Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

ACLU does lots of cases that fail, and this one will also.

I didn't see a link to any polygamy marriage case, did you? Chickenfish saying it is so doesn't make it so.
Redfish is saying it because it follows. In reality, this in truth... When the argument suspends all the sound reasons to discourage sexual deviancy, as the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Deviancy has done... It becomes impossible to discourage any form of injurious deviancy.

If you'd like to prove that... You're invited to argue against polygamy using the paradigm used by the cult Advocating to Normalize Sexual Deviancy.

I can assure you that they ARE planning to. Don't ever think that polygamists - among a host of other groups - aren't waiting in the wings for everyone to get complacent with homosexual "marriage" before following suit.

It's not even a debatable point. For goodness Sakes, the Euro-Peons are already doing it. The other day, they had their first (that I know of) Three-way Lesbian "Wedding". Prior to that they were "Marrying" Woman to DOGS!

It's just old testament Evil... rising up again. That's all.
Unprecedented anti-gay marriage bill dies in Texas House

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. Which any homosexual is welcome to become, the moment they apply, with a person of the distinct Gender.

You see, preserving the natural standards of Marriage, doesn't preclude anyone, from doing anything.

Perhaps you're conflating marriage with Civil Incorporation, wherein, any number of people can come without regard to gender and join for any legal purpose.

It has served MANY MANY different purposes, except marriage, as it is NOT such and never will be. But it does join more than one person as one legal entity.

(Reader, understand that the Sexually Deviant have had this option available to them for CENTURIES... and they've never taken it. The reason is that Civil Incorporation brings no sense of legitimacy... as does Marriage. Because Anyone Can Incorporate anytime... for any legal reason, while only One Male and One Female may join in Marriage.

Thus, as is always the case, as low as the natural standard of marriage is, just BEING there, sets it well above that of the institution which has no standard.

And that is because an institution which has no standard, has no meaning... and that which is meaningless can bear no Legitimacy.

And in THAT friends, you will find the REASON that that the Proponents of Perversion are set upon stripping marriage of it last remaining standard.

See how that works?
Marriage is no longer what you think it is,...

Mariage is today, what marriage has been since the first knucklehead fell in love with the pair of hips across the field. It's never changed and it will not change until such time that the human physiology that defines it, changes.

You'll be alerted if that ever happens.

Your problem is that you feel that because you people have so fucked up the system that the law of nature must change to meet your level.

That's not how it works.

You've a right to do whatever the fuck you want to do, as long as you're prepared to accept the consequences that come with it. We call that "RESPONSIBILITY".

You reject the idea of responsibility, so you feel that that relives of you facing the consequences for your fucked up choices.

You're wrong. (Because, again: That's not how it works.)
Keys, go ahead and oppose polygamous weddings. I think if you posted a poll, most of the Board would support the opposition. But, Keys, you are not a prophet, not a philosopher of Natural Law, but only a knucklehead whom we all enjoy for the grins and giggles you bring to the board.
You have provided an opinion of yours. We are pointing out it is neither logical or realistic.

Meanwhile I believe this is day 15 of you still arguing about gay marriage after telling us all you had more important things to discuss.

the point of this thread, which is appartently too complex for you, it to demostrate that gay marriage is in fact an issue that people care about and have very strong opinions on.

Maybe it is the most important issue facing us, because it will define where our society and culture go in the next few years.

What continues to amaze me is the inherent contradiction within the left. You want gay marriage because of fairness and equality, but you would deny other forms of "marriage" because you consider them abnormal or icky or dangerous to society. You are unable to comprehend that they are all symptoms of a dumbing down of society to a system where anything goes and nothing is considered wrong.

As I have said many times, liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation for its inherent contradictions and falacies.
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

you realy need to look up the definition of incest. Incest involves opposite sex sexual relationships within familial boundries. two sisters doing mutual carpet munching, however repulsive, is not incest.

