and destroy, as it is now, because that is its purpose. Evil is the rot that returns everything NOT GOOD, to dust, evil is death.

By ignoring evil, you concede to it. There is NEVER a time for ignoring evil and there is NO ISSUE more important than destroying it.

And that friend is the reality of it and as such, that is the truth of it.
Yes indeed, there is evil in the world, stating with people who would protect a tradition at the expense of an American principle, equality. That evil, is you.
You're still a bigot.

The use of the word "Bigot" is to proclaim one's self to be such.

Reader, understand that a "Bigot" is defined as: One who demonstrates an intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Thus, the use of the word bigot, to describe another, who believes differently from you, is a demonstration of intolerance for that person; ergo, the use of the word "Bigot" is to profess one's own bigotry.

The Relativist cannot understand that, because the Relativist rejects the objectivity required to recognize truth.
Bigot or not, you fear homosexuals and that is what makes your positions irrational, fear.
Starting with a strawman? The SC is not ruling on whether or not gay marriage must be sanctioned in every state. They are ruling on whether or not Gay marriage can be banned in any one of the States.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. Without regard to who claims otherwise or how few their number, or how many those few FRAUDULENTLY CLAIM to represent.

As a result, no state has 'banned' marriage. They have merely defended the standard that IS MARRIAGE.

And the SCOTUS either has the wisdom to understand that, or they do not. If they do, then they will remain relevant.

If they do not, they will become irrelevant.

In reality, thus in truth, that is all there is to it.
Welcome to a new reality. You may of course reject it, and probably will, but it will be the reality here regardless.

Those who reject reality have very few options and in this case, you have none at all.
You're still a bigot.

The use of the word "Bigot" is to proclaim one's self to be such.

Reader, understand that a "Bigot" is defined as: One who demonstrates an intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Thus, the use of the word bigot, to describe another, who believes differently from you, is a demonstration of intolerance for that person; ergo, the use of the word "Bigot" is to profess one's own bigotry.

The Relativist cannot understand that, because the Relativist rejects the objectivity required to recognize truth.
Bigot or not, you fear homosexuals and that is what makes your positions irrational, fear.

And there is not "truth", there are "truths". The opposite of one profound truth tends to be, another profound truth. Where you believe objective truth comes from is a creation, of man. Not the best basis for objective anything.
Unprecedented anti-gay marriage bill dies in Texas House
"The Texas House of Representatives failed to pass HB 4105, otherwise known as the Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act, before a midnight deadline Thursday night, dooming – at least for now – the GOP-led effort to keep same-sex couples from marrying no matter what the Supreme Court decides in June.
Introduced by Republican Rep. Cecil Bell, the bill would have prohibited state or local government employees from recognizing, granting, or enforcing same-sex marriages. It would have also prohibited state or local funds from being spent on “an activity that includes the licensing or support of a same-sex marriage.”"
Unprecedented anti-gay marriage bill dies in Texas House MSNBC

I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise.

The Issue is not divisive. The issue is the LINE which decisively denotes EVIL.

I hope you come to understand that... because your OP presented the illusion that the issue is something else, which can be or should be ignored; that the fight for the standard of marriage is a a completed fate; that the Evil must win.

Understand, evil cannot win. Because Good is infinite. Evil can fester, and destroy, as it is now, because that is its purpose. Evil is the rot that returns everything NOT GOOD, to dust, evil is death.

By ignoring evil, you concede to it. There is NEVER a time for ignoring evil and there is NO ISSUE more important than destroying it.

And that friend is the reality of it and as such, that is the truth of it.
Yes indeed, there is evil in the world, stating with people who would protect a tradition at the expense of an American principle, equality. That evil, is you.

What Tradition is that?

Fireworks and Beer on the Fourth?

Turkey on Thanksgiving?

Football on Sunday?

Pray tell man: which of these horrors is preventing some poor wretch from exercising their God-given rights?
I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise.

The Issue is not divisive. The issue is the LINE which decisively denotes EVIL.

I hope you come to understand that... because your OP presented the illusion that the issue is something else, which can be or should be ignored; that the fight for the standard of marriage is a a completed fate; that the Evil must win.

Understand, evil cannot win. Because Good is infinite. Evil can fester, and destroy, as it is now, because that is its purpose. Evil is the rot that returns everything NOT GOOD, to dust, evil is death.

By ignoring evil, you concede to it. There is NEVER a time for ignoring evil and there is NO ISSUE more important than destroying it.

And that friend is the reality of it and as such, that is the truth of it.
Yes indeed, there is evil in the world, stating with people who would protect a tradition at the expense of an American principle, equality. That evil, is you.

What Tradition is that?

Fireworks and Beer on the Fourth?

Turkey on Thanksgiving?

Football on Sunday?

Pray tell man: which of these horrors is preventing some poor wretch from exercising their God-given rights?
The right is to be treated equally, before the law, something you could care less about.
Why do that, they can just get married. Unless there is a federal law that reads as follows: gay marriages may only involve two unrelated adults, there wil be marriages of siblings, parents/children, and multiple person marriages.

BTW, the ACLU is already preparing a polygamy marriage case to be brought to the SC.

Our society is going down the tubes and you fools are celebrating.
why do you care if you don't have to do it and you are not a baker?

because I care about the kind of society that we will leave to our children and grand children, because I care about what this country stands for. Because I beleive in God.
you don't seem to have any problem with the abomination of hypocrisy; and, if a god cannot trust you, why should the left?

what hypocrisy ? is it hypocrisy to say that one believes that gay marriage is wrong? is it hypocrisy to not be politically correct?
It is hypocrisy to try to coerce anyone else to a religious point of view via the coercive use of force of the State.

