Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

243 pages. I guess gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA today :confused-84:

would a thread on the national debt, government waste, ISIS, racial unrest, or poverty continue for 243 pages?

Sorry, folks, this amazes me.:cuckoo:
You seem to think this is really about perverts being able to hook up....It isn't. It is about governmental over reach and the erosion of yours and mine liberties. The idiot homosexuals are just tools being used by the progressive leadership in their multi front plan to destroy the USA.
Right, fortunately in this country gays have the exact same rights as anyone else. Well, until now. Unlike the rest of us, instead of convincing anyone they get to run to the judiciary to get what they want by criminal decree
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?

Getting tax breaks and validation for diseased fags butt fucking is a natural right? Based on what?
At least you're consistent at being an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts. When the state seeks to prohibit citizens from accessing state law they're eligible to participate in absent a rational basis, a compelling government interest, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, they're in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The states may not seek to disadvantage a given class of persons simply because of who they are.

you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?
Who told you you have a right to get married?????????
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?

Getting tax breaks and validation for diseased fags butt fucking is a natural right? Based on what?
At least you're consistent at being an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts. When the state seeks to prohibit citizens from accessing state law they're eligible to participate in absent a rational basis, a compelling government interest, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, they're in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The states may not seek to disadvantage a given class of persons simply because of who they are.

you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?
Who told you you have a right to get married?????????
It is a natural right and purely private act; I don't need permission to get married.
At least you're consistent at being an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts. When the state seeks to prohibit citizens from accessing state law they're eligible to participate in absent a rational basis, a compelling government interest, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, they're in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The states may not seek to disadvantage a given class of persons simply because of who they are.

you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.

The Constitution doesn't mention marriage- yet marriage is a constitutional right.

You know this- because the court decisions have been pointed out to you again and again- but you choose to pretend they don't exist(or like Kaz pretend that the courts don't matter).

The decision before the Supreme Court right now is whether or not that constitutional right applies to gay couples just as it applies to straight couples.
Sort of... it's more to the negative. Which is, they are deciding whether a state can ban gay marriage. That does not mean they will rule that the state must provide gay marriage licenses. But it may mean that the states have to recognize gay marriage licenses from another state. At least that's what I thought was going on.

Technically you are correct- here are the questions the Supreme Court was deciding.

  • Does the Constitution require all states to offer marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
  • If not, does the Constitution require states to recognize the marriage rights of same-sex couples who are already married?
Require to recognize.. hmm I would say no to that explicit statement. I would think it's a more a matter of equal protection. IOW if they have a law providing certain marriage rights to heterosexual couples already married from another state, country, province, ship, etc... then they would have to extend that law to cover all of the married consenting adults living in their state.

I don't think the court can force the state to change the marriage license form in a particular state. But I do think they can throw out laws that do not provide equal protection under the law.
There is equal treatment under the law you you crying about it isn't going to change that. Nether me a normal person or a Pervert like you will have certain states recognize same sex perversion.......
Getting tax breaks and validation for diseased fags butt fucking is a natural right? Based on what?
At least you're consistent at being an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts. When the state seeks to prohibit citizens from accessing state law they're eligible to participate in absent a rational basis, a compelling government interest, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, they're in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The states may not seek to disadvantage a given class of persons simply because of who they are.

you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?
Who told you you have a right to get married?????????
It is a natural right and purely private act; I don't need permission to get married.
Who the fuck said you did need permission???? I just wont recognize your perversion as normal or valid....As is the true right. You perverts seem to be under the delusion that you can force your life choice on others and force them to see it as normal. It doesn't work like that.
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?

Getting tax breaks and validation for diseased fags butt fucking is a natural right? Based on what?
At least you're consistent at being an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts. When the state seeks to prohibit citizens from accessing state law they're eligible to participate in absent a rational basis, a compelling government interest, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, they're in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The states may not seek to disadvantage a given class of persons simply because of who they are.

you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.

The Constitution doesn't mention marriage- yet marriage is a constitutional right.

You know this- because the court decisions have been pointed out to you again and again- but you choose to pretend they don't exist(or like Kaz pretend that the courts don't matter).

The decision before the Supreme Court right now is whether or not that constitutional right applies to gay couples just as it applies to straight couples.

What you are relying on is an "interpretation" of the constitution by a few left wing judges with an agenda.

If you really want this settled, you need a constitutional amendment ratified by 38 states saying that marriage consists of two unrelated people who are above the age of majority. Get that and its over.

Scared of that little 38 states thingy, aren't you?