You don't hate gays you just think they are PEDOPHILES and CARPET MUNCHERS.


No, people who molest boys, are PEDOPHILES. Gay people are not pedophiles. People who have sex with consenting adults are not pedophiles, you dumb shit. And no, the majority of peds are not gay that is a baseless lie.

not all gays are pediphiles, but all pediphiles are gay, draw your own conclusions.

You really do hate gays don't you?

You can't be this ignorant.

Most of the victims of child sex abuse are girls molested by men- 69% to 91% of the victims are girls, upwards of 95% of the molesters are men.

So you think all of the men molesting those girls are automatically gay?
You have provided an opinion of yours. We are pointing out it is neither logical or realistic.

Meanwhile I believe this is day 15 of you still arguing about gay marriage after telling us all you had more important things to discuss.

As I have said many times, liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation for its inherent contradictions and falacies.

Yeah you do lie a lot

Kaz- 4/29/15:
and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread.
I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise. It has also been demonstrated that is will lead to the further decay of our society. But thats my opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

For the record, You are no more right on this than me or anyone else. There is no correct and incorrect, all there are is opinions.

We need a national referendum of some sort to resolve it, but I see zero chance of that ever happening.

You cannot control how everyone else posts in a thread- but you should be able to control how
You have provided an opinion of yours. We are pointing out it is neither logical or realistic.

Meanwhile I believe this is day 15 of you still arguing about gay marriage after telling us all you had more important things to discuss.

the point of this thread, which is appartently too complex for you, it to demostrate that gay marriage is in fact an issue that people care about and have very strong opinions on.

Maybe it is the most important issue facing us, because it will define where our society and culture go in the next few years.

What continues to amaze me is the inherent contradiction within the left. You want gay marriage because of fairness and equality, but you would deny other forms of "marriage" because you consider them abnormal or icky or dangerous to society. You are unable to comprehend that they are all symptoms of a dumbing down of society to a system where anything goes and nothing is considered wrong.

As I have said many times, liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation for its inherent contradictions and falacies.
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

See here is the thing- you don't need to say you hate gays when you demonstrate that hatred with claims like your second line.

The Catholic Priests who molested boys might have been gay- or might not have been.

Pedophiles- by which I assume you mean child molesters - are by a large margin men who molest girls.

See- as a father of a daughter- this is an issue that I care about- so I read up on it.

The victim of child molestation is likely to be a girl between 69%-91% of the time. And men are the molesters of all children by a large margin over women.

What is sad is that making the claim that Pedifiles are predominately gay as you do actually puts children at risk. Most child molesters are family members- fathers/step fathers/brothers/uncles etc, followed by men in positions of authority over children- priests, ministers, teachers, coaches. Telling people that they should be watching out for the 'gays' just puts all children at more risk from the Jerry Sandusky's of the world. That attitude endangers children- endangers my child.

I have to correct something I said. not all pediphiles are gay, only the men who molest boys and the women who molest girls.

and with that, I once again request that the mods close this thread, it has served its purpose and continued posting would only be repeating what has already been said. you need the moderators to close the thread to stop you from posting?
As I have said many times, liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation for its inherent contradictions and falacies.

Yeah you do lie a lot

Kaz- 4/29/15:
and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread.
I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise. It has also been demonstrated that is will lead to the further decay of our society. But thats my opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

For the record, You are no more right on this than me or anyone else. There is no correct and incorrect, all there are is opinions.

We need a national referendum of some sort to resolve it, but I see zero chance of that ever happening.

You cannot control how everyone else posts in a thread- but you should be able to control how
the point of this thread, which is appartently too complex for you, it to demostrate that gay marriage is in fact an issue that people care about and have very strong opinions on.

Maybe it is the most important issue facing us, because it will define where our society and culture go in the next few years.