Um, you know the definition of "hypocrisy" isn't "thing I don't like and consider bad", right? You can make an argument that coercion is bad, certainly, but I'm missing the "hypocrisy" there.
Unprecedented anti-gay marriage bill dies in Texas House

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. Which any homosexual is welcome to become, the moment they apply, with a person of the distinct Gender.

You see, preserving the natural standards of Marriage, doesn't preclude anyone, from doing anything.

Perhaps you're conflating marriage with Civil Incorporation, wherein, any number of people can come without regard to gender and join for any legal purpose.

It has served MANY MANY different purposes, except marriage, as it is NOT such and never will be. But it does join more than one person as one legal entity.

(Reader, understand that the Sexually Deviant have had this option available to them for CENTURIES... and they've never taken it. The reason is that Civil Incorporation brings no sense of legitimacy... as does Marriage. Because Anyone Can Incorporate anytime... for any legal reason, while only One Male and One Female may join in Marriage.

Thus, as is always the case, as low as the natural standard of marriage is, just BEING there, sets it well above that of the institution which has no standard.

And that is because an institution which has no standard, has no meaning... and that which is meaningless can bear no Legitimacy.

And in THAT friends, you will find the REASON that that the Proponents of Perversion are set upon stripping marriage of it last remaining standard.

See how that works?
Unprecedented anti-gay marriage bill dies in Texas House

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. Which any homosexual is welcome to become, the moment they apply, with a person of the distinct Gender.

You see, preserving the natural standards of Marriage, doesn't preclude anyone, from doing anything.

Perhaps you're conflating marriage with Civil Incorporation, wherein, any number of people can come without regard to gender and join for any legal purpose.

It has served MANY MANY different purposes, except marriage, as it is NOT such and never will be. But it does join more than one person as one legal entity.

(Reader, understand that the Sexually Deviant have had this option available to them for CENTURIES... and they've never taken it. The reason is that Civil Incorporation brings no sense of legitimacy... as does Marriage. Because Anyone Can Incorporate anytime... for any legal reason, while only One Male and One Female may join in Marriage.

Thus, as is always the case, as low as the natural standard of marriage is, just BEING there, sets it well above that of the institution which has no standard.

And that is because an institution which has no standard, has no meaning... and that which is meaningless can bear no Legitimacy.

And in THAT friends, you will find the REASON that that the Proponents of Perversion are set upon stripping marriage of it last remaining standard.

See how that works?
Marriage is no longer what you think it is, and wasn't what you thought it was either, so sad for you.

13 Facts on the History of Marriage
ACLU does lots of cases that fail, and this one will also.

I didn't see a link to any polygamy marriage case, did you? Chickenfish saying it is so doesn't make it so.
Redfish is saying it because it follows. In reality, this in truth... When the argument suspends all the sound reasons to discourage sexual deviancy, as the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Deviancy has done... It becomes impossible to discourage any form of injurious deviancy.

If you'd like to prove that... You're invited to argue against polygamy using the paradigm used by the cult Advocating to Normalize Sexual Deviancy.

I can assure you that they ARE planning to. Don't ever think that polygamists - among a host of other groups - aren't waiting in the wings for everyone to get complacent with homosexual "marriage" before following suit.
ACLU does lots of cases that fail, and this one will also.

I didn't see a link to any polygamy marriage case, did you? Chickenfish saying it is so doesn't make it so.
Redfish is saying it because it follows. In reality, this in truth... When the argument suspends all the sound reasons to discourage sexual deviancy, as the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Deviancy has done... It becomes impossible to discourage any form of injurious deviancy.

If you'd like to prove that... You're invited to argue against polygamy using the paradigm used by the cult Advocating to Normalize Sexual Deviancy.

I can assure you that they ARE planning to. Don't ever think that polygamists - among a host of other groups - aren't waiting in the wings for everyone to get complacent with homosexual "marriage" before following suit.
So? Big fuckin' deal. We go the North Pole, then to the Moon, now people want to go to Mars. Should we have just stayed home then?
I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise.

The Issue is not divisive. The issue is the LINE which decisively denotes EVIL.

I hope you come to understand that... because your OP presented the illusion that the issue is something else, which can be or should be ignored; that the fight for the standard of marriage is a a completed fate; that the Evil must win.

Understand, evil cannot win. Because Good is infinite. Evil can fester, and destroy, as it is now, because that is its purpose. Evil is the rot that returns everything NOT GOOD, to dust, evil is death.

By ignoring evil, you concede to it. There is NEVER a time for ignoring evil and there is NO ISSUE more important than destroying it.

And that friend is the reality of it and as such, that is the truth of it.
Yes indeed, there is evil in the world, stating with people who would protect a tradition at the expense of an American principle, equality. That evil, is you.

What Tradition is that?

Fireworks and Beer on the Fourth?

Turkey on Thanksgiving?

Football on Sunday?

Pray tell man: which of these horrors is preventing some poor wretch from exercising their God-given rights?
The right is to be treated equally, before the law, something you could care less about.

Well Good... Than that settles it. As the Sexually Deviant enjoy the same rights as everyone else.

You see, as a healthy male of sound mind I can't marry my male Bestie either, just like those, such as yourself, who suffer the mental disorder that presents as Sexual Deviancy. And just like the sexually deviant males, I can marry anyone I can talk into it, as long is it is a person of the distinct gender.

This notion that you sick fucks are unable to exercise a right is LUDICROUS!

But hey in fairness to you, as people who are saddled with mental disorder, there's no way that you could have known that.

Feel better?

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