Did we need a Constitutional amendment to allow blacks to marry whites?
At least you're consistent at being an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts. When the state seeks to prohibit citizens from accessing state law they're eligible to participate in absent a rational basis, a compelling government interest, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, they're in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The states may not seek to disadvantage a given class of persons simply because of who they are.

you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?
Who told you you have a right to get married?????????
It is a natural right and purely private act; I don't need permission to get married.
Who the fuck said you did need permission???? I just wont recognize your perversion as normal or valid....As is the true right. You perverts seem to be under the delusion that you can force your life choice on others and force them to see it as normal. It doesn't work like that.
ok then, i won't recognize your moral turpitude whenever you practice the abomination of hypocrisy; lie to any chics to get them to put out, lately?
Getting tax breaks and validation for diseased fags butt fucking is a natural right? Based on what?
At least you're consistent at being an ignorant, hateful bigot.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts. When the state seeks to prohibit citizens from accessing state law they're eligible to participate in absent a rational basis, a compelling government interest, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, they're in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The states may not seek to disadvantage a given class of persons simply because of who they are.

you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.

The Constitution doesn't mention marriage- yet marriage is a constitutional right.

You know this- because the court decisions have been pointed out to you again and again- but you choose to pretend they don't exist(or like Kaz pretend that the courts don't matter).

The decision before the Supreme Court right now is whether or not that constitutional right applies to gay couples just as it applies to straight couples.

What you are relying on is an "interpretation" of the constitution by a few left wing judges with an agenda.

If you really want this settled, you need a constitutional amendment ratified by 38 states saying that marriage consists of two unrelated people who are above the age of majority. Get that and its over.

Scared of that little 38 states thingy, aren't you?

Did we need a Constitutional amendment to allow blacks to marry whites?
Yes we did....What did you think the 14the amendment does?
you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?
Who told you you have a right to get married?????????
It is a natural right and purely private act; I don't need permission to get married.
Who the fuck said you did need permission???? I just wont recognize your perversion as normal or valid....As is the true right. You perverts seem to be under the delusion that you can force your life choice on others and force them to see it as normal. It doesn't work like that.
ok then, i won't recognize your moral turpitude whenever you practice the abomination of hypocrisy; lie to any chics to get them to put out, lately?
Then dont....No skin off my ass.....By the way douche bag I am married and dont lie to woman nor have I ever to get laid. Only weak men lie to get pussy. Now I just beg.
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you have yet to quote the language in the constitution where the words "gay marriage" are used. Until then, you are just spouting talking points that have no constitutional basis.

The Constitution doesn't mention marriage- yet marriage is a constitutional right.

You know this- because the court decisions have been pointed out to you again and again- but you choose to pretend they don't exist(or like Kaz pretend that the courts don't matter).

The decision before the Supreme Court right now is whether or not that constitutional right applies to gay couples just as it applies to straight couples.
Sort of... it's more to the negative. Which is, they are deciding whether a state can ban gay marriage. That does not mean they will rule that the state must provide gay marriage licenses. But it may mean that the states have to recognize gay marriage licenses from another state. At least that's what I thought was going on.

Technically you are correct- here are the questions the Supreme Court was deciding.

  • Does the Constitution require all states to offer marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
  • If not, does the Constitution require states to recognize the marriage rights of same-sex couples who are already married?
Require to recognize.. hmm I would say no to that explicit statement. I would think it's a more a matter of equal protection. IOW if they have a law providing certain marriage rights to heterosexual couples already married from another state, country, province, ship, etc... then they would have to extend that law to cover all of the married consenting adults living in their state.

I don't think the court can force the state to change the marriage license form in a particular state. But I do think they can throw out laws that do not provide equal protection under the law.
There is equal treatment under the law you you crying about it isn't going to change that. Nether me a normal person or a Pervert like you will have certain states recognize same sex perversion.......
I'm heterosexual... married 30ish years with 3 kids. Since you think being heterosexual and married is perverted... What's that make you?

No, equal treatment under the law does not mean you get to piss all over people you don't like based on sexual orientation, skin color, or any other bigoted reason you may have to piss on people you don't like.
how is recognizing their natural rights a criminal decree?
Who told you you have a right to get married?????????
It is a natural right and purely private act; I don't need permission to get married.
Who the fuck said you did need permission???? I just wont recognize your perversion as normal or valid....As is the true right. You perverts seem to be under the delusion that you can force your life choice on others and force them to see it as normal. It doesn't work like that.
ok then, i won't recognize your moral turpitude whenever you practice the abomination of hypocrisy; lie to any chics to get them to put out, lately?
Then dont....No skin off my ass.....By the way douche bag I am married and dont lie to woman not have I ever to get laid. Only weak men lie to get pussy. Now I just beg.
Don't you have an empty beer cooler to fill?
The Constitution doesn't mention marriage- yet marriage is a constitutional right.