What continues to amaze me is the inherent contradiction within the left. You want gay marriage because of fairness and equality, but you would deny other forms of "marriage" because you consider them abnormal or icky or dangerous to society. You are unable to comprehend that they are all symptoms of a dumbing down of society to a system where anything goes and nothing is considered wrong.

As I have said many times, liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation for its inherent contradictions and falacies.
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

See here is the thing- you don't need to say you hate gays when you demonstrate that hatred with claims like your second line.

The Catholic Priests who molested boys might have been gay- or might not have been.

Pedophiles- by which I assume you mean child molesters - are by a large margin men who molest girls.

See- as a father of a daughter- this is an issue that I care about- so I read up on it.

The victim of child molestation is likely to be a girl between 69%-91% of the time. And men are the molesters of all children by a large margin over women.

What is sad is that making the claim that Pedifiles are predominately gay as you do actually puts children at risk. Most child molesters are family members- fathers/step fathers/brothers/uncles etc, followed by men in positions of authority over children- priests, ministers, teachers, coaches. Telling people that they should be watching out for the 'gays' just puts all children at more risk from the Jerry Sandusky's of the world. That attitude endangers children- endangers my child.

I have to correct something I said. not all pediphiles are gay, only the men who molest boys and the women who molest girls.

and with that, I once again request that the mods close this thread, it has served its purpose and continued posting would only be repeating what has already been said. you need the moderators to close the thread to stop you from posting?

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

you realy need to look up the definition of incest. Incest involves opposite sex sexual relationships within familial boundries. two sisters doing mutual carpet munching, however repulsive, is not incest.

You don't hate gays you just think they are PEDOPHILES and CARPET MUNCHERS.


No, people who molest boys, are PEDOPHILES. Gay people are not pedophiles. People who have sex with consenting adults are not pedophiles, you dumb shit. And no, the majority of peds are not gay that is a baseless lie.

not all gays are pediphiles, but all pediphiles are gay, draw your own conclusions.

So you are now claiming that priests who rape young boys are not gay??????? really?

I did not say the sisters partaking in carpet munching were gay, you said that.
No. Pedophilia has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING GAY OR HETEROSEXUAL, you dumb shit. WTF is wrong with you? Seriously? WTF is wrong with you?

Bullshit, a sick male who molests little boys is GAY. a sick female who molests girls is GAY.

Yes, a male who molests girls may or may not be gay, but he is sick and should be locked away from society.

So let me get this straight- because it is always hard to get a straight answer from a confused homophobe.

A father who has been married for 20 years to a woman, with no record of ever having sex with a man, molests his own son- and therefore he is 'gay'?

What- the previous 20 years of heterosexual adult sex suddenly disappears according to you when a sick perv molests children?

We can agree that any child molester should be locked away- regardless of whether or not the man is attracted to adult females or adult males.

You are the one who keeps looking for some area of agreement- stop trying to call child molesters 'gay' and lets all agree that the sick monsters who prey on children should be locked up.
Yeah you do lie a lot

Kaz- 4/29/15:
and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread.
I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise. It has also been demonstrated that is will lead to the further decay of our society. But thats my opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

For the record, You are no more right on this than me or anyone else. There is no correct and incorrect, all there are is opinions.

We need a national referendum of some sort to resolve it, but I see zero chance of that ever happening.

You cannot control how everyone else posts in a thread- but you should be able to control how
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

See here is the thing- you don't need to say you hate gays when you demonstrate that hatred with claims like your second line.

The Catholic Priests who molested boys might have been gay- or might not have been.

Pedophiles- by which I assume you mean child molesters - are by a large margin men who molest girls.

See- as a father of a daughter- this is an issue that I care about- so I read up on it.

The victim of child molestation is likely to be a girl between 69%-91% of the time. And men are the molesters of all children by a large margin over women.

What is sad is that making the claim that Pedifiles are predominately gay as you do actually puts children at risk. Most child molesters are family members- fathers/step fathers/brothers/uncles etc, followed by men in positions of authority over children- priests, ministers, teachers, coaches. Telling people that they should be watching out for the 'gays' just puts all children at more risk from the Jerry Sandusky's of the world. That attitude endangers children- endangers my child.

I have to correct something I said. not all pediphiles are gay, only the men who molest boys and the women who molest girls.

and with that, I once again request that the mods close this thread, it has served its purpose and continued posting would only be repeating what has already been said. you need the moderators to close the thread to stop you from posting?

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

And the irony impaired troll comes a trolling.
I tried to get the mods to close this thread when it migrated to a discussion of whether gay marriage was the most important issue facing us to a discussion of the pros and cons of gay marriage.

The fact that it has continued proves my point. Gay marriage is a very divisive issue, no one has the answers, and neither side is willing to compromise. It has also been demonstrated that is will lead to the further decay of our society. But thats my opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

For the record, You are no more right on this than me or anyone else. There is no correct and incorrect, all there are is opinions.

We need a national referendum of some sort to resolve it, but I see zero chance of that ever happening.

You cannot control how everyone else posts in a thread- but you should be able to control how
quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

See here is the thing- you don't need to say you hate gays when you demonstrate that hatred with claims like your second line.

The Catholic Priests who molested boys might have been gay- or might not have been.

Pedophiles- by which I assume you mean child molesters - are by a large margin men who molest girls.

See- as a father of a daughter- this is an issue that I care about- so I read up on it.

The victim of child molestation is likely to be a girl between 69%-91% of the time. And men are the molesters of all children by a large margin over women.

What is sad is that making the claim that Pedifiles are predominately gay as you do actually puts children at risk. Most child molesters are family members- fathers/step fathers/brothers/uncles etc, followed by men in positions of authority over children- priests, ministers, teachers, coaches. Telling people that they should be watching out for the 'gays' just puts all children at more risk from the Jerry Sandusky's of the world. That attitude endangers children- endangers my child.

I have to correct something I said. not all pediphiles are gay, only the men who molest boys and the women who molest girls.

and with that, I once again request that the mods close this thread, it has served its purpose and continued posting would only be repeating what has already been said. you need the moderators to close the thread to stop you from posting?

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

And the irony impaired troll comes a trolling.

And yet another irony impaired far left drone troll post!
You really do hate gays don't you?

You can't be this ignorant.

Most of the victims of child sex abuse are girls molested by men- 69% to 91% of the victims are girls, upwards of 95% of the molesters are men.

Let's just assume that the stats you cite are correct.

What you're missing is that each and everyone of those 69-91-95% of men who molest children... ARE PEOPLE WHOSE SEXUAL DESIRE DEVIATES FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL STANDARD... OKA: SEXUAL DEVIANTS, just as homosexuals are sexual deviants!

The difference is that THEY did not overtly present with mental disorder, UNTIL THEY BEGAN MOLESTING LITTLE GIRLS.

You on the other hand, presented with mental disorder, the moment you chose to pursue sexual gratification with the people of your same gender, over whom you allowed yourself to obsess.

When you did that, you informed yourself and anyone else who knew it, which was at least ONE other person, that you were unconcerned for your own well-being and that of others and that you tended toward disregarding cultural mores and standards and had no regard for soundly reasoned moral standards.

Thus, you were prone to cross sexual boundaries, where you allowed yourself to desire something, sexually.

Now, what's the difference between the homosexual and those who 'need' the sexual affection of children?

Meaning that if YOU can't refrain from obsessing over women for your sexual gratification, what is it that you stand on as you promote hatred against the lowly pedophile?

As an exercise, using the standards that you and you cult have set upon the culture, or better said, using the standards which remain despite your cult's best efforts to remove them... what would be your argument which contests the legalization of the pursuit of children for sexual gratification, because their love for children, provides that they're capable of 'earning a child's trust', thus the child's consent to play sexual games?