You know this- because the court decisions have been pointed out to you again and again- but you choose to pretend they don't exist(or like Kaz pretend that the courts don't matter).

The decision before the Supreme Court right now is whether or not that constitutional right applies to gay couples just as it applies to straight couples.
Sort of... it's more to the negative. Which is, they are deciding whether a state can ban gay marriage. That does not mean they will rule that the state must provide gay marriage licenses. But it may mean that the states have to recognize gay marriage licenses from another state. At least that's what I thought was going on.

Technically you are correct- here are the questions the Supreme Court was deciding.

  • Does the Constitution require all states to offer marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
  • If not, does the Constitution require states to recognize the marriage rights of same-sex couples who are already married?
Require to recognize.. hmm I would say no to that explicit statement. I would think it's a more a matter of equal protection. IOW if they have a law providing certain marriage rights to heterosexual couples already married from another state, country, province, ship, etc... then they would have to extend that law to cover all of the married consenting adults living in their state.

I don't think the court can force the state to change the marriage license form in a particular state. But I do think they can throw out laws that do not provide equal protection under the law.
There is equal treatment under the law you you crying about it isn't going to change that. Nether me a normal person or a Pervert like you will have certain states recognize same sex perversion.......
I'm heterosexual... married 30ish years with 3 kids. Since you think being heterosexual and married is perverted... What's that make you?

No, equal treatment under the law does not mean you get to piss all over people you don't like based on sexual orientation, skin color, or any other bigoted reason you may have to piss on people you don't like.
If you didn't think homosexualism wasn't perverted why did you have to make sure you told me you were hetro?
Who told you you have a right to get married?????????
It is a natural right and purely private act; I don't need permission to get married.
Who the fuck said you did need permission???? I just wont recognize your perversion as normal or valid....As is the true right. You perverts seem to be under the delusion that you can force your life choice on others and force them to see it as normal. It doesn't work like that.
ok then, i won't recognize your moral turpitude whenever you practice the abomination of hypocrisy; lie to any chics to get them to put out, lately?
Then dont....No skin off my ass.....By the way douche bag I am married and dont lie to woman not have I ever to get laid. Only weak men lie to get pussy. Now I just beg.
Don't you have an empty beer cooler to fill?
Thats why I have employees
Sort of... it's more to the negative. Which is, they are deciding whether a state can ban gay marriage. That does not mean they will rule that the state must provide gay marriage licenses. But it may mean that the states have to recognize gay marriage licenses from another state. At least that's what I thought was going on.

Technically you are correct- here are the questions the Supreme Court was deciding.

  • Does the Constitution require all states to offer marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
  • If not, does the Constitution require states to recognize the marriage rights of same-sex couples who are already married?
Require to recognize.. hmm I would say no to that explicit statement. I would think it's a more a matter of equal protection. IOW if they have a law providing certain marriage rights to heterosexual couples already married from another state, country, province, ship, etc... then they would have to extend that law to cover all of the married consenting adults living in their state.

I don't think the court can force the state to change the marriage license form in a particular state. But I do think they can throw out laws that do not provide equal protection under the law.
There is equal treatment under the law you you crying about it isn't going to change that. Nether me a normal person or a Pervert like you will have certain states recognize same sex perversion.......
I'm heterosexual... married 30ish years with 3 kids. Since you think being heterosexual and married is perverted... What's that make you?

No, equal treatment under the law does not mean you get to piss all over people you don't like based on sexual orientation, skin color, or any other bigoted reason you may have to piss on people you don't like.
If you didn't think homosexualism wasn't perverted why did you have to make sure you told me you were hetro?
Yes or no, dumb ass, is being heterosexual perverted in your dumb ass eyes?
It is a natural right and purely private act; I don't need permission to get married.
Who the fuck said you did need permission???? I just wont recognize your perversion as normal or valid....As is the true right. You perverts seem to be under the delusion that you can force your life choice on others and force them to see it as normal. It doesn't work like that.
ok then, i won't recognize your moral turpitude whenever you practice the abomination of hypocrisy; lie to any chics to get them to put out, lately?
Then dont....No skin off my ass.....By the way douche bag I am married and dont lie to woman not have I ever to get laid. Only weak men lie to get pussy. Now I just beg.
Don't you have an empty beer cooler to fill?
Thats why I have employees
Gratz on that. Did you check if they are gay before hiring them?
Technically you are correct- here are the questions the Supreme Court was deciding.