(Reader, watch this closely, as the would-be 'contributor' flees this discussion like it was on fire.

And that is because, using the same irrational drivel that the homosexual deviants have used; which includes a vote at the APA on the matter, in keeping with the APA's longstanding published position that 'some children may benefit from a loving sexual relationship with a caring adult', there IS no contest against the Legalization of Pedophilia.

Which, if you're keeping score, is just ONE of the examples of how 'allowing homosexuals to marry one another is harmful to someone else... .)
Last edited:
You really do hate gays don't you?

You can't be this ignorant.

Most of the victims of child sex abuse are girls molested by men- 69% to 91% of the victims are girls, upwards of 95% of the molesters are men.

Let's just assume that the stats you cite are correct..)

Yes- lets.

Almost all child molesters are men. Most of the victims are girls- but every child molested is a victim.

People like yourself who use this issue to try to attack homosexuals put children in danger.
The Catholic Priests who molested boys might have been gay- or might not have been.



If you're a man molesting boys: You're a HOMOSEXUAL.

Without exception... every single time.

Also... just to be clear, if you're a male who molest little girls: You're a Fuckin' Sexual Deviant. You just hid it better than the Homosexual.
You really do hate gays don't you?

You can't be this ignorant.

Most of the victims of child sex abuse are girls molested by men- 69% to 91% of the victims are girls, upwards of 95% of the molesters are men.

Let's just assume that the stats you cite are correct..)

Yes- lets.

Almost all child molesters are men. Most of the victims are girls- but every child molested is a victim.

People like yourself who use this issue to try to attack homosexuals put children in danger.

What you're missing is that each and every one of those 69-91-95% of men who molest children... ARE PEOPLE WHOSE SEXUAL DESIRE DEVIATES FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL STANDARD... OKA: SEXUAL DEVIANTS, just as homosexuals are sexual deviants!

The difference is that THEY did not overtly present with mental disorder, UNTIL THEY BEGAN MOLESTING LITTLE GIRLS.

You on the other hand, presented with mental disorder, the moment you chose to pursue sexual gratification with the people of your same gender, over whom you allowed yourself to obsess.

When you did that, you informed yourself and anyone else who knew it, which was at least ONE other person, that you were unconcerned for your own well-being and that of others and that you tended toward disregarding cultural mores and standards and had no regard for soundly reasoned moral standards.

Thus, you were prone to cross sexual boundaries, where you allowed yourself to desire something, sexually.

Now, what's the difference between the homosexual and those who 'need' the sexual affection of children?

Meaning that if YOU can't refrain from obsessing over women for your sexual gratification, what is it that you stand on as you promote hatred against the lowly pedophile?

As an exercise, using the standards that you and you cult have set upon the culture, or better said, using the standards which remain despite your cult's best efforts to remove them... what would be your argument which contests the legalization of the pursuit of children for sexual gratification, because their love for children, provides that they're capable of 'earning a child's trust', thus the child's consent to play sexual games?


(Reader, watch this closely, as the would-be 'contributor' flees this discussion like it was on fire.

And that is because, using the same irrational drivel that the homosexual deviants have used; which includes a vote at the APA on the matter, in keeping with the APA's longstanding published position that 'some children may benefit from a loving sexual relationship with a caring adult', there IS no contest against the Legalization of Pedophilia.

Which, if you're keeping score, is just ONE of the examples of how 'allowing homosexuals to marry one another is harmful to someone else... .)

LOL! I say it HERE and it comes out THERE! Be AMAZED! Be very amazed... .
You really do hate gays don't you?

You can't be this ignorant.

Most of the victims of child sex abuse are girls molested by men- 69% to 91% of the victims are girls, upwards of 95% of the molesters are men.

Let's just assume that the stats you cite are correct..)

Yes- lets.

Almost all child molesters are men. Most of the victims are girls- but every child molested is a victim.