  • Does the Constitution require all states to offer marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
  • If not, does the Constitution require states to recognize the marriage rights of same-sex couples who are already married?
Require to recognize.. hmm I would say no to that explicit statement. I would think it's a more a matter of equal protection. IOW if they have a law providing certain marriage rights to heterosexual couples already married from another state, country, province, ship, etc... then they would have to extend that law to cover all of the married consenting adults living in their state.

I don't think the court can force the state to change the marriage license form in a particular state. But I do think they can throw out laws that do not provide equal protection under the law.
There is equal treatment under the law you you crying about it isn't going to change that. Nether me a normal person or a Pervert like you will have certain states recognize same sex perversion.......
I'm heterosexual... married 30ish years with 3 kids. Since you think being heterosexual and married is perverted... What's that make you?

No, equal treatment under the law does not mean you get to piss all over people you don't like based on sexual orientation, skin color, or any other bigoted reason you may have to piss on people you don't like.
If you didn't think homosexualism wasn't perverted why did you have to make sure you told me you were hetro?
Yes or no, dumb ass, is being heterosexual perverted in your dumb ass eyes?
Or course it isn't perverted. It is how the human race survives.....Are you normally so retarded?
Who the fuck said you did need permission???? I just wont recognize your perversion as normal or valid....As is the true right. You perverts seem to be under the delusion that you can force your life choice on others and force them to see it as normal. It doesn't work like that.
ok then, i won't recognize your moral turpitude whenever you practice the abomination of hypocrisy; lie to any chics to get them to put out, lately?
Then dont....No skin off my ass.....By the way douche bag I am married and dont lie to woman not have I ever to get laid. Only weak men lie to get pussy. Now I just beg.
Don't you have an empty beer cooler to fill?
Thats why I have employees
Gratz on that. Did you check if they are gay before hiring them?
what has whether they are perverted to do with a job? Unlike you I dont use sex as a decider of my work life....Good lord you are bigoted....Is it self hatred?
Require to recognize.. hmm I would say no to that explicit statement. I would think it's a more a matter of equal protection. IOW if they have a law providing certain marriage rights to heterosexual couples already married from another state, country, province, ship, etc... then they would have to extend that law to cover all of the married consenting adults living in their state.

I don't think the court can force the state to change the marriage license form in a particular state. But I do think they can throw out laws that do not provide equal protection under the law.
There is equal treatment under the law you you crying about it isn't going to change that. Nether me a normal person or a Pervert like you will have certain states recognize same sex perversion.......
I'm heterosexual... married 30ish years with 3 kids. Since you think being heterosexual and married is perverted... What's that make you?

No, equal treatment under the law does not mean you get to piss all over people you don't like based on sexual orientation, skin color, or any other bigoted reason you may have to piss on people you don't like.
If you didn't think homosexualism wasn't perverted why did you have to make sure you told me you were hetro?
Yes or no, dumb ass, is being heterosexual perverted in your dumb ass eyes?
Or course it isn't perverted. It is how the human race survives.....Are you normally so retarded?
You called me perverted... I'm just clarifying why it is that you think I'm perverted.
ok then, i won't recognize your moral turpitude whenever you practice the abomination of hypocrisy; lie to any chics to get them to put out, lately?
Then dont....No skin off my ass.....By the way douche bag I am married and dont lie to woman not have I ever to get laid. Only weak men lie to get pussy. Now I just beg.
Don't you have an empty beer cooler to fill?
Thats why I have employees
Gratz on that. Did you check if they are gay before hiring them?
what has whether they are perverted to do with a job? Unlike you I dont use sex as a decider of my work life....Good lord you are bigoted....Is it self hatred?
How is my question to you being bigoted? Are you mentally handicapped?
There is equal treatment under the law you you crying about it isn't going to change that. Nether me a normal person or a Pervert like you will have certain states recognize same sex perversion.......
I'm heterosexual... married 30ish years with 3 kids. Since you think being heterosexual and married is perverted... What's that make you?

No, equal treatment under the law does not mean you get to piss all over people you don't like based on sexual orientation, skin color, or any other bigoted reason you may have to piss on people you don't like.
If you didn't think homosexualism wasn't perverted why did you have to make sure you told me you were hetro?
Yes or no, dumb ass, is being heterosexual perverted in your dumb ass eyes?
Or course it isn't perverted. It is how the human race survives.....Are you normally so retarded?
You called me perverted... I'm just clarifying why it is that you think I'm perverted.
Hey you are the one demanding people see marriage between you and your boyfriend as normal....Not I.

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