People like yourself who use this issue to try to attack homosexuals put children in danger.

What you're missing is .

Nothing by skipping your posts.

Not a single rational thought.

People like you put children in danger from child molesters.
Nothing by skipping your posts.

Not a single rational thought.

People like you put children in danger from child molesters.


I say it here... and it comes out ^ THERE! ^

I tell ya Reader, there's nothing like: The Pride of Ownership!

Rest assured, that > IF < she had a contest which would could preclude the legalization of pedophilia within the scope of the 'rules' that they're wanting to normalize Homosexuality, she'd offer it.

She doesn't offer it, because no such argument exist, and that's because no such argument CAN exist.

Meaning simply, that
the reasoning that Normalizes Homosexuality, Normalizes every facet of sexual deviancy, not just including, but specifically:

Which the Cult now refers to as
"Loving Adult/Child Relationships" .
Last edited:
Unprecedented anti-gay marriage bill dies in Texas House

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. Which any homosexual is welcome to become, the moment they apply, with a person of the distinct Gender.

You see, preserving the natural standards of Marriage, doesn't preclude anyone, from doing anything.

Perhaps you're conflating marriage with Civil Incorporation, wherein, any number of people can come without regard to gender and join for any legal purpose.

It has served MANY MANY different purposes, except marriage, as it is NOT such and never will be. But it does join more than one person as one legal entity.

(Reader, understand that the Sexually Deviant have had this option available to them for CENTURIES... and they've never taken it. The reason is that Civil Incorporation brings no sense of legitimacy... as does Marriage. Because Anyone Can Incorporate anytime... for any legal reason, while only One Male and One Female may join in Marriage.

Thus, as is always the case, as low as the natural standard of marriage is, just BEING there, sets it well above that of the institution which has no standard.

And that is because an institution which has no standard, has no meaning... and that which is meaningless can bear no Legitimacy.

And in THAT friends, you will find the REASON that that the Proponents of Perversion are set upon stripping marriage of it last remaining standard.

See how that works?
Marriage is no longer what you think it is,...

Mariage is today, what marriage has been since the first knucklehead fell in love with the pair of hips across the field. It's never changed and it will not change until such time that the human physiology that defines it, changes.

Then how do you explain polygamous marriage? It existed before monogamy began to be mandated, not by Nature,

but by law.

Polygamy is more natural than legally enforced monogamy, because polygamy improves the ability of the genetically strong to pass more of their genes on to the next generation,

and that is a priority for Nature.
I have given you a logical realistic scenario that will play out in our court system if the SC rules as you want it to. It won't just be sibling marriage, it will be multiple person marriage of all kinds and they will use the exact same arguments that you are using today for SSM.

you can spin and deny and rationalize until the cows come home, but it will happen.

You have provided an opinion of yours. We are pointing out it is neither logical or realistic.

Meanwhile I believe this is day 15 of you still arguing about gay marriage after telling us all you had more important things to discuss.

the point of this thread, which is appartently too complex for you, it to demostrate that gay marriage is in fact an issue that people care about and have very strong opinions on.

Maybe it is the most important issue facing us, because it will define where our society and culture go in the next few years.

What continues to amaze me is the inherent contradiction within the left. You want gay marriage because of fairness and equality, but you would deny other forms of "marriage" because you consider them abnormal or icky or dangerous to society. You are unable to comprehend that they are all symptoms of a dumbing down of society to a system where anything goes and nothing is considered wrong.

As I have said many times, liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation for its inherent contradictions and falacies.
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

You're still a bigot. You want to deny gays equal rights, period.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

Wrong. Just the opposite has been proven. Keep displaying your ignorance actually helps the pro equality side.

you realy need to look up the definition of incest. Incest involves opposite sex sexual relationships within familial boundries. two sisters doing mutual carpet munching, however repulsive, is not incest.

Yes, it's still incest, perv.
What's a gay? You are homosexuals and you always had equal rights